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YSU News Briefs July 21, 2008
Category: News Briefs
Jul 21, 2008
Ron Cole, 330-941-3285

Below are a variety of items about upcoming events and other news notes on the campus of Youngstown State University:

  • E. M. Barr Trust, Huntington Bank pledge $175K
  • YSU prof elected head of Ohio Counseling Association
  • YSU faculty/staff awards, publications, presentations

Photo gallery
Middle and high school math, science, technology and industrial arts teachers from throughout Northeast Ohio attended the Materials Camp for Teachers last week at YSU. Teachers learned the basics of materials science technology as taught at the high school level. See photo gallery at 

E. M. Barr Trust, Huntington Bank pledge $175K

  Frank Hierro, president of Huntington Bank’s Mahoning Valley Region
The E. M. Barr Charitable Trust and The Huntington Foundation have pledged $75,000 and $100,000, respectively, to Youngstown State University’s Centennial Capital Campaign.

The gifts will help in the construction of the new building for the Williamson College of Business Administration.

Like YSU, the E. M. Barr Charitable Trust and The Huntington Foundation are both committed to excellence of service,” said Frank Hierro, president of Huntington Bank’s Mahoning Valley Region. “By joining together, our impact on the community will be greater and more YSU students will reap the benefits.”

Both the E. M. Barr Charitable Trust and The Huntington Foundation have a history of supporting YSU, from student scholarships to funding for construction of the Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center. The Huntington Foundation and Huntington Corporate Giving Program welcome opportunities to build partnerships and provide financial assistance to community service organizations working to achieve these goals. As a conscientious neighbor, Huntington is committed to improving the quality of life and promoting diversity in the communities where they have a presence.

“We are indebted to our community partners like Huntington National Bank and the E. M. Barr Charitable Trust for their continued support,” YSU President David C. Sweet said. “Without them, the new WCBA building would not be possible.”

A key goal of the new building for the Williamson College of Business Administration is to facilitate working partnerships between YSU faculty and students and the downtown business community. The gifts from the E. M. Barr Charitable Trust and Huntington mirror that goal. The gifts also support contributing to the economic development of Youngstown by preparing students to become business leaders.

The E. M. Barr Charitable Trust and The Huntington Foundation’s gifts are a part of YSU’s $43 million Centennial Capital Campaign, the largest fund–raising campaign in the university’s 100–year history. 

YSU prof elected head of Ohio Counseling Association

  Jake J. Protivnak
Jake J. Protivnak, an assistant professor in the Department of Counseling and Special Education at Youngstown State University since 2005, has been elected president of the Ohio Counseling Association.

OCA is one of the largest state counseling organizations in the country, representing counselors, counselor educators and counseling students across Ohio .  

Protivnak will serve as president in 2009–10.  

Protivnak earned a doctorate in counselor education and supervision from Ohio University, a master’s degree in counseling from Kent State University, and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Andrews University. He is a licensed professional clinical counselor and licensed school counselor. Protivnak teaches both school and clinical counseling courses focusing on ethics, program development, career, practicum, theory and counseling methods. He has provided direct counseling services in clinical mental health, school, and college settings; most recently working as a professional counselor at Coleman Professional Services in Northeast Ohio.



YSU faculty/staff awards, publications, presentations
Stephen E. Rodabaugh, interim associate dean, College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, served as program chair for the 29th International Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory, the Linz Seminar, in Linz, Austria. He also presented a paper at the event, titled “Functorial Generation of Non–Stratified, Anti–Stratified, and Normalized Spaces.”  Rodabaugh and co–author Alea Pultr of Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, published a two–part series titled “Category theoretic aspects of chain–valued frames: Part I: Categorical and presheaf theoretic foundations, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,” (available at and “Part II: Applications to lattice–valued topology, Fuzzy Sets and Systems” (available at Rodabaugh also authored an article titled “Functorial comparisons of bitopology and topology and the case for redundancy of bitopology in lattice–valued mathematics,” that will be published in May in the journal Applied General Topology.

Carol M. Lamb, assistant professor, Engineering Technology, andᅠ David G. Kurtanich, associate professor, Engineering Technology, co–authored a paper titled “Drafting the Basics” and published in The Engineering Design Graphics Journal. Engineering Design Graphics is a division of the American Society of Engineering Education. 

Migdalia Diaz McClendon, assistant director, Undergraduate Admissions, was awarded the Shero/Hero of Health Award by the Ohio Commission of Minority Health. The award recognizes her efforts to narrow health disparities for minorities, her leadership in the ethnic community and her work with college–bound students and their parents.

Samuel Adu–Poku, assistant professor, Art, was a presenter for the National Art Education Association’s national convention in New Orleans. His subject was “Poly(centric) Multiculturalism: A Path to Inclusive Art.” Adu–Poku also presented two sessions at the Ohio Art Education Association Convention last November in Dayton. His topic there was “Developing Multicultural Consciousness.”

Will Greenway, professor, English, had several of his poems published in the anthology Other Land: Contemporary Poems on Wales and Welsh–American Experience, (Parthian, 2008). The following poems were selected: “Otherworld,” “Pit Pony,” “Welsh Courier Braves Daylight,” “Worm''s Head,” “Halloween in Wales,” “At Arthur''s Stone,” “Llyn y Fan Fach,” “The Train to Neath,” “Power in the Blood,” “Blodeuwedd” and “Footpaths.”

James J. Carroll, professor, Physics and Astronomy, co–authored an article titled “High–Spin Multiparticle Isomers in 121,123Sb,” published in the journal Physical Review C.ᅠ His co–authors were colleagues from Argonne National Laboratory, TRIUMF (Canada) the University of Surrey in England, the University of Massachusetts, and Australian National University.

The book, Steeltown USA: Work and Memory in Youngstown by John Russo and Sherry Linkon, co–directors of the YSU Center for Working–Class Studies, has completed three hardcover printings and its now in its third paperback printing at the University Press of Kansas.

Zbigniew Piotrowski, professor, Mathematics and Statistics, recently addressed the Mathematics Department of Shandong University in Jinan, People’s Republic of
China. His lecture was titled “Continuity on Product Spaces.” Piotrowski also gave an invited address, titled “Banach–Dudley Theorem,” at a mini–conference organized by the
Auckland University of Technology in Auckland, New Zealand.

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