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  • Unknown author (1971-11-16)
    Faculty lay-offs became a possibility in the wake of a drop in enrollment. Chuck Hettler and the officers of the Young Democrats faced disciplinary action for the misuse of the YSU seal. Ground was broken for the new ...
  • Unknown author (1984-11-16)
    Students submit a proposal for a women's resource center on campus. A small group of students protest a speech by the Playboy Advisor. Violeta Delgado speaks to students about US involvement in El Salvador. A large crowd ...
  • Unknown author (1990-11-16)
    During the Fall Blood Drive, 293 pints of blood was collected. Dr. Donald Gerace, Executive Director of the Bahamian Field Station on San Salvador, spoke in Kilcawely Center on Christopher Columbus and his landing site in ...
  • Unknown author (1993-11-16)
    Julie Bucheit was cleared of charges that she falsified a rape report. Shirl Henke, who taught history, composition and social work art YSU, talks about her historical romance novels. Police give tips for Holiday safety. YSU's ...
  • Unknown author (1999-11-16)
    A major addition to the art department will come in the form of a free-standing 30,000 square foot art building separate from Bliss Hall. YSU are looking into benefit packages which would include same-sex partners. The ...
  • Unknown author (2000-11-16)
    0 YSU Women's Center is helping to sponsor the Great American Smokeout this year at YSU. Sean Barron, journalism YSU student, may have to cross Vindicator picket lines for his internship. Article on the empty Wick-Pollock ...
  • Unknown author (2004-11-16)
    The Academic Senate committee is researching for a proposal to create a police that will add a cut off point for high school grade point averages and ACT scores in order to help retention rates and improve students' ...
  • Unknown author (2006-11-16)
    Criminal Justice professor, Eric See, is told he will no longer teach at YSU. Criminal Justice students are holding a protest in support of Eric See on Friday at the rock. In a recent interview, YSU President Dave Sweet ...
  • Unknown author (2010-11-16)
    Articles feature the new operating system Drund. Men and Women avoid razors in November to raise awareness for prostate cancer. The Alternative Transportation Advisory Committee is working to combat high gas prices and ...
  • Unknown author (2017-11-16)
    Stars, Stripes and Servings event raised money for the Recipes of Youngstown Veteran's Scholarship fund. Linda Wietemauer of Jamba Juice is interviewed. YSU hosted a climbing competition on Saturday at the rock wall in ...
  • Unknown author (2023-11-16)
    A forum for community feedback took place Nov. 2 in the Jones Room of Kilcawley to discuss what YSU students and staff wanted to see for the new Zoldan Family Student Center that will replace Kilcawley. Contracts are ...
  • Unknown author (1931-11-17)
    YOCO basketball team will have its first game of the season with Ohio College of Chiropody December 5. Louis Makres was elected upperclassman representative to the Student Council on Friday. The Jambar interviews Dr. John ...
  • Unknown author (1937-11-17)
    Frank Jaczk, Rebecca Westfall, and Paul Maloney, business manager, of the Neon, were appointed as editors of the Neon at a Student Council meeting last Wednesday. Annual Thanksgiving Dance is to be held November 24. Jay ...
  • Unknown author (1950-11-17)
    Yocohooey II (3 act variety/musicale) opens Monday and will run for six days. Newman Club wins the "Moonshine Jug" award at the Ohio Valley Province Federation of Newman Clubs Convention for having the highest number of ...
  • Unknown author (1961-11-17)
    City planners took under advisement a revised set of plans for the redevelopment of the YU campus. The Newman Club sponsored a “Day of Recollection” at Cardinal Mooney High School. The annual Sadie Hawkins Day festivities ...
  • Unknown author (1967-11-17)
    Two campus debates were held, one involving the Vietnam War, the other concerning Black Power. In response to a memorandum from President Pugsley, a subcommittee was established by the YSU Publications Board to improve the ...
  • Unknown author (1970-11-17)
    President Pugsley acknowledged the debate concerning the YSU Athletic Department, but refrained from participating. A small crowd witnessed the YSU football team’s eighth consecutive loss. A YSU co-ed was attacked outside ...
  • Unknown author (1972-11-17)
    The president of Student Government threatened to veto the deletion of support for Homecoming Queen by Student Council. The results of a survey on student attitudes were released. The Campus Action Project called a special ...
  • Unknown author (1987-11-17)
    The anniversary celebration of the U.S. Constitution continues and the campus participates in the Great American Smoke Out. A petition for longer hours in Maag Library and Meschel Hall gets a slow start. The Wick Oval ...
  • Unknown author (1989-11-17)
    NPR congressional correspondent Cokie Roberts spoke for the Special Lecture Series. Campus organizations compete in a canned food drive. Palestinian Americans protested the Israeli basketball team while they played in ...

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