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Academic Senate Minutes Meeting of September 05, 2012

Show simple item record 2013-03-01T19:24:21Z 2019-09-01T03:51:38Z 2013-03-01T19:24:21Z 2019-09-01T03:51:38Z 2012-09-05
dc.description.abstract Senate Chairperson Chet Cooper presided. Dr. Chet Cooper was the only nomination for chairperson for next year, therefore he was elected. Dr. Dave Porter was appointed as Parliamentarian and Dr. Carol Lamb as Senate secretary. The Charter and Bylaws Committee reported on changes which will be voted one once the document is compete and nominations were held for the vacancies on the committee. The Election and Balloting Committee reported the Senate Executive Committee will oversee the elections until a new head of the committee is appointed/elected. In unfinished business, committee assignments are discussed. The Integrated Technologies and Outreach committees are not required to meet and they have also been suggested by the Charter and Bylaws to be eliminated.
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Academic Senate Minutes Meeting of September 05, 2012 en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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