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Academic Senate Meeting Minutes of May 07, 2014

Show simple item record 2015-07-07T20:23:33Z 2019-09-01T03:44:41Z 2015-07-07T20:23:33Z 2019-09-01T03:44:41Z 2014-05-07
dc.description.abstract Chet Cooper, Chair of the Senate, presided. The Academic Senate Executive Committee reported on the Presidential search and the upcoming search for Provost (Chet Cooper will chair this search), the need to go over policies passed by the Senate and upcoming committee assignments for next year. Ken Learman reported on the Ohio Faculty Council meetings which focused on the state reciprocity system and increased funding for College Credit Plus on distance models. Academic Standards Committee discussed the proposed changes to the Good Standing policy and the impact on work study. The motioned was passed to have students on academic warning to establish an action plan for academic success and a letter of support from a supervisor. The General Education Committee discussed summer plans. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee reported. Unfinished Business included the revision of the 1998 YSU Statement of Ethics. New Business the Senate Executive Committee passed a resolution honoring Dr. Ikram Khawaja for his honorable service to the university. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Academic Senate Meeting Minutes of May 07, 2014 en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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