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dc.contributor.editor Norris, Claude B. en_US 2015-11-17T19:06:18Z 2019-09-04T11:40:57Z 2015-11-17T19:06:18Z 2019-09-04T11:40:57Z 1934 en_US 1934 en_US
dc.identifier.citation v.4 (1934) en_US
dc.description A Keyword searchable collection of Bulletins is available through the Medical Heritage Library/ Internet Archive en_US
dc.description.abstract Issue 1: New officers were elected. An agreement is reached about the care of indigents with the City Relief Office. A memorial is printed for Dr. Harry Lynn Beers. Drs. C.C. Reed and Joe Hall are ill. Dr. Morris Fishbein will speak on changes in medical practice. A list of officers and committees is printed. Issue 2: The Central Office Committee reports on their progress. Biographies of the Living features Dr. James H. Bennett. J.P. Harvey summarizes the annual banquet. Dr. Irvin Abell will speak on retrodisplacement and prolapse of the uterus. Post-Graduate Day will feature speakers from the Royal Victoria Hospital. The Youngstown Hospital Association gives an annual report. Dr. John Heberdging and E.C. Baker take charge of the x-ray services at YHA. Dr. O.D. Hudnutt moved to Michigan. Drs. Dana Cox and Stanley Meyers start new appointments. Issue 3: “S.Q. Laypius” remembers Dr. M.P. Jones. Dr. John Lewis will present a paper at the Pan American Medical Conference. Dr. T.K. Golden joins the staff at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Dr. John. Buchanan is chief of surgical services at Youngstown Hospital. Dr. Fred Coombs and Carl Gustafson are resident physicians. Sidney McCurdy gives a biography of Dr. John Smith Cunningham. Dr. William E. Lower will speak on endocrine factors. Issue 4: Post Graduate Day features staff from McGill University. Drs. O.A. Axelson, J.C. Hall, and L.W. Weller have applied for membership. H.E. Hathhorn explains the progress of the Central Office Committee. Drs. R.B. Poling and J.F. McGowan are recovering. Issue 5: Council passes a resolution about making contracts for care and proposes mail ballots. Dr. Charles L. Brown will speak on chronic gall bladder disease. Dr. John Stokes will speak on syphilis treatment. Issue 6: Dr. John A. Altodoerffer has applied for membership. Drs. J.S. Lewis, E.C. Baker and E.L. Keyes will present papers at the American Medical Association meeting. Photographs are printed for the House staff of each hospital. At St. Elizabeth's: Drs. Stager, Palsis, Cafaro, Mahar, and Thomas. At YHA: Drs. McReynolds, Coombs, James, Hughes, Stumme, Frogner, McKelvey, Gustafson, Morley, Cukerbaum, Kaufman, Myers, and Sears. Drs. W.D. Cunningham and E.G. Kyle are ill. Issue 7: Council issues a resolution about Baby Welfare Stations. The Society starts a central office known as the “Medical Dental Bureau.” Drs. F.F. Piercy, W.H. Evans, and O.J. Walker are elected to the American Board of Otolaryngologists. Dr. A.M. Rosenblum was appointed to the Old-Age Pension Board. Drs. R.S. Cafaro and P.J. Maher are opening offices. Issue 8: Dr. Carl Wiggers will present a special lecture course on Applied Physiology. Dr. Parella contributes some caricatures of 36 local doctors. Dr. R.B. Poling has been elected to the American Society of Clinical Pathologists. Drs. H.E. Welsh, Veits, Monroe, and Vern Neel are ill. Issue 9: Dr. Parella contributes a “Back to School” caricature of the Medical Society. Drs. J.P. Harvey, J.L. Fisher and Ray Hall completed postgraduate courses. Drs. Vern Neel and A.H. Alden are ill. Drs. Skipp and Sedwitz were accepted by the American College of Surgeons. Issue 10: The Allied Professions of Mahoning County prints a voters guide on public health. Drs. L.C. Youngblood and Edward H. Hake have applied for membership. George Madtes, editor of the Vindicator, responds to a letter about obituaries. Dr. John Duff will speak on renal and ureteral calculus. Dr. J.B. Kupec opened an office. Drs. John Noll, E.C. Goldcamp, and Paul Kaufman do postgraduate work. Dr. A.V. Hinman is recovering. Issue 11: Council discusses Baby Welfare Clinics and the City Health Department. Dr. A.W. Thomas moves to Ashtabula. Dr. Weston A. Price will speak at the joint meeting with the Dental Society. Drs. E.C. Goldcamp and J.R. Buchanan take post graduate work. Drs. Lloyd C. Couchman and Walter J. Tymochoko applied for membership. Issue 12: Dr. R.B. Cattell spoke on cancer. Dr. Morris S. Rosenblum applies for membership. The Biography of the Living highlights Dr. Harmon E. Blott. Dr, Parella contributes a Christmas/dues caricature. A list of officers and committees is printed along with a summary report. The back contains an index for the year/volume. en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents Generally, every issue contains the President's page – Secretary's Report – Upcoming Meetings – Medical Gleanings – Medical Facts – Breetus – Correspondence – Amongst Our Colleagues – Speaker's Bureau – Notes from Our Nightingales. Special articles are- Issue 1: Nephritis in Children / B.W. Schaffner – Depression Truths and Fallacies / Sidney McCurdy – Tugwell-Copeland Bill / Morris Deitchman – Embryology in the Talmud/ Carl Manello – Acute Lymphatic Leukemia and Nucleotide Therapy / Robert Poling Issue 2: Children's Eating Habits / D.E. Montgomery Issue 3: Christ Mission Fresh Air Camp (Helio-Hygiene Camp) / H.E. McClenahan – Voltaire and the Doctor / Mrs. J.G. Brody Issue 4: Hallucinations and Diagnosis / A.C. Gillam – Music and our Nervous Systems / Ralph M. Brown – Rise of Specialism / Sidney McCurdy – Who Knows? / W.D. Coy Issue 5: Decline of Specialization, Unless! / Sidney McCurdy – Barium Enema / Joseph Poremski – College of Medicine, Ohio State University / E.H. Jones – Infant Welfare Stations / L.H. Moyer Issue 6: Twenty-five Years Observations in Medicine / H.E. Patrick – Country Doctor in the Eighteen-eighties / Carl. H. Campbell – Tripartite Obligation / A.W. Thomas – The Intern, The Hospital and the Staff / S.R. Cafaro – Starting Practice / C.W. Sears – Twenty Years in the Practice of Medicine / Samuel H. Sedwitz – Old Doctor “Has Been” / Frederick S. Coombs Issue 7: Diagnosing Words / F.F. Herr – Low Backache in Gynecological Practice / Paul M. Kaufman Issue 8: Pollen Disease / J. Rosenfeld – Significant Events Associated Issue 9: M.P. Jones- an appreciation / Charles Scofield – Adolescent Child / Mrs. J.L. Fisher – Preventive Diphtheria Fund / H.E. McClenahan – Chillon / W.D. Coy Issue 10: Diagnostic Vocational Testing / John W. Bare – Broncho-pneumonia and Allied Conditions / Herman A. Kling – Romance of Medicine / Mrs. J.G. Brody – Medical-Dental Bureau / Sidney McCurdy – Pro-ration and other things / Walter King Stewart – Every Child Immunized / H.E. McClenahan Issue 11: Case of Diabetes Insipidus / A.W. Miglets – Marie Sklodowska Curie / E.C. Baker – “Subque” / James D. Brown – X-ray Treatment of Thyrotoxicosis / Saul J. Tamarkin – Medical-Dental Bureau / J.A. McGhee Issue 12: Dr. Harmon E. Blott / H.E. Patrick en_US
dc.rights Youngstown State University en_US
dc.title Bulletin (1934) en_US
dc.type Periodical en_US

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