Lariccia Collection: Recent submissions

  • Rocco
    This letter contains news of the feast of San Giuseppe (St. Joseph). Rocco also mentions news of the family and the many changes within the old country. An additional letter has been added at the very end from Godmother ...
  • Musacchio, Lina; Musacchio, Rita; Musacchio, Mariannina (1969-06-02)
    In this partial letter, the nieces speak about the St. Rocco feast.
  • Musacchio, Lina; Musacchio, Mariannina; Musacchio, Rita (1969-02-24)
    Lina, Mariannina, and Rita send thanks for the photos sent.
  • Musacchio, Lina; Musacchio, Mariannina; Musacchio, Rita (1968-08-18)
    Lina, Mariannina, and Rita speak of health and the St. Rocco feast in this letter to Lucia Lariccia.
  • Musacchio, Lina; Musacchio, Rita; Musacchio, Mariannina (1968-08-09)
    Lina, Mariannina and Rita speak of their health and inquire of their cousins family.
  • Musacchio, Lina; Musacchio, Mariannina; Musacchio, Rita (1967-05-07)
    Lina, Mariannina, and Rita speak of their health and thanks to Lucia Lariccia.
  • St. Anthony’s Orphanage for Girls, Of the canonic A. M. Di Francia (1966-06-11)
    This letter contains thanks from the St. Anthony’s Orphanage for Girls for the donation.
  • Musacchio, Rita; Musacchio, Mariannina; Musacchio, Lina (1966-07-12)
    This letter to Lucia Lariccia inquires of Iolanda's daughter-in-law and news of the family.
  • Musacchio, Francesco; Musacchio, Caterina Bisceglia
    This undated document from before World War II contains recipes for cinnamon ice cream and chocolate ice cream. These recipes are from the dear sister/sister-in-law letters that Lucia Bisceglia Lariccia receieved.
  • Musacchio, Mariannina; Musacchio, Rita; Musacchio, Lina
    This letter from the nieces makes note of the growing language barrier.
  • Musacchio, Caterina Bisceglia; Musacchio, Francesco
    This document contains the recipe for Panettone. This recipe is one of the dear sister recipes that Lucia Bisceglia Lariccia received. Pre World War II.
  • Musacchio, Francesco (1937-01-03)
    This letter from Francesco to Gennaro contains news of Lucia Biscelgia Lariccia's mother's death. Sympathy was given to Lucia and her family.
  • Musacchio, Francesco; Musacchio, Caterina Bisceglia
    This is the recipe for laundry bleach taken from the dear sister letters. The letter with which this recipe was sent did not list a date, but the document is from sometime before World War II.
  • Musacchio, Francesco; Musacchio, Caterina Bisceglia
    These documents contain recipes for three types of rosolio from the dear sister letters. Pre World War II.
  • Bisceglia Lariccia, Lucia (1968-02-03)
    This document is a transfer of property from Lucia Bisceglia Lariccia to her nieces in Montelongo.
  • Musacchio, Francesco; Musacchio, Caterina Bisceglia
    This document, undated but written sometime before World War II, contains letters from Caterina and Francesco Musacchio to Lucia. Included with this letter were 13 recipes, also available in the Lariccia collection.
  • Musacchio, Francesco; Musacchio, Caterina Bisceglia
    This is a recipe for shoe polish taken from the dear sister letters. Pre World War II.
  • Mother Superior (1967-12-29)
    This letter is blessing from Mother Superior.
  • Mucci, Rocco (1967-03-20)
    This document is from Rocco Mucci to his cousin. He wrote about change in the workers' ambition to work. Mucci also wrote about his health. This letter arrived from Montelongo.
  • Bisceglia Lariccia, Lucia (1955-02-25)
    This document is a 1955 extract pf the birth certificate of Lucia Bisceglia.

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