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Academic Senate Minutes Meeting of June 02, 1993

Show simple item record 2011-02-08T18:17:54Z 2019-09-01T03:44:10Z 2011-02-08T18:17:54Z 2019-09-01T03:44:10Z 1993-06-02 en_US
dc.description.abstract Virginia Phillips, Chair, presided. Elections and Balloting Committee reported all Senate elections were completed. Charter and Bylaws Committee proposed a change which will short the section that outlines the ballot procedure on Bylaw 3, Section 3 (b). The Senate Executive Committee reported on the establishment of a Task Force to develop a functional mission statement, the committee, as well as some others, meeting during summer months, and the committee announced the Senate Committee appointment process was complete. The University Curriculum Committee reported the committee processed 134 course proposals this year. Academic Planning Committee motioned to appoint a coordinator for two-year programs. The Academic Research Committee report consisted of information regarding Quest and the committees on research grant support groups. The Academic Standards and Events Committee motioned to limit SB140 Students to twelve hours per quarter. The Honors and ICP Committee motioned to recommend a position of Director of Honors Program. The Library Committee motioned to approve the library allocation. The Student Academic Grievance Subcommittee, Continuing Education Committee, and Student Academic Affairs Committee announced brief reports. Under New Business Provost Scanlon remarked on mission statements.
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Academic Senate Minutes Meeting of June 02, 1993 en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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