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October 4, 1991: Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes

Show simple item record 2013-03-01T19:22:59Z 2019-09-01T14:33:22Z 2013-03-01T19:22:59Z 2019-09-01T14:33:22Z 1991-10-04
dc.description 47 p. en_US
dc.description.abstract Presented are the minutes of the 148th meeting of the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees. This was a regular meeting. Included are supporting exhibits. Highlights included: resolutions to approve staff/faculty appointments, to accept gifts to YSU. Presidential, executive, and committee reports followed. The Board further resolved: to recognize the contributions made to campus life by the CCM Free Clinic; to ratify a new labor agreement with YSU-ACE; transfer of $49,590 to the H.B. 140 Students Fund; to adjust the YSU Theatre fund budget; to create an administrative/professional staff position in the Student Support Program; to ratify changes in the Academic Senate bylaws; to extend the use of certain University facilities to members of the YSU Alumni Association; to recommend the establishment of a YSU Technology Development Corporation; and to support the establishment of an Environmental Technology Center. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title October 4, 1991: Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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