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Academic Senate Minutes Meeting of May 02, 2012

Show simple item record 2013-03-01T19:24:18Z 2019-09-01T03:51:36Z 2013-03-01T19:24:18Z 2019-09-01T03:51:36Z 2012-05-02
dc.description.abstract Senate Chairperson Chet Cooper presided. The Senate Executive Committee voted to pass a resolution to honor Dr. Bege Bowers for her service. Reports were given from the Assessment Academy Team and the Registration Retention Software Committee. The Charter and Bylaws Committee reviewed, edited and updated the Charter and Bylaws and a draft of the proposed changes is online. They will vote on the changes next fall. The Academic Standards Committee presented three proposals for the senate to vote on. IELTS proposal is to raise the required score from 5.0 to 5.5 on sub-sections (listening, reading, and writing) of the test (the motion passed). Motion to Revise the Policy for Conditional Admission (motion passed). Motion to change admission to WBC (motion passed). The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee reported 122 approved changes are to be delivered to Chet. The General Education Committee passed a motion that upper division courses will not count towards the general education requirements except in special cases. The Academic Research Committee looked at the YSU 2020 Strategic plan in regards to research and scholarship. They will have a plan distributed to the faculty for review.
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Academic Senate Minutes Meeting of May 02, 2012 en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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