Presented are the minutes of the 361st meeting of the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees. This was a regular meeting. President Tressel reported his happiness with the university community’s contributions to the strategic planning process. He also announced that the YSU Board of Trustees had won the Association of Governing Board’s John W. Nason Award for Board Leadership. Committee reports were heard. Dr. Kathleen L. Cripe (Beeghly College of Education) described her research in perceptions of student teachers before and after urban field experiences. Dr. Alicia Prieto Langarica (Mathematics) described her efforts to motivate and encourage students (especially women and minority students) to pursue mathematic subjects and careers. Communications major Jenna Roesch and Intervention Specialist major Isabel Stoeber described the efforts of the “Guinathon” charitable endeavor. Accounting major, and Pre-Nursing major Samantha Morris, described their participation with the YSU Western Equestrian Team. The Board resolved to modify the policy on sabbatical leave for department chairpersons; to approve the Faculty Tenure Policy; to confer and honorary degrees upon Samuel Grooms and Don Lewis; to approve “Taking Charge of Our Future” related to strategic planning by the Board; to accept gifts to WYSU-FM; to accept a gift of real estate; to modify the Emergency Response Policy; to modify the policy on social media use on official and affiliated YSU sites; to modify the policy on the use of closed circuit television; the approve the Penguin Tuition Promise Second Cohort Class Tuition Rate; to approve interfund transfers; to ratify personnel actions relating to Intercollegiate Athletics; to modify and retitle the Designation of Movable University Holidays Policy; to modify the Collective Bargaining and Negotiations Policy; to rescind the policy on multiple-year contracts for executive level officers, administrative officers, and other designated professional/administrative staff; to modify and retitle the Selection and Annual Evaluation of Administrative Officers of the University Policy; to modify and retitle the Selection and Annual Evaluation of Executive Offers of the University Policy; to modify and retitle the Selection of Professional/Administrative Staff Policy; to approve the YSU Retirement Plan Committee charter; to ratify personnel actions (faculty and professional/administrative staff); and to amend the Board’s bylaws. Resolutions of appreciation were offered and approve in honor of outgoing trustee Delores E. Crawford and outgoing student trustee Lexi E. Rager. Nominations for Board officers were also taken. President Tressel also entered into the record the names of persons affiliated with YSU who recently died.