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1997 All Ohio Counselors Conference

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dc.contributor.other Fernandez-Self, Eileen
dc.contributor.other Studer, Jeannine
dc.contributor.other Whitfield, Ed 2024-08-29T19:35:34Z 2024-08-29T19:35:34Z 1997-10-29
dc.description 28 p. en_US
dc.description.abstract This All Ohio Counselors Conference program, sponsored by the Ohio Counseling Association, the Ohio School Counselor Association, and the Ohio Department of Education, includes: a conference agenda, welcome letter, list of conference sessions and workshops, award winners, membership forms, and a conference and hotel registration form. The theme of this conference is "Counseling Skills for the New Millennium" and the keynote speaker is Dr. William Glasser, developer of reality therapy and choice theory. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Ohio Counseling Association en_US
dc.subject Ohio School Counselor Association en_US
dc.subject Ohio Department of Education en_US
dc.subject conference program en_US
dc.title 1997 All Ohio Counselors Conference en_US
dc.title.alternative Counseling Skills for the New Millennium en_US
dc.type Text en_US

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