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dc.contributor.editor Fox, Maryedna
dc.contributor.other Sears, Susan
dc.contributor.other Fox, Maryedna
dc.contributor.other Gill-Wigal, Jan 2024-11-01T16:32:58Z 2024-11-01T16:32:58Z 1986-06
dc.description 6 p. en_US
dc.description.abstract This issue includes a celebration of the OACD's spring conference, a list of approved bylaws, a congratulations to the president elect, a summary of the American Association for Counseling and Development conference in Los Angeles, a message from the president, a legislative update, a message from the editor, a column titled "Counselors and High Tech," counselor licensure updates, division and chapter news, a mental health close-up on PMS as a discriminatory mental illness, and an article about preventing counselor burnout. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Ohio Association for Counseling and Development en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Vol. 13;No. 4
dc.subject Ohio Association for Counseling and Development en_US
dc.subject Ohio Counseling Association en_US
dc.subject Ohio Personnel and Guidance Association en_US
dc.title Guidelines en_US
dc.type Text en_US

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