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The Jambar : December 05, 2024

Show simple item record 2024-12-13T16:19:58Z 2024-12-13T16:19:58Z 2024-12-05
dc.description p. 16 en_US
dc.description.abstract While fall 2024 commencement will remain the same as years past, YSU's spring commencement will change in hopes of creating a more personalized experience for graduates and attendees. Tips to prevent holiday phishing scams are given. New course evaluations are given. The Emerging Leaders Program teamed up with the YWCA to launch a Giving Tree donation drive. Resources for Penguins in need (such as the food pantry and career closet) is featured. The YSU bowling team transitioned from the Southland Bowling League to the Conference USA. The family study room in Maag Library is featured. Paulina Montaldo services the community by starting "Somos Youngstown" a Spanish news show. Advice is given to use social media platforms positively to minimize its negative impacts. The Portland, Oregon-based band Fruition is featured. After four-straight wins to start the season, the YSU women's basketball team dropped its last four contests, falling to 4-4 overall. The YSU bowling team won the Garden State Classic on Nov. 22-24, hosted by Monmouth University. YSU football season goes to off season. The YSU men's basketball team prepare for the Horizon League Conference. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title The Jambar : December 05, 2024 en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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