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Browsing The Jambar Newspaper by Title

Browsing The Jambar Newspaper by Title

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  • Unknown author (1978-05-23)
    A three-dollar increase in the General Fee was proposed. The YSU women’s softball team won the state championship, defeating Miami 5-2. Syndicated columnist Jack Anderson was scheduled to speak at Kilcawley Center. The ...
  • Unknown author (1980-05-23)
    A Christian evangelist preaches an impromptu sermon on the campus grounds. A student worker in the Brief Eater Restaurant was found to have hepatitis type B. Unofficial results named Ed Salata the winner in the Student ...
  • Unknown author (1974-05-24)
    The YSU Campus Ecology Group sought funding for a probe into the University’s use of the dangerous insecticide Dasanit. A gay liberation speaker from Kent State University urged the establishment of an active gay group at ...
  • Unknown author (1976-05-24)
    A need for more women administrators was expressed by some already employed on campus. Student Council approved its budget before adjourning for the quarter. The Wheelman Club (a bicycle club) offered trips for anyone at ...
  • Unknown author (1977-05-24)
    Changes in computer center services caused inconvenience for computer science students. 400 new parking spaces near campus were sought. The YSU Honors Program is highlighted. ABC-TV journalist Geraldo Rivera was to host ...
  • Unknown author (1973-05-25)
    Members of the faculty union overwhelmingly ratified their pact with the University in a 205 to 8 vote. At the same time, a study showed that faculty compensation was on the increase. The new computer registration system ...
  • Unknown author (1979-05-25)
    Sandra McConnell became the first female security officer at YSU. The building housing the Newman Center was demolished. A small business practicum was offered to help small businessmen. A YSU logo contest for Homecoming ...
  • Unknown author (1982-05-25)
    The new contract between the faculty and Administration was described as “fair.” Student Council validated the results of the recent election. New course repetition guidelines were set by the Academic Senate. A student ...
  • Unknown author (1972-05-26)
    Spokespersons for both the OEA and AAUP each predicted victory in the faculty referendum on union representation. Student Council approved the purchase of two live penguin mascots. Spring Weekend festivities netted a profit ...
  • Unknown author (1978-05-26)
    The budget was discussed in a special meeting of Student Council. Fire hazards were found in Rayen Hall. Syndicated columnist Jack Anderson spoke as part of the YSU Artists Lecture Series. The YSU chapter of DARE is profiled, ...
  • Unknown author (1977-05-27)
    Students sought to define the exact need for a campus day care center. A rally was planned to protest the cutback of student-based subsidies from the Ohio Legislature. Professional clown Howard Buten explained his trade. ...
  • Unknown author (1976-05-28)
    The safety measures taken by YSU groundskeepers were called into question. Two departmental chairs were relieved of their positions and returned to the regular faculty, with a third being put on probation. Various state ...
  • Unknown author (1982-05-28)
    Campus Police issued a criminal trespass warning to one individual and were tracking down an exhibitionist, as well. The Kilcawley Pub faced potential difficulties with the State’s changes to laws regarding drinking. The ...
  • Unknown author (1981-05-29)
    Due to a lack of an agreement between YSU and the faculty union, the University administration considered cancelling the Summer 1981 quarter. Author Chaim Potok spoke as the latest speaker in the Schirmer Scholar-In-Residence ...
  • Unknown author (1975-05-30)
    The OEA agreement was ratified by the faculty. Arts & Sciences instructors were to vote on proposed revisions to the curriculum. Student workers held a meeting to discuss wages. A bill was before the Ohio General Assembly ...
  • Unknown author (1980-05-30)
    Slavic week was announced, with the Zivili Dancers heading the bill. Dr. Thomas Shipka (Philosophy & Religious Studies) was elected president of the YSU-OEA. Area businessmen discussed job prospects with students.
  • Unknown author (1974-05-31)
    The Curriculum Committee announced it would deliver its report on the creation of degree programs in computer science and computer technology at the next Senate meeting. Dr. Delores Noll of Kent State University’s English ...
  • Unknown author (1974-11-19)
    The ACLU warned President Coffelt about destroying the “enemies list” files maintained by Campus Security chief Paul Cress. A proposal for student evaluations of faculty appeared in a report issued to both the Administration ...
  • Unknown author (1974-11-22)
    The controversial files discovered in the Campus Security Office were destroyed, contrary to an understanding with the ACLU. Security chief Paul Cress apologized for damaging remarks made against faculty members. Dr. Gilbert ...
  • Unknown author (1974-11-26)
    President Coffelt guaranteed the right of students to protest with fear of reprisal. Meanwhile, Former faculty union president Thomas Shipka accused the Jambar of perpetrating a hoax regarding the Security Office “enemies ...

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