Digital.Maag: Recent submissions

  • Unknown author (Youngstown State University School of Graduate Studies, 1973)
    Contains the courses, descriptions and graduate degree programs available to students for the 1973 - 1974 academic year.
  • Unknown author (2024-12-04)
    Included is the related materials, transcript, and video recording of the Academic Senate meeting of December 04, 2024. This meeting was held and recorded in DeBartolo Hall, Room 132 on the YSU campus.
  • Unknown author (2024-12-05)
    While fall 2024 commencement will remain the same as years past, YSU's spring commencement will change in hopes of creating a more personalized experience for graduates and attendees. Tips to prevent holiday phishing scams ...
  • Jarrett, Gerald (2023-08-07)
    Transcript of an interview recorded on August 07, 2023. Length 90 minutes. 21 leaves.
  • Unknown author (1972)
    Contains the courses, descriptions and graduate degree programs available to students for the 1972-1973 year.
  • Unknown author (1971)
    Contains the courses, descriptions and graduate degree programs available to students for the 1971-1972 year.
  • Unknown author (2024-11-21)
    YSU launched Kilcawley: Centered on the Future, a campaign to raise funds for a new student center. Students who have trouble finding a place to park near DeBartolo Hall or Andrews Students Recreation and Wellness Center ...
  • Unknown author (2024-11-12)
    Included is the video recording of the Academic Senate meeting of November 12, 2024. This was a special meeting featuring Provost Pintar discussing the Academic Master Plan. This meeting was held and recorded in DeBartolo ...
  • Unknown author (2024-11-06)
    Included is the agenda, related materials, transcript, and video recording of the Academic Senate meeting of November 06, 2024. This meeting was held and recorded in DeBartolo Hall, Room 132 on the YSU campus.
  • Unknown author (2024-09-04)
    Included is the agenda, related materials, transcript, and video recording of the Academic Senate meeting of September 04, 2024. This meeting was held and recorded in DeBartolo Hall, Room 132 on the YSU campus.
  • Unknown author (2024-10-02)
    Included is the agenda, related materials, transcript, and video recording of the Academic Senate meeting of October 02, 2024. This meeting was held and recorded in DeBartolo Hall, Room 132 on the YSU campus.
  • Unknown author (2024-06-07)
    Presented are the minutes of the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees and Committee minutes from June 6 and 7, 2024. Sterling A. Williams took the oath of office. President Johnson gave his president's report. ...
  • Unknown author (Youngstown State University, College of Creative Arts and Communication, 2016)
  • Unknown author (2024-11-07)
    The Dana School of Music received a $5 million donation from Bruce Zoldan, which was previously promised to the new student center but was withdrawn after Bill Johnson became president. YSU experience a power outage Nov. ...
  • Unknown author (2024-10-31)
    Ross Morrone became the academic marketing and enrollment strategy officer in July. The Department of Communications is set to transition from the Williamson College of Business Administration to the Beeghly College of ...
  • Ford, Kim Clark (2023-09-08)
    Transcript of an interview recorded on September 8, 2023. Length 47 minutes. 12 leaves.
  • Ritchie, Martin; Rhea Coy, Doris; Santoro, David; MacDonald, Dan; Yoder, Nancy (Ohio Counseling Association, 1992-12)
    This issue is comprised of information on The Professional Counselors' Network, a statement from the president, a message from the editor regarding CACREP, a member spotlight, a glimpse at the All Ohio Counselors Conference, ...
  • Fox, Maryedna; Sears, Susan; Fox, Maryedna; Gill-Wigal, Jan (Ohio Association for Counseling and Development, 1986-06)
    This issue includes a celebration of the OACD's spring conference, a list of approved bylaws, a congratulations to the president elect, a summary of the American Association for Counseling and Development conference in Los ...
  • Unknown author (2009-11-05)
    The All Ohio Counselors Conference Awards Luncheon program, sponsored by the Ohio Counseling Association (OCA) and Ohio School Counselor Association (OSCA), summarizes the 2009 OCA award winners and the OSCA award winners.
  • Unknown author (2008-11-06)
    The 25th All Ohio Counselors Conference Awards Luncheon program, sponsored by the Ohio Counseling Association (OCA) and Ohio School Counselor Association (OSCA), summarizes the 2008 OCA award winners and the OSCA award winners.

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