Digital.Maag: Recent submissions

  • Bubenzer, Don; Saunders, Joe; Snyder, Cynthia; Carney, JoLynn; Cutlip, Joanna; Davis, Tom (Ohio Counseling Association, 1999-11)
    This issue contains a president's message, an excerpt from the executive director, a legislative update, information on the Professional Development Committee, questions and answers from the Counselor and Social Worker ...
  • Hall, Scott; Snyder, Cynthia; McCurdy, Ken; Self, Eileen; Sposito, Patricia (Ohio Counseling Association, 1999-03)
    This issue contains a president's message, legislative update, an article on professional development and the internet, a book review, information on counselor trainee status, chapter and division news, OCA bylaws proposal ...
  • Hall, Scott; Saunders, Joe; Snyder, Cynthia; Farnsworth, Beth; Helmuth, Carolyn; Britton, Beth (Ohio Counseling Association, 1999-06)
    This issue contains a message from the president, an updated address, a legislative update, questions and answers from the Ohio Counselor and Social Worker Board, a piece titled "Reflections of a Therapist," a column on ...
  • Unknown author (2024-02-29)
    While YSU has been focused on a new student center, the Athletic Department has been externally fundraising to begin renovating Beeghly Center. The Office of Government Affairs is featured. An interview is given with Ron ...
  • Unknown author (2024-02-22)
    The Office of Academic Affairs announced in an email Feb. 19 faculty cuts are no longer needed following collaborative efforts between YSU's administration and faculty members. Gender equality is on the rise in sports, and ...
  • Unknown author (2024-02-15)
    Alexander Papa has officially stepped down as YSU's Student Government Association president after nine months. The Ellucian Experience will replace the Penguin Portal on March 01, leaving YSU students, faculty and staff ...
  • Unknown author (2024-02-07)
    Included is the agenda, transcript, related materials, and video recording of the Academic Senate meeting of February 07, 2024. This meeting was held and recorded in DeBartolo Hall, Room 132 on the YSU campus.
  • Self, Eileen; Saunders, Joe; Maly, Michael; Huss, Susan; Santoro, David; McGlothlin, Jason; Underfer-Babalis, Jean (Ohio Counseling Association, 1998-06)
    This issue includes a president's message, consultant's column, legislative summary, two memorials, an announcement that the OCA offers liability insurance, information on the Coalition for Fair Responsibility, an article ...
  • Hall, Scott; Saunders, Joe; Santoro, David; Snyder, Cynthia (Ohio Counseling Association, 1998-09)
    This issue contains a president's message, executive excerpts, a list of past OCA presidents, announcement of a benefit for the David Santoro memorial scholarship, All Ohio Counselor Conference (AOCC) dates, a book review, ...
  • Maly, Michael; Saunders, Joe; Howes, Jean; Underfer-Babalis, Jean (Ohio Counseling Association, 1997-07)
    This issue contains a president's message and annual report, consultant's column, the OCA's treasurer election result, clarifications on a discussion from the previous issue, awards, information on OSCA learner standards ...
  • Self, Eileen; Saunders, Joe; Jenkins, Becky; McGlothlin, Jason; Huss, Susan; Kirk, Peggy (Ohio Counseling Association, 1997-08)
    This issue is composed of a president's message, a summary of the ACA President's Leadership Conference, a farewell to a deceased OCA executive, legislative updates, a licensure law summary, OCA awards, announcement of the ...
  • Self, Eileen; Norris Huss, Susan; Maly, Michael (Ohio Counseling Association, 1997-11)
    This issue includes keynotes from Dr. William Glasser's session at the All Ohio Counseling Conference (AOCC), a president's message, OCA award recipients, a call for OCA officer nominations, information on standards for ...
  • Self, Eileen; Saunders, Joe; Hall, Scott; Igelman, Cher (Ohio Counseling Association, 1998-02)
    This issue is made up of a president's message, consultant's column, discussion of human nature, book review, OCA officer nominations, a section on multicultural competencies, a voting ballot, chapter and division news, ...
  • Unknown author (2024-02-08)
    YSU will no longer allow access to Gmail or Google Drive on university-owned devices starting in fall 2024. Bruce Zoldan, the founder and CEO of Phantom Fireworks, has pulled all funding toward YSU -- including a $5 million ...
  • Unknown author (2024-02-01)
    The Jambar sat down with YSU President William "Bill" Johnson to ask about his plans for the future of the university. YSU President Bill Johnson was the guest speaker at a Student Government Association meeting Jan. 29. ...
  • Maly, Michael; Saunders, Joe; Norris Huss, Susan; Santoro, David; Britton, Beth; Patterson, Mimi (Ohio Counseling Association, 1997-02)
    This issue includes a president's message, consultant's column, a discussion on ethics and counselors' duty to warn, information on solution-focused counseling, chapter and division news, OCA officer candidates and a voting ...

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