Digital.Maag: Recent submissions

  • Alonso, Christopher (2018)
  • Robinson, Maude Ann (Ohio Counseling Association, 1995-11)
    This issue contains a message from the president, announcement of the revised ethical code, calendar of events, advertisement for a part-time counselor position, lobbyist news, workshop and training program in clinical ...
  • Robinson, Maude Ann; Saunders, Joe; King, Bill; Trautman, Retta (Ohio Counseling Association, 1995-09)
    This issue includes a message from the president, consultant's column, information on the ASCA's disaffiliation from the ACA , licensure bill amendments, a summary of the OCA's involvement in Volunteer Organizations Active ...
  • Ritchie, Martin; Saunders, Joe; Santoro, David (Ohio Counseling Association, 1995-06)
    This issue contains a message from the president, consultant's column, calendar of events, chapter and division news, legislative update, announcement of a new president-elect, information on insurance problems for LPC/LPCCs, ...
  • Robinson, Maude Ann; Huss, Susan (Ohio Counseling Association, 1996-03)
    This issue includes a message from the president, newly elected officers, calendar of events, student spotlight, announcement of a national video conference, a discussion on ethics and diagnosis, information on a spirituality ...
  • Ritchie, Martin; Saunders, Joe; Barletta, John; Davis, Tom (Ohio Counseling Association, 1994-12)
    This issue contains a message from the president, consultant's column, a summary of proposed changes to the OCA bylaws, calendar of events, an announcement of the unification of the OMHCA and OCA, a course of action for ...
  • Maly, Michael; Saunders, Joe; Self, Eileen; Hall, Scott; Underfer-Babalis, Jean; Whitney, Jean; Norris Huss, Susan; Frericks, Amy (Ohio Counseling Association, 1996-11)
    This issue contains a president's message, consultant's column, section on professional issues, disaffiliation discussion between ACA and ASCA, chapter and division news, information on client rights and diagnosis, a story ...
  • Robinson, Maude Ann; Saunders, Joe; Pregitzer, Terri; Underfer-Babalis, Jean; Maly, Mike (Ohio Counseling Association, 1996-06)
    This issue contains a message from the president, consultant's column, an introduction to the president elect, information on teacher education and licensure standards, chapter and division news, a narrative from a counselor ...
  • Unknown author (2024-01-11)
    YSU students plan to walkout of classes at 10 a.m. on Jan. 22 outside of Tod Hall in protest of U.S. Rep. William "Bill" Johnson becoming YSU's 10th president. Six degrees will be sunset this academic semester, and no ...
  • Shelby, Friend (2023)
    Photo 1- Alpha Omicron Pi spring 2015 in the center of campus for a sisterhood photo shoot. Photo 2- Alpha Omicron Pi on their homecoming float 2013. Photo 3- Alpha Omicron Pi, Sigma Chi, and Alpha Phi Delta celebrating ...
  • Anna, Rashid (2023)
    1- Anna Rashid and Brandon DeJean Moser Hall 2020 Graduation May 9, 2020. 2- Anna Rashid, President Tressel, Kendall Orris YSU campus Aug 28, 2018. 3- Nina Schulz, Heather Stinson, and Anna Rashid YSU Penguin Nights Oct ...
  • Herb, Sarah (2023)
    1: Hannah Feeney, Krista Johnson, Julia Helke, Sarah Herb - Tailgate lot - this was one of my first tailgates as a first year student! 2: Emma Rich, Julia Helke, Sarah Herb, Hannah Feeney - playoffs in 2016, the year we ...
  • Unknown author (2023-11-21)
    Presented are the minutes of the Board of Trustees Special Meeting. Chairman Michael Peterson moved that the Board move to Executive Session for matters related to the presidential search, and in "consideration of the ...
  • Unknown author (2023-11-16)
    Presented are the minutes of the Emergency Board of Trustees meeting on November 16, 2023. Chairman Michael Peterson moved that the Board move to Executive Session for matters related to the presidential search, and in ...
  • Unknown author (2023-11-07)
    Presented are the minutes of the YSU Board of Trustees Governance Committee from November 7, 2023. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss YSU's Future State. Role call was made and Chairman Michael Peterson moved that ...
  • Unknown author (2023-11-10)
    Presented are the minutes of the YSU Board of Trustees Governance Committee from November 10, 2023. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss YSU's Future State. Role call was made and Chairman Michael Peterson moved that ...
  • Unknown author (2023-11-09)
    Presented are the minutes of the YSU Board of Trustees Governance Committee from November 9, 2023. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss YSU's Future State. Role call was made and Chairman Michael Peterson moved that ...
  • Henriquez, Alisa (2022-09-06)
  • Williamson, Katherine; Ghinda, Kerrianne (2022-06-03)

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