Digital.Maag: Recent submissions

  • Unknown author (2023-09-28)
    The Office of Student Experience is collaborating with the YSU Bookstore, to introduce the Pete Complete Book Program, which would allow students to include the cost of class-required books on tuition bills. A history is ...
  • Unknown author (2023-09-21)
    The YSU Board of Trustees modified the Student Code of Conduct to address the use of artificial intelligence. YSU will be taking over management of University Courtyard Apartments Oct. 1. The Ward Beecher Planetarium is ...
  • Unknown author (2023-09-14)
    YSU's newest marketing campaign, "Know Y," officially replaced the "Y and Proud" slogan many students, faculty, staff, and alumni were familiar with. Paige Shy of the YSU women's basketball team entered into a deal with ...
  • Unknown author (2023-04-26)
    Included is the agenda, reports, related materials, and video recording of the Academic Senate meeting of April 26, 2023. This meeting was held and recorded in room 132 in DeBartolo Hall on the YSU campus.
  • Unknown author (Youngstown State University, Dana School of Music, 2013)
  • Unknown author (Youngstown State University, Dana School of Music, 2013)
  • Unknown author (2023-08-31)
    YSU's Athletic Department put together successful performances in the Horizon League during the 2022-2023 academic year, which led to the university to be awarded the James J. McCafferty Trophy. YSU's Board of Trustees and ...
  • Unknown author (Youngstown State University, College of Fine and Performing Arts, 2012)
  • Unknown author (Youngstown State University, College of Fine and Performing Arts, 2012)
  • Unknown author (Youngstown State University, College of Fine and Performing Arts, 2011)
  • Unknown author (Youngstown State University, College of Fine and Performing Arts, 2010)
  • Unknown author (Youngstown State University, College of Fine and Performing Arts, 2011)
  • Unknown author (9999)
    A brochure about the University Parking Deck on Fifth Avenue, circa 1973. The building of the parking deck was part of the Campus Expansion Program. This brochure is located in the University Relations Collection, Box 15, ...
  • Unknown author (1991-10-26)
    Dedication program for the McDonough Museum of Art, October 26, 1991. This program is located in the University Relations Collection, RG 29, Box 15, folder 3.
  • Unknown author (2008-10-27)
    A program for the groundbreaking ceremony of the Williamson College of Business Administration which took place on October 27, 2008. This program is located in the Marketing and Communications collection, Box 10C, folder 7.
  • Unknown author (1990-08-30)
    The program for the groundbreaking ceremony for the John J. McDonough Museum of Art on August 30, 1990. This program is located in the University Relations Collection, RG 29, Box 15, folder 2.
  • Unknown author (9999)
    Brochure for the planned University (Maag) Library, c1970. This brochure is located in the University Relations Committee, RG 29, Box 15, folder 1.
  • Unknown author (9999)
    The fundraising brochure to build Bliss Hall, c1973. This brochure is located in the University Relations Collection, RG 29, Box 14, folder 49.
  • Unknown author (9999)
    A brochure describing the Kilcawley Student Center Expansion during the 1970s with the first completion date being October 15, 1973. This brochure is located in the University Relations Collections, RG 29, Box 14, folder 57.
  • Unknown author (1966-03-08)
    Program of the groundbreaking ceremony for the Science and Engineering Building (Ward Beecher Hall Planetarium addition) from March 08, 1966. This program is located in the University Relations Collection RG 29, Box 39, ...

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