ORTHOPEDIC IMPLATJTS: MATERIAL AND FAILURE EVALUATION by W. Phucharoen Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering in the Materials Science Program // &&/983 Date -- ad 23? 1963 Dean of the Graduate School Date Youngstown State University August 1983 ORTHOPEDIC IMPLATJTS: MATERIAL AND FAILURE EVALUATION by W. Phucharoen Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering in the Materials Science Program // &d /983 Date -- - ad 23? 19d~ Dean of the Graduate School Date Youngstown State University August 1983 ABSTRACT ORTHOPEDIC IMPLANT : I-IATERIAL AND FAILURE EVALUATION W . PHUCHAROES Master of Science in Engineering Youngstown State University, 1983 Two type 316 stainlzss st,zel orthopedic implants, Eggers plate and Jewett hip nail-plate, were examined in order to find the causes of failure. Unusual crack patterns were found on the cylindrical surface of the implants. Type 316 stainless steel tensile samples were tested with the presence of tensile stresses to determine the low-cycle fatigue characteristics and to determine whether or not low- cycle tensile stress would produce either of the crack patterns - - observed in the fractured implants. it was found that the Eggers piate seems to fail - because of bending fatigue and improper design. Low-cycle tensile stresses do not produce the crack pattern observed on the cylindrical surface of the Jewett nail-plate. - - However, the most.important result of this work is the significance of the Dresence of tensile mean stresses that occur during normal walking of a human which can significantly shorten the operation life of a type 316 stainless steel implant. - -- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank his adviser, Dr. R.W. Jones, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Youngstown State University for guidance in this study. iv. TABLE OF CONTENTS PA ABSTRACT ...................... ii ACKNOWLEDGELWNT .................. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ................. iv .................. LIST OF FIGURES v CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ................ 1 11. LITERATURE REVIEW ............. 6 111. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE ........... 11 IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ........... 21 V. CONCLUSION ................. 39 APPENDIX Sample Calculation for Table 3 ..... 40 REFERENCES ..................... 42 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1. Eggers Plate and Jewett Hip Nail-Plate . . . . . . 3 2. A Leg Bone Attached with Eggers Plate and Jewett Hip Nail-Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3. Machine Scratch on a Type 316 Stainless Steel Standard Tensile Sample . . . . . . . . . . . . -12 4. Fatigue Curve of Type 316 Stainless Steel and Fatigue Curves Obtained from this Experiment . . 16 5. Fracture Surface of Sample No. 1, at 36X . . . . . 17 Fracture Surface of Sample No. 2, at 36X . . . . . 17 Fracture Surface of Sample No. 3, at 36X . . . . . 18 Fracture Surface of Sample No. 4, at 36X . . . . . 18 Fracture Surface of Sample No. 5, at 36X . . . . . 19 Fracture Surface of Sample No. 6, at 36X . . . . . 19 Fracture Surface of Sample No. 7, at 36X . . . . . 20 - - Fracture Surface of Sam$le No. 9, at 36X . . . . . 20 Fracture Surface of Eggers Plate (SEN), at 600X . - 22 Fracture Surface of Eggers Plate (SEM), at 1200X . 22 Fracture Surface of Eggers Place (SEM), at 600X . 23 Micrograph of Eggers Plate Through Failure Area, at 600X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.-. . - 23 Micrograph of Eggers Plate Through Failure Area, at 75X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Micrograph of Eggers Plate Through Failure Area, at 150X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Jewett Hip Nail-Plate (SEM), at 400X . . . . . . 26 - - Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface cf Jewett Hi? Nail-Plate (SEM), at 450X . . . . . . 26 LIST OF FIGURES (Cont'd) FIGURE PAGE 21. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of ...... Jewett Hip Nail-Plate (SEM), at 1200X 27 22. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of ...... Jewett Hip Nail-Plate (SEM), at 1200X 27 23. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of .......... Sample No. 1 (SEM), at 500X. 28 24. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of .......... Sample No. 1 (SEM), at 800X. 28 25. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of .......... Sample No. 2 (SEM), at 820X. 29 26. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of ........... Sample No. 2 (SEM), at 870X 29 27. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of ........... Sample No. 3 (SEM), at 380X 30 28. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of ........... Sample No. 3 (SEM), at 840X 30 - - 29. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of ........... Sample No. 4 (SEM), at 400X 31 - 30. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of .......... Sample No. 4 (SEM), at 2000X 31 31. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of ........... Sample No. 5 (SEM), at 400X 32 32. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of-- .......... SampleNo. 5 (SEM), at1400X 32 33. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of .......... Sample No. 6 (SEM), atlOOX. 33 34. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of .......... SampleNo. 6 (SEM), at1900X 33 35. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of ........... Sample No. 7 (SEM), at 800X 34 . 36. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of .......... Sample No. 7 (SEM), at 1600X 34 LIST OF FIGURES (Cont'd) FIGURE PAGE 37. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of ........... Sample No. 9 (SEM), at 500X 35 38. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of .......... Sample No. 9 (SEM), at lOOOX 35 39. SEM Fractograph at 4500X of Fracture Surface of .... Sample No. 1, Showing Fatigue Striations 37 40. SEM Fractograph at 4400X of Fracture Surface of .... Sample No. 4, Showing Fatigue Striations 37 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1 . Mechanical Properties of Type 316 Stainless ...................... Steel 13 .... 2 . Test Data Obtained from MTS Testing Machine 14 ....... . 3 Calculated Data Obtained from Table 2 15 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION An "implant" according to Gray (1962) is a device which is temporarily attached to a fractured bone as a structural support while the fracture mends (li. The implant is removed once the fracture has mended. A "prothesis" is a device permanently attached to a bone. The first recorded use of an implant was in 1562 when gold prothesis was used to close a defect in a cleft palate (2) . Ludwigson (3r4) has divi6ed the history and development into the three periods: first use to 1825, 1825 to 1925, and 1925 to the present time. In the first - - period only pure metals such as gold, silver, and copper were used as implants. In the second period, pure metals were still used as implants. But surgical techniques were greatly inproved which increased the success of the implant. In the third period, alloys with improved strengths were used as im?lants. - - Before the latter part of the nineteenth century, use of metallic orthopedic implants probably resulted in frequent failure of the implant. Advances in mechanical design and metallurgical technology, updated sterillization - -- practices and grzater discrimination in materials' selection, have greatly decreased inctdence of failure in these devices. Failure (particularly mechanical fracture) is not, however, uncommon, as evidenced by the large volume of literature concerning analysis of failed orthopedic implants (5-3) Consequently, further researches are encouraged so that use of orthopedic implants can be improved. The impetus for this work resulted from the examination of two orthopedic implants that failed in service. The failed devices were a Jewett hip nail-plate and an Egger onlay plate (Figure 1). Figure 2 is a sketch of how these two devices are attached to a leg bone. The two implants were examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEPl) in order to determine the causes of the failures. In both cases unusual crack patterns were observed. The Eggers plate exhibited numerous cracks and slip lines in the fracture surface. In the case of the Jewett hip nail7 plate no cracks could be found in the fracture surface. How- ever, many cracks existed in the cylindrical surface immediately adjacent to the fracture surface. Neither of these crack patterns has been previously reported in the literature concerning.failed implants. The morphology of the two crack - - - paerns suggested that either fatigue, stress corrosion, or a combination of these mechanisms caused the fractures in the two implants. The objectives of this research were to determine low-cycle fatigue characteristics of type 316 stainless steel, and to detem-ine whether or not low- - - cycle tensile stresses would produce either of the (a) Eggers Onlay Plate. (b) Jewett Hip Nail-Plate. Figure I. Sketch of Eggers Onlay Plate and - Jewett Hip Nail-Plate. - Figure 2. Sketch of How a Jewett Hip Nail-Plate and Eggers Onlay Plate are Attached to A Leg Bone. crack patterns observed in the two fractured orthopedic implants. CHAPTER I1 LITERATURE REVIEW .A large number of articles have been published concerning the failure of orthopedic implants. Some of these are Ref. 5-8; and volume 10 of the Metals Handbook (9) I Dumbleton and Miller, devotes one chapter to the failure analyses of such devices. Generally, the failure of an implant cannot be attributed to only a single cause (10) One major cause of an implant failure is related directly to the human body, which is considered to be one of the most hostile environments for metals. In the human body, chemical and electro-chemical reactions which may occur are not well identified or understood. Moreover, the problem of loading geometries involving cyclic loading can be encountered - when dealing with particular areas of the musculo-skeleton system such as the hip or knee. The combination of the hostile or a-ggressive environment and stringent loading conditions have brought about two familiar problems: corrosion or fatigue and their interaction. Both of these phenomena have been identified as major contributors to deterioration of implants in service (16) Imylant failures can be related to five factors.?hey are (a) corrosion, (b) patient misuse, (c) materials selection, (d) improper installation of the implant and (e) design and manufacture. The first two factors listed concern directlywith the environment. The other three factors are related to the implant and its installation into the body. (a) . Corrosion The corrosion mechanisms ;hi~h:;~eneraI?~ lead to degradation or failure of currently used implant devices, . fretting enhanced crevice corrosion and stress-corrosion, are associated primarily with stainless steel usage. Stress- corrosion cracking has been recognized as a cause of implant failure. However, neither its identification nor its importance in most cases has been yet determined because the cyclic loading produced by the body movement almost always results in a fretted or striated fatigue or corrosion fatigue. Pitting and intergranular attack, considered as results of improper - - chemistry control or mechanical processing, are not yet observed in implants. - (b) Patient Misuse This factor of implant failures is directly related tothe role of the patient. Devices may fracture by overloading - - because of patient misuse. For example, if the patient falls, very heavy loads are placed on a fixation device. Ignoring instructions about weight limits that a device can bear is also hazardous to implants. The patient usually has little or no control over the forces that muscles exert on an implant. - - -- - (12 High loads may result even when a patient is confined to bed (c) Material Selection The right kind of materials Car implants must be carefully selected because only a few alloys have the necessary combination of properties; otherwise, the implants may be dangerous to the patientl's body (13) For surgical implants, a bone plake and bone screw must be of similar metals so that galvanic corrosion can be avoided. Usually, the corrosion occurs between the plate and the underside of the screw heads. The importance of material selection is exemplified by Dumbleton and Miller. They studied an example of a nail-and-plate device made of cast and wrought cobalt-chromium alloys which fractured-as a result of dissimilar-metal -co&ct, stress conCentration. and crevice corrosion (14 1 Type 316 stainless steel was finally selected for - - surgical implants since the second world war (15) . It became the desired metal for surgical implants basically - because of its high pitting corrosion resistance. The composition and microstructural variations affect more or less the resistance of type 316 stainless steel to pitting corrosion. The addition of 2-4 percent of molybd&num in composition kas proved to greatly reduce sensitiveness to this kind of attack in an environment containing chloride (16) Warren (17) revealed that pitting corrosion resistance can be decreased with cold work by promoting, along strain lines, - - the formation of second phase constituents. (d) Improper Installation of Implant Faiiure of an implant may result from nonoptimal installation. Occasionally, the most desirable device is not possibly available for immediate surgical use. For instance, the surgeon may be forced to improvise, encountering the crucial situation when the operating room runs out of the stock for a particular item. So~e iailures can be attributed to errors intechnique For example, some errors in insertation include use of inappropriate size of implant parts (either too large or too small a screw, a nail or a p1ate)or use of eccentric or misaligned screws. Improper installation of.implant can be caused bv over applying torque to bone screws. The other aspect of improper installation is when the head of the screw is not sheared-off immediately. The implant failure may occur later because (18 1 - the screw becomes weak (e) Design and. i.ialiu?acture At the stage of irqlant- fabrication, high qua~itycontrol must be carefully exerted in the type of finish om-the fixation device. The surface must not be blemished cf machining marks that could influence stress raisers which eventually activate a fissure and subsequent fractures (19 1 Premature features can be attributed to the design-of - ~. an implant. For instance, sharp corners of an implant can result in stress raisers and lead finally to fracture. In addition, the failure can come from screw holes which were punched too close to the edge of a bone plate. The plate is, thus, not able to withstand bending stresses (20 CHAFTER I11 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Two implants, a Jewett hip nail-plate and a Eggers onlay plate, were sectioned about half an inch from the fracture surface using silicon-carbide wheel. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) Model S-450 (Hitachi) was used to examine fracture surfaces and cylindrical surfaces of each implant specimen. For the Jewett hip nail-plate, the fracture surface was also examined by metallographic examinations. Standard 0.505 inch diameter tensile samples of type 316 stainless steel used for this study were purchased from Laboratory Devices Co., Auburn, California. - - One tensile sample was used to measure the ncchanical properties (see Table 1) with Model M120 HVL, Satec - System Inc., Grove City, PA., tension testing machine. The remaining samples had a 0.005 inch cylindrical grove machined in the center of the gauge length in order - - to generate a stress concentration (see Figure 3). Without the stress concentration, fatigue failure would take a long period of time. Each sample was cycled in uniaxial tension on an MTS electrohydraulic tesing machine with different amplitude load and load range. Sinusoidal - -- wave forms were employed for the loading, with the expectation Figure 3. Show Machine Scratch on a Type 316 Stainless Steel Tensile Sample. 36~. -- TABLE 1 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TYPE 316 STAINLESS STEEL Offset yield strength ................ 69,750 psi .............. Ultimate tensile strength 95,400 psi Elongation. ........................ 46.9% -- - that wave forms would have little effect on tests carried out in air at room temperature (21) . The test data are listed in Table 2 and a plot of stress amplitude (Sa , psi) versus numbers of cycles to failure (S-N diagram) is shown in Figure 4. Also, the accepted fatigue curve for type .316 stainless steel (22) is plotted on the same graph (see Figure 4) . The fractured samples were examined on the SEM. Their fracture surfaces were photographed (see Figures 5-12) in' order to determine the ratio of the ductile fracture arEa to the total fracture area (see Table 3). 14 TABLE 2 TEST DATA OBTAINED FROM MTS TESTING MACHINE No. of cycles to failure 29,376 22,456 6,965 764 6 66 14 No failure 14 Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Load (lbs.) 14,000 - + 2,000 12,000 - + 3,000 9,000 - + 4,000 8,000 - + 5,000 14,000 - + 4,000 16,000 - + 2,000 12,000 - + 4,000 9,000 - + 2,000 9,000 - + 6,000 Frequency (CPS) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 TABLE 3 CALCULATED DATA OBTAINED FROM TABLE 2 Sample No. Stress (p'si) Cycles to Amplitude Mean Stress Ratio of Failure Stress (psi) (psi) Ductile Area . to Total Fracture Area 29,376 72,765 22,456 62,370 6,965 46,778 764 41,580 6 72,765 66 83,160 14 62,370 No failure 46,778 14 46,776 I Type 316 Stainless Steel 70,ooo (Machine Scratch) n 60,000] m Mean Stress = 41,580 psi 0 L lo0 iol io 2 b3 104 i o5 lo6 107 C CYCLES TO FAILURE H vz PC .. cd50,OOO- cn w 40,000- s H 30,000. 4 vl H vl 20,000- 10,000- Figure 4. Graph Plotted Between Stress Amplitude (Sa,psi) VS. Cycles to Failure. A Mean Stress = 46,778 psi o Mean Stress = 62,370 psi Mean Stress = 72,765 psi o Mean Stress = 83,160 psi \ \ x rve of Type 316 Stainless Steel (Notched Specimen) Mean Stress = 0 0 Figure 5. Fracture Surface of Sample No. 1. 36X, - -- Figure 6. Fracture Surface of Sample No. 2. 36X. Figure 7. Fracture Surface of Sample No. 3. 36X. - - Figure 8. Fracture Surface of Sarngle No. 4. 36:;. Figure 9. Fracture Surface of Sample No. 5. 36X. Figure 10. Fracture Surface of Sample No. 6. 36);. Figure 11. Fracture Surface of Sample No. 7. 36X. Figure 12. Fracture Surface of Sample No. 9. 36;~. RESULTS -AND DISCUSSION The results are discussed in two sections, micro- structural analysis and fatigue analysis. (a) Microstructural ~nalysis Macroscopic examination of the Eggers plate revealed no evidence of corrosion in the vicinity of the fracture. Microscopic examination revealed numerous cracks in the fracture surface (see Figures 13-15). Figures 16-18 show the micrographs of this device through frackured area. There was no evidence of stress-corrosion. By comparing Figure 15 and Figure 16, both pictures having been taken at the same - - magnification and in the same area, it was found that the crack pattern of the fracture surface (Figure 16) was not - intergranular corrosion pattern since the grain size in Figure 15 was larger. Gray and Zirkle (23) showed in their examination of type 316 stainless steel Jewett nail that grain size of intergranular corrosion pattern and microstructure near the fracture are similar. The holes in this device were punched too close to the edge (see Figure 2). A reduced cross section can make a stress riser in the area where high stresses would occsr - - during walking, and cracks would initiate and propagate. Cahoon and Paxton (24) show that the entire section of the Figure 13. SEM Fractograph at 600~ of Fracture Surface of Eggers Plate. - - Figure 14. 5EM Fractograph at 1200X of Fracture Surface of Eggers Plate. Figure 15. SEM Fractograph at 6OOX of Fractur of Eggers Plate. Surface - - Figure 16. Micrograph of Eggers Plate Through Failure Area. 6OO;C. Figure 17. Micrograph of Eggers Plate Through Failure Area. 75X. - - Figure 18. Micrograph of Eggers Plate Through Failure Area. 150X. plate (type 316 stainless steel nail plate) between the hole and the edge is severely work hardened and much martensite forms. Their picture of plastic deformation and martensite in the plate is similar to Figures 16- 18. The areas between the holes and edge of the plate, which have been severely deformed, may fracture with only a small amount of bending because both work-hardened material and martensite are harder and more brittle than the less work-hardened and un-transformed austenite which constitutes most of the implant. Also, slip bands and associated microcracks pattern shown in Figure 14 are similar to what Ligasor (25) found on a surface of a type 316 stainless steel Jewett nail. Results from this examination indicate extensive - - deformation and accelerated fatigue were chosed by the large grain size of the device. - Therefore, the design of the implant seems to be the major cause of failure in the Eggers plate. In the case of Jewett hip nail-plate the fracture surface was so badly disturbed that the cause of failure- could not be determined from either a SEM or metallo- graphic examination. A most unusual crack pattern was, however, found on the cylindrical surface immediately adjacent to the fracture surface (see Figures 19-22). - ~ Figures 23-28 show the crack patterns found on the cylindrical surfaces immediately adjacent to the fracture surfaces of the samples tested under low-cycle tension. Figure 19. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Jewett Hip Nail-Plate (sEM), at 4OOX. Figure 20. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Jewett Hip Nail-Plate (SEM), at 450X. Figure 21. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Jewett Hip. Nail-Plate (SEM) , at 1200X. Figure 22. Crack.Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Jel~ett Hip Nail-Plate (SEN) , at 1200X. Figure 23. Crack pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Sample No. 1. (sEM) , at 500X. - -- Figure 24. Crack Pattern ~ou1-12 on Cylindrical Surface of Sample No. 1. (SEN), at 800X. Figure 25. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Sample No. 2. (SEN) , at 820X. Figure 26. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface - - of Sample No. 2.(SEM), at 870X. Figure 27..Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Sample No. 3. (SEN' -' 380X. Figure 28. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface - -- of Sample No. 3. (SEN'), at 840~ Figure 29. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Sample No. 4. (SEM), at 400X. - .~- Figure 30. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Sample No. $. (Sa) , at 2000X. Figure 31. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Sample No. 5. (sEM), at 400~. Figure 32. - -- Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface Sample No. Figure 33. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Sample No. 6. (SEM), at LOOX. - -- Fiqre 34. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Sample No. 6. (SEMI, at 1900X. Figure 35. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Sample No. 7. (sEM), at 800X. - -- Figure 36. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Sample No. Figure '37. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Sample No. 9. (SEM), at 500X. - ..- Figure 38. Crack Pattern Found on Cylindrical Surface of Sample No. 9. (SEM), at 1000X. None of these crack patterns is similar to what we found on Jewett hip nail-plate. This means that a simple low-cycle tension stress was not the cause of failure of this device. (b) Fatigue Analysis Fatigue surfaces of samples no. 1-4 are typical fatigue patterns (see Figures 5-8). Figures 39 and 40 show fatigue striations of samples no. 1 and 4 respectively on the fracture surface. A ductile pattern, caused by a high stress in a low number of cycles to failure, was found on each fracture surface of samples no. 5-7 and 9 (see Figures 9-12). As listed in Table 3, the ratio of ductile area to total fracture area increases as the mean stress increases. Since the ductile area (final fracture area) depends on the stress in,the - - last cycle, a larger ductile area is produced by a larger mean stress. - The accepted fatigue curve (26) of type 316 stainlc stainless steel (notched specimen)v:as plotted in Figure 4 along with the results of this work in order to compare - - with the fatigue curves obtained in this experiment. Since the largest part of the published fatigue data was obtained from fully reversed cycling (mean stress is zero) (27) , a family of curves were plotted with each line corresponding to a different mean stress, as shown in - -. Figure 4, on the S-N diagram. The curves show that increased mean tensile stresses severely decrease the fatigue life of type 316 stainless steel (samples no. 3, Figure 39. SEM Fractograph at 4500X of Fracture Surface of Sample No. 1 , Showing Fatigue Striations. Figure 40. SEM Fractograph at; h$OOX of Fracture Surface -- of Sample No. 9 , Showing Fatigue Striations. 5 and 7). The fatigue curve of samples no. 3, 8 and 9 (mean stress of 47 ksi) shows that the endurance limit was reduced to about half of the actual endurance limit (no mean stress). Sander '28) stated that these curves (in Figure 4) are not-necessarily parallel to each other and it is not easy to predict th-e fatigue strength as influenced by mean stresses. Several empirical relations have been proposed but they are good only for the simple prcblems (29) A square wave cycle was used to approximate the force time profile of a human leg during normal level walking (30) . It was found that the mean stress during each square wave cycle is tensile since - - compressive forces which are a small part of the total range do not appear to influence the propagation of (31) fatigue cracks By combining the above fact with that type 316 stainless steel is very sensitive to presence of tensile mean stresses. It can be pointed out that any design and manufacture of type 316 stainless steel orthopedic devices must also consider these facts. CONCLUSION Type 316 stainless sfeel is very sens-itive to tKe presence of mean stresses. Tensile mean stresses can severely reduce its fatigue life at a given amplitude of loading in air at room conditions. Low-cycle tensile stresses do not produce the crack pattern observed in the two implants. For the Eggers plate, the failure seems to be a combination of inproper design and bending fatigue. In the case of Jewett nail, failure may have been due to overload which resulted from - - bending stresses. It is fairly certain that low-cycle tensile loads did not cause either implant to fail. The most important result of this work is the significance of the presence of tensile mean stresses that occur during normal walking of a human. Such stresses can markedly shorten the operation life of a type 316-stainless steel implant. APPENDIX Sample Calculation for Table 3 Sample No. 1 Mean Load Amplitude Load Diameter (initial) Mean Stress Amplitude Stress 14,000 lbs. 2,000 lbs . 0.495 inch Mean Load Area 14,000 lbs 0.192 sq. in. 72,765 psi 2,000 lbs 0.192 sq. in. 10,395 psi REFERENCES 1. R.J. Gray, Failure analyses of Surgical Implants from the Human Body can Improve Product and Performance Reliability, Research Sponsored by Union Carbide Corporation under Contact with Energy Research and Development Administration, 1978, p. 1. 2. J.K. Wickstrom, Surgical Implants-Their Mechanical and Environmental Problems, Journal of Materials, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1966, p. 367. 3. D.C. Ludwigson, Requirement for Metallic Surgical Implants and Prosthetic Devices, Metals Eng. Quart. (Amer. Soc. Met.), August 1965, pp. 1-6. 4. D.C. Ludwigson, Today's Prosthetic Metals, Journal - - of Metals, Vol. 16, March 1964, pp. 226-231. 5. R.J. Gray, Bletallographic Examination of Retrieved - Intramedullary Bone Pins and Bone Screws from the Human Body, Report ORNL-TM-4068, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, February 1973. 6. R.J. Gray and L.G. Zirkle Jr., Metallographic -- Examination of a Failed Jewett Nail-Plate from a Human Femur, Microstructural Science, Vol. 4, ed., E.W. Filer, J.M. Hoegfeldt and J. McCall, American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1976, pp. 179-189. - - 7. W.E. White and I. Le May, Optical and Electron Frac- tographic Studies of Fracture in Orthopedic Implants, Microstructure Science, Vol. 3, Part B, American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1975, pp. 911-930. 8. J.R..Cahoon and H.W. Paxton, Metallurgical Analyses of Failed Orthopedic Implants, J. Biomed Mater Res, Vol. 2, 1968, pp. 1-22. 9. J.H. Dumbleton and E.H. Miller, Failures of ~etallic Orthopedic Implants, Metals Handbook, Vol. 10, 8th edition, ASM, 1975, pp. 571-580. 10. Gray, p. 232. 11. B.W. Lisagor, Corrosion and Fatigue of Surgical Implants, ASTM Standardization News, Vol. 3(5), May 1975, pp. 20-24 and 43. - - 12. Dumbleton and Miller, p. 578. 13. Dumbleton and Miller, p. 577. - 14. Dumbleton and Miller, p. 577. 15. A.C. Fraker, A.W. Ruff and M.P. Yeager, Corrosion of Titanium Alloys in Physiological Solutions, -- Titanium Science and Technology, Year 4, ~ren&n Pub. Corp., 1973, p. 2447. 16. Lisagor, p. 21. 17. D. Warren, Microstructure and Corrision Resistance of Austenitic Stainless Steels, Presented at Liber- ty Bell Corrosion Course, NACE and Drexel Institute of Technology, September 1968. 18. Dumbleton and Miller, p. 577. 19. Gray and Zirkle, p. 186. 20. Dumbleton and Miller, p. 577. 21. K.R. Sheeler and L.A. James, Fatigue Behavior of Type 316 Stainless Steel under Simulated Body con- . ditions, J. Biomed Mater Res., Vol. 5, 1971, - pp. 267-281. 22. H. W. Russell and W.A. Welcker Jr., Damage and Overstress in the Fatigue of Ferrous Materials, Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. 36, Part 2, 1936, pp. 118- 138. 23. Gray and Zirkle, p. 181. 24. Cahoon and Paxton, p. 16. 25. Lisagor, p. 23. 26. Russell and Welcker Jr., p. 118. - - 27. B. I. Sander, Foundamentals of Cyclic Stress and Strain, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, - Wisconsin, 1972, p. 92. 28. Sander, p. 92 29. P.G. Forrest, Fatigue of Metals, Pergamon Press, Oxford, -- 1962. 30. B. Bresler and J.P. Frankel, Transaction of the ASME, Vol. 72, 1950, pp. 27-36. 31. C.M. Hudson and J.T. Scardina, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 1, 1969, p. 429-446. - --