Working-Class Voices: Autobiographies and Personal Narratives Geoghegan, Thomas. Which Side Are You On? Trying to Be For Labor When Its Flat on Its Back. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1991. Hamper, Ben. Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line. New York: Warner, 1991. Hudson, Hosea. Black Worker in the Deep South; A Personal Record, 1st ed. New York: International Publishers, 1972. Kohn, Howard. The Last Farmer: An American Memoir. New York: Summit Books, 1988. Nekola, Charlotte and Paula Rabinowitz, eds. Writing Red: An Anthology of American Women Writers, 1930-1940. New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1987. Register, Cheri. Packinghouse Daughter: A Memoir. New York : Perennial, 2001. Rodriguez, Richard. Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez: An Autobiography. Boston: D.R. Godine, 1981. Rose, Mike. Lives on the Boundary: The Struggles and Achievements of Americas Underprepared. New York: Free Press; London: Collier Macmillan, 1989. Ryan, Jake and Charles Sackrey. Strangers in Paradise: Academics from the Working Class. Boston: South End Press, 1984. Samarco, C. Vincent and Stephen Muzzatti. Reflections from the Wrong Side of the Tracks: Class, Identity, and the Working-Class Experience in Academe. Lanham:  Rowan and Littlefield, 2005. Sheard, Tim and Delbert McCoy. The Fire in My Soul. New York: Seaburn Publishers Group, 2003. Smith, Larry R. Milldust and Roses. Roseville: Ridgeway Press, 2002. Terkel, Studs. Working: People Talk about what They do All Day and How They Feel about what They Do. New York: Pantheon Books, 1972. Tokarczyk, Michelle M. and Elizabeth A. Fay, eds. Working-Class Women in the Academy: Laborers in the Knowledge Factory. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1993. Wright, Richard. Black Boy; a Record of Childhood and Youth. New York: Harper & Row, 1966. Zandy, Janet, ed. Calling Home: Working-Class Womens Writings: An Anthology. New Brunswick; London: Rutgers UP, 1990. Zandy, Janet, ed. Liberating Memory: Our Work and Our Working-Class Consciousness. New Brunswick; London: Rutgers UP, 1994.