A Character Theory Free Proof of Burnside’s p a q b Theorem by Ben L. Adovasio Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in the Mathematics Program YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY May, 2012 A Character Theory Free Proof of Burnside’s p a q b Theorem Ben L. Adovasio I hereby release this thesis to the public. I understand that this thesis will be made available from the OhioLINK ETD Center and the Maag Library Circulation Desk for public access. I also authorize the University or other individuals to make copies of this thesis as needed for scholarly research. Signature: Ben L. Adovasio, Student Date Approvals: Dr. Neil Flowers, Thesis Advisor Date Dr. Tom Wakefield, Committee Member Date Dr. Eric Wingler, Committee Member Date Peter J. Kasvinsky, Dean of School of Graduate Studies & Research Date c© Ben L. Adovasio 2012 ABSTRACT In 1904, George Burnside [2] proved that any group G with |G| = p a q b where p and q are primes and a and b are positive integers is solvable. Burnside accomplished this through the use of character theory, i.e., the interaction between a group and a vector space. Since then, group theorists began to try to prove this theorem without the use of charactertheory. Theywantedaproofthatreliedonlyongrouptheoreticalprinciples. This was finally achieved in 1972 by Helmut Bender [1]. However, in 1970, David M. Goldschmidt [3] supplied a group theoretic proof of Burnside’s Theorem but only when the order of the group, G, was odd. Then in 1972, Hiroshi Matsuyama [4] supplied a group theoretic proof of Burnside’s Theorem when the order of the group, G, was even. Ironically, Bender’s and Matsuyama’s results occurred independently and simultaneously. Therefore, both papers were published even though Bender’s proof was more general. The goal of this paper is to present the background knowledge and the more general proof of Burnside’s Theorem. iv I would like to thank my friends and family for their support. I would especially like to thank my advisor, Dr. Flowers, for all his insight and for inspiring me to learn about group theory. v Contents 1 Preliminaries 1 2 Solvable Groups 12 3 Nilpotent Groups 23 4 Groups Acting on Groups 33 5 Burnsides p a q b Theorem 47 vi 1 Preliminaries In this section, we will introduce some background concepts and ideas. These ideas will build up the tools needed for the proof of Burnside’s Theorem. We begin by introducing the idea of a group. Definition 1.1. A group is a nonempty set G along with a binary operation ∗ such that 1. (closure): a∗b ∈ G for all a,b ∈ G; 2. (associativity): (a∗b)∗c = a∗(b∗c) for all a,b,c ∈ G; 3. (identity): there exists e ∈ G such that e∗a = a∗e = a for all a ∈ G; 4. (inverse): for all a ∈ G there exists b ∈ G such that a∗b = b∗a = e. Definition 1.2. Let (G,∗) be a group. A subset H ⊆ G is called a subgroup of G if (H,∗) is a group. We write H ≤ G. Theorem 1.1 (Subgroup Test). Let G be a group and ∅ negationslash= H ⊆ G. Then H ≤ G if and only if ab −1 ∈ H for all a,b ∈ H. Definition 1.3. Let G be group, a ∈ G, and H ≤ G. Then the following are subgroups of G: 1. Z(G)={g ∈ G | gx= xg for all x ∈ G}. We call this the center of G. 2. 〈a〉 = {a n | n ∈ Z}. We call this the cyclic subgroup generated by a. 3. C G (a)={g ∈ G | ag = ga}. We call this the centralizer of a. 4. N G (H)={g ∈ G | gHg −1 ∈ H}. We call this the normalizer of H. 1 Definition 1.4. Let G be a group, H ≤ G and g ∈ G. The left coset of H in G containing g is gH = {gh| h ∈ H}. Theorem 1.2. Let G be a group, H ≤ G, and a,b ∈ G. Then aH = bH if and only if b −1 a ∈ H. Definition 1.5. Let G 1 and G 2 be groups and φ : G 1 → G 2 . Then φ is a homomor- phism if φ(ab)=φ(a)φ(b) for all a,b ∈ G. If, in addition, φ is 1-1 and onto, we call φ an isomorphism and we write G 1 ∼ = G 2 . Theorem 1.3. Let G 1 , G 2 be groups and φ : G 1 → G 2 be a homomorphism. Define the kernel of φ by kernφ= {g ∈ G 1 | φ(g)=1}. Then kern φ ≤ G 1 . Definition 1.6. Let G be a group and H ≤ G. Then H is a normal subgroup of G if ghg −1 ∈ H for all g ∈ G and for all h ∈ H. We write H triangleleftequalG. Theorem 1.4. Let G be a group and H triangleleftequalG. Define G H = {gH | g ∈ G}. Then G H is a group under the operation aHbH = abH for all aH,bH ∈ G H . 2 We call G H the quotient group. Lemma 1.1. Let G be a group. Then G {1} ∼ = G. Proof. Define φ : G → G {1} by φ(g)=g{1} for all g ∈ G.Wewanttoshowthatφ is a homomorphism. Let a,b ∈ G.Then φ(ab)=ab{1} = a{1}b{1} = φ(a)φ(b). Thus, φ is a homomorphism. We want to show that φ is onto. Let g{1}∈ G {1} .Then g ∈ G and φ(g)=g{1}.Thus,φ is onto. We want to show that φ is 1-1. Suppose a,b ∈ G such that φ(a)=φ(b). Then a{1} = b{1} or b −1 a ∈{1}.Sob −1 a =1or a = b.Thus,φ is 1-1. Therefore, φ is an isomorphism and so G {1} ∼ = G. Lemma 1.2. Let G be a group and H ≤ G such that |G| |H| =2then H triangleleftequalG. Proof. Let g ∈ G and h ∈ H. Wewanttoshowthatghg −1 ∈ H.Ifg ∈ H then ghg −1 ∈ H since H ≤ G.Ifg negationslash∈ H then gH negationslash=1H. Then since |G| |H| =2weget G =1H ∪gH.Nowghg −1 ∈ G and so ghg −1 ∈ 1H or ghg −1 ∈ gH.Ifghg −1 ∈ gH then there exists h 1 ∈ H such that ghg −1 = gh 1 .Thenhg −1 = h 1 or g = h −1 1 h ∈ H, which contradicts g negationslash∈ H. Therefore ghg −1 ∈ 1H = H and so H triangleleftequalG. Theorem 1.5 (1 st Isomorphism Theorem). Let G 1 , G 2 be groups and φ : G 1 → G 2 be a homomorphism. Then G 1 kernφ ∼ = φ(G 1 ). 3 Proof. Let K = kernφ. Define θ : G 1 K → φ(G 1 )byθ(aK)=φ(a) for all aK ∈ G 1 K . We want to show that θ is a homomorphism. Let aK,bK ∈ G 1 K .Then θ(aKbK)=θ(abK) = φ(ab) = φ(a)φ(b) = θ(aK)θ(bK) and so θ is a homomorphism. We want to show that θ is 1-1. Let aK,bK ∈ G 1 K such that θ(aK)=θ(bK). Then φ(a)=φ(b)orφ(b) −1 φ(a)=1.Thus,φ(b −1 )φ(a)=1or φ(b −1 a) = 1. Hence b −1 a ∈ kernφ= K.Thus,aK = bK and so θ is 1-1. We want to show that θ is onto. Let φ(x) ∈ φ(G 1 )wherex ∈ G 1 .ThenxK ∈ G 1 K and θ(xK)= φ(x). Hence, θ is onto and so θ is an isomorphism. Therefore, G 1 kernφ ∼ = φ(G 1 ). Theorem 1.6 (2 nd Isomorphism Theorem). Let G be a group, N triangleleftequalG, and H ≤ G. Then HN N ∼ = H H ∩N . Proof. Define φ : H → HN N by φ(h)=hN for all h ∈ H. We want to show that φ is a homomorphism. Let a,b ∈ H.Then φ(ab)=abN = aNbN = φ(a)φ(b) 4 and so φ is a homomorphism. We want to show that φ is onto. Let hnN ∈ HN N . Then φ(h)=hN = hnN as (hn) −1 h = n −1 ∈ N and so φ is onto. We claim that the kernφ= H ∩N.Now, h ∈ kernφ⇔ φ(h)=1N ⇔ hN =1N ⇔ 1 −1 h ∈ N ⇔ h ∈ N ⇔ h ∈ H ∩N. Thus, kernφ = H ∩ N. By Theorem 1.5, H kernφ ∼ = φ(H). Thus, H H ∩N ∼ = φ(H) and, since φ is onto, we get H H ∩N ∼ = HN N . Theorem 1.7 (3 rd Isomorphism Theorem). Let G be a group, N triangleleftequalG, H triangleleftequalG such that N ≤ H. Then G/N H/N ∼ = G H . Proof. Define φ : G N → G H by φ(gN)=gH for all gN ∈ G N . We want to show that φ is well-defined. Let aN,bN ∈ G N such that aN = bN.Thena = a1 ∈ aN = bN and so there exists n ∈ N such that a = bn.Then φ(aN)=aH = bnH = bH = φ(bN) 5 and so φ is well-defined. We want to show that φ is a homomorphism. Let aN,bN ∈ G N .Then φ(aNbN)=φ(abN) = abH = aHbH = φ(aN)φ(bN) and so φ is a homomorphism. We want to show that φ is onto. Let gH ∈ G H .Then gN ∈ G N and φ(gN)=gH.Thus,φ is onto. We claim that the kernφ= H N . Then, gN ∈ kernφ⇔ φ(gN)=1H ⇔ gH =1H ⇔ g ∈ H ⇔ gN ∈ H N . Thus, kernφ = H N . By Theorem 1.5, G/N kernφ ∼ = φ(G/N)or G/N H/N ∼ = φ(G/N) and, since φ is onto, we get G/N H/N ∼ = G H . Theorem 1.8. Let G be a group and N triangleleftequalG. Define φ : G → G N by φ(g)=gN for all g ∈ G. We call φ the natural map. The following are true: 1. φ is a homomorphism 2. kernφ= N 3. If H ≤ G, then φ(H)= HN N 4. If H ≤ G, then φ −1 parenleftBig HN N parenrightBig = HN 5. If L ≤ G N , then L = K N where N ≤ K ≤ G 6 Proof. For (1), let a,b ∈ G.Then φ(ab)=abN = aNbN = φ(a)φ(b). Thus, φ is a homomorphism. For (2), let n ∈ kernφ. Then, n ∈ kernφ⇔ φ(n)=1N ⇔ nN =1N ⇔ 1 −1 n ∈ N ⇔ n ∈ N. Thus, kernφ = N. For (3), φ(H) ⊆ HN N .Leth ∈ H,n ∈ N,andφ(h) ∈ φ(H). Then φ(h)=hN = h1N ∈ HN N . Hence, φ(H) ⊆ HN N . Next, HN N ⊆ φ(H). Let hnN ∈ HN N .Then φ(h)=hN = hnN as h −1 hn ∈ N. Hence, hnN ∈ φ(H)andso HN N ⊆ φ(H). Therefore, φ(H)= HN N . For (4), 7 HN ⊆ φ −1 parenleftBig HN N parenrightBig .Lethn ∈ HN.Then φ(hn)=hnN ∈ HN N . Thus, hn ∈ φ −1 parenleftBig HN N parenrightBig and HN ⊆ φ −1 parenleftBig HN N parenrightBig . Next, we want to show that φ −1 parenleftBig HN N parenrightBig ⊆ HN.Letg ∈ φ −1 parenleftBig HN N parenrightBig .Thenφ(g) ∈ HN N or gN ∈ HN N .Thus, there exists h ∈ H and n ∈ N such that gN = hnN.Theng = g1 ∈ gN = hnN and so there exists n 1 ∈ N such that g = hnn 1 ∈ HN.Thus,φ −1 parenleftBig HN N parenrightBig ⊆ HN and so φ −1 parenleftBig HN N parenrightBig = HN. For (5), we know φ −1 (L) ≤ G.Ifn ∈ N then φ(n)=1N ∈ L and so n ∈ φ −1 (L). Thus N ≤ φ −1 (L). We claim that φ −1 (L) N = L.LetgN ∈ L. Then φ(g) ∈ L and so g ∈ φ −1 (L). Hence, gN ∈ φ −1 (L) N and so L ≤ φ −1 (L) N .Let xN ∈ φ −1 (L) N .Thenx ∈ φ −1 (L)andsoφ(x) ∈ L.Butφ(x)=xN and so xN ∈ L. Thus, φ −1 (L) N ≤ L and so L = φ −1 (L) N . Theorem 1.9. Let G be any group and S ⊆ G. Define 〈S〉 = {s n 1 1 s n 2 2 ···s n k k | s i ∈ S,n i ∈ Z, for all 1 ≤ i ≤ k,k ∈ Z + }. Then 〈S〉≤G and is called the subgroup generated by S. Proof. Let s ∈ S.Thens = s 1 ∈〈S〉 and so 〈S〉 negationslash= ∅.Let s n 1 1 s n 2 2 ···s n k k ,r m 1 1 r m 2 2 ···r n l l ∈〈S〉 8 where s i ∈ S and r i ∈ S for all i and n i ∈ Z and m i ∈ Z for all i and k,l ∈ Z + .Then (s n 1 1 s n 2 2 ···s n k k )(r m 1 1 r m 2 2 ···r n l l ) −1 = s n 1 1 s n 2 2 ···s n k k r −m l l r −m l−1 l−1 ···r −m 1 ∈〈S〉. Hence 〈S〉≤G by the Subgroup Test. Definition 1.7. Let G be a group, a,b ∈ G, H ≤ G, and K ≤ G. Then 1. [a,b]=aba −1 b −1 is called the commutator of a and b 2. [H,K]=〈{[h,k] | h ∈ H and k ∈ K}〉 is called the commutator subgroup generated by H and K 3. G prime = 〈{[a,b] | a,b ∈ G}〉 is called the commutator subgroup of G Lemma 1.3. Let G be a group, N triangleleftequalG, H ≤ G, and a,b ∈ G. Then 1. [a,b]=1if and only if ab = ba 2. G prime triangleleftequalG 3. G G prime is abelian 4. G N is abelian if and only if G prime ≤ N 5. If G prime ≤ H then H triangleleftequalG Proof. For (1), [a,b]=1⇔ aba −1 b −1 =1⇔ ab = ba. 9 For (2), let x ∈ G prime and g ∈ G. Then, x = k producttext i=1 [a i ,b i ]andso gxg −1 = g( k productdisplay i=1 [a i ,b i ])g −1 = k productdisplay i=1 g[a i ,b i ]g −1 = k productdisplay i=1 [ga i g −1 ,gb i g −1 ] ∈ G prime and so G prime triangleleftequalG. For (3), let aG prime ,bG prime ∈ G G prime . Then, [aG prime ,bG prime ]=[a,b]G prime =1G prime as 1 −1 [a,b]=[a,b] ∈ G prime . Therefore, G G prime is abelian. For (4), G N is abelian ⇔ [aN,bN]=1N for alla,b ∈ G ⇔ [a,b]N =1N ⇔ [a,b] ∈ N ⇔ G prime ≤ N sinceN ≤ G. For (5), let g ∈ G and h ∈ H.Then[h −1 ,g] ∈ G prime ≤ H and so [h −1 ,g] ∈ H.Let [h −1 ,g]=h 1 where h 1 ∈ H.Thenh −1 g(h −1 ) −1 g −1 = h 1 .Thus,h −1 ghg −1 = h 1 implying ghg −1 = hh 1 ∈ H. Therefore, H triangleleftequalG. 10 Definition 1.8. Let G be a group and p a prime. Then G is called a p-group if |G| = p r for some r ∈ Z + ∪{0}. Lemma 1.4. Let G be a group and H triangleleftequalG. Then Z(H)triangleleftequalG. Theorem 1.10 (Cauchy’s Theorem for Abelian Groups). Let G be abelian and p be a prime such that p ||G|. Then G has an element of order p. Definition 1.9. The group consisting of the set S n of all permutations on A = {1,2,...,n}, under the operation of permutation multiplication is called the sym- metric group of degree n. Definition 1.10. Let G be a group and S negationslash= {} be a set. Then G acts on S if there exists a homomorphism φ : G → Sym(S). Definition 1.11. Let G be a group, S be a set, and a ∈ S. The orbit of S con- taining a is Ga = {ga| g ∈ G}. Definition 1.12. A group G acts transitively on a set S, if there is only one orbit; i.e., S = Ga for all a ∈ S; i.e., for all c,d ∈ S there exists g ∈ G such that cg = d. Definition 1.13. Let G be a group, p be a prime, and n ∈ Z + ∪{0} such that p n ||G| but p n+1 negationslash ||G|. Then 1. |G| p = p n is called the p th part of G. 2. A subgroup H ≤ G is called a sylow p-subgroup if |H| = |G| p . 3. Syl p (G) is the set of all sylow p-subgroups of G. 11 Theorem 1.11 (Sylow’s Theorem). Let G be a group, p be any prime, H ≤ G be a p-group, and n p = |Syl p (G)|. Then 1. Syl p (G) negationslash= {} 2. There exists P ∈ Syl p (G) such that H ≤ P. Moreover, G acts transitively on Syl p (G) by conjugation 3. n p ||G| and n p ≡ 1(modp). 2 Solvable Groups We next need to introduce what it means for a group to be solvable and will discover some important properties about solvability. Definition 2.1. A group G is solvable if there exists a subnormal series G = G 0 trianglerightequalG 1 trianglerightequalG 2 trianglerightequal···trianglerightequalG n =1 such that G i G i+1 is abelian for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n−1. Example 2.1. S 3 is a solvable group. Proof. Consider the subnormal series S 3 trianglerightequalA 3 trianglerightequal1. Now, vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle S 3 A 3 vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle = |S 3 | |A 3 | = 6 3 =2andso S 3 A 3 ∼ = Z 2 is abelian. Next, vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle A 3 {1} vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle = |A 3 | |{1}| =3and so A 3 {1} ∼ = Z 3 is abelian. Therefore S 3 is solvable. 12 Lemma 2.1. Let G be an abelian group. Then G is solvable. Proof. Consider the subnormal series G = G 0 trianglerightequal1. Then by Lemma 1.1 we know G {1} ∼ = G. Since G is abelian, G {1} is abelian and so G is solvable. Example 2.2. The abelian groups Z n and Z a ×Z b ×···×Z c are solvable groups by Lemma 2.1. Lemma 2.2. Let G be solvable and H ≤ G. Then H is solvable. Proof. Since G is solvable we know there exists a subnormal series G = G 0 trianglerightequalG 1 trianglerightequalG 2 trianglerightequal···trianglerightequalG n =1 such that G i G i+1 is abelian. Consider the series H = H 0 ≥ H ∩G 1 ≥ H ∩G 2 ≥···≥H ∩G n =1. We want to show that H ∩G i+1 triangleleftequalH ∩G i .Letx ∈ H ∩G i+1 and g ∈ H ∩G i .Then gxg −1 ∈ G i+1 since x ∈ G i+1 and G i+1 triangleleftequalG i .Also,gxg −1 ∈ H since g ∈ H and x ∈ H. Thus, gxg −1 ∈ H ∩G i+1 . Hence H ∩G i+1 triangleleftequalH ∩G i for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n−1. Therefore, 13 H = H 0 trianglerightequalH ∩G 1 trianglerightequalH ∩G 2 trianglerightequal···trianglerightequalH ∩G n = 1 is a subnormal series. Now H ∩G i H ∩G i+1 = H ∩G i H ∩G i ∩G i+1 ∼ = (H ∩G i )G i+1 G i+1 by 2 nd Isomorphism Theorem ≤ G i G i+1 . Since G i G i+1 is abelian we get H ∩G i H ∩G i+1 is abelian for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1. Thus H is solvable. Lemma 2.3. Let G be solvable and N triangleleftequalG. Then G N is solvable. Proof. Since G is solvable we know there exists a subnormal series G = G 0 trianglerightequalG 1 trianglerightequalG 2 trianglerightequal···trianglerightequalG n =1 such that G i G i+1 is abelian for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n−1. Taking the image of this series under the natural map we get G N = G 0 N ≥ G 1 N N ≥ G 2 N N ≥···≥ G n N N =1N. 14 We claim that G i+1 N N triangleleftequal G i N N .Letg i+1 n 1 N ∈ G i+1 N N and g i n 2 N ∈ G i N N .Then (g i n 2 N)(g i+1 n 1 N)(g i n 2 N) −1 =(g i n 2 N)(g i+1 n 1 N)(n −1 2 g −1 i N) = g i n 2 g i+1 n 1 n −1 2 g −1 i N = g i n 2 g −1 i g i g i+1 g −1 i g i n 1 n −1 2 g −1 i N = g i n 2 g −1 i g i g i+1 g −1 i N since g i n 1 n −1 2 g −1 i ∈ N ∈ G i+1 N N since g i n 2 g −1 i ∈ G i+1 and g i g i+1 g −1 i ∈ N Thus, G N = G 0 N trianglerightequal G 1 N N trianglerightequal G 2 N N trianglerightequal···trianglerightequal G n N N =1N is a subnormal series. Then G i N/N G i+1 N/N ∼ = G i N G i+1 N by 3 rd Isomorphism Theorem = G i G i+1 N G i+1 N ∼ = G i G I ∩G i+1 N by 2 nd Isomorphism Theorem ∼ = G i /G i+1 G I ∩G i+! N/G i+1 by 3 rd Isomorphism Theorem Since quotients of abelian groups are abelian, we get G i N/N G i+1 N/N is abelian for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n−1. Therefore, G N is solvable. Theorem 2.1. Let G be a p-group. Then G is solvable. Proof. Use induction on |G|.If|G| =1thenG = {1} is abelian and therefore solvable. Assume the theorem holds for all p-groups of order less than |G|. Without 15 loss of generality, G negationslash= 1. Since G is a p-group we know Z(G) negationslash=1.Then vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle G Z(G) vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle = |G| |Z(G)| < |G| and G Z(G) is a p-group. Thus G Z(G) is solvable by induction and so there exists a subnormal series G Z(G) = G 0 Z(G) trianglerightequal G 1 Z(G) trianglerightequal···trianglerightequal G n Z(G) = Z(G) such that G i /Z(G) G i+1 /Z(G) is abelian for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n−1. Taking the pre-image of this series under the natural map we get G = G 0 trianglerightequalG 1 trianglerightequal···trianglerightequalZ(G)trianglerightequal1. Then G i G i+1 ∼ = G i /Z(G) G i+1 /Z(G) is abelian by the 3 rd Isomorphism Theorem and Z(G) {1} ∼ = Z(G) which is abelian. Therefore, G is solvable and every p-group is solvable by induction. Definition 2.2. Let G be a group. Define the derived series of G by G (0) = G,G (1) =(G (0) ) prime = G prime ,G (2) =(G (1) ) prime = G primeprime and inductively define G (n) =(G (n−1) ) prime . By Lemma 1.3 we have a subnormal series G = G (0) trianglerightequalG (1) trianglerightequalG (2) trianglerightequalG (3) trianglerightequal··· 16 Theorem 2.2. Let G be a group. Then G is solvable if and only if there exists n ∈ Z + such that G (n) =1. Proof. (⇐) Suppose there exists n ∈ Z + such that G (n) = 1. Consider the derived series G = G (0) trianglerightequalG (1) trianglerightequalG (2) trianglerightequal···trianglerightequalG (n) =1 Then G (i) G (i+1) = G (i) (G (i) ) prime is abelian by Lemma 1.3 for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n−1. Therefore, G is solvable. (⇒) Suppose G is solvable. Then there exists a subnormal series G = G 0 trianglerightequalG 1 trianglerightequalG 2 trianglerightequal···trianglerightequalG n =1 such that G i G i+1 is abelian. We claim that G (i) ≤ G i . Use induction on i.Ifi =0then G (0) = G ≤ G = G 0 . Suppose G (i) ≤ G i .WewanttoshowG (i+1) ≤ G i+1 .Now G (i+1) =(G (i) ) prime ≤ (G i ) prime by induction hypothesis ≤ G i+1 since G i G i+1 is abelian and by Lemma 1.3 Thus, the claim holds. Hence G (n) ≤ G n =1andsoG (n) =1. Theorem 2.3. Let G be a group and H triangleleftequalG such that H and G H are solvable. Then G is solvable. Proof. SinceH and G H aresolvablethenthereexistm,n ∈ Z + suchthatH (m) =1and parenleftBig G H parenrightBig (n) =1H.Then G (n) H H =1H by the claim in Lemma 2.3. Let ahH ∈ G (n) H H wherea ∈ G (n) andh ∈ H.ThenahH =1H andso,byTheorem1.2,1 −1 ah = ah ∈ H 17 and so there exists h 1 ∈ H such that ah = h 1 or a = h 1 h −1 ∈ H.Thus,G (n) ≤ H. Now by the claim in Lemma 2.3 we get G (n+m) =(G (n) ) (m) ≤ H (m) =1. Thus, G (n+m) =1andsoG is solvable. Definition 2.3. Let G be a group and φ : G → G be a map. Then φ is an automor- phism if φ is 1-1, onto, and a homomorphism. Let Aut(G)={φ | φ is an automorphism}. Definition 2.4. Let G be a group and H ≤ G. Then H is a characteristic sub- group of G if φ(H) ≤ H for all φ ∈ Aut(G). We write H char G. Lemma 2.4. Let G be a group, H ≤ G, and K ≤ G such that H char K and K char G. Then H char G. Proof. Let φ ∈ Aut(G). Since K char G we know φ(K) ≤ K.Ifx,y ∈ K such that φ(x)=φ(y) then since φ is 1-1 we get x = y.Thus,|φ(K)| = |K| and so φ(K)=K. But then φ| K ∈ Aut(K)sinceHcharKwegetφ| K (H) ≤ H and so φ(H) ≤ H.Thus, H char G. Lemma 2.5. Let G be a group, H ≤ G, and K ≤ G such that H char K and KtriangleleftequalG. Then H triangleleftequalG. Proof. Let g ∈ G and h ∈ H. We want to show that ghg −1 ∈ H. Define φ g : K → K by φ g (k)=gkg −1 for all k ∈ K. First, we need to show that φ g is a homomorphism. 18 Let x,y ∈ K. Then, φ g (xy)=gxyg −1 = gxg −1 gyg −1 = φ g (x)φ g (y). Next, we need to show that φ g is 1-1. If φ g (x)=φ g (y)thengxg −1 = gyg −1 implying x = y. Finally, we need to show that φ g is onto. Let x ∈ K. Since K triangleleftequalG we know g −1 xg =(g −1 )x(g −1 ) −1 ∈ K and φ g (g −1 xg)=g(g −1 xg)g −1 = x.Thus,φ g ∈ Aut(K). Since H char K we get φ g (h) ∈ H or gxg −1 ∈ H. Therefore, H triangleleftequalG. Lemma 2.6. Z(G) char G. Proof. Let φ ∈ Aut(G), z ∈ Z(G), and g ∈ G. We want to show that φ(z) ∈ Z(G). Since φ ∈ Aut(G) there exists g 1 ∈ G such that φ(g 1 )=g.Now, φ(z)g = φ(z)φ(g 1 ) = φ(zg 1 ) since φ ∈ Aut(G) = φ(g 1 z) since z ∈ Z(G) = φ(g 1 )φ(z) = gφ(z). Thus, φ(z) ∈ Z(G)andsoZ(G)charG. 19 Definition 2.5. A group G is characteristically simple if {1} and G are its only characteristic subgroups. Definition 2.6. Let G be a group and {H i } n i=1 be a collection of subgroups of G. We say G = H 1 ×H 2 ×···×H n if 1. G = n producttext i=1 H i 2. H i ∩ producttext jnegationslash=i H i =1for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n 3. H i triangleleftequalG for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n Theorem 2.4. Let G be a characteristically simple group. Then G = G 1 ×G 2 ×···× G n where G i s are simple isomorphic groups. Proof. Let 1 negationslash= G 1 triangleleftequalG such that |G| is minimal and H = n producttext i=1 G i such that 1. G i ∼ = G 1 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n 2. G i triangleleftequalG for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n 3. G i ∩ producttext jnegationslash=i G j =1forall1≤ i ≤ n 4. n is maximal Clearly, H triangleleftequalG since G i triangleleftequalG for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n.IfH is not a characteristic subgroup of G then there exists φ ∈ Aut(G)and1≤ i ≤ n such that φ(G i ) negationslash≤ H. Since G i triangleleftequal G and φ ∈ Aut(G)weknowφ(G i ) triangleleftequal G.Alsoφ(G i ) ∼ = G i ∼ = G 1 and so φ(G i ) ∼ = G 1 .NowH ∩ φ(G i ) triangleleftequal G and H ∩ φ(G i ) <φ(G i ). Thus, |H ∩ φ(G i )| < |φ(G i )| = |G i | = |G 1 |. Hence, H ∩ φ(G i ) = 1 by the minimality of |G 1 |.Butthen φ(G i ) ∩ n producttext i=1 G i = φ(G i ) ∩ H = 1. Therefore, the subgroups {G 1 ,G 2 ,···,G n ,φ(G i )} 20 satisfy (1), (2), and (3), a contradiction, since n is maximal. Therefore, H char G. Since G is characteristically simple we get G = H = n producttext i=1 G i = G 1 × G 2 ×···×G n where G i ’s are isomorphic groups. Suppose N triangleleftequalG i for some 1 ≤ i ≤ n.Ifj negationslash= i and x ∈ G i and y ∈ G j then, xyx −1 y −1 ∈ G j ∩ G i ≤ G j ∩ n producttext inegationslash=j G i = 1. Hence xy = yx. Now let g 1 g 2 ···g n ∈ G where g i ∈ G i for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n and n ∈ N. Then, g 1 g 2 ···g n n(g 1 g 2 ···g n ) −1 = g 1 g 2 ···g n ng −1 n g −1 n−1 ···g −1 1 = g i ng −1 i ∈ N since N triangleleftequalG i . Thus, N triangleleftequalG.But,|N| < |G i | = |G 1 |. Hence, N =1orN = G i by the minimality of |G 1 |. Therefore, each G i is simple for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Definition 2.7. Let G be a group and N ≤ G. Then N is a minimal normal subgroup of G if 1. N triangleleftequalG 2. If there exists a L ≤ N such that LtriangleleftequalG then L =1or L = N. Definition 2.8. A group G is called an elementary abelian p-group if G ∼ = Z p ×Z p ×···×Z p where p is a prime. Theorem 2.5. Let G be a group and N be a minimal normal subgroup of G. Then N is an elementary abelian p-group for some prime p or N = N 0 × N 1 ×···×N n where N i s are nonabelian simple isomorphic groups. 21 Proof. If K char N, then by Lemma 2.5, since NtriangleleftequalG we get KtriangleleftequalG.Butthen,K =1 or K = N since N is a minimal normal subgroup. Hence, N is characteristically simple. Then, by Theorem 2.4, N = N 1 × N 2 ×···×N n where N i ’s are simple isomorphic groups. Case 1 N i is nonabelian for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n.ThenN = N 1 ×N 2 ×···×N n and N i sare nonabelian simple isomorphic groups. Case 2 N i s are abelian for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n.ThenN i is simple and abelian for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n. Then the only subgroups of N i are {1} and N i for all 0 ≤ i ≤ n. If N i is not a p-group then there exists a prime q such that q ||N i | and q negationslash= p. By Sylow’s Theorem there exists Q ∈ Syl q (N i ). Then Q ≤ N i and Q negationslash=1and Q negationslash= N i .Thus,N i is a p-group for some prime p.Let|N i | = p n .Ifn>1then by Cauchy’s Theorem for Abelian Groups, there exists 1 negationslash= x ∈ N i such that x p = 1. Then, 〈x〉≤N i and |〈x〉| = p<|N i |. Therefore, 〈x〉 negationslash=1and〈x〉 negationslash= N i . Hence, n =1and|N i | = p. Now we know that N i is cyclic and so N i ∼ = Z p . Thus, N ∼ = Z p ×Z p ×···×Z p is an elementary abelian p-group. Therefore, N is an elementary abelian p-group for some prime p or N = N 0 ×N 1 × ···×N n where N i ’s are nonabelian simple isomorphic groups. Theorem 2.6. Let G be solvable and N be a minimal normal subgroup of G. Then N is an elementary abelian p-group for some prime p. Proof. By Theorem 2.5, N is an elementary abelian p-group for some prime p or N = N 1 × N 2 ×···×N n such that N i s are simple nonabelian isomorphic groups. Hence N 1 is simple. Then the only subnormal series N 1 has is N 1 trianglerightequal1 by simplicity. 22 But, N 1 {1} ∼ = N is nonabelian. Therefore, N 1 is not solvable. But, N 1 ≤ G and G is solvable, a contradiction. Thus, N is an elementary abelian p-group for some p. 3 Nilpotent Groups We now introduce the idea of nilpotent groups. This allows us to explore important properties of nilpotent groups and will let us build the structures of these groups. Definition 3.1. Let G is a group. Define the upper central series of G by Z 0 (G)=1,Z 1 (G)=Z(G), Z 2 (G) Z 1 (G) = Z parenleftbigg G Z 1 (G) parenrightbigg , Z 3 (G) Z 2 (G) = Z parenleftbigg G Z 2 (G) parenrightbigg ,··· and inductively define Z n (G) Z n−1 (G) = Z parenleftbigg G Z n−1 (G) parenrightbigg for all n ∈ Z + . Lemma 3.1. Let G be a group. Then Z i (G)triangleleftequalG for all i and Z i (G) ≤ Z i+1 (G) for all i. Proof. Use induction on i.Ifi =0,thenZ 0 (G)={1}triangleleftequalG. Assume Z n (G)triangleleftequalG. Then Z n+1 (G) Z n (G) = Z parenleftbigg G Z n (G) parenrightbigg triangleleftequal G Z n (G) and so taking pre-images we get Z n+1 (G)triangleleftequalG. Hence, Z i (G) ≤ Z i+1 (G) for all i. Definition 3.2. A group G is nilpotent if there exists n ∈ Z + ∪{0} such that G = Z n (G). 23 Definition 3.3. Let G be a group. Define the lower central series of G by K 0 (G)=G,K 1 (G)=[K 0 (G),G]=[G,G]=G prime ,K 2 (G)=[K 1 (G),G],··· and inductively define K n (G)=[K n−1 ,G]. Lemma 3.2. Let G be group. Then K i (G)triangleleftequalG for all i and K i+1 (G) ≤ K i (G) for all i. Proof. Use induction on i.Ifi =0thenK 0 (G)=GtriangleleftequalG. Suppose K i (G)triangleleftequalG. Then, since GtriangleleftequalG we get K i+1 (G)=[K i (G),G]triangleleftequalG as conjugation is a homomorphism. Next, we know that K i (G)triangleleftequalG.Thus,K i+1 (G)=[K i (G),G] ≤ K i (G) for all i. Theorem 3.1. Let G be a group. Then G is nilpotent if and only if there exists n ∈ Z + ∪{0} such that K n (G)=1. Proof. (⇒)LetG be nilpotent. Then there exists n ∈ Z + ∪{0} such that Z n (G)=G. We claim that K i (G) ≤ Z n−i (G) for all i. Use induction on i.Ifi =0thenK 0 (G)= G ≤ G = Z n (G)=Z n−0 (G). Suppose K i (G) ≤ Z n−i (G). Then, K i+1 (G)=[K i (G),G] ≤ [Z n−i (G),G] since K i (G) ≤ Z n−i (G) ≤ Z n−i−1 (G) since Z n−i (G) Z n−i−1 (G) = Z parenleftbigg G Z n−i−1 (G) parenrightbigg = Z n−(i+1) (G). Thus, the claim hold by induction. But then, K n (G)=Z n−n (G)=Z 0 (G)=1and 24 so K n (G)=1.(⇐) Suppose there exists a n ∈ Z + ∪{0} such that K n (G)=1.We claim that K n−i (G) ≤ Z i (G) for all i. Use induction on i.Ifi =0thenZ 0 (G)=1≥ 1=K n (G)=K n−0 (G). Suppose K n−i (G) ≤ Z i (G). Now, [K n−i−1 ,G]=K n−i (G) ≤ Z i (G). Hence, K n−i−1 (G)Z i (G) Z i (G) ≤ Z( G Z i (G) )= Z i+1 Z i (G) . Taking pre-images we get K n−i−1 (G) ≤ K n−i−1 (G)Z i (G) ≤ Z i+1 (G)orK n−(i+1) (G) ≤ Z i+1 (G). Thus, the claim holds. But then, Z n (G) ≥ K n−n (G)=K 0 (G)=G and so Z n (G)=G and so G is nilpotent. Lemma 3.3. Let G be a group, NtriangleleftequalG, and H ≤ G such that N ≤ H.If H N ≤ Z parenleftBig G N parenrightBig if and only if [G,H] ≤ N. Proof. H N ≤ Z parenleftBig G N parenrightBig ⇔ [hN,gN]=N for all h ∈ H and for all g ∈ G.Then hNgN(hN) −1 (gN) −1 = N ⇔ hNgNh −1 g −1 = N ⇔ hgh −1 g −1 N = N ⇔ [h,g]=N ⇔ [h,g] ∈ N ⇔ [G,H] ≤ N. Theorem 3.2. Let G be nilpotent. Then Z(G) negationslash=1. Proof. Suppose Z(G) = 1. Since G is nilpotent there exists n ∈ Z + ∪{0} such that Z n (G)=G.NoticeZ 1 (G)=Z(G) = 1. Suppose Z i (G) = 1. Then Z i+1 (G) Z i (G) = Z parenleftbigg G Z i parenrightbigg = Z parenleftbigg G {1} parenrightbigg ∼ = Z(G)=1. Then, vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle Z i+1 (G) Z i (G) vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle vextendsingle =1or |Z i+1 (G)| |Z i (G)| =1andso|Z i+1 (G)| = |Z i (G)|.But,Z i (G) ≤ Z i+1 (G)andsoZ i+1 (G)=Z i (G) = 1. Thus, by induction Z i (G) = 1 for all i.But then we get G = Z n (G) = 1, a contradiction. Therefore, Z(G) negationslash=1. 25 Theorem 3.3. Let G be nilpotent and 1 negationslash= H triangleleftequalG. Then H ∩Z(G) negationslash=1. Proof. Since G is nilpotent there exists n ∈ Z + such that Z n (G)=G. Define H 0 = H,H 1 =[H 0 ,G]=[H,G] and inductively define H n =[H n−1 ,G]. Since H triangleleftequalG we get H = H 0 ≥ H 1 ≥ H 2 ≥···. We claim that H i ≤ Z n−i (G) for all i.Ifi =0thenH 0 = H ≤ G = Z n (G)=Z n−0 (G). Assume H i ≤ Z n−i (G). Then, H i Z n−i−1 (G) Z n−i−1 (G) ≤ Z n−i (G) Z n−i−1 (G) = Z parenleftbigg G Z n−i−1 (G) parenrightbigg . ByLemma3.3,[H i Z n−i−1 (G),G] ≤ [Z n−i−1 (G)]. Hence,[H i ,G] ≤ [H i Z n−i−1 (G),G] ≤ Z n−i−1 (G). Thus, H i+1 =[H i ,G] ≤ Z n−i−1 (G)=Z n−(i+1) (G). Therefore, the claim holdsbyinduction. ButthenH n =[H n−1 ,G] ≤ Z n−n (G)=Z 0 (G)=1andsoH n =1. Let 0 ≤ k ≤ n be minimal such that H k =1.ThenH k−1 negationslash=1and1=H k =[H k−1 ,G] and so 1 negationslash= H k−1 ≤ H ∩Z(G). Theorem 3.4. Let G be nilpotent and H ≤ G. Then Hq.Thenn p =1andn q = 1. Hence, Z p triangleleftequalH and xZ q x −1 triangleleftequalH.Butthen[Z p ,xZ q x −1 ] ≤ Z p ∩ xZ q x −1 =1. Thus, xZ q x −1 ≤ C G (Z p ) ≤ N G (Z p )=M and so x ∈ M p .Also,Z p ≤ M p ≤ M so xZx −1 = xZ p x −1 xZ q x −1 ≤ M or Z = x −1 Mx and M = x −1 Mx.Thus, x ∈ N G (M)=M, a contradiction. 3. Let M beamaximalsubgroup of G then M cannotcontaina p-centralsubgroup of G and a q-central subgroup of G. By (2) we may assume F(M)isap-group. By Sylow’s Theorem there exists M p ∈ Syl p (M) such that F(M) ≤ M p and there exists G p ∈ Syl p (G) such that M p ≤ G p .Thus,F(M) ≤ G p .IfC G (F(M)) negationslash≤ M then M<〈C G (F(M)),M〉≤ 50 G. Hence, by the maximality of M we get G = 〈C G (F(M)),M〉.Butthen F(M)triangleleftequal〈C G (F(M)),M〉 = G,acontradictionsinceGissimple. Thus,C G (F(M)) ≤ M andsoC G (F(M)) = C M (F(M)). Now,Z(G p ) ≤ C G (F(M)) = C M (F(M)) ≤ F(M) by Theorem 3.9 since M is solvable. Hence, Z(G p ) ≤ M and Z(G p )isa p-central subgroup of G. Suppose H ≤ M such that H is a q-central subgroup of G. Then there exists G q ∈ Syl q (G) such that H ≤ Z(G q ). Then G = G p G q , Z(G p )triangleleftequalG p , HtriangleleftequalG q ,and〈Z(G p ) H 〉≤〈F(M) H 〉≤F(M) since F(M)triangleleftequalM and F(M)isap-group. Hence 〈Z(G p ) H 〉 is a p-group. But then by Theorem 4.12 we get G is not simple, a contradiction. 4. A p-central subgroup of G cannot normalize a q-subgroup of G. Suppose H is a p-central subgroup of G and Q ≤ G is a q-group such that H ≤ N G (Q). By Sylow’s Theorem, there exists G q ∈ Syl q (G) such that Q ≤ G q . Since N G (Q) |P| = |M 1 ∩M 2 | p . Hence, by the maximality of |M 1 ∩ M 2 | p we get R = M 1 . Also, similarly R = M 2 . Thus, M 1 = R = M 2 , a contradiction since M 1 and M 2 are distinct. Therefore, |M 1 ∩M 2 | p = 1 and similarly |H 1 ∩H 2 | q =1forallH 1 ,H 2 ∈ C q . Suppose p a >q b . Let M 1 ,M 2 ∈ C p be distinct and P 1 ∈ Syl p (M 1 )andP 2 ∈ Syl p (M 2 ). Then P 1 ∩P 2 ≤ M 1 ∩M 2 is a p-group and |M 1 ∩M 2 | p = 1. Hence |P 1 ∩P 2 | =1.Butthenweget p a q b = |G| ≥|P 1 P 2 | = |P 1 ||P 2 | |P 1 ∩P 2 | = p a p a 1 = p 2a >p a q b a contradiction. Similarly, we get a contradiction if q b >p a . Therefore, G is solvable. 54 References [1] Bender, Helmut: A Group Theoretic Proof of Burnside’s p a q b Theorem. Math. Z. 126, (1972), 327 - 338. [2] Burnside, William: On Groups of Order p a q b . Proc. London Math Soc. (1904), 2, 388 - 391. [3] Goldschmidt, David: A Group Theoretic Proof of the p a q b Theorem for Odd Primes. Math. Z. 113, (1970), 373 - 375. 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