MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY Tod Administration Building Tuesday, November 27, 2007 Pursuant to call of the president and notice duly given, a regular meeting (the two hundred seventy-third) of the Board of Trustees of Youngstown State University convened at 11:30 a.m., on Tuesday, November 27, 2007, in the Board Room in Tod Hall. All eleven trustees were present at the meeting, to-wit: Mr. John L. Pogue, chairperson of the board, who pre sided, Mr. Donald Cagigas, Dr. H. S. Wang, Mr. Larry D. DeJane, Ms. Millicent S. Counts, Mr. Scott R. Schulick, Dr. Dianne Bi tonte Miladore, Dr. Sudershan K. Garg, Mr. Harry Meshel, Ms. Erianne R. Raib and Mr. Stephen W. T. Foley. Also present were: Dr. David C. Sweet, President; Dr. Thomas Maraffa, Special Assistant to the President; Ms. Holly A. Jacobs, University General Counsel and Franklin S. Ben nett, Jr., Secretary to the Board of Trustees. The chairperson called the meeting to order. ITEM I - PROOF OF NOTICE OF MEETING. Evidence was available to establish that pursuant to Article II, Section 2, of the board's Bylaws; written notice of the president's call for today's special meeting was timely provided to each of the trustees, the student trustees, and to the president. ITEM II - DISPOSITION OF MINUTES FOR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 28, 2007. The chairperson stated that disposition of the minutes of the board's regular meeting held September 28, 2007 (#272) would be deferred to a future meeting of the board of trustees. ITEM III -REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD. 1 1. Trusteeship Committee YR 2008-14 The chairperson recognized Mr. Cagigas who re ported that the Trusteeship Committee recently met and nominated Dr. Dianne Bitonte Miladore for election as the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees representative to the Board of Trustees of the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medi cine Board of Trustees. The chairperson asked for any addi tional nominations. There were no additional nominations. Thereafter, the trustees voted without dissent to elect Dr. Di anne Bitonte Miladore as the YSU board's representative to the NEOUCOM board of trustees, effective immediately. The chairper son thanked Dr. Wang for his past service as the YSU board rep resentative on the NEOUCOM board. ITEM IV - COMMUNICATIONS AND MEMORIALS The board considered no communications or memori also ITEM V - UNFINISHED BUSINESS The board considered no unfinished business. ITEM VI - NEW BUSINESS The board considered no new business. ITEM VII - TIME AND PLACE OF UPCOMING REGULAR MEETINGS Upon motion duly made and seconded, which re ceived the affirmative vote of all trustees present, the trus tees resolved to set the following dates and times for the next regular meetings of the board to be held in the Board Room in Tod Hall: 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 12, 2007 3:00 p.m., Friday, March 14, 2008 3:00 p.m., Friday, June 20, 2008 3:00 p.m., Friday, September 19, 2008 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 17, 2008 2 ITEM VIII - ADJOURNMENT Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was duly adj ourned by unanimous vote of the trustees at 11: 35 a.m. ATTEST: rustees 3