-.-.-._.~.~._.~.-._.-..~..-,. . ~ ----_.----.-..-.. --1:1\\ A II BULLETI 01" the MalL1o~.IUlJll1§ County • Medi aety "'l'erl'ilp, iI I.illlt~ ,(.!.oer refledioll Illay "ven inclj~ale that iI dollar of sa~ing;< ~an create IlIon' ,>mploynwnl than iI dollar of con-Diller SIH'lllling." LE\n.s W. 1l0lCI \S in 7'11<: 1 At/UI/lic MOIlt1dy for September, lY:3~. January, 1936 Volume 6 ·unlber 1 1 THE MAHO)JING COm'JTY MEDICAL SOCIETY THE FORNIAL SEASON DISCLOSES A LOT OF NEW CHANGES GREETINGS ay the ew ear Bring You Nlueh I I Happiness and Prosperity II II We predict that- I If you started the New Year with a bottle of Heber ding's milk that you didn't have a headache. That if you drink Heberding's milk each day you will do better work and more of it with less exertion. That if you recommend Heberding's milk you will be known among your patients as an exceptionally intelli gent doctor. WATCH OUR FEBRUARY AD If you can answer correctly the 10 questions which we ask in next month's issue, you will be entitled to 1 quart of Heberding's milk each day for a month. INDIAr CREEK FARM Phone 2-2344 I FJorenct: L. Heherdini,! _JI " For instance, the derby is no longer correct with a tuxedo-it's the Opera or Blue or Black Hamburg -·shirts have two studs-Bosoms are shorter and narrower-Vests are cut with Vee opening and have no backs-A red flower is worn in the lapel Blue ties and blue studs are worn-There's just a lot of new things like this you can find here. The Scott Co. 32 W,.orth Phelps Street Dog On HAV'E YOU TRIED THE NEW RENNER PREMIUM ALE It tastes like champagne, looks like champagne and GOOD SERVICE acts like champagne. C. L. THOMPSON ASK FOR A BOTTLE TONIGHT 2151 MARKET STREET AT YOUR CLUB Phone a-2626 PATRONIZE OCR ADVERTISERS AND MENTION THE BCLLETIN GREETINGS Nlay the New Year Bring You Nluch IIappiness and Prosperity We predict that- If you started the New Year with a bottle of Heber ding's milk that you didn't have a headache. That if you drink Heberding's milk each day you will do better work and more of it with less exertion. That if you recommend Heberding's milk you will be known among your patients as an exceptionally intelli gent doctor. WATCH OUR FEBRUARY AD If you can answer correctly the 10 questions which we ask in next month's issue, you will be entitled to 1 quart of Heberding's milk each day for a month. INDIAN CREEK FARNI Phone 2-2344 l'IOTenc.t: L. Heberding- THE MAHONING COU:--JTY MEDICAL SOCIETY THE FORlVIAL SEASON DISCLOSES ]\ LOT OF NEW CHANGES- For instance, the derby is no longer correct with a tuxedo---it's the Opera or Blue or Black Hamburg -shirts have two studs-Bosoms are shorter and narrower-Vests are cut with Vee opening and have no backs-A red flower is worn in the lapel Blue ties and blue studs are worn-There's just a lot of new things like this you can find here. The Scott Co. 32 w...orth Phelps Street II Dog On HAVE YOU TRIED THE NEW I' RENjNER . II PREMIUM ALE I[ I It tastes like champagne, looks like champagne and GOOD SERVICE acts like champagne III C. L. THOMPSON 'I ASK FOR A BOTTLE TONIGHT 2151 MARKET STREET AT YOUR CLUB Phone 3-262(; PATRONIZE OCR ADVERTISERS AND MENTION THE HCLLETIN 1 2 BULLI':Tf:-': DOCTOR!!! FOR QUICK RESULTS PRESCRIBE SYRUP CHERRY AND GUAIACOL COMPOUND Each Fluid Ounce Represents: Potassium Guaiacol Sulfonate. . . . . . . . . . . 8 grs. Ammonium Chloride. . .. ....•.......... 8 grs. Morphine Sulphate ....• 1/4 gr. Chloroform 4 Min. Tartar Emetic . . . . . .. . .. I - I 2 gr Syrup Pinol Compound q.S. Syrup Pinol Compound is a specially prepared White Pine Compound (Mentholated and heavily Glycerinated) Expectorant to Mucous Coughs. Sedative in Pulmonic Affections. Dosage: One or to teaspoonfuls as required. On ~ At All Drug Stores Manufacturing Pharmacists Medical and Surgical Supplies LYONS PHYSICIAN SlTPPLY CO. I[ 26 Fifth Avenue Phone 40131 Youngstown, Ohio J,=,====-,-".,.,,;=~-----==,,--====,~=c-=~~~=====~~~===,~~ new product---- COD LIVER OIL with WHEAT GERM OIL ./.Jederle Lederle's Cod Liver Oil with Wheat Germ Oil represents a vital improve ment over any other Cod Liver Oil Concentrate on the market, Wheat Germ Oil is the richest natural SOurce of Vitamin E and, combined with Cod Liver Oil, stabilizes and preserves the Vitamin A content' Each tiny, gleaming, ruby capsule is equivalent in Vitamin A content to not .Iess than four teaspoonfuls of Cod Liver Oil; in Vitamin D content to not less than three teaspoonfuls! It comes in packages of 25 and 50--3 minim capsules. In ,liquid form also, in a 5 cc. vial with dropper' WHITE'S DRUG STORES Dependable Prescription Druggists (New Store-259 W, FEDERAL STREET-Opp. Warner Theatre) l'ATRO~IZE OL'R ADVERTISERS AND MENTION THE RL'LLETIN • , A Poor Scholar • • • because of a Poor Breakfast M ANY a child is scolded for dullness when he should be treated for undernourish ment. In hundreds of homes a "continental breakfast" of a roB and coffee is the rule. If, day Hfter day, a ehild breaks the night's fast of twelve hours on this scant fare, small wonder tlmt he is listless, nervous, or stupid at school. Pablum offers a happy solution to the problem of the school-child's breakfast. :NIotlters who learn about Pablum from their physicians are deligltted to serve it for it needs no cooking and can be prepared in a minute at the table-more quickly than man~' less nOlll'ishing foods. Pablum not only ends the bane of long cooking of cereals but in addition furnishes a variety of minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, and copper) and vitamins (.\, 13, G, and E) 1Iot found so abundantly in any other cereal. A.13LFM is rich in calcium and iron, cItildren receiving supplements of Pab Pminerals likely to be deficient in the lum showed e-reater wcight-gain, greater school-child's diet ~'et needed in more mcrease in hemoglobin, and higher than average amounts during childhooll. serum-caiciull1 values than a control Pablum is (j times richer than fluid milk group fed farina. Reprint sent on re in calcium and contains 10 times more que!'t of physicians. :NIead Johnson & iron than does spinach. It also furnishes Company, Evansville, Indiana, U.S.A. gcnerous amounts of vitamins D and G, PahlulIl (Mead's Cereal thoroughly cooked) is essential for normal llppetite. L'nlike a palatable cereal enrich«l with vitamin- and mineral-colltaining foods, consisting of wheat other cereals, Pablum is base-forming, meal, oatmeal, cornmeal, wheat embrvo. alfalfa important because the ~rowing child leaf, heef hone, brewers' veast. iron' ;alt. amI needs to store alkali. The nutritional sodium chloride. . value of Pablum is attested in studies by Crimm et a.l who found that tuberculous "TOM1'vfY, Ihal's Ihe Ihird lime Ihis week )'011 ha·vcn'l learned your lesson. \Vh" clon't you IiS!"'n 10 me when I lell yOll how 10 work Ihe problems?" Pteascendosu profcssfonatcard when requcstinoz !!iamples of Ml.:ad ]ohnsQn produds tocooper.lte In t)l'c"entlnz their reachrnlZ' unauthorU:cd OCrsOllS 2 BULLETIi'i DOCTORIII FOR QUICK RESULTS PRESCRIBE SYRUP CHERRY AND GUAIACOL COMPOUND Each Fluid Ounce Represents: Potassium Guaiacol Sulfonate. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 grs. Ammonium Chloride. ................. .. 8 grs. Morphine Sulphate . . . . . .. 1/ 4 gr. Chloroform 4 Min. Tartar Emetic . 1-12 gr. Syrup Pinol Compound q.s. Syrup Pinol Compound is a specially prepared White Pine Compound (Mentholated and heavily Glycerinated) Expectorant to Mucous Coughs. Sedative in Pulmonic Affections. Dosage: One or to teaspoonfuls as required. On:& At All Drug Stores Manufacturing Pharmacists Medical and Surgical Supplies LYONS PHYSICIAN SlTPPLY CO. 26 Fifth Avenue Phone 40131 Youngstown. Ohio new product---- COD LIVER OIL with WHEAT GERM OIL ,LJ,ederle Lederle's Cod liver Oil with Wheat Germ Oil represents a vital improve ment over any other Cod Liver Oil Concentrate on the market. Wheat Germ Oil is the richest natural source of Vitamin E and, combined with Cod Liver Oil, stabilizes and preserves the Vitamin A content' Each tiny, gleaming, ruby capsule is equivalent in Vitamin A content to not less than four teaspoonfuls of Cod liver Oil; in Vitamin D content to not less than three teaspoonfuls! It comes in packages of 25 and 50-3 minim capsules. In liquid form also, in a 5 cc. vial with dropper! WHITE'S DRUG STORES Dependable Prescription Druggists (New Store-259 W. FEDERAL STREET-Opp. Warner Theatre) A Poor Scholar • • • because of a Poor Breakfast M ANY a child is scolJed for dullness wlten he shoulJ be treated for undernourish ment. In hundreds of homes a "continental breakfast" of a. roB and coffee is the rule. If, da.y after day, a child breaks the night's fast of twelve hours on this seant fare, small wonder that he is listless, nervous, or stupid at school. Pablum offers a happy solution to the problem of the school-child's breakfast. :Mothers who learn ahout Pablum from their physicians are delighted to serve it for it needs no cooking and can be prepared in a minute at the table-1110re quickly than Illany less nourishing foods. Pahlulll not only ends the bane of long cooking of cereals but in addition furnishes a variety of minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, and copper) and vitamins (.l, n, G, and E) not founel so abundantly in any other ccrcal. P AllLU~I is rich in ca.\ciul11 and iron, children receiving supplements of Pab minerals likely to be deficient in iile lum showed !!reater weight-gain, greatcr school-child's diet ~'et needed in more II1creRse jll hemoglohin, and higher than average amounts during childhoou. serum-caiciulll valucs than a control Pablum is 6 times richer than fluid milk group fed farina. Repriut scnt on re in calcium and contains 10 times more quest of physicians. .Mead .Johnson & iron than cloes spinach. It also furnishes Company, Evansville, Indiana, L.S..L generous amounts of vita.mins Band G, Pallium (Mead's Cereal thoroughly cooked) i, essential for normal appetite. Lniike a palatable cereal enriched with \'itamin-and mineral-cuTltaining fuods, cOI1!'\isting of wheat other cerea.\s, Pablum is base-forming, meal. oatmeal. cornmeal, wheat embrw,. alblfa important because the ~rowing child leaf. beef bone, hrewers' yeast, iron' salt, and needs to store alkali. The nutritional sodium chloride. value of Pablum is attested in studies hy Crimm et al who found that tuberculous HTOM~1Y, that's the third time this week )'OU haven't learned your lesson. \Vh), don't )'0" listen to me when I tell you how to work the prohlems?" PATRONIZE OUR ADVEHTlSERS AND MENTION THE BULLETIN Pl.ease:enc1ose profe.'istonatcard when reQuesdn~samplesof Mead Johnson !?roductsto cooperate In preventini their rcach1D2' unauthorl%ed,persou! THE lVIAHONING COU~TY MEDICAL SOCIETY 5 4 BULLETIN r SURGICAL APPLIANCES Prescription for A Winter Evening Home, A Log Fire, A Good Book! Yours the home ... and you furnish the log fire ... but we've got some excellent ideas about the book to read. DISCOVERY, by Admiral EUROPA, best seller by Richard E. Byrd ... $3.75 Robert Briffault ... $2.75 MAN THE UNKNOWN, GARDEN MURDER CASE, by Alex Carrel ....$3.50 by S. S. Van Dine .... $2 THE TWENTIES, Vol. VI of 'Our Times,' by M. Sullivan, $3.75 BOOK DEPARTMENT STREET FLOOR McKELVEY'S I THE BEST I The keeper of the California Wines house where your cars is kept, wishes you a Olive Oils HAPPY and PROSPEROUS Fancy Imported Groceries NEW YEAR WHOLESALE & RETAIL PAUL DeMARINIS, Inc. 319 West Federal St. CENTRAL SQUARE GARAGE Youngstown, Ohio Wick Ave. & Commerce St. Phone 7-6156 PATIWNIZE OUR ADVERTISERS AND MENTION THE BULLETIN J • SCIENTIFICALLY APPLIED Backed by a Quarter of a Century of Fitting Experience PRIVATE FITTING ROOMS GRADUATE LADY AND MEN FITTERS Send your Patient to us for TRUSSES, ELASTIC HOSIERY, ABDOMINAL, SACRO-ILiAC. PTOSIS OR KIDNEY BELTS AND ARCH SUPPORTS ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRACES OF ALL KINDS LYONS PHYSICIAN SUPPLY CO. Your Surgical and Medical Supply House 26 FHth Avenue Phone 4-0131 YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO II L ll~-,===:====~~~~~~-=====~o===--j- PROFESSIONAL :NIEN PREFER -Miraclean PLUS REPROCESSING The Satisfactory Cleaning Method i I Thornton's have a laundry service to suit every particular need. PHONE 4-0155 234 BELMONT AVE. PATRONIZE OCR ADVERTISERS AND MENTION THE BCLLETI.:-.I • • • • • • • 4 BULLETIN Yours we've Prescription for A Winter E'Vening _. Home, A Log Fire, A Good Book! the home ... and you furnish the log fire got some excellent ideas about the book to . but read. DISCOVERY, by Admiral Richard E. Byrd ... $3.75 MAN THE UNKNOWN, by Alex Carrel .... $3.50 EUROPA, best seller by Robert Briffault ... $2.75 GARDEN MURDER CASE. by S. S. Van Dine .... $2 THE TWENTIES. Vol. VI of 'Our Times,' by M. Sullivan, $3.75 BOOK DEPARTMENT STREET FLOOR McKELVEY'S IL THE BEST The keeper of the California Wines house where your cars is kept, wishes you a Olive Oils HAPPY and PROSPEROUS Fancy Imported Groceries NEW YEAR WHOLESALE 6' RETAIL PAUL DeMARINIS, Inc. 319 West Federal St. CENTRAL SQUARE GARAGE Youngstown. Ohio Wick Ave. & Commerce St. Phone 7-6156 THE MAHOKING COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY " SURGICAL }\PPLIANCES SCIENTIFICALLY APPLIED Backed by a Quarter of a Century of Fitting Experience PRIVATE FITTING ROOMS GRADUATE LADY AND MEN FITTERS Send your Patient to us for TRUSSES, ELASTIC HOSI ERY, ABDOMI NAL, SACRO-I L1AC, PTOSIS OR KI DNEY BELTS AND ARCH SUPPORTS ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRACES OF ALL KINDS LYONS PI-IYSICIAN SUPPLY CO. Your Surgical and Medical Supply House 26 Fifth Avenue Phone 4-0131 YOUNGSTOWN. OHIO PROFESSIO. MEN PREFER ...Miraclean PLUS REPROCESSING The Satisfactory Cleaning Method Thornton's have a laundry service to suit every particular need. 1118,lllifIM! PHONE 4-0155 234 BELMONT AVE. PATRONIZE OL"R ADVERTISERS AND MENTION THE BL"LLETIN PATRONIZE OL"R ADVERTISERS AND MENTION THE RL"LLETIN Smaco Carotene (Pro-Vitamin A) is offered in drop and capsule form, plain and combined with the Vitamin 0 concentrate developed in the laboratories of and controlled by Columbia University. ., ~e("l'eta 1"\ C. K. :'(ORRIS, \.\. Il.. Vic~ Pre,idenl L. ~. IlEtTell.' \:-', I. 1> .. '["rea'lIrer P. J. fL1:Y, \\. Il., President-Elect B LLETJ. COMMITTEE II. L. P\nll"K, :VI. Il.. Editor .u ci Ie Editors .I. L. FtSllf:R, :'\1. 11. \\'. 1>. COY. :'\\. 1> . !\. .I. BR\:-'DT.. '1. II, S \l.1. I' \~'I \ltKI:" \1. 1>. Husiness M311Jgement j. S, Sl"\R,(El"LIII\. \-'1. D .. :'\'Iallager I. C. S~ltTlI, M. 1> .. :"socialt' 'Vlallager Illq'Jirit"s ;llHl remitt:lOre for atl\'crtlsJn.g or :;uh,criphulls houid be adur('s!;('d to Dr. ,. S. Sen rlJen:hia, 338 LiIlCIl!1I _:\\~tlille, Y()lIl1.~:-;t()WII, Ohio, I-I 13 )() A~'-:L:\1. B/\'-:(ll' lOT CO,\ll:-"C E\'I':'-:TS 17 AIR CO;\:DITIO'-: I'-:C J~ JC) COl:KClI., OI'I'IC J'RS .'\ '-: D CO.\l.\IITT EE GREETI:\(;S FRO:'» ST,\TE PRI:SI1lE~T 20 \VHO Is TillS Ih. .fOil" L. DA\'IS? 21 A~ " C1\I. wI E1,'1'I" C n SPEAKERS' HCR":\C 22 FRO\! OCR ST:\TE SECREL\RY n HOSPITAL ACTJVITIES r (~I.EA" I,,<;S 2..J. Sp ECIA 1. \/1 EETI ,,\; 26 SECRET,\RY's REPORT 27 \'1 EDICA I. F,\CTS .28 2<) 01'1 ~ 10:\ 5 OF OTt'1 ERS \/IISCEI.I.J\~EOCS 1'1'''\15 s. M. A. CORPORATION • CLEVELAND, OHIO I BULLETIN _-'I .JIB lLJ JL] ]IE ][ JI[ N ofthe lP]Q I t is with [(:,nell"('o hope and vigor that we face the nell' year: A year Il'hich we sincerely hope will bring to you all a vny markeo increase in both happiness ano prosperity. Our recent years of oepression have so affected all of us, have given rise to such changes and alterations in our economic, social, and political, viell' points and philosophies, that the expressed wish for a Happy ); ell' Year carries with it. consciously or subconscious]y, a more poignant meaning than heretofore. 'Vhile there arc Illany unsettleo problems confronting the medical profession, and while some admit grave doubts as to the future course of organized medicine, we do not "vicw with alarm." Let us rather make sure, each of us, of our individual participation in organizeo medicinc, thereby helping shape its course. Let us individually. and as a group, vit'\\' with caution the many suggested radical changes in pwceou re advocated for us. Changes and alterations in the methods for the care of the sick had best be carefully thought out and aJvocated by us; not for us. This end can be attained by a l'llutinuation of the active, impartial and unselfish coiiperation, so wholesomely eVI dent in the past, in the :Vlahoning County Medical Society. I thank you one and all for the evidence of confidence and the honor you have bestowed npon me, and I seek your support, your advice. and your coijperation, in order that \I'e may continue to function as a group as efficiently as \\'e hal"(' In the past. \Vith best wishes for a very Happv Sell' Year productive of much of Life's most lasting and worth while rewards for each of you. L. GEOR(;E COE. 1 ] a11//(/1'\' j MAHONING COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY y A N U A R 9 3 6 J ACUTE MESENTERIC ADENITIS IN CHILDREN By DR. E, R. THOMAS It Il'as with SOIlle hesitation that [ out doubt, the condition lllUSt be very consented to discuss this subject, but common. being encouraged to do so by the man Strangely the literature is quite responsible for your program and who limited on this subject, I"hich should was much better informeo than my not be confused with the mesenteric self, I felt that you would at least adenitis of long stallding described by gain some valuablle information from various authors, many of which were his discussion. tuberculous in origin. Speese, in 1929, There are vel'\' fell' disturbances reviewed the literature and reported a existing in infant; and children which series of cases in \I' h ich he believed cause more concern and anxiety among tuberculous infections were verv in physicians than the acute abdomen. frequent. He stated that chroni~' ap I am sure yOll have all been greatly pendicitis is frequently associated with impressed and confused by the wide enlargement of the mesenteric glands variances of symptoms and clinical and concludes that the srndrome of findings in acute appendicitis, which mesenteric lymphadenitis-should be so frequently arc out of all proportion suspected and diagnosed. to the underlying: pathology. In the TIll' dillical picture is quite I'aria winter and spring months of the past b]e. Son1t~ patients give a history of fell' ycars, especially during epidemics pn>l"ious abdOlnillal symptoms occur of upper respiratory infections, we ring: as isolated attack, lasting onl~ have heen troubled 01' a SI'ndrome a fell' days. Other Glses are Illore closely resembling the ~linicai picture ch ronic in na tu re Il'i th in termittent of acute appendiciti~, but II'hich upon or constant abdominal distress. Very laparotomy, has discloseo enlarged, freljuenth- the nnset is quite slldden acutely inHamed mesenteric glands with sn'ere, cramping abdominal pain with an appendix apparentl" nornnl referable to the right lower quandrant on gross examination. In' the last and nausea with vomiting cOlllm()JI1y year, there hal'e been ten such cases a complaint. Fen'!' Illar or mal' 11llt operated in Youngstown Hospital be present. Occasional1;', the as~ocia­ with the above findings and so, Ilith- tion of abdominal pain Il'ith an acute N36 8 BULLETIN II I~ I i IOJ2JESI1J ,~9S JPA\ L It i, with renewed hope and vigor that we face the new year: A year which we sincerely hope will bring to you all a very marked increa,e in both happine" and prosperity. Our recent year, of depres,ion have "j affected all of us, have given rise to such changes and alterations in our economic, social, and political, vie\\' points and philosophies, that the expressed wish for a Happy :\ew Year carries with it. consciously or suhcon,ciously, a more poignant meaning than heretofore. 'Vhilc there arc many unsettled problems confronting the medical profession, and \\'hile ,ome admit grave douhts as to the future cour,e of tlI"ganizecl medicine. \\'e do not "view with alarm." Let us rather make sure. each of us, of our individual participation in organized medicine, thereby helping shape its course. Let us individually. and as a group, vie\\' with caution the many suggested radical changes in procedure advocated for liS. Changes and alterations in the methods for the care of the sick had he,t he carefully thought out and advocated hy us; not for u,. This end can he attained by a continuation of the active, impartial and unselfish cobpcration, so wholesomely evi dent in the past, in the .Hahoning County iVledical Society. I thank )'ou 'one and all for the evidence of confIdence and the honor you have he,towed upon me. and [ sl'ek your ,upport, your advice. and your coeiperation, in order tbat \\'e may continue to function as a group as l'fficiently as Wl' have in the past. \Vith hest wishes for a vcry Happy :'\ew Year productiH~ of much of Life's most lasting and worth while re\\'ards for each of you. L, CEOHC;E COE, ~II ~ ]6lJ lLlL liElr1N ofthe MAHONING COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY AN UARY 1936 J T ACUTE MESENTERIC ADENITIS IN CHILDREN By DR. E, R, THOMAS It \\'as \\'ith ,oml' he,itation that [ out doubt, the condition mu,t he \'er) con,ented to discu,s thi, subject, hut common. heing l'ncollraged to do so by the man Strangeh' the litl'ratur<: is quite responsible for your program and who limited on thi, subject, \\'hich shollld was much lwttcr infonrwd than my not be confused with the nw,cntnic self, I felt that yOIl \vollld at least adenitis of long standing described hy gain some valuable information from various authors. many of \\'hich wcre his discussion. tuherculous in origin. Spee,e. in 1029, Then' arc \'ery fn\' di,turbancl's reviewcd the literature and rl'ported a exi,ting in infant, and children which ,erie, of ca,e, in which he helieved cau,e more concnn and anxit'ty among tuherculou, infection, \HrC \'ery in plw,icians than the acute ahdomen. frequent. He ,tated that chronic ap I ;~m ,ure you have all h('en greatly pendicitis is frcqu('ntly a"ociated with impressed and confused h\' the wide enlar,l!ement of tlw me,enteric glands variance, of ,ymptom, a'nd clinical and concludes that the ,yndrome of findings in acute appendiciti" which me,en teric Iymphadeniti, shouId 1)(' so frequently are out of all proportion suspected and dia/!no'ed. to the underlying patholog\'. In the The clinical picture is quite \'aria winter :lnd spring Il10nths of the past hie. SOl1le patients gil'e a history of few \'ears, l'spcciall) durin/! epidemics previous ahdominal S\'mptoms occur of upper re,piraton' infections, we ring as isolated attacks la,ting onll ha\'e heen troubled' hI' a s\Cndromc a fe\\' day,. ()thcr ca,e, are more closely resemhlinl! the ~linil'aj picture chronic in nature with intermittent of acute appendicitis, but which upon or constant abdominal distress, \" en laparoton1\', ha, di,closed enlarged, fr<>quenth the on,et h quite 'l.1(lde~ acutely inflamed mesenteric gland, \\'ith seve're, cramping abdominal pain \\'ith an appendix apparenth' nonn,J! rderahle to the right lower quandrant on gro"s examination. In the !a-;t and nausea with vOl1litinl!: cOlllIl1onh year, then' have heen ten such cases a complaint. Fever l1Ia\" or Illal n\.;t operated in Young,town Hospital he present. ()cca,ionall;, the as~ol'ia­ with the ahove IlndiTl/!s and so, \\'ith-tion of ahdominal pain '\\'ith an acute .Ia/luarv 1930 ... 10 BULLETIK THE MAHOKING COU~TY MEDICAL SOCiETY 11 cold or sorc throat or following soon after an IIpper respiratol"\' infection has subsided. Illal' be obt:lined from the histor~-. The mo,t common :tgc of occurn:nce is in earh childhood. thn'l' to ten I ears. ' Symptoms The anlte s~ mptolll'; a,; prn'iou';}y nll'ntioned an: most common I" gradu al in onset, lI';lIalh· la,ting (ro'm one to tll'O days bcfor~ medical advice is sought. Sometimes there is an intn val of freedolll of symptollls for from one to th n'e da) s between the' onse't :Lnd reoccu rrence, Pain. bring the initial complaint, usually begins an:! relllai ns locI! ized to thr right lowcr lJuadrant. l-!oIITver, in a small per l'e'ntage of the patients. generalized nall1p, havc been present, Thi, i, prohahly Ie,;,; the rule in a group of patients with aCllte supperatin' appen dil'itis. The pain is usually con,tant, but there nlal' be nacerbations or occasional tll'(nges of sticking pain. I n two of our Clse" the pain II'a, paroxl',;mal in nature and somctinll's so I'er~ excruciating that a sh rill n) would be gilTn. or the patient ;1\I'ak l'ned from a sound sleep, \Vhen the intt'rval between panD~) Sill, i,; pro longed. a su,picion of ruptured ap pendix ma) exist, :'\ausea is prl'se'nt in practically all patient~, with vomiting frequcntl~· oc curring at thc height of the nau~ea, One of the most constant manife:; tations is the presence of upper res piratrln' infection. Thi,; mal' he a dischar'ging nose consisting ot puru knt mucus, pa,;,;age of the same dowl1 the posterior pharyngeal wall or an injection of the pharynx, fauces and ,;oft palate with fairly marked edema, ,;uggesti\"C of strq1tocoCCUs in fection. The anterior and posterior cen'ical lymph glands are usually el1largl'd and occa,;iol1ally tender. Goldberg and i\athanson found the same in eleven of sixteen cases operated. Constipation and diarrhoea arc not particularl~' important although the btter mal' de'note more sniou, 111 I'olvcment. viz, peritonitis. The tempe'rature has been e'levated in all GlSes. those II·ith the most sud den onset and with marked throat in\"(llvement being higher. The rangt· ha,; been from 101 to 105 rectallvo Pulse and respiration arc generalb in proportion to temperature, Determination of the number of Ieucocnes has added I'en' little to the diagnc;si,. From 6,000 to 23,000 ha,; been expnienced; again, a, with the fever, dependl'l1t entirel~' upon the sl'\"(>ritl' and acuteness of the infec tion. \Vhe'n complicated by gener,:! peritoneal infection, the higher limit was the' rule, The patient. ll1 our e'xpenencc, ha,; usual II' looked acutelv ill. Flushe'd face, injection of the' conjuctiva, cx prl'ssion of di,comfort and even' evi dence of toxicit~, cxists. . Thl' abdominal picture is as varied as it is interesting, Diste'ntion II·ith co,tal breathing and sorne hinging of the lower half of the abdomen has been seen. Rigidity is pn'sent in vary ing degrees but mo,t COnlllllll1ly over :VlcHurnel's or medial, immediateh above thl:, umbilicus. In one casl~, general and marked rigidity as prn nounced as would be (:'xpeeted in gen ('fa! peritonitis was seen. Tenderness was almost always present, frequently complairll'd of over the' whole abdD mcn but usually elicited more severe ll' over the lower right quadrant. Rebound sensitivity II'as absent. The pathology of the' appendix \IOas grossly nonnal. The microscopic re port revealed some mild edema with slight round cell infiltration and mild to moderate lymphoid hvperplasia, Ivith the lumen patent. Fluid was present in two cases; in one being small in amount and clear, in the other, milky and abundant. Both were negative tu ,mear and culture for organisms. The peritonea! surfacl's were In jected and reddened to a varying dc- JfllIl/ary grre and occasionalh- dull but (H:'n~r to thl' extent of a de/inite fibrin de posit. Enteriti,' of ,Ollle' degree was invariably present II'hich 11"<1'; surpris ing ina,much a,; diarrhoca Il'as not comlllon h· complaincd uf. The mesenteric l~mph nodes II"t·[(~ roughly frolll one c.m. to four C,l1l. in their largest diametn and II'nc inject ed, engorge'd and appare'ntl~' acuteh,' inHamed. The ileu-cecal re'gion Il'as al\\'a\s illl'o!vcd, more markedh' than the 'rest of the mcst'ntery a(;d the' glands were mlll·h larger. Goldbng and ;\athan,un found that invariably throat cultures in these' case's dt'monstrated stn'ptococcu, he'll1olyticlls and Olll> gland rcmoved for Se'ction and culture revealed the ~anle urganl~n1. The etiology of this condition is still Opl'll to que,tion, Thc seasonal incidence of this infection. so dosely allie'd II·ith the acute upper respira tory epidemics, ce'rtainly ,;peaks for the in\"(Jlvement being of streptococcic origin. One ca,e opnated (Ievcloped pall-carditi, and acute rheumatic ar tlll'iti,; II'hich abo is noteworthy. The ITry mild or no patlwlogical changes in the appendix ,urely exclude this organ as being the source of the adenitis. A",uming the sou rce of the infec tion to be upper respiratory, the pa thogenesi,; again is under much dis cu,;sion. The tll'O mode, of tran:i mis,,,ion II'OltId necessarily be hemato genous or b~' direct extension through the \I'all of the' inte'stine, Some in ve,;tigator, are much in favor of the latter route against which there seem, to oe quite a bit of evidence. :VIost of the cases which have been used [w them in proving this thenr)' have had diarrhoea. making it most likely that all enteritis was the probable' cause of the' lymphatic illl·olvement. In our cases, diarrhoe'a was not pre'se'nt, Also the appendix certainly would exhibit more acute inHammatory change mi croscopically from a continuation of 1936 thi, enteriti~, Thp peritoiwal ,urfacC:"~ Irould be expected to ,how mlHe in voll'eIl1ent II·ith c'dema, dullnc'';'; and some degree of fibrin deposit. Thi, lI'a, not our experience, General I~ m phatic enlargement II'a, quite com nlOnly found in the cervical. axillar~' and inguinal glands, Regardle,;,; of the fre'l!uent failure to denlOn,tratl' llrgani,nb by blood culture in the"l' Cbe,. tht he'matoge'nou, route i, the' most popular theory, As in ,ub-acute e'ndocarditi" 11'e' are all familiar Il'ith the difficulty of isolating ,trpptococci in the' blood ,tream so, with this con dition, it i, probabl~' true that when clinical ,~'mptl)Ilb appear, the' organ i,ms have already bpcn filtered out of the blood ,tream, In two case, reported in which complication, fol lowed operation (ri7,: pan-carditis and rheumatic arthriti,). po,itive blood cultures for hemolytic ,trepto cucci II'ere obtained and the same or ganism isolated from a gland remOI'l'd at the time of operation, As the evi dence dcllnitely prove, that the strep tocon:i i, re,pon,ible for this l'ondi tion. it certainh' must be concpded that bel'ausl' of its mpthod of trans mission, it could be classed with the acute' infectious diseases II'hich also exhibit general glandular enlargement and arc of krwII'n streptococcic origin. Thne is very littk to add in dif ferential diagnosis, Aeute appendiciti~ is the only confusing condition a(\(1 unfortunatcl" so verI' serious that it give'S poor c;pportunity for studying: these cases without surgical intc:rven tion. Generally, the patient appears more acutclv ill. and there is evidence of greater t;Jxicity (Vi7,: Hushed face, dry mouth, anxious expression. dehy dration and sometime, acidosi,;). Te'm perature ha,; been uniformly higher and evidences of upper respiratory in fection plus rather indefinite reaction to abdominal e,'(amination are puints of importancr, A, mentioned pre viouslv. the muscular reaction and respir:ltory movement of the' abdomen 10 BULLETIN cold or ~ore throat or following-soun lattl~r may denote Illore ,;eriou, In after an upper re,piratol"\' infection \'() Ivclllmt, viz, peritoniti,;, ha, ,uhsided, ma,' be oht;,iued from The tempcratu rc ha, been elevated the histor\-, Th~ mo,t common :lge in all ca,;e,;, tho,;e \\'ith the most ,;ud of occurr~nce i, in early childhood, !Jen on,;et and with mark<·d throat th ree to ten yr>a 1'" in\'(J!vement being higher. The rang-e Symptoms ha,; been fWJIJ J 01 to 105 rectalh. Pul,;e and I'l'spiration are generally The acute ,ymptom, a, previou,ly in proportion to temperature. mentioned are llHJ,t comlTHJnl~' ;.:radu aI in !lII,et, U,Uil llv la,ting from Ollt' Determination of the number of to t\\'O day, before medical ,Iedom of ,ymptom, for from beeII experienced; again, as with the one to three da,-s bet\\'een the 'lI1~et fen-r, dependent entirely upon the and reoccurren~,>, Pain, being the ,;everitv and acuteness of the infec initial complaint, u,ually begin, an::l tion, \<\Then complicnted by genere-nails were lacquered, but unfortu;latell' the color was wrong to be in the ult~a-modern style. The next dav I visited the doctor in his office, an'd was given an x-ray treatmcnt, lllany instructions, and a fe\\' mllrl' pres~riptiolb. l fol!o\\'ed his advicl' to the letter and thought the whole matter \l'ould be a closed 12 BULLETIN ma\' be as deceptive a~ that of acute as intestinal Nil. etc. It is hoped we appendicitis, excepting that rebound refrain from becoming too enthusia~­ tendernes~ has not been experienced. tic in our ability to make a Jifferrn From our ohservations and those re tial diagnosis and consequently, per ported in the literature there seem~ chance, overlook \\'ith grief that most to heno ab~olute method of differen common enemy of the child's abdo tiating, pre-opcLnively, between acute men, acute suppurative appendicitis. mc~ellteric adenitis and acutc appen dici tis. GREETINGS The progno~i~ i~ very good, practi To the memhers of the ;Vlahoning calh' all cases making an uneventful Countl' ~/ledical Societl' and to the rccm'cry following operation. One of wide ~ircle of professio'nal acquaint our eases died \\'ith i!;eneral peritonitis ances who recei\'e and read this Bul which was present at the time of Irtin, the incoming Editorial Staff operation, extend~ it,; be~t wishes for a happy, Since the diagno~is cannot be made prosperous and prog-ressi\'e :'\Te\\' Year. with certainty, the treatment nece~­ Happy and prosperous it will he sarily hecomes surgical. The question in proportion to the individual effort has been rai~ed \\'hether or not harm \\'hich each one makes. Pr{)gre~~ion, mal' he done by removing the appen a~ a Societl' of medical mrn, drpend~ dix and con~equently manipulating upon the ~oncerted effort of all our the enlarged gland~ \\'ith a po~~ihility mrmher~. :'\011(' of our estahlishrd of freeing sOllie of the organisms into activities ~h()uld he a jot ahated, the abdominal cavity, So far this has And, to tax our judgment and intl'! not heen the ca~e. ligencr. arc the problems arising out The drop in tel11peratuH' and the of the nell' social order that touch rapid ~ubsidence of all acute s~'mp­ upon and pcrtain to medicinr. Let us tOI11~ followini!; exploration is inter not attf"111pt the ~olution of those e~tini!;. Pnhaps some chang:e in the prohlem~ in the fortllitoll~ manner of atlllo~phere or pressure in the abdo the ":'\ 1.'\\' Dca!." from which the\' men htllo\\'ing laparotomv accounts arise. Rather let there he orderh', for this. Illuch a~ it doe~ i~ the ca~e~ logical ~tud~ hy our Society. to tl;e of tuherculous adeniti~ and peritoniti~. en'd that plan~ of action may he avail There is no plausihle nplanation ahle filr our guidance. known; certainly tht, ITmoval of a In ye;lrs p;ht we have expended normal appendix in it~elf \\'llllld not money on ~xtra-curricuJar COli r~es of account for this, There is on!v onc stlld~', sllch as nt'uro]ogy, he111atologT. criterion, '\Vhen am' douht ~xist~, etc. \Vollldn't it be worth while, operate immediatel~',' since the re thi~ winter, to eng:ag:e a sociologist moval of the appendix in these cases to a~~i~t u~ in oriellting our~elves in has not heen followed by am' com this changing social order? Let liS plications, !,rfJfjf'('SS intelligentl~'. The conc!usion~ drawn from the The editorial committe~ he~peab foreg:oing arc onl~' of intnest in pre the co(iperation of the members of ~f"nting a suhject concerning which the Society, \Ve we!come ~our criti little has appeared in our literature l'lsm. and a condition which apparenth-is H, E, PATRICK, extrenwly common, It explain~ n~am of the al;dol11inal l'omplaint~ COIlJ1110n' h' fOllnd in a:;sociation with or fol ":\inet~' per cent, of the accidents I;l\\'ing acut~ IIpper rrspiratory infec with children result from careless tions \\'hich :lrr frequenth' diagnosed nes~ of grown people." JallIIfliT THE :'I1AH01\'ING COU:'i1TY MF:DICAL SOCIETY 1:3 THE CURE THAT WORKS LIKE A CHARM By REBECCA FORDYCE GAYTON I alway~ knew that. according to A slow smile of realization sprf"ad the La\\' of Averages. one member of over mv count~nance. I had alwal'~ my family would c~Hltract this disea~e had a s'ecret ambition to be a ~kill~d sooner or later. But it came upon me athlete. HO\\'l~ver, my nHlIllent of so in~idiously that it was in full bloom elation \\'as Herting. I rushed to the before 1 recog:niud it. As I ~at wi telephonc and called Ill) doctor. the dock that Augu~t day clad only "\,Vhat is Athlete'~ Foot like?" in a brief hathing: suit, I noticed that g:asped in brief, if not perfect Eng: the toes uf my right foot \\'('re itching. lish, There was a nice cold body of water "\Vel!. it manifests itself in m:U1\ at hand, so r dived into it, and ib icl' ways," he replied in a most enlightrr;' coolness soon still~d the lire of m~' Ing manner. lot",. However, when [ awoke a't "\Vell, I'll tell \'(IU about IllY feet." thre~ 1\. M. the following' morn I said, and proce~ded to givc' him a ing \\'ith an itching of the toes lwyond glowing account of all my itche~ and description, I couldn't ~eek rdief in swelling~. the lake. After tossing ahout until "That," he responded. "is \\'hat da\\'n, 1 arose and prep~red to drive should call an exc~llent description the mere three hund red and t\\'enty of Ath lete'~ Foot. Onh that iSll't five miles to ml' home. The vibra really the namc of it." ' tions of the acceierator Oil the hottom And then he advised mc to get of my foot, coupled \\' ith the dra\\'ing some sort of alliterative potassium action of m\' ruhber-soled shoes did tablets, dissol IT them in \\'atn ,Ind not scrl'C as ~ ~('dative for itching toes, soak m) feet for hal f an hour, and and \\'hen \\'C finall~' stopprd for keep off of them. I thought. the ~oak­ lunch, 1 di~co\'CreJ that m\' right shoe ing \\'()uld he simple. hut keepini! off \\'a~ extremel~' full of f;wt. l was 1'0111' feet \\'hell YOU haH' just arril'rd conscious of an uprising of Hesh ~iIlli­ home from a Sln;1l1Wr \'ac;;tion at din lar to the rising of IITIl-IeaI'Clled ner time is npectini!; a little too mlll,h. dough. And then a horrible thought It \\'as, )](I\\TVer, ten o'clock hefore l came over Illt'. Infection! And five could lind one idle Illinute. in whidl more hou r~ of agony before I would to lower my burning fcet into tht' reach nw family doctor. I couldn't royal purple fluid resulting: from the decidr \~'hether' I should call in a dissolution of the prescrihed tahlet, surgeon at once and suhmit to an I wondered idly if m\ £t'et \\'ould amputation of m\' foot. or \\,)]('ther I cOl11e out dyed a' nice E:lster egg pur ,]lOU Id run the risk of saving: the foot ple, or whether the color would roll at thtlo pos~ible expense of the loss of off, hut I really didn't care. J \\'as my wholc leg. \\'holly unprepared for the dark hrown :VIy first action upon Ill~' arri\'al at Ethiopian hue which met my l',1 es when home was, of course. the ITnlO\'al of I rai~cd ml' feet from the purple hath, m\' shoe, 'I'he roomine~s of m\' ha~ti­ EWII 1111 t;)c-nails \\'(~re lacquered, hut Iy'donned bedroom ~Iipper ea'~cd the un fortu;latel~' the color \\'a~ \\Tong to feeling of s\\'clling, lHlt no one krlO\\'s h~ in the ultra-Illodern ,t~ Ie. the agony of that continuous itching. The next da~' l \'isited tlH' r1o;:tor \Vhat to do next? And then 111\' in his office, and was given an '\-ra\ fOllrteen-~'ear-old daughter diag-no~ed treatment, mall\' instructions, and a the ~it1la tion th usly : few l110re pITs~ription~, I follO\\'Pd "\Vh~', \'Iom, ~ou\'e g:ot Athlete':; his ;llil icc to the letter ;lIld thought Foot." thc \\'hole matter would be a c!osl'll 1936 - 15 BULLETI!" THE MAHO;.,Tn.:C COUNTY :\[[WICAL SOCIETY incidl'nt in a fl'lI" dal'~, One of 1111 f ric nd~ calIed and a~ked me to play :Loli. but I dl'dined aiter ~ome delih ~-ration as ~o lI"hether pIal ing golf 1l'''uld he cOIhidernl bl'ing on Illy" feet. "( )h," ~he ~aid Idlen I o;plained 1111 dilcmma, "Ilan' IOU tried u,ing i()~linl'? That Il'ill clt:ar it up in no tiltH'." 1 explained that I II"a~ doctoring II ith all .\1. I),. alld ~he a~~ured me that that II'a~ 1I"llOlI! III1IWCe"ary, as tl\(· iodilH' 1I'(luld do till' lI"ork in uo till1(·. and co~t l'lllbiderabh "'~~, 'hy , I can't imagine hO\I" yOU t'l r happenn{ to go to a doctor for ,\ th It-tl''' Foot," ,he added. I began to II"onder m.'"~I'If-if it 1I:l~ all ,0 ,ilnple a~ thi~. I II'l~llt right intll the lI1edicinl' cabinI·t to get the illdilH', [f I had ju-t talked to Dot in tlte fir~t place. ju~t think of all the timc ,md trouhle I could halT ~avl'd rnl"'elf! Unfortunateh-, I couldn't ~(';'III to find any of the 'preciolls drug, ,0 I ~tart('d to walk to till' corner d rug-stoJ'(·. ;\~ I pa''''d tlte hllu,e nl'"'\t dllor, the chauffeur 1I"11tl wa, cllning the !all"n, inquired in a friend II fa,;hion, "A rc the corn,; bothering you to dal, or hal"c yOU got Athlete'~ Foot?" I alwal"~ did think he I\"a~ a little fre~h. hut toda"1 I ~kipped it. "\VllI. )"e<' I admitted. "I have A.thlett''..; Foot. I'm .iu~t going over to get ~ome iodim' to lbe OIl it"" "Say," he ~aid, leaning confiden tially over the handle of thc lawn mOIl'er, "11"hon'er told \'(111 to u~c iodine? Don't you l.'ve'r read the tllagazine:-; ?!l And then I ~uddl.'nly kncll' II"hat he Il'as ;!;oing: to sa!', and II"ondered why I hadn't rememhered the picture of the dreaded Gila '.\Ilon"er wuner. "Get vour,;elf a little bottle of Ab~orbine J r" and you won't knol\" I'ou\'e got Athlete'..; Foot," he ao ~'i~l.'d. o;\\1h.\', the ad~ ~ay it kill, the germ~ in thirtl" ~eeond~. And it doe~. I tried it and I knol\"." HI" the time I arriv('d at the drug ,ton' I had fo~.!otten all ahout thl' iodinc. I ran homc limpet"I-lilllp, bared 111\" tender feet ;llld appl ied the Illagic Huio known a~ Ah~orhinc Jr. The chauffeur lI"a~ right. In thirtl" ~econd~ I didn't knOll" I had Athlete's Foot. In fact I reall!' didn't knoll' IdH,thcr I had .lIly feet. I ~ccll1l'd to han' a coupk of funt-ral pyre~ hitdwd to both of mr leg~. It 11";hn't onll' thc genm that lI'ne being kilkd, it wa, all of my toc~. "Heroic hut e/fectin' trcatl111'nt," I thought as I ~at and gazcd at the picture of the horribk (;ila :'VJon~~er, and read the rl'a"urin;! II'Ort{~ of till' aCl'ompanl"inc: ;101 l'1'tiSt'll1ent. "At the \"('ry {ir~t ~Yll1ptOI11 oouSt' on Ab~orhine fr. LahoratlHI" te~b ~how that it kiil~ 'tinea triclwplll"ton' in thi rt.1" ~econd~ after it ha~ jlene trated to the IW~t." But after thirty" ll1inutc~ of ex cruciating agony the pe~t ~eemcd to Ill' Il'ith me more than I'I n, ,0 I de cided to ~tick to 1111" doctor and aban don the adl"il'e IIf 'the chauffeur, and the manufactuJ'(.'''~ of }\b~orhine Jr. "\Vllat fool, 11"1' mortab are," I thought. Yc~, IdJat foob II'C are. After ~oothing ml' feet lI"ith medicalh ad I"i,;ed haths' for a fel\" dal's, I 'made the fatal mi~takc of co~fe~~ing to another of ml' Yen' best friend~ tha~ I II"a, a victilll (')f Athlete'; [in~ ,econe!, I didn't knOll' I had Athlete', il~;line; That lI'ill dc:ar it up in no Fuot. In fact 1 really didn't kllOll' time." II'hether ! had :Ul) feet. L ,ecllled to I explaioed that I lI'a, dol'torin~ ha\'c a l'Ouple uf funeral prre,; hitched • lI'ith tcr, Athlete', Foot," ,lw added. and read the reassu ring Innd, of t1lC' I hegan to II'C1Ildn ml "'If-if it accompan\'ing adl'nti"enlt'nt. lI'a, all':,o ,imple a" thi". (wC'nt right "At tllC' I'cn lir,t snnptol11 dou:,e into the mcdicine eahint't to gc't the on Absorbinc Laboraton' tc,t" iodine. If 1 had ju,t t,dkl'd to Dot 'r. ,holl' that it kiil, 'tinea trichoI1h\'ton' in the lir,t place, ju,t think of all the in thirty ,ccond, aftn it ha, pelll·· time and trouhle I COllld han' ,an'd t.rated to the pr,t." tlll',elf! Unfortunateh, I couldn't .;e~m to lind ;U1\' of the jneciou, drug, But aftn thirtl' minute, of c'x "0 I started to lI'alk to the l'orner cruciating agony the pc::"t ,cellled to drug-:'tore, A" I pa,;,;ed the hou"" he lI'ith me more than ner, so L J(, next door, the chauffeur who wa, cided to "tick to In\' doctor and aban cutting the 1;\11'11, inquired in a friend don the advice of 'the chauffeur, and ly fa"hion. thC' manufacture'rs of Ahsorhinc Jr. "Are the corn, hotlwring ) ou to "\Vhat fools 11'1' mortal, are," Clal', or have you g:ot AthletC", Foot?" thougln. I alll'al" did think he lI'a" a little Ye", lI'hat fool, lI'e are. After fre"h, hut todal L ,kipped it. soothin!!. ml feet lI'ith lllcdicalh-ad "\Vhy, )'C'," I admitted, "I have viscd h:1th,· for a fell' Jay" I 'made Athlete',; Foot. L'1ll ju,t g:oinl!: over thc fatal Illistake of confe,;,;ing to to get ,onle iodine to u,c on it," another of IllI' I Cl'\ best friend, tbat "Say," he ,aid, lc-;lIling: conlidcn I II-a, a I'ictim ;If Ath lete's Foot. tiall" over the handle of the lawn A cure for Athlete's Foot ,eem, to IlllJl~Tr, "II'hon'er told VCIlI to u,e he one of the thing::, ) our hest friends iouine? I)on't you nT'r read tile don't hc:,itate to tell I'(H!. ;\Oil', :VIa rv 1l1agazinc~ ?,. is the kinJ of girl II'ho alll'a)-, con And then I ,uddenl) blew what ,ults a doctor at the lea,t ,ign of he wa, going to ,aI', and lI'ondered di,tre,;,;, but she, too, had had the will'I hadn't remembered the picture dreaded di,ea,c and had been com of the dreaded Gila :Vlonster "ooner. pletely cured in several da)" bl' a ,im "Get your,elf :1 little bottle of pic remedy prescribcd hy hcr po,tman. Absorhine Jr. and I'OU won't knoll' "}u,t rub Illercurochromc betll'een you've got Athlete", Foot," he ad your toc, and folio\\' it up \I'ith Dr. I·i,ed. "\Vh~', the ad, say it kill, the Scholl',; foot ointment and n)ur feet g:crm, in thirtl' seconds. And it docs, lI'ill be cured in a fell' days," ,hc I tried it and I knoll'," adl'i'ed. THE }[AHONI)./G COl:)./TY ilIEmCAL SOCIETY Iii Another trip to the drug ,tore pro a"ured illC'. "You tn' it. I kIll1\I' I'icit'd me \I ith the proper equipIllcnt load, of peopll' that' hal'(: u,ed it l'ffectil cll after tn'in!! l'l'l'n other knoll'll c;lre, but it'; ,n'nl'II' I'thoul!:ht fur 111) next t'pi,ode. I folloll'cd .Vlan" . .; in,truction, carefulh' for live ,' IOU II ouldn't have heard of it," dal' beforc I reali7.eJ that the charm lI'a,n't \I'orking, Th('n' didn't ,eem to cl'1'tainh hadn't. but I thankee! be alll thing to do noll' but fall hack her profu,t'(), and re,o]vcd 'l'cretll that 1 had tried 1111' la,t l'1I1'e that on the advicc of 111~ doctor, '0 I made "II'll1'hd like a chan;1." Fifteen min anothl'l' trip to hi, office, guardinl!: utc's latl'1' ml' fC'ct liTre Ill'inl.!; "fixed" my n:perimental secrn, carefull\'. He ill a "h) po'; hath. I 1I'{1I1d;'red if it procct'dcd to paint my toe, lI'ith a horrible dark hrOll'll 111ixtllre lI'hich lI'oidd hrin!! out the colored mark ing, nn Illy 'feet with the same darit,l' 'u rprisingl) tu rneel a dc(~p purple un applic;1tiClll, I l'ol1ldn't decide II'I1l'thcr lI'ith which it bring:, out the light> of a photographil' print. Inl' toe, lookc'd likc' thc Gila "ron,ter or an Egl'\1tian headclre". hut L \I ent I had ju,t begnn the "Ill po" lixing forth again with another arlllful of lI'hen 111\' maid annonncn! that the pre,cription,. The drugl!:i,t, I dc milk m;;n lI'ished to ,peak to nll', cided, \I'a, the man \1'110 lI'a.; reali\' Could it he po,.;ihle that I had fll1' prohting by m)-llli,fortunc::. gotten to pa) Ill)' la,t n1Clllth" milk hill? Being unable to lI'alk lIith ml \Vhen Sall) adl'i,ed Ille thc next day to tn' Bi,muth Formic Iodide feet in a foot hath, I had him coml' to me. Compound, ! a"ured her Jirmk that my doctor \I';), taking excellent carc "Your ,i,tn ju,t told nlC'," he hc of me. But aher ,he told me how gan, "II'hen I' ",a, e!elil'erinj! her malll' people ,;he had cured \I'ith thi, Illilk this 1l1OI'Iling that )'ou hac! Ath· 'terling rcmedy, L just couldn't re letc'" Foot, <0 I thought I'e! bcttl'1' ,ist, and off I \I'C'n t to the druggi,t. .;top and tell nJU 111)11' to curl' it. T\\'o \I'C'eb \1',1'; thc' time ,he ,et Ju,t get ) ollr~l'1 f "ome good old for recovery. h!lt the powder she de fa,hioned ;V!an;2:e Cure', and throll scribed didn't scem to knOl'" tht' time that fancy stuff you're u,ing all ay. limit. I'h' thi, time I \I'as frantic, .Han:.;e Cure'll do the lI'ork in a and all s~t to l!:0 back to the doctor jiff)'." \I'hen the telephone rang, Clara J thankc'd him politd), dried III I' Smith, whom I had ju,t met once in feet al1d rail up,tair, to l!:et thc' a golf fOUNlIlW, had heard that the requi,ite mone)·. Theil I hegall to rea,on I lI'a:'n't plurer DR. D.,1. WALKER, ,\II. Dele.gate sil\'(~r 1I,;lle:" tnmite~, rats. mice. and tnrned it over to the angel \\'110 pre DR, .1,1'. lI:\R\'I':\, Cell"'" DR. \\'. K. STI':\\'.'\R'I'. All. Delegale othn \Trmin he suddenh- a:,ked, ,1' side, thl're. DR. H. E. I':\TRI(,K, Edit"r of 'the Bulletill suming jllst he proper- drgree of "Hm\- are your fed. :\Irs. Jones:" l'mharra:':'llll'nt, dcmanded of a good ~he a~ked. {,'O.H.\IITTJ:I:S sak:'ll1an \1·110 i:, forced to mention "Ob. much better, Sophie," I lied. a delicate sllbiect to his la(h prosprn, I:dilori,,/ I'ubli,-i/y :ludi/iIlY "[)cw:' al1\' ol~e in nlllr fa;nih' sllffer She looked at me he~itantk for Dr. !\. E. Fr\', Chairmall !rem Ath'kte', Foo't ?" sl'\'era! minutes, and then said, "Don't Dr. II, \':. Patrick, Editor Dr. .10'. Rosenfeld, ChI'. Dr. Samliel 'i'arn;II'kin '1),-. ;VI. P. Mainer Froll1 this point un the result of I'UU think if I'ml ~oaked theln in ep Dr. J, S. Scamel'L'hia. 1),-. 1'. J. ;V!l'Owen . Bu~illt'~~ \;lgr. Dr. Sarilue[ Schwebel 1),-. ]. :\. \\'alker his \'isit II-as innitahle. \Vhen he ~OIl1 ~alt~, it ;I'oldd fix them? I had Dr. I. C. Smith, Dr. E. II. Young departed from my prescnce I \\'as in ~ore feet once, and that's wh;lt I did." i\~soc. Bus. \tgr. r:orrn-polldrlti /0 posse,;,;ion of ;lIllJther '',,11 rr CII re" for And n()\\ after one month of rid1 Dr. .I. 1.. Fi,her .1Ir/llbrrship "",I StaIr .Iounl"! ,-\thll'te's Fout. A tlrlldrllirrexperience in curin,l!: Athlete's Fuot Dr. :\. .I. Ihalldt Dr. j. /\. /\Itdoerffer OSl'i1la ti ng: \\Tak ly bl't\I'cen the I feel thol'llug:hk qualified to give the Dr. \\'. D. ('''', Dr. Lawr~lIce Segol, l'hr. merit:' of thl':'c t\lO latest animalistic best advice on the subject there is. Dr. Saul Tamarkill Dr. M, .1. Kocialek Spr(/kerJ' !Jurr(/u cnrL'S, 1 took ml- daughter dOIl'n town Don't tell a soul ~OU'\'l~ g-ot it and Dr. I:. C. Mylotl Dr. 'ohll :\011, Chairman to 1111\' Iwr a pa-i r of ~hoes, The sales Dr. 'R. :'vI. :V!orri"JIl Dr. \V. Z. Baker sneak off to a doctor. man '\1'11ll waits upon II:' kilO\\', that Pro[Ira 1ft Dr. \V. .I. Tymol'hko Dr. ;\. :'vI. Ro,ellblullI an eXl'lIr~ion of this sort al\\ a} s rl' Dr. E.C. Baker, Chairman hlllt:' in a dual :,alr, due to m} O\\'n Air Conditioning l/oUJill!!. l.iIJrarJ' .\1 rdim/-I.ega/ Dr. \Velldell Bell nett \\Takm'ss for ,-:ood shlw,;. Today 1 Onl' of the nl'\I' industries of douhlc (/"d ExhiiJi/.< Dr. D. II. Sm~ltzer, Chr. Dr. H. E. Fu"elmoll Dr. j. C. Holl h,lll a !Deans of out\\'ittin~ hi" ,uper import to u:, as memhers of the :\tled Dr. .f. :'\. :'vlceann Dr. II. E. :'vIcCle"ahan, Dr. P. H. F",co "desmanship. I repulsed him \\'ith ical Profe"ion is air conditioning_ l'hairmon Dr. (;. 13_ Kramer Dr. P. S. Boyle the n,planation that I \\'ould pollute Dr. H. E. IlathhorII First, it nUI- \I'CII be that this po Dr. Henry Si,ek his shoes \\'ith Athlete's Foot. But Dr. P. J. :'-·Iahar tentiall)' \'(:1')" large industry \\·ill l'o.rlainJl1('1l1 Dr. J. :'\e],OIl Dr. F. \\'. :\lc'\all1ar:1. ChI'. B. Dr. 1\. C. Tidd Dr. \V. X. 'J'a,'lnr ))r. \\'. H, I~,'ans Dr. S. R. Cafaro Pllb!it lIea!11i Dr. \\'. B. TlImer Dr. E. II. :'\ageJ. Chairmall Dr. f. J. Bierkall1l' Pllb!ir Re!aliallJ ))r. G. V. Davis Dr. S. II. Sedw;tz Dr. Cordon :\elsnn, Chr. Dr. W. W. Ryall Dr. J. S. Mariner /I::d(ftl Dr. J. C. Vance I suddenh' beheld in retrospect the is the use of this device for comfort, Dr. Chas. Scofield Dr. :VI. [i. Bachman, ChI'. Dr. J. H. Birch pictu re o( harrells of this same POII' and pllre fresh "ir, in homes and hos Dr. D. II. lfauser Dr. L. S. Deitchman Dr. R. \-\T. fenlOIl ))r. C. C. Stewart ))r. H. S. Zeve der standing in a hospital laundry pitals. ]Jr. P. R. :VlcConneil Dr. E. E. Kirkwood Dr. J. :1'1. Ranz '/(//I//(/ry Jt)J6 21 20 BULLF:TIN , , GREETINGS FROM THE STATE PRESIDENT Ii ! It i,; a plea,;ure to take advantage of thi,; opportunit~ fur nislll:d by the Editor of the Rul/elill of the }Iahoning Count~' .Vledical Societ~' to extend to each member of the Society my ,;incere best \I'i,;hes for a happy and pro,;perous :\ell' Year. Then, too, I am pleased to bring to you g;reeting,; from the Officer,; and the Council of the Ohio State ,VIcdical A,sociation l'Our Association, the activities, henefits. and ,ervice,; of Il'hich are ,I madt' possible by the coiiperation, enthusiasm and active interest of the tllOusands of individual physician, throul-!:hout Ohio who, like your,;dves, recognize the value of medical organization ::llld possess enduring faith in its ability tu effectivelv represent thl' best intrrests of the mcdical profes,;ion of our com1TIonll'ealth. .:\'Iedical organization in Ohio fan>s the :\l'll' Year with ~rrious problems confronting it. Our strl'ngth, initiatil'l' and ingenuity Il'ill b' taxed to the limit. Thne must be cohesion within ollr ranks and enterprise in support of our policies, or sucn's,; Il'ill be something; ,;ought but not attained, Frankl\'. I am more confident of the future than ,;ome are. I cannot help feeling; if the medical profession fights, and fights hard; puts forth every effort to provide the public with thl' type of ,;en·ice that will maintain the confidence of our clientele; and lives up to the traditional principle,; and ethics upon Il'hich modern medicine rests, that our prestige Il'ill not suffer ur ullr protes,;ional ,;tatus decline. Solution of many of our prohlems will dqJl'nd on hClII' d fective!y the component groups of our State Association function and on hUll' well the officers of till' State As,;ociation ,;ucceed in coiirdinating the activitie,; of thl' individual c()\lnt~ units. You. the member,; of the ;Vlahoning Countl' ;\'Iedical Societl', an: indeed fortunate in h::II'in u as I'our- official 'rl'presentatil'l: ar;d rnouth-pieee, a II'l'll-organized and ::~l(>rt society-one Il'hich has set an outstanding example for service to the public and its own Inernhership. It i,; 1l1~ sinn'n' hope that you Il'ill continue to give your State A"sociation your ~upport. ] t Il'ill be needed during ensuing month~. I am confident you Il'ill. Permit me to con"ratulatc all of you on the innumerable "UCCl>'';l'S attained through your teamwork and hard work, and again II'i"h you cuntinued "ucce,;,;. individuall~' and colleL'til'el~'. H. R. llE:\DERSI!OTT. :1'1. D., Pre~idellt Ohio St~te \Iedical ib,ociatioll. Jalluary THE: MAHO!\'ING COU:-.JTY MEDICAL SOCIF:TY WHO IS THIS DR. JOHN L.DAVIS? John L. Davis II'a, horn in Odell, i'\ehra,;ka, Februan' 20. lHH+. His father II'a, a railroad contractor. "fohn L." receive'd hi" eark , education in Oklahoma and Texa". He i" the trpe of the breezy \Ve'terner Il'ho takes thing, along by ,;torm as he proceed, th rough life. He received hi, theological train,ing at Drew Theolugical Semi nary, :VI adi,;on, :\. J, receiving the degree of B. D. and Il'on the :VIc])aniel fellowship. entitling him to stud~' at the United Free Church Colle~e in Gla"gclI\'. Scotland, Il'here he remained for a vear. He is a graduate of Oklahoma City University, and has been ;l\I';;rded the dqo;ree, of A.B. and D.D. by that in"titution. DlIrin~ the \Vorld \Var, Dr. Davis receind a commls,;lon a" Captain in the Construction Division of the Cnited State,; Arml', and ,;poke to thousands of civilian workmen in Army camps from' :--:ell' York City to San Antonio, Texas, This a,,;ignment Il'as occasioned bl' hi, popular fame as an effective and satisfying speaker to men. His addresses fincl~ blend truth and humor and his messages are as bree7,I' as his jll\'ial disposition and reHect the long,' vision nf thl' prairies fror;\ Il'hence he came. \Vhile Pastor of Trinity -'IIethodi"t Episcopal Church in :\'('11' Britain, Conn., he organized "The Everyman',; Bible Cia,;,;," Il'hich grell' from 73 men to 2,200 in four ~ cars. He Il'as State Chaplain of the American Legion, al,;n Chaplain of the 76th Division, O.R.C., former director of the :\nl' Britain Chamher of Commerce and Governor of Lion,; Clubs of Conlledicu t and Rhode 1"land. At pre,;ent Dr. Davis i,; the Pastor of ont' of the prominent Churches in the City of .'\c\I· York, \I'here hi, pOII'('rful "nmons havc gained for him a far-reaching reputation. Hi,; sparkling Il'it and good-natured humor mah' him a :\ational favorite at Banquet, and Convcntion,. JCJ36 .. 20 BULLETIN GREETINGS FROM THE STATE PRESIDENT It is a pleasure to take advantage of this opportunity fur ni,;hed hy the Editor of the Blilletill of the ?dahoning County A'1edical Societ\' to extend to each member of the Society mv sincere best wi~hes for ,t happy and prosper'llIs :\ew Year.' , Then, too, I am pleased to bring to you greetings from the Officers and the Council of the Ohio State Nledical Association your Association, the activities, henefits. and services of which are made possible bv the cooperation, enthusiasm and active interest of the thousands of individual physicians throughout Ohio who, like yourselves, recognize the value of medical organization and pos,;ess enduring faith in its ability to effectively represent the best interest,; of the medical profession of our commonwealth. kledical organi;r,ation in Ohio faces the :\ew Year with serious problems confronting it. Our strength, initiative and ingenuity will be taxed to tIl(> limit. Tlll're must be cohe,;ion within our ranks and enterprise in support of our policie,;, or success will be something sought but not attained. Frankly, I am mOrt-confident of the future than some are. I cannot help feeling if the medical profe,;,;ion fight,;, and fights hard; puts forth even' effort to provide the public with the type of ,;ervice that will n;aintain the confidence of our clientele; ;llld live,; up to the traditional principles and ethics upon which modern medicine rest,;, that our prestige will not ,;uffer or our professional statu,; decline. Solution of manv of our problems will depend on hmv ef fectively the compone'nt groups of our State Association function and on ho\\' well the officers of the State Association succeed in coiirdinating the activities of the individual county units. You. the luembers of the iVlahoning County .\;Jedical Society. are indeed fortunate in having as )'our official representative and mouth-piece, a well-orl2;anized and alert society-one which has set an outstanding example for ,crvice to the public and its own membership. It is my sincere hope that you \\ill continue to give your State Association your support. It will be needed during ensuing !l1onths. I am confident vou will. Pnmit nle to congratulate all of you on the innumerable successes attained through your teamwork and hard work, and again wish vou continued success, individuallv and collectivelv. R. R. lIE,\])ERSIIOTT, :VI. n., Preside:lt Ohi" State Medical j\""ciati"n. .lalillarv THE l\IAHOl\'ING COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY WHO IS THIS DR. JOHN L. DAVIS? John L. Davis was born in Odell, :\ebraska, February 20, Ifi84. His father was a railroad contractor. "John L.·' received hi,; earl) education in Oklahoma and Texas. He is the type of the hreez\ \Ve,;tl'rner \\·ho take,; things along by ,;torm as he proceeds th rough life. He received his theological training at Drew Theological Semi nary, .Vladison, :\. J" receiving tIl(' degree of B. D. and won the .\JcDaniel fellowship, entitling him to study at the United Free Church College in Glasgow, Scotland, wherc he remained for a \Car. He is a graduate of Oklahoma City University, and has been 'J\\'arded the degrees of A.B. and D.D. b) that in,;titution. During the \Vorld 'Val', Dr. Davis received a commlSSIOlI as Captain in the Construction Division of the Gnited States Annv, and spoke to thousand,; of civ ilian workmen in Armv camps from :\ ew York City to San Antonio, Texas. This assignment was occasioned hy his popular fame as an effective and satisfying speaker to men. His addresses finely blend truth and humor and his message, are as breeZ\ as his jovial disposition and reflect the long vision of the prairies from w hence he came. \Vhile Pastor of Trinity .\;Iethodist Episcopal Church in Xew Britain. Conn., he organized "The Everyman's Bible Class," which .l2;rew from 73 men to 2,200 in four years. He \\as State Chaplain of the American Legion, also Chaplain of the 76th Division, O.R.C.. former director of the "e\\ Britain Chamber of C11mnH'!Te and Governor of Lions Clubs of Connecticut and Rhode lsland. At pre,;ent Dr. Ua\'is is the Pastor of one of the prominent Churches in the City of :\ew Yurk. where hi,; pll\Hrful scrn1llns han gained for him a far-reaching reputation. His sparklinl2; wit and good-natured humor make him a ::\ ational favorite at Banljuets and Convcntions. Wj0 21 I BULLETI:\, TIlE MAHOl\IKG COUKTY MEDICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING December 17. 1935 The annual meeting of the Society \\ as held at tht: YOlmgstml"ll Club, Ilrcembcr 17th, [(Xl.'). The mceting wa,; V('IT poorll' att('ndl'd, thnt: being; 01111 b+'of our'mcmbns present. This is ,~ \'l'r\' small Ininoritl' to eject of licns of our Societl', but then the fellll\\~ that compl;lin that certain men \\'ere elected, should remember thn' did not thi"k it \\'t)rth \\'hile to he ilresent at the election and should remember that thn did not help to elect these offilTrs '\\'}10 \\'l:re ekcted, and then regardless ,;llOuld give them \\'hole-hearted support. The following are rour elected of ficers for] 936: President-l':lect, Dr. Paul I. Fun; Vice President, I)r. Claud~ B. \'mris. Secretan', Dr. R.. B. Poling; Treasurer, (h, Loui~ Deitchman. As \'our retiring Secretan'. let mC' rC'min~1 \'ou that ~'ou have ~electt'd a vny c'l!;ahle man' to function as rou I' Secretar\" but he cannot, nor can an)' of \'ou~ chosen officers, give you ]OO'/r service if l'ach and evnr ont: of \'(HI uo uut get hehind them in \\'h,~te\'(:r position they ask rou to S('I'Ve. This is not an organization of a few but of the whole Societv. \Ve cannot go places or do things 'i f each memhn uf our organization is not \\'illing to do his part. \Vhen you are ca lled on to serve, do not give of \,our time grudging-Iy, but say yes at 'once, for it is your Societr, not the officers'. After snving you ;IS Secretary for fou I' \TarS, I am very regretfu I of giving up the position, for I have en jo\'ed ever\, minute of the time. I 'h;lve had' wonderful coiiperation from all the membership and have greatly appreciated your confidence and the honor that \'ou have he,;to\led upon me, hut remen;her I havt: \\'orked al\la\', for the profe,;,;ion as a whole anu ;It no time have I served a clique or group. I lean' offil'l~ not becau,;(' the m('m ber,;bip ha,; n:que,;tl'd, but becau,;e of other activities' that dellland that I giH' up part of Ill)' \lork for the profe,;sioll, the demand on my time being roo gr('at. Your retiring SC'cn·tar) a,;k,; that )'ou give the new SeLTet,Jr)' a, much ,;upport as \'tJU h;l\,e giveIl lI1e. \\'~r. ~'1. ~K[PP. SPEAKERS' BUREAU During the nlOnth of I )ecember the follO\\'ing doctor,; broadca,ted over St;ltioll \VKBl\: December 10th, Dr. \Vm. :\!J. Skipp on "\Vhat 1,; Prenatal Care ?" Decembn ]7th, lh. O. \V. Haul lllall on ":\!Iother,;." J)ecember 2+th and 3 bt, ])r. J. A. Altuoerffer on "The \Vhole Truth About Chilubed Fcver," Dr. J, P. Hane)' aduressed the Ki\\'ani, Club of Huhhard on De cember IHth, on "Symptoms That Should Be \Vatched After +0." Dr. Sidner :\rlcCurd\' addre,;sed the H uhbard' Ki\\'anis Cluh on I)e cember II th, on "The Romance of Steel." ])r. Cbude H. "orri.' auure,;seu the Columbiam COllntr ,\tlcJical So cietr on Decemher 10th, on "Skin l)is~a,;es." Al,;o on the I Hth of De cember he auu resseu the Boys H i- Y Club in Canfield. Dr. S. H. Sed\\'itz addressed the i\lercer Countr :\·'1edical Societ\' at the Buhl Ho,;p'ital :\llrse,; Hom~ on Decemher I] th, on "Recent Advances in Peripheral Circulator)' Di,;ease,;." "Children mu,;t play. Don't make the place a set of trap,; to cripple anu kill tbem." " ;\e\l occa,;ions teach new duties, Time makes ancient gooU uncouth; Ther must up\\'ard ,;ti'll and onward, \Vh;) would keep ahreast of truth." -Jollies Run-el/ Lowel/. JUI/llar.\' From Our State Secretary SI(/II' IFide IJ/lill fIJI' IJl'I'iodic flor 111 ellI of fl"spil(//izlili"II-The Ohio Ho,;pital A,;sociation has inaugurated a program to pi'omote periodic pay ment plan,; for IIO,;pitalization among the ho,;pita[s of maIIY counties. Keedle,;~ to ,;a)' the medical profe,; sian i,; deeply intere,;ted in this under taking. \VIll'll and if the ho,;pital or ho,;pitab in \'tlll I' county bold di,;cu,; ,;ions of thi,; propo,;al, the n1('Jical prtl fession ()'our county medical socin\') slto/i/d Ita'!'!' 1/ represelllllli'!'e presellt and he ,;houlu be charged with the respon,ibiJit), of kecping in c!o,e touch with the ,;ituation ';0 that the view point,; of the profes,ion may be prop erly and fmcdully presented. Tlte /i(/Illre "f lite C"IIII'{/ci for lite periodic plIJllleli1 of It"sf!itrdiz(/Iir)// is "r 'vil(// c,,"cer" I" Iltt, IIledic(// /Jrofessioll. .:;; ';i~ ';i~ CIilIlf!lIir/1i ,", Ijailisl New Ta.ws Your atte;ltion 'is calleu to the article heaued ":\0 :\ew Taxes in 1936 Are "eeded. etc.", on page l)()O of the ;\ovember i,;,;ue of The .10111'1/(//. Douhtless a local committee has been organized in your county to promote this campaign. A repre,;entative from each county ';(Kiety (the pre,;ident in mo,;t iu,;tances) has been ,electeu to cooperate with repre,;entative,; of other profe,;sion,; and bu,;ine,;,; inter e,;t,; in carrying on the 1110ve111ent localh'. Anv ,;upport YOU and your collea'gues C;1I1 give in l~romoting' this note\\'orthy acti vitr against new taxe,; and for ('conom\, in government will be appreciateu 'hy the variou,; par ticipating group,;, wbich include the State :\/Il'dical A,;,;ociation. CHARLES S. NELSON, ____E_.,x-'-'e",,:cutive Seeretary. HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES Pathology Confercl1l~c,; are beld at the South Side Ho,;pital evelT Fri uay at II :30 A. iVl. i\'Iore doctor,; coulu attmd the,;e conferences \\'ith profit, we believe. Jnteresting ca,;es are heing prt:,;ented every week in an ahle manner. La,;t month the follow 19]6 .. ing case, \\'ere presented. Fuller allll more complete report,; \\'ill appear In later issue,; of this journaL Benign neph ro-,dero,;i,;. Ant:ury,;nl of the aorta, Septic metriti,;. Ca rcinoma of the heau of thc: panl'reas, Carcinoma of the kidney \\'ith meta,;ta,;is. Carcinoma of the kidne). Tuherculous meningiti,;. :VIiliar)' pulmonary tuberculosis. :\1alignant tln'moma. AnelH\'Sm of the aorta. Carci,;oma and ,;trinure of e,;opha gu,;. :\ephro,;c!cro,i, (bilateral), Abdominal aortic aneu n,;m. The regular lllonthl)' ,taff meeting of the Young,;tm\'ll Ho,pital Associa tion \las held on :\o\ember ] 2th. The program \\',10' in charge of Dr. Fenton and Staff. The ,;ubject pre sented \\';lS "Some Funuamental Prin ciples of Allerg\'." There was a mo tion picture demon,;tration of anaph) laxis in experimental animal,;. A com plete report of the paper,; read will appear in a later i,;,;ue of this hulletin, The program fo!' the December ,;taff meeting \\'as in charge of Dr,. Brandt and Altdoerffer of the Ob-' stetrical Staff, They pre,;ented an analysis of Caesarean Sections uonc in Young,;to\\'n Ho,;pital sincc 1927. A report of thei I' finding,; \vill appear at a later date. ____-=c:-. .:...A. CliSTA":SO\:, ~1. D,_ ~- WISHING YOU A Happy and Prosperous New Year PAUL SCHNIIDT FLORIST 3121 Market St. Phone 2-4212 Youngstown. Ohio 22 BULLETli'\ ANNUAL MEETING I ll'avf' office not because the mem December 17, 1935 hership has requesteo, but hecausl· of other activities that demano that I The annual meeting of the Society give up part of my Il'ork for tht II as hdd at the Youn~!>town Club, profession, the demand on ml' time December 17th, 1935. The meeting being too great. II'," very poorly attended, there being YouI' reti ring Secretary asks that onll' 6+ of our llH'mbers present. This you gil"(' the n~w Secret,;r) as much is ,; v('r)' small minoritr to elect of support as you have given me. ficers of (Jill' Societ\', but then the W:V1. ~'1. SKIPP, fdlml's that compl;lill that certain men wcre e1ecteo, should remember the\ oid not thi"k it \\'orth Il'hile to SPEAKERS' BUREAU be jwesent at the election and should During the month of December remember that they did not help to the following doctors broadcasted eIeet these officers II'h0 were r!ectrd. over Station \VKH,\: ano then regardll'';;; shuuld give them December 10th, Dr. \\lm. M. whole-hearted support. Skipp on "\Vhat Is Prenatal Care ?" The following arc YOllr elected of December 17th. Dr. 0, \V. Haul ficers for 1936: President-Elect. Dr. man on "~vl others." Paul J. Fuzr; Vice Pre;:idellt, \)r. Decemher 2+th and 31st. Dr. J. Clauor H, '\orri,. Secretary, ])r. R. A.. Altooerffer on "The \Vhole Truth B. Poling; Treasurer, Dr, Louis About Childbed Fever." Deitchman. Dr. r, P, Harvel aodressed the As ) our retiring Secretary. let me Ki\Vani~ Club of Hubbaro on De rrmind you that) ou have selected a cember 18th, on "Symptoms That ven' capable man to function as I'OU I' Should Be \Vatcheo After +0." Sec'retan', but he cannot, nor can' anI of \,ou): chosen office;s, give \'O~I Dr. Sidney ~/lcCurol addresseo 100';; service if each and ~very ;lIle the Huhbard' Kiwanis C'lub on De of you 00 not get behind them in cember 11 th, on "The Romance of whatever position the\' ask \,ou to Steel." serve. This is not a1'1 orgal{ization Dr. Claude B. ;-\orris aooressed of a fell' but of the whole Society. the Columhiana Countl .VIedical So \Ve cannot go places or do things if cietl on December 10th. on "Skin each membcr of our organization is Dis~ases.·' Also on the 18th of 1)(' not willing to 00 his part. \Vben )'llll cember he ado resseo the HOls I-I i-Y are called on to serve. do not give Club in Canfielo. ' of your time grudgingly. hut ,al' ye, Or. S. H. Sed\\'itz addressed the at once. for it is vour Societl'. not NIereer County Medical Society at the officers', ' , the Buhl Hospital '\urses Home on After serving) ou as Secrctary for December 11 th, on .. Recent AlII'ances four ycars, r am very regretful of in Peripheral Circulatory Diseases." giving up thr position, for J have cn jOI,c·d even' minute of the timc, "Children must play. Don't make r 'h~v(' hrs. \V. H. Evans and O. J. \-\Talker have returned from ;\orth \\'estern niversity. They ,tayed for a \n~ek, taking a postgraduate course on "E~'e :\-1 u,;des." The following officer,; for the corn ing year were elected at the me('ting of the Staff uf St. Elizabt'th's Hos pital hl·ld Decemher 10th: Chief of Staff, Dr. C. D. Hauser; Vice Chief of Staff. 1)r. E. \-\T, COl'; Sen('tary Tr('awrer, Dr. Saul J. Tamarkin; Chief of Surgical Service, Dr. F. \V. Me;\'amara; Chief of :Vledical Ser viC(\ Dr. A, :V1. Rosenblum; addi tional memhers to the Executi,'e Committee: Drs. r. ;\11. RaJl7, and L. G. COl'. . Dr. P. L. Bode has returned from (Tllr;, lhl.' Page) 1936 IDORA PHARNIACY 2fj;}6 Glenwood Ave. Phone 2-1513 Phoning Your Prescriptions Direct to Us Will Facilitate Service to Customer. WE lJEUVER 2-248:~ 2-104H Jones Phannacy :2702 \lrarkct Street H. H. TREUDLEY 6' CO. INC. 123 E. COMMERCE STREET OFFICE SUPPLIES ACCOUNT BOOKS STEEL & WOOD OFFICE FURNITURE Call 4-4421 For Prompt Service 24 BULLETIN Dependable Products For The iUEDICAL PROFESSION \Ve manufacture a complete line of medicinal products of the very highest standard whieh we offer direct to members of the medical. profession. Every pro duct is ready for immediate use. c;asily dispensed. We guarantee th.em true to labels and of re liable potency our catalogue jrcc (/1/ rrgllcsl. I II I THE ZEMMER CO. CltemislJ to Iltt' iUedical ProjeJJion 3943·;'·7 Sennett S1. Oakland Station Pittsburgh. Pa. GOLDEN AGE GINGER ALE Manufactured in One of America's Finest Beverage Plants GOLDEN AGE GI NGER ALE CO. Distributors Kingsbu ry-Schlitz-Miller's Hi-Life and Tivoli Beers PHONES: 3-3333 3-3334 GLEANINGS By c. A. G. Dr. Paul Fuz\' ha;; returned after an absence of ;;ix' month;;. He is back at his fonner location un Lincoln Avenue. His practice will be limited to treatment of diseases of the colon, rectum and anus. During his ab;;encc he studied at the ~da\'o Clinic at Rochestrr; ",ith Dr. H,;ncs at Louis \'i1Ie-; the Cancer Ho;;pital at Buffalo; the Lahe\' Clinic at Bo;;ton; and was hrst assi~tant to Dr. Jcrume Lynch. professor of proL·tolog\· at the Poly clinic Postgraduate School and Hos pital in :\ew York. He also studied gastro-enterology at the Polyclinic. vVe wish him succe,;,; in his 11('\\' field, Dr. .roe Hall. who occupied Dr. Fuzy\ office during the lattn's ah sence. will cuntinue to ha\'c an officc at the same location. sharing rooms "'ith Dr. Smeltzer. Dr. Rcckle\' is still ill the South Side Unit ot'the Younl!stown Hos pital. . Dr. Sam Seuwitz has heen in the East tIn> weeks stuuy-ing-peripheral va;;culnr diseases. He stuuieu at Jefferson :V1edical Colleg-e. Temp)e Cni\'Crsit\·. :\Ill. Sinai H;Jspita1. alltl Israel-Zi(;n Hospital in Brooklyn. ;V1ost of his \\'ork wa;; done with Dr. Irving \Veigert in the Postgrad uate Hospital. On December 11th. Dr. Sed\\'itz adurcssed the ~dercer Count)'. Penna., .V1edical Societ), on the subject of peripheral·\'ascular dis ea~c. Dr,;. \-\falker. Piel'C\' and Ed. Gold camp recentl~' attende'd the Otolaryn· gological iV1eeting in ))etroit. Dr. Earnie. interne at the South Unit, is back at \\'ork after an ap pendectomy. Dr,;. Bunn. .\lollroe. :Vlathay, lpp, Hamilton anu Baldwin "isited the Cit)' Hospital. Cleveland. last \\'Cek, and made medical rounds \"ith Dr. Sc·ott. \Vhile there they nwt Dr. J(/ II/wry THE l\lAHON'ING COUl\TY MEDICAL SOCIETY 2Fi Foreman of India. a classmate of II Dr. Bunn. Dr. Foreman had many I interesting thing,; to tell about India, Drs. Evans and "Valker were at the Cleveland Clinic on December 9th, 10th. and II tho attending the Annual Postgraduate Revie,,' of the Cleveland Opthol1lolog-ical Cluh. ))1'. Evan;; left December 20, to spend the Chri,;tmas holidavs with his par ents in Texas. ' ))r. Colin Reed spent ten ua)'s hunting in Pennsylvania. The Ki"'anis Cluh of Hubhard ,,'as add re;;seu on Deeemher +th b\, Dr. McCurdl' on the subject, "Th~ Romance of Steel," and on' December IHth b~· Dr. Harvey on "Danger Sig-ns in a ~/Ian Past Forty," By S. ), T. Dr;;. \V. H. Evans. E. C. .\hlott. R. E. Odmn. A. C. Tidd, and t. J. "Venaas presented papers at the :\0 vemher meeting-of the Staff of St. Elizabeth's Hospital. The papers ,,'ere confined to Lesion,; of the Eve and Ear. ' Dr, .\1. 'V. .'\eidus SPrIlt a \Hck at Temple University where he took a special postgraduate course in Car diolog~'. Drs. \V, H. Evans and O. J \Valker haH returned frOI1l .\'onI1 western Universit\,. The, staveu for a week. taking a jlU,tgraJuate' course on "Eyc .\'1uscles.'· The following officers for the com ing ) ear w('re elected at the meeting of the Staff of St. Elizaheth',; Ho,; pital held Decemher 10th: Chief of Staff, Dr. C. D. Hau;;er; Vice Chid of Stafi. Dr. r. \,y, COl"; Secretan' Treasurer. Lh. Saul ]. TamarkiI;; Chief of Surgical Sen'ice. Dr. F. \V. .\t1c.\' amara; Chief of .\r1edical Ser vice. ))r. A. :\11. Rosenblum; auui tiona! membel'S to the Executi ve COlTJmittee: Drs. J .\11. Ran:l. and L. G, COl". Dr. P. L. Bovle ha,; returneu frol1l (Tu)';' the Page) 1936 IDORA. PHAR:NIACY 2G36 Glenwood Ave. Phone 2-1513 Phoning Your Prescriptiolls Din'ct to Cs \Vill Facilitate Service to Customer, WE DEL/VEl{ :2·248:~ 2-10+8 Jones Pharrnaey 270:2Vlarket Street H. H. TREUDLEY (; CO. INC. 123 E, COMMERCE STREET OFFICE SUPPLIES ACCOUNT BOOKS STEEL & WOOD OFFICE FURNITURE Call 4-4421 For Prompt Service --~j TI-IE1IAI-[()I\I:--':c; COU:--.JTY MElJICAL SOCrETY :n GLEANINGS (From Page 25) A NEW INSTRUMENT Philadelphia \I·hn(' he attended a reunion of former hou,;e n:,;idern,; of :\ pranical and eCllllolllical Steinman pin for ,;Illall hones, as fln~er,; and the Philadelphia General Ho,;pital. tOl'';, also olecranon proce,;,; franure,;, ctc. Sen'ral da'" of dinie,; on oh,;tretrical ;Ind ~\"lH'cl;lo~i('al ca,;l''; \\Tre held_ of i\ cuil of t\n'nt\· gau~e \I·ire ('uttin.~ pliers, tn'o "ted ,;pring; \I·in', pair,; of ,;tr:light a pair plier,; For our Winter Supply of Dr,;. C. 1;_ Ranz attended [-Jau,;n and \\'. E. the recent meeting; of to ,;hape the ndnahl~' a \lin' into a ,;tin'up ,;mall emery \I·I\('el form, and to ,;harprn :: file or thl' en:1 AL till' ,-\meril'an in Cdifornia_ Collegl' of Surge:lll'; of till' ,;traight or pin portion, are all that :tn: \ic('lkd for an~ meehanicalh-inclined p('r,;on to make an ahull We Handle All Grades. Or. ';Ull TaIllarkin \I'a,; conlined to St. Elizaheth's llo,;pital for ,;('\"C'ral dant suppl~ of this iilstrunll'nt. 'i'he';l' ",tirrup pin," 111;1\ he made of a 11\' ll'n<'th day,; \ ith :1 g;a,;tro-intl,,;tina[ up-,;rr. to ,uit the indi\ idual ea,,,', anfi thl' lellgth of th;' stin~~[p 25 N. Walnut Street Youngstown. Ohio Talley Coal Special Meeting, Nov. 29, 1935 The .Hahoning Count\ :\Jellic-:d Societ\ held a ,;pl'Cial Illeeting on '\O\'l'r;lher 2 l )th, 193.5, at the Y, :H. C. ,\., for the purpo,;e of nominating th rel' of ou r ml'lIlhns for the po,ition of Cit\ Ph\'sil'ian, Till' follo\l'inl! Small Sleinmnn Pin loop al,o i, ea,ih varil'd. Traction ma\ be applied abo to the ankle or \Hi,t in selectl'd ca,,'s by app.1~·ing tlll'l11 to all till' digit,; and :,u,;prlbion or tl'n,;ion l'lll l:lo~Td. An~' ,;trong plier,; llla\' he Ibed to hold the pin \I·hile drilling through thl" hone, hut a hand vi. e, l"ll,;ting ::'1.50, i,; nlOn: reliahle, the loop of the ,;tirrup heing' hcnt out of the \I'a~' \I'hile drilling. d. B. McELHA:--.JY, M. II, n:mlC, ;\'l' 1"(' i1lJt in nomination: 1h,. Poremh,ki, Fu,;co, Reed, Patrick, T~ mOl'hko. Klin.~, Kaufman, and Colla, \I·ith the: 'flertilln of the fol ll)\\'ing: Drs. Patrick, Rced, and Fu,cll. The,e: namc,; \n'.re reque,tf'd, like the: Ilaml'~ for J lealth Commi". ,i()lll'r, by (lur Ylayor-Elen Evans, a,; ('xplaille:d hy the R('pre~l'ntative of the Committee "f the Allied Protrs sions, Dr. O. ). ';Valker. Thi,; is not lust a Cit;· PIJ\'sician po,;ition, bot j', the 1)in~rtor ;If Vledil'al Re lid in the cit\ of YOl1ng,;tll\\'ll. There fore, calls for a man (If execllti\'l~ :"1 a 11)' a child is scolded for dullllcss whell he should hl' [rea ted for ullderllour isillnellt. III hllnd red~ of hOJTlCS a "COII tillelll~I" hreakfast of a roll alld coffee is the rule. If, d~~-after d~~, a child hreaks till' Illght\ fast of twel\'t hours on this scallt fare, sm~11 \\'ollder th~t he is list less, lIern"", or stupid at school. A happy solution to the problelil is P~hlum, :'>'Iead's Cereal cooked alld dried. Six times richer th~1l At.id milk ill calciurn. ten times higher thull :o:pillach in iroll. ;llld ahulldant ill vitalllins B :..11 HI (;, Pahlurn furnishes The School-Child's Breakfast Secretary's Report The :\laltoning Count\· .\lrdical Society" he Id a :,plTiaI ml:cting, '\0_ \'emll('\' 27th, 193\ at the Y. :\11. C. A., for the purpose: of nOl1ll11atill<' three of our member, for the :\ILI\'OI~ Elen. Lionel [\'ans, to select OIl(: fllr the position of Health Director of our rit~·. The follo\l'ing men \lTre put in nOll1inatil:n: Dr,. AutC'I1n.:ith, Bl'ight, RESPONSIBLE anility, proteet;\'e faclors especialh lIeeded by B/ott, Reed. Ro~apepc, Ryall, and Prolongs the life of garments an -est r s their beauty and at Ie. Gall Ue and jlldge for y ut'S If. D CLEANING PLUS TEXTURIZING PALATAB I LITY 'When you taste Petrolagar note the delight ful flavor, which assures the cooperation of your pa tien ts. Petrolagar is a mechanical emulsion of Jiquid petrolatum (65% by volume) and agar-agar. the ,chool-child. The e~se with which Pabillm call he prepared enlists the muther's co-operatioll ill serving a Ilutri tious breakfa't. This palatahle cneal require:-i no further ('()()kill~ and can he pl'epal ed simpl." by adding milk or w3ter uf any desired temperature. Its nutri tiollal value is altested ill studies hv E, R. Thomas: with the e!el'tion, h~ thl' memher, pre~ent, of Drs. Beight. Thoma" and Ryall. The,;e name" were prcsented to the Ill'\\' :\f[ayor. At thi, meeting thl· Society ap proved tlte dues for 1936 at ~12.0(). ELM. BLAIR Crimm rl til who found that tuberculo,;, children receiving ,upplernellts of Palliurn The dues Constitution of ~15.00, calls Abo for the annual Societ\· 2607 Glenwood A\'C. INC. P~trola ~ho\Ved ~re~ller \\'ei~ht-g:ain, ~rt'at('r in rrea,e in helllo!!:lobin, 3nd higher ,erUI1l calrium values thall a control !!:roup fed farina. endcr,;ed the Inter-Organization Con ference Committee resolntioll, Phone 4-4228 Mead Juhnsun & Company, E\'ans\'ille, WAl\TED-A userl 16 or 18 inch NOW PREPARED IN 5 TYPES Inuiana, will of physicians. supply reprints on request eleerric sterilizer. DL Fuzy. Jauuary 1936 - • 2fi BULLETI'" GLEANINGS (From Page 25) Philadelphia II·hert' he attl'l1ded a reunion of fonner hOl,,;e rL',idenh of the Philadelphia Ccnnal H(bpital. Several day, of dinic, on oh,tretrical C.ALI.J 3-8418 and glneco!ogil'al ca,e, Ilnc held, Dr,;. C. D. Iiau'l'r and \V, I':, Ranz attt'nded the recent meeting of the Amcrican Colll'ge uf Surge:Hh For Your \Ninter Supply of COAL in Cali forn ia. rh. Sam T,I1T1ctor of :\'1edicaIRc lief in the cit), of Youn!.':,;tmn1. There fore, call,; for ~I man of executive RESPONSIBLE abilin, DRY CLEANING PLUS TEXTURIZING -PALATABILITY 'Vhen you taste Petrolagar note the delight. Prolongs the life of garments ful lIavor, which assures the cooperation and restores their beauty and of your patien ts. Petrolaga,r is a. mechanical style, Call us and judge for emulsion of liquid petrolatum (65% by yourself. volume) and agar·agar. EARL M. BLAIR INC. 2607 Glenwood Ave. Phone 4-4228 NOW PREPARED IN 5 TYPES Jalluary THE j\'IAHO~I?\G COU~TY l\IEDIC:\L SOCIETY A NEW INSTRUMENT A practical and economical Steinman pin for "nail hone" as finger,; and toe,. also olecranon prllce" fraetuH>" etr. ;\ coil of tll'enty gallgc ,te('1 ,pring II'I!"('. a pair of II·ire cutting plin,. tll'O p,lir, of ,traight plier, to shape the Il'ire into a ,;tirrllp form, and a fill' or p'dnably a ,mall emny \l'heel to ,harpcn thl' end of thl' ,;traight or pin portion. alT all that arc needed for am mechanicalh-inclincd pn,;,on tu make :In ;ll1l1n d;lI1t ';lipply of thi,; in,trull1cnt. Tlw,;e ",;tirrllp pin,;" Illay he madc of am leng.th to ';\lit the individual ea,;e. and till' lellgth of rhe ,;tirrIlp loop a],;o i, (',hill I ari('(l. Tr:(l,tion m:l\ [)(' appJil'd a],;o to the ankle or Il'ri,;t ill ,\'leered C;i~e,; hI applying them to all the digit, and ';lI,;pen,;ion or telhion ('m plon'd, ,'\ny ,;rrong plier,; mal' he 1I,ed ro hold rhe pin \·.. hil(, drilling throllgh thi.' hone, hllr a hand I i"e• co,;ring Sl.50. i,; Illore reliahk, the loop of the ,tirrufl heing bent Ollt of the \\'a~' \I·hile drilling:, Small Steinman Pin 'i1. H. ;UcELHA:\Y, M. D, The School-Child's Breakfast Secretary's Report :\1a11\ a child i, ,(",dded for dllllllc" Thl' :Vlahonin;! COllnt~' :'Iledical when he should he tre;lted for 1Il1deflJOllf Society' held a ,.;pecial lIW('tillg, '\0 i~lllJlellt. In bUild red:-: of horne:", a "COII til1el1lal" hreakia't of a roll and coffee i, lemher 27th, ] lJ3S, at the 'y', .\.1. C the rille. If. day after da.", a child hreak, f\.. for the purpo,(' of nominating the Jllght\~ fa:"t of t\\'ch-e h()ur~ on this thr('e of our Illellll)('r,; for the :'I'lalor ~callt fare, :"mal1 wonder that he i~ list Elect, Lione] [Ialb, to ,;eleet one for le~~, llerVUlIS, or :-,tllpid at school. .:\ happy the jlo,;ition of Health Director of Sllilltion to the l'rllhlelll is PahlIlJrl, ~'Iead's Cereal rooked alld dried. Six tillle, richer OIJ r cit)·, than thiid milk in enlciuTll, tell times The follO\\ing \11('n l\'ere put in higher thall spinach ill iroll, and abundant in vitarnil1s B alld (;, Pablull1 furnishes l1omil1atic:n: ])r,;, :-\utenreith. Beight, protective fa\t(lr~ e:--perially needed by Blott, Rl>('d, Ro,;apepe. R~ all. and the school-child, The ease with which I':, R, Thom;\,;; with the election, Il\' Pablum can he prepared enlist> the the ml'mher,; pre,;ent, of Dr,;, Beight. mother\ co-opcr:.nioll ill :-:ervillg a 1I1Itri Thoma,;, and Ryall. Thesl' nan1(''; liollS breakfaq. This palalahle cereal requires 110 further cooking and can he \l'cre pre,;ented to the 1]('\1' 1\ favor. prepared ,impl." by adding milk or water At thi,; llle(,ting the Societ~· ap of anI' desired lemperatllre. Its nutri proved the dill" for ]<)36 at SI2.()(J. tional \"allll:' j:-: atte:-ited in stlldit':-i hy Crimm 1'1 a! who found that tuberclIlons The ClJlhtitlition cal],; for annual children receiving ~urplelnents of Pablum due,; of ~ 15.00, AI,;o the Socien' showed greater weight-gain! greater in endor~ed the I nter-Oq.!;