p T D W1I D "1IEI. JEXTR We have almost forgotten the day of the horseless carriage, when the starter was the driver's good right arm, when 1ires were inflated with a hand pump, whel laborious methods were the mJe, -when top and windshIeld were " xtra.', N(U/) ... e~ TODAY we expect L-ars, and other things, ~o be complete and easy to u S. M. A. moves in the forefront of th modern trend. Users of S.M.A find tha the labor of prepaI"ing formulas has been lightened. because the makers of S. M. A have modified tuberculin -tested cow milk. under laboratory control, to closely resemble human milk. S.M.A. is a ready to-use food, as distin!!Uished from materials fOl" kitchen modification. For most normaJ infants deprived of human milk. S. M. A produces excdlent ." . .-.--.~.-.---. ...~-~-. .~. BULL "I of the Mahoning t dica OCt • ty Organiz.ed 1872 UQ'llst 1937 nutI"itional results more simply anC; S. M.A. CORPORATION more quickly. S. M. A. is availablL \'olurne 7 urn r K CLEVELAND, OHIO most good drug stores t:lverywhere. 245 THE MAHONIXG COUXTY MEDICAL SO :lETY The Knox agabond A hat you'll enjoy \\Tal'ing belween now anti FaU -light as a featlwr-lH'cominl!-ancl practical ('conOillY too- Fourteen ('olon; to choose frorn-S;)..')O The Scott Company 32 ?X,orth Phelps Street OBIl: 'I he phY'iolu:ucal action of ~oricil1 in lhe bowel 1l;1~ nlll yet been fully ', p];Linec!. Thi:: nlllch i' known: ~'nricin by mouth i,; non-toxic and harmlc,o" . n in 11tr~ dl"·. 'oricin definitely .lJ A SA.\IPLF ============1-========= THE :\.JAHO:-\I:'\G CQC:\TY MEDICAL SOCIETY he Knox Vagabond .<-\. hat you'll enjoy wearing between now and Fall -li~ht as a fealher-becol1ling-and practitaL ('I'onOm\ ioo- Fourken colors to choose £1'0111-$:).,")0 The Scott Company 32 ?{orth Phelps Street .,.--.......... ~;f.~ ~ ANEW CASE ~ :-..~ And .,,makeita caseof '.-r l~ Renner Beer or Ale. Have it at home for your guests , , . the flavor will please them. Renner Beer and Ale DOCTOI{-I'!caSf dial :{-2(;2(; are excellent evening re for C. L. Thompson's Superh. new Packard freshers, Il\VALrD COACH Djg-nity Courte;;y Sen·ice. JERRY TRAUB. Representing C. L. THOMPSON "7/,.: 11~/I. ~. _ /Iettcll (. -.>"l/,'IIII/ 21.~1 \'Iarl,et St. Phone :{-2fi2fi Phone 44467 r /1\"(;I'\" \ \TI. L..' .\, 1':\Tl{()~rZE OCH ADVEWfiSEHS A:\D \1E::"TJO:\ THE Bn.LET!::" 245 247 2-J() n[JLL'TL~ LET US SUPPLY YOUR OF IC F IT E OPERATING PELTON TABLES OFFICE and CASTLE SCALES STERILIZERS INSTRUMENT CABINETS REVOLVING FLOOR STOOLS STERILIZER LAMPS STANDS WASTE RECEPTACLES LYOl S PllYSICIAl T S -PPLY C ). SICK ROOM AND SURGICAL SUPPLIES 26 Fifth Avenue Phone 4-0131 YOUNCSTOWN, OHIO -I T\VO STOMACH PREPARATIONS Gastric Acidity - Pulvis Sip y Im proved -- Bismuthi Subcarbonas, Mag nesii Carbonas. Calcii Carbonas, Sodii Bicarbonas, Diastasum Ccnc. 01. Menth. Pip.-A balanced formula combining the heavy carbonates for relief with the ligh1 carbonates for sustained action. Ulcer conditicns· -- Bismuth Subsalicylate, Compound.- Bismuth Subsalicylate. Sodi Bicarbonate, Magnesium Oxide. Magnesium Carbonate Extract Belladonna. - Combines the coating action of the Bismuth with the analgesic action of the Salicylate radicle. Prescribe them WHITE'S DRUG STORES Depl'ndable I'r('scri pI ion Drll.~·g-ist;; I'ATROXIZE OCR ADVERTISERS _\ND ~IENTIO:\' THE Bl:LLETlX THE i\IAIIONING COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIF.TY RES P ON SIB L E DRY CLEA I G Ye PLUS EXTURIZI G- Prolongs til life of garments Old Fashioned lind restores their beauty and style. Call and judge for Y IU'self. Picnic EARL M. BLAIR INC. Thursday, Aug. 19 2607 lenwood Ave. Phone 4-4228 INVITATION- • Comfortable • Individually Designed To Our SINCLAIR Party • lTpljft Support Gas and Motor Oils Expert Washing YOL/,. Pat;/-nt Greasing - Simonizing WO/l.ld Apprt'c;ate Co,.r/,('lness * Your Motor ;n F;tI;n~ Needs Tuning;> * LOlal CUf!'l(·Uer(, (or 15 Ye8r~ MOROSKY and MALICE HELEN MANTLE Oak at Truesdale 3111 Hudson Avenue Youngstown, Ohio Phone 40813 Phone 23420 1'\ nW:\,IZE olin AUVEnTISERS AND :\IE;'IITION THE BULLETIN 246 BCLLETl1' LET US SUPPLY YOUR OFFI F NI E SICK ROOM AND SURGICAL SUPPLIES 26 Fifth Avenue Phone 4-.0131 YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO T\VO STOMACH PREPARATIONS Gastric Acidity -Pulvis Sippy Im proved -. Bismuthi Subcarbonas, Mag nesii Carbonas, Calcii Carbonas, Sodii Bicarbonas, Diastasum Cone, 01. Menth. Pip-A balanced formula combining the heavy carbonates for relief with the ligh1 carbonates for sustained action. Ulcer conditions· --Bismuth Subsalicylate. Compound. _. Bismuth Subsalicylate, Sodi Bicarbonate, Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Carbonate Extract Belladonna, -Combines the coating action of the Bismuth with the analgesic action of the Salicylate radicle, Prescribe them WHITE' D UG STORE Dependahle I're"crilltioll Dru,g').6sls I~ P.\TR()~IZE OLR .\DVERTIRERS .\1\'D :\IE~TlO1\' THE RLLLETIX ,. '. • THE MAl[ONI~G COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY ®®~(I~ rr®[3@~~ RESPONSIBLE DRY CLEANING Ye PLUS TEXTURIZING Prolongs the life of garmelll: Old Fashioned lid restores their beauty and tyle. Call us and judl!:e for yourself. Picnic EARL M. BLAIR INC. Thursday, Aug. 19 2607 Glenwood Ave. Phone 4-4228 • Comfortable INVITATION • Individually Designed To Our 51 NCLAI R Party • Uplift Support Gas and Motor Oils Expert Washing rour Pati/'flt Greasing - Simonizing Would Appn'ciatl' Corn'/'fnt's,s * Your Motor in Fittin[: Needs Tuning;> * Lucal Conetiere-for ]5 Years MOROSKY and MALICE HELEN MANTLE Oak at Truesdale 3111 Hudson Avenue Youngstown, Ohio Phone 40813 Phone 23420 PATIWNIZE OCR ADVERTISERS AND i\IENTIO~ THE BllLLETIN 247 I 248 BULLETIN THE ;'l'fAHO~ING COUi\TY MEDICAL SOCmTY 24\l A Message To Physicians You can, with utmost confidence, recommend any of the three WEINBERGER DRUG STORES FOR PRESCRIPTION FILLING BECAUSE: Only Experienced, Registered Pharmacists are always on duty, BECAUSE: The world famous pharmaceutical you recommend are used in compounding. BECAUSE: Every prescription is checked and re-checked for accuracy. And remember, please, that WEINBERGER'S now have a FREE DELIVERY SERVICE - To Any Point in Youngstown JUST PHONE 3-5116, 6-5165 or 3-4177 WEINBERGER'S 12 W. Federal St. 100 E. Federal St. 129 W. Federal St. • The best investment toda~' is in your own business. Improve your W a i tin g The s a f est place to park Room - Creat.e favorable that cal' of yours is in Central impressions, Square llura'ge, \Vashing, lubricating, oiling' and "g'as"-ing- while you are shopping'. Call or St.OI> around. JAMES C:r WEAVER, INC. Central Square Garage , 22 W. Wood St, Phone 4-4427 Wick & Commerce Phone 35167 24-11our Service "OffiCI' Out fiuers" PATRO:,\IZE OLiR ;\OVERTISERS A:'\D :HE~TIO~ THE B(jLLETI~ . '. Doctor Does Your Patient Need A TRUSS Maternity, Sacro-iliac We Ptosis, Kidney or Would Postoperative Appreciate Belt • You Referring Elastic Your Patient to Us. Hosiery Experienced Fitters Private Fitting Rooms LYONS PHYSICIAN SUPPLY CO. 26 Fifth Ave. Phone 40131 Youngstown, Ohio R -A1iraclean THE SCIENTIFIC PRESCRIPTION Regular Refills by Calling Phone 4-0155 THORNTON LAUNDRY C:r DRY CLEANING COMPANY 234 Belmont Avenue Exclusive Users of Miraclean in Youngstown, PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS AND 'MENTION THE BULLETIN 248 BULLETIN A Message To Physicians You can, with utmost confidence, recommend any of the three WEINBERGER DRUG STORES FOR PRESCRIPTION FILLING BECAUSE: Only Experienced, Registered Pharmacists are always on duty. BECAUSE: The world famous pharmaceutical you recommend are used in compounding. BECAUSE: Every prescription is checked and re-checked for accuracy. And remember, please, that WEINBERCER'S now have a FREE DELIVERY SERVICE -To Any Point in Youngstown JUST PHONE 3-5116.6-5165 or 3-4177 WEINBERGER'S 12 W. Federal St. 100 E. Federal St. 129 W. Federal St. The sa f est place to lJark that cal' of yours is in Central Square Garage, Washing-, lubricating'. oiling and "gas"-ing while you are • The best investment today is in your own bu,,;iness. Improve your Wa iii 11 :.t. Room -Create fanlrable i~i impressions. • TilE :YIAHOl\l!\'G COU"TY :\IEDICAL SOCIETY 24. Doctor Does Your Patient Need A TRUSS Maternity, Sacro-iliac Ptosis, Kidney or Postoperative Belt • Elastic Hosiery R We Would Appreciate You Referring Your Patient to Us. Experienced Fitters Private Fitting Rooms LYONS PHYSICIAN SUPPLY CO. 26 Fifth Ave. Phone 40131 Youngstown. Ohio -.J1iracfearz THE SCIENTIFIC PRESCRIPTHr- Regular Refills by Calling Phone 4·015;; THORN ON shopping. Call or slop around. II LAUNDRY 6' DRY CLEANING COMPANY JAMES 6' WEAVER. INC. 234 Belmont Avenue Central Square Garage 22 W. Wood St. Phone 4-4427 Wick & Commcfl'c Phonc 3S167 Exclusive Users of Miraclean in Youngstown. 2.J...f1ollr Service "Office Outfitters" PATROXIZE OUR ADVERTISERS AND "'E~TlO~ THE BULLETI~ PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS AND MENTIO~ TIlE BULLETIN 251 250 BULLETIN TO PREVENT ILLUSIONS OR ABERRATIONS- Drink and Prescribe 'DIAN CREEK FARM MILK It's free from both macroscopic and microscopic animals. INDIAN CREEI( FAR~I Phone 2·2:Ht Youngstown Owned and Operated CROSS DRUG 6 EAST FEDERAL STREET In the Stambaugh Bldg. 1 WEST FEDERAL STREET In Central Tower Bldg. • vVE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUH PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENTS Five Pharmacists to Serve You. Prescriptions Derivered to Your Patient. P TRONTZE OUR ADVERTISERS AND MENTION THE BULLETIN . '. THE MAI-il>NING COU TY MEDICAL SOCI 'TY BULLETIN FFICE S OF TH OCIET P.lt.:L J. FUll', :\1. D.. Pre,ident '\1. H. B.IClI~LI)I, :\'1. D., Trea,"rer \\·~I. :\1. SKIPP, :\1. D., Vice President ROO£RT B. Po 1'\(,;, Secretary CL.\UlJE B. :-:ORRIS, President-Elect B LLETI.' COMMITTEE H. . PAfRlCK, M. D.. Editor Associate EdiIO.r. J. L. FISHER, M. D. W. H. BU~.·, M. D. A. J. Bu. ,M. . SAUL TAMARKIN, M. D. :V!. W. :-lEIOUS, M. D. D. A. NESDIT, :VI. n. Business Management L.I\\ RE)lCE SEC,IL, 1\1. n., :Vlanager J. L. SCAR)I ECCIlIA, 1\'1. D .. Associate :'''[anager Inquiries and remittance'S for advertising or subscription IS ould be audrt:s!icd to Dr. Lawrence egal, 701 Himrod t\,'enue, Youngstown, Ohio. Publishe j'vlonthly at 2218 [arket ·t., Youngstown, Ohio. nUlla! Subscription. $2.00. \'OL. VI [-:\0. 8. CONTENTS August, 1937 PRESIDE:\T'S PAGE COl;:\CII.LOR's COU;:\IX 253-25+ How THE :\ E\\' YORK PI.A:\' EVOI.\'ED 25+-256 Hu:\I.<\!\' BlOu)"y 256 THE lLI.l:':OIS ;VI,\RRlAGE LAW 257-262 :'\EWS lTols 262 ApI'LlEl> 7V!EV!CAI. PII!\R~I.\CY (~o. 1+) 263 SECRET \RY'S REPORT 263-265 ~IEVICAL Gl.E:\1\!XGS 265-267 How "THE BIRTH OF i\ BABY" \VII.1. BE Sl-IClWX TO PUBLIC 267-269 \VHY CHII.llREX SHOL:LD SEE "THE BIRTH OF .'\ BABY" . 2({J 1YI'ER:\E REL:XIOXS 26') l'01\TRACEI'T1():\ . 271 ~I,\YBE 1:\ ST.\CE ~'lOXEY 271 250 BULLETIN ~~n TO PREVENT ILLUSIONS OR ABERRATIONS- Drink and Prescribe INDIAN CREEK FARM MILK It's free from both macroscopic and microscopic animals. INDIAN CREEI( F. Phone 2-23 / 1'1 Youngstown Owned and Operated DRUGS 6 EAST FEDERAL STREET In the Stambaugh Bldg. 1 WEST FEDERAL STREET In Central Tower Bldg. • 'VE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENTS Five Pharmacists to Serve You. Prescriptions Delivered to Your Patient. '. • 251 THE MAHONING COUNTY MEDICAL BULLETIN OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY P.\t:L J. Ft:zy, M. D., President M. 1:1. B.\CH~IA', M. D., Tre3Sl11ef \\''''1. ;'vl. S"KIPP, Ivl. D., Vice President ROfifRT H. P{JLl"C, Secretary CUliDE B. .\'ORRIS, President-Elect BULLETIN COMMITTE H. E. PATIUc.K, M. D., Editor Associate Editors J. 1.. FISHER, M. 1\. J. BRANDT, M. D. lJ. ;\.1. \V. .\'EIDUS, M. D. Business Management L,\WRE';CE SEGAL, M. D., ~vlanttger ].1.. SC.\RKECCHlA, M. D., Associttte ;\'lanttger Inquiries and remittances for advtrtising or lubscriptions should be addreS5'f."d ~n Dr. Lawrence Segttl, 701 Himrod Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio. Published Monthly at 2218 Market S'L, Youngstown, Ohio. Annual Subacription. $2.00. VOL. Vl1-:lJo. 8. CONTENTS August, 1937 PRESJl)E:\T'S P..\(;E r'J -). COC:\CII.I.OR's COI.V\-!:\ 253-25-1 HO\v TI-l E {\ lOW YORK PL.\:\ 1':\,01.\'1,0 25-1--256 II H V\L\:\ B10I.O(;Y 256 'I'll E ILl.I~OIS :\·1 A RRI.-\C I, LAW 257-2h2 :\EWS ITE:\IS 262 Ii II AI'PLlEl1 :\oJWICAI. PHAR:\I.\C" C\o. 1-J.) 263 SECRET.\RY'S Rld'ORT 263-265 :\1 EVIC.\I. (;1.1,..\:\I:\(;S 265-267 How "TilE BIRTH OF 1\ H:\Il\", \VILL BE SHOW:\ TO PClll.lC 2G7-2bLJ \VHY CHII.ORE:'o: SHOCLD SEE "TilE HIRTII OF.'\ IhIlY" . 269 hTER:\E REC:\!O:\S 269 CO:\TR1\CEI'TlO:\ . 271 :\iIAYIlE !:\ STAGE :vrO~ EY 271 fl PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS AND MENTION THE BULLETIN c 252 BULLETIN ]31lJ ]IL1 ]1 ][]![ N f_0_tht'!-=----== ~1ahoning County Medical Society u G u s T 1 9 3 7 COUNCILLOR'S COLUMN July and August a re vacation days. The scientific sessions give way to activities 111 a I ighter vein. The "Real Old Fashioned" pIcnIC, so Bill Evans says, is to be held on August 19th. his will be the swan song of the vacation. l\Y ext month ou rFaIl Term begins. John .:\ 011 has been hard at work getting material for a strenuous scientific session, and he has an interesting season planned. Your council has enjoyed a period of inactivity, but It, too, \vill soon begin ses sIons. So let us all enjoy ourselves this month, and everybody attend the Annual Picnic. PAUL]. FeZY, M. D. I t'I~~~=--=--=...=.. ~------......~.._.~.~""",=====_,,==,."~~=,",==-I..~-_.~ AugUJI The l'\'Ie,lical Society of the Sixth Councilor District lI"ill mel't in Holmes County. City of ~1illershllrg: in September. The County Societ~, lI"il I be the host. The~' are planning an afternoon of golf on a very good course. There will be a dinner served at 6 :00 P. ~'I. and a ~ood medical program in the evening" Route 62 will take you then'. It is th rough one nf the pictures4ue sections of our State. There you will set Ohio as it is not found in any other section of the State. You will learn things there that you call get at home, hut lI"ill he brought to you in a nlUch more pleasant manner. You will receive notice of this nlt'eting. giving you full and com plete detaik Remember. n'ery mem ber of all the County Societies is a member of the District Society. Signs of the times inrl ica te that drastic chang:cs may be in store for the profession in the near future. ~Ia~ be they will come suddenly or \\"ill come by a slow process. It be 1IoO\'('s each member of the profession to know what is transpiring, either for his detriment or improvement. I urge you to read Dr. Charles G. lie d and Dr. ]. H. J. Upham'~ ar tid" in the Tune 19, 1937. A. }I. A. .I'illrl/rd, aml also Senator J. H. Lewis' address published in the June 26, \<)37. copy of the A. M. A. Jourl/al. Gi\'e this matter some thought. Don't jll,;t pass it by. Some action should be taken h~· the profes~ion. through its national ur ganization, insisting that the F cderal and State Governments keep "hands uff" the practice of medicine, other than that the indige.nt are the respon sihilit~" of the State, and that the\' (the indigent) be given adequate medical care through a State plan which can he adapted to the needs of each county in the state. The patient physician relationship should be main tained; the operation of this plan to be entirely in the hands of the County :Vledical Society, working in conjunc tion \\"ith the County Commissioners. Ade4uate medical care should he suf ficient medical. nur~ing; and hospital care to restore the individual tu as ncar normal as possible, so that he will be a useful citizen of the com munit~" in which he lives. The County Medical Society should supervise the practice of medicine. The central office or dispensory should be under the direct control of the So ciety. The patient applying to this ct:n tw I office should have free choice of physician and if the patient and doctor so prefer, the doctor may see the patients in their respective offices. Everv member of the Count\, So ciety sl;all be eligible to practi~e in this central office. l'\o hospital or social service organization shall man age or direct this central office. Each doctur serving shall be paid a certain amount for the time he spends. All chaq!;es fur patients admitted shall be paid for by the County. After in vestigation, a fee in ket'ping with the 252 BULLETIN ACJ July and August af(~ vacation days. The scientific sessions give way to activities in a Iighter vein. The "Real Old Fashioned" picnic, so Bill Evans says, is to be held on August 19th. This will be the swan song of the vacation. 1\ ext month ou r Fall Term begins. John )Joll has been hard at work getting material for a strenuous scientific session, and he has an interesting season planned. Your council has enjoyed a period of inactivity, but it, too, \vill soon begin ses sIOns. So let llS all enjoy ourselves this month, and everybody attend the Annual Picnic. PAGL}. FGZY. ~J. D. ]IB llfJ]Il]IL ]IE1[]I[ N NIahoning County A uGu T --=0=t=-----=~f he Medical 1 937 COUNCILLOR'S COLUMN The :\/ledical Society of the Sixth Councilor District will meet in Holmes County, City of :\!Iillershurg: in Septemher. The County Society will he the ho~t. They an' planning an aftt>rrJoon of go! f on a very good cuurse. There will he a dinner served at 6 :00 P. M. and a good medical program in the e\"ening. Route 62 \\-ill take you there. It is through one of the picturesque sections of our State. There you will sce Ohio as it is not found in an) other st'ction of the State. You \\·ill learn things there that you can get at home, but will he hrought to yOIl in a Illuch more pleasant manner. You \\-ill receive notice of this meeting, giving you full and COI11 plete details. Rememher, every mem ber of all the County Societies is a memhn of the District Society. Signs of the times indicate that drastic changes may he in store for the profession in the near future. ~layhe they will come suddenly or wi11 come by a ~;]ow process. 1t he hooves each memher of the profession to know what is transpiring. either for his detriment or improvement. I llrg:e you to read Dr. Charles G. He)-d and Dr. J. H. J. Upham's ar ticles in the June Ission, through its nation,t! or gani".atioll, insistin,l!: that the Federal and State Governments keep "hands off" the practice of medicine. other than that the indigent are the respon sibility of the State. and that the~' (the ilHJigent) he given adequate medical care through a State plan \\·hid} can be adarted to the needs of each county in the state. The patient physician relationship ~h()u Id he main tained; the operation of this plan to he entirely in the hanos of the Coullty ~'ledical Society, \uJrking in conjunc tion with the Count} Commissioners. Adequate medical care should be suf ficient medical. nursinf.'; and hospital care to reston' the individual to as near nurIna! as possible, so that lIe will he a useful citizen of the com munity in which he lives. The County Yledical Society should supervise the practice of medicine. The central office or dispensorv should he under the direct control of the So ciet}. The patient aprlying to this central office should have free choice of ph)'sician and if the patient ant doctor so prefer, the doctor may sec the patients in their respective offices. Ever\' memher of the Count\· So ciety sl~all be el igihle to practi~e in this central office. ~n hospital or social service organization shall man age or direct this central office. Each doctor serving shall he paid a certain aTllount for the time he spends. All charges for patients admitted shall he paid for hy the County. After in \'estigation. a fee in keeping with the August 1937 BULLETI:\'" THE :vrAHO~I~G COU:-.ITY MEDICAL SOCIETY 2i)f) individlla!" abilitl to pay shail be in thl: doctor" office" directed [n' the po,ed to cOl1lpul"ory Iwalth insurance Society of the State of !\ew York I colll'l·ted for all that ,lrl' not on rC'lief. Health Commissioner of the C(;llnt~ for oln'iou, reason,. and to I'o!untary iJltroduced the Re,olution which ap Fees ,;hall lw adjusted to sllit all and sllpen'iscd In' the Countl' :Vled health in,urance scheme, bl:GIIISt' the~ peared in the .I une 19. 1937, is,ue of t~ pes of cases hoth in the home and ical Society. Prr\"(~nt i\"l' l~ed icine incritahly lead to compld,;or~' health the l. A . .11. ,1. on pag:e 21+2. The the hospital. ,hall be a, important, if not more so insurance. \Vith the,c I'iell" I am anioJl b~ thl' reference committee to than cllrative medicint·. ' All pn'ventin' medicine ~hall he naturalk in accord. During la,t win Il'hich it wa, sent i,; to be found in carrieJ Oil in thi, central office or W. YI. SKIPP. IV!. P, ter. or to be exact. ,OInt' timt' in April, tltt' l. ,1. M. A, of June 26, 1937, -----0>----- the Report of tht' Ameril'an Founda on pagt' 2220. This i, the story in tion Studies in Govnnmcnt was made its bare,;t outlint's. pllblil·. I Il'as on tht' ;l,ledical Ad HOW THE NEW YORK PLAN EVOLVED I i,on' Hoard of thi, Foundation and I am not a '"cialist. 1 do not be A Request The Kopetsky Letter with - the re,;t of thl' Advi,or~ Board lielT in ,ocialism, but I do believe in KallS---- HOW TH E NEW YORK PLAN EVOLVED A Request The Kopetsky Letter Ka'J;as City, ]'vlo., Jlily 1, 1937. :\ew York City, July 6. 1'J3 7. Dr. Carroll P, Hungate. Dr. Samuel j. Koperski. IOlO Professional Building. :\'nv York City. ~ell' York. Kan,;as Citv, .vIissollri, Dear Doctor Kopetsk~': ])tar Dr. Hung,lte: A,; most information lI'hich the av I have your letter of Juk Iand nage medical man is interested in I agree lI'ith you that these: matters should he printed in medical periodi finds its wa~' into the lay press before cals and disseminated to the medical it is printl'd in medical periodicals I profession rather than he discussed am writing )'Oll for first hand infor hl'fore the lait~, HOIITvn, in regard mation. to lI·ho IHnt to 'vVa,;hington and lI'ho consulted til(' President-that is a '1'11(' information which ~'Oll give matter upon which 1 am not at lih me will he disseminated to the pro ertl' to speak, and so 1 cannot give fe,;sion of our County through our you the information for the n'ason Il'Cekly Bulletin. \Vould you please that I lI'as asked not to gi\'(~ any givc me a complete resume of your puhlicitl' to the conference in \Vash intrn:st in the question of State and ington. "TI :\,lE" has the: story. hut not Ftcltral aid for the poorer class uf accurateh', 1 do not knoll' lI·here they pcoplc'; lI'ho went to \Vashington to got it. [t is, however. totally imma consult with thc President and in tnial from the view'-point of the pr:) lI'hat mannn they received an illl'ita fession. tion to do so; what was decided and Here in :\'ell' York lI'e have advo what the outcome was at the A,l\l.A, cated certain principlr,; in regard to Of cou r,;e. I have read "'1'1.\1 E" and medical care for the indigent and for the "medically indigent" (who are a read the A. M, A. Bulletin but unt' class that ordinarih Gill meet their is too radical at timC',;; the other ultra expl:nse',; but lI'hen' catastrophic ill conservativc. 1 II'()uld like a complete nes,; touches them are: in se:rious trou anal~'si,; of the question b~' you if you ble /inancialh'); and in 1933 there feel the desirability of doing ';Cl. was a comlllittee formed under the feci these questions ,;Iwuld be chairmanship uf Arthur Booth. nUll' frrc·ly discus,;ed hy medical men and a Truster of the A. :\L A .. lI'hich all information presented to all ph)' rendered a Report lI'hich lI'a,; adopt SICJClIlS. td, and 11-'(' knoll' it as "The Booth Report." I am ,;ending I'OU a copy Thanking you in adl'ance. I remain, of it llllder separate cover. Very truly yours, During all thi,; tilllr we. here in CARROLL P. HF:\(;.\TE, rvl. n. Xc\\' York, ha\'e been unalterahly op /1/UjlHt • THE MAHO:\I:\G COU:\TY :.\lEDICAL SOCIETY 2!)f) po,;ed to compul,;ory llf'alth in,;urance Soci(·t~· of the State of ,ell' York I for obvious reason,;, ;lIld to I'oluntar~' introduced the Resolution lI'hich ap health insurance ,;chl'IIles because the) peared in the June 19. 1937, i,;,;ue of inevita hI v lead to compulson' heal th the ./, I lH. I on paf!:t 2142. Tltr insurance, \Vith the,;e I'iell''; I am action hI' tlw reference l'oll1ll1ittec' to naturally in accord. During: last win which it was sent is to he fOllnd in ter, or to be exact, ,some time in April, the ./. A. lH. I of Junt 26. 19.\7, the Report of the Amnican Founda on page 2220. This is the story in tion Studies in (~ol'nnnwnt wa,; made its barest outlines. public. I lI'a,; llll the :VIedical Ad visory Board of thi,; Foundation and 1 all1 not a socialist. 1 do not b,, with the H'St of the Adl'isory Board liel'l~ in ,;ocialism, but I do belie\'(' in was convinced of the integ:rity and social justice for the uuder-pril·ilef!:c·d, ahsolute }Hlnestv of the editorial work ,VI)' attitude i,; tersely expressed in necr,;sary in tile publication of this the editorial of the Ani' York SIIlIe' Lro,;s-stction of opinion and samplinl,!; '/'J//rulll I)f ,11('diri111' for Julv 1. 1937, of opin ions of the mecl ica I profes,;ion which I am also sendinf!: you undn in this countr\', Tht American Fuun Sl'pa rate CO\Tr. dation Studie's in Govcrnment, at the 1 helie\'(' that lI·itlt the drying up outset decided not to make an\' reCllll1 of the sources of pril'atl' philanthropy. menclations. \Vhen the rej;ort lI'as ~o\'ern111ent, namely local and/or puhlishtd there was so much in it of state, and/or Federal must step in to intenst value that a \'oluntary group support existing e1eeIllOSl'Il,UI' institu formed itself which made an intensive tions that cannot CHIT on further ))(' stud" of the Report and in addition Clu,;e of the lack of philanthropic tried to cull from it sOl\lr fundanH~n­ ,;upport. \Vl' also believe that the tal principles and applicable proposal,;, l]ualit~, of medical care delivered to This lI'as done independtntll' of the the people depends upon the ed uca Foundation and independently of or timl of the doctor and so. in the ap ganized medicine in ,\Ill' form. and proach to thi,; prohlem, medical edu the re,;ults of tht activit\' of thi,; cation comes in to it too. And the voluntary group wert to be sent to medical rducational institutions can government on the ont hand. and to not earn' on without endowments and organized I\lrdicine on the other if phiIa;Hhropy i,; taxed out of exist for study. elucidation. definition of ence, en dCllvml'nts 111USt be su pplicd terms. and determination of policy, hy taxation too, In tht outlying dis 1 took thr matter to the :\!tdical So tricts the practitioner cannot sen'e ciety of thr State of :\'tW York, the pcople lI'ell, and the dclil'l~n' of They appointed a committee which medical carl' to them is handicapped studied it. and nl make our del'elopment ~o \op ~ided that it threaten~ to crash and end, as many other line~ of great but unhalanct'd t'Hllutionary deve~opment havl' ended in the past. Fumhling; attempts at ~uch unifica tion of human knowkd~c and striv ing; havt' heen made hitl;erto hv poli ticians and the clergy-with rtsulb not pa rticularl) d i,tingui~hed, Prof. Pearl pointed out. The~t' practition er~ are l]ot Il'holly to blame for lack of success. either, he admitted; the prnequi~ite of re;rl knll\dedge of the Il'hok naturl' of man has simply not heen met-the data do not yet e:\:i~t, That is one of the chief challenge,; to the ~cicnti,;t: hoth by natural ap titude and training he is be,t equippell to ohtain ~uch data; and he should therefore ~el'k and find them. Is Not Pessimistic Prof. Pearl Il'ould not ~'ield to any temptation to pe~simi~m regarding the future. He invited his hearers to look hack ward over the hundred H'ars since the founding of the U ni \'ersity: Pa~teur, Li~ter. Huxlc~', most of the great leaders of the scien tific revolution of the nineteenth cen tury. were ~till children then. ,\lith a record of so great achievement in ~o short a time, he felt, there is no reason for suppo~ing that the II"lHld will not continue tu g;o aheao, ;\, a practical matter, Prof. Pearl expressed the belief that the univer sitie~, rather than specially found eo independent in~titution~, offer the best environments for ,cientific rt' search, That re~earch in~titution, unparented by universities have heen called into existence at all heregilrd" as a symptom of the departure "of modern univebitie~ from their' orig inal tradition; but this, he thinks. i~ a pa~sing pha~e. and tht' univnsitit', will soon come into their 01\'11 again a~ home~ of research. ,-/ /If/ust State of lllinoi~ Ht'nn" Horner, Governor Oepart;ncnt of Public Health Sprin:-;l1eld. til. .Iulle 26, 1937, Dr. Frank F, ~daple, Chicago YIedical Society Hu Iletin, 30 ~. :\IIichigan Alt'. Chicago, Winois, Dear Dr. }Iap~e: I enclose here\\'ith for publication a copy of a letter Il'hich I am about to send to all phy~ician" in Illinois II'ho~e names arc in the directory of phy~icians prepared hI' the American .\ledical A~~ociation. and also copy of manuscript of a pamphlt:t to be l'ncloscd Ilith the letter. This cor respondence relates to the nell'h' en acted law which requires the med ical examination of persons ahout to marry. The letter ;11ld the hulletin explain the la\\', Il'hich i~ reproduct'd in the hulletin. and give information con cerning what II'lJ!"k the State Depart lIlent of Puhlic Health \\'ill he ahle to do in connection with the required Iahoraton' te~ts, I belie~'e that it is I'ery important tor the medical profession to be fulh' informed ahout this matter and 1 hope that you II'ill find space 1Il an early i~~ue of the Bulletin. Yen' trul~' ~'ours. rR:\~K j, jIRKA, :"1. i)" Director of Pu!>lic Health. june 30, 1937, r,) /1/1' !J/tYJici(//lS of IIli/lois: ;\ nell'lv enacteo law, effenive July I. 1937. requires the pl1V~ical l xa.mination for venneal di~ea~es of all person~ ahout to ll1arr~' in 111inoi~. cop~-of this law, I"hich appears to hI: in complete accoro with puh lic tntiment, is enclosed herewith for ~ ,lur information and guidance. Please ()b~l'n'e that a h lood test for . \ Ilhili~ and a microscopic test for ~ IIlflrrhea arc required of each party to a marriage contract and that these tt h mu~t be made free upon request /1) ri of phy;;ician, h~' the State Depart ment of Puhlic Health or bl' munic ipal health departments. ' Thl:' limited re,ources of the State \)epartmt'Ilt of Public Health make it im~lJ",ihle to do in the State \)ia~­ no~tic Laboratories all lif the tests that Il'ill he neCCs~an·. PIli ~ician, in municipalities of O\'e~ 30,000 arc re ljue~ted, therefore, to ~end ,pecimt'ns to local public lahoratorie~, \ Vhne no public lahoratory exi~t~, cit~, ()f ficials ~hould make arrangemenb for hand ling these te~ts in an approl'l:d private laboratory, Kindly observe al~o that ph~sician~ must provide applicants Il'ith a :;igned certificate to Il'bicb mu,t he attacbed copies of the laborat(HI' reporb of the tests, In suhmitting ,pecimen~ to the laborator~' for compliance \\'itl\ this law, it lI'ill be important. there fore, to give the /11/11/(' of the appli cant rather than key number. Rel]ue~t for duplicate copies of reports i~ ncc e",ar~' if a eop~' is de~i red fur you r fib. The success of thi~ venture aimed at the control of familial syphilis and g:onorrhea. especially congenital in fections, rests primarily on the med ical profes~ion. Some 150,000 young people Il'ill he brought annuallr to pln.-"icians, \Veeding out the I;letic will help greatly in prevrnting the birth of infected hahies, of which there are nOlI' ahout 1.000 annualh-, State rrgulations r~ljuire th... r(' porting: and treatment of each patient detected, Patients are required to remain under treatment until dis mi"ed b~" physician~, All necessary drugs for the adcquate treatment ilf luetics arc available free from the State Department of Public Health which will provide al~o assi~tanc(' \\'itll respect to delinquent patients and the tracing of sonrccs of infec tion. From the Department you may ohtain mailing containers for u,e in submitting ~pecimens for laboratorv (Colltinued on Page 260.1 .. 25(1 BULLETI eral gon'rIlmcllt mu~t ~uh~idi7,e the a~ colltained in the :\ew York resl) doctor to SO ill n:~idcncy thne, lutioll, the profe~~ion ibelf run~ and You mar call this "~tat(' medicine." supen'isc~ the~e project~ where they \Vell, is it? Or i~ it supplrin12: a nced are found to Ill' neCl's~ary. whne. i~ ahsolutely exisb, \yithout I trust that this outlinc will clarih es~ahllslllng a gennal scheme or pl;~n. the situ;ltion for YOU. ' Without a hurraucracy to super\'I~e .. ' and run it and make the profr"ion \ er~· ~lIlccrcly yours, suhservient to it. Undrr the outlines SAlVIU,L J, KUPETZKY. ;VI. D. ---0!>----- HUMAN BIOLOGY. BROAD IN SCOPE, IS VITAL NEED (Victor News) A:\:\ ARBOR. iVlich.-A science ers are not lI'holly to hlame for lack of human hiolog~·. broad enOllgh in of succe~s. either. he admitted; the it~ ~cope to synthe~i7,e knowledge of prerelJui~ite of real knowledge of the man's mental and spi ritual ~ides a~ \,",lOle nature of man has simpl)' not well a~ of his pIli ~ical nature, ought hcen nH:t-the dat;:! do not yet exi~t. to he e\'l)!v'ed within the next centur~ That is one of the chid ch;:!lknge. .; if ci\'ili~ation i~ to sun'i\'l'-perhap~ to the scientist: hoth hy n;:!tural ap eyen if the human race it~elf is to titudr and training he is hcst cquipped escape e-.;tinction. to obtain ~uch data; and he ~hould therefore seck and find them. Thi~ \\'as the concl uding note of an addre~~ here hy Prof. !{aymond Is Not Pessimistic Pearl of thr-Johns Hopkins Univer Prof. Pearl would not yield to an)' sity. at thl' celebration of the hun temptation to pes~illli~m regarding dredth anniversary of the founding; the future. He invited his hearers of the University of \Jichigan. to look backward over the hundred year~ since the founding of the Uni Advance Is Lopsided versity: Pasteur, Lister. 1-1 uxley. The lH'ce"ity for ,;uch a ,,:ience of mo~t of the great leadns of the ~cien­ social svnthesis' has heen thrust upon tilic revolution of the nineteenth cen us, Pro"t. Pearl declared, hy the long tury, were still children then. ,Vith ~tride~ science has taken in putting more wealth and power into the a rccord of ;;0 great achievemcn t in hands of men, while other aspecb of so short a time. he fdt. there i~ no our evolution have remained stagnant. reason for supposing that the \\'orld \Ve have advanced enormously in will not continue to g:o ahead. power, and little or not at all in As a practical matter, Prof. Pearl \\'i~dom and goodne". So the ven expre~~cd the helid that the univer advances \\T hoa~t of in material sitie~. rather than specially founded things make our de\'c!opmcnt su lup independent institutions. offer the ~iJed that it threatens to crash and hest environments for ~cientific IT encl. a~ manl' other lines of !!rcat hut search. That re~I'arch in~titutions unhalanced ;'I'l,jutionary del"e~opment unparented In' universities have heen have ended in the pa~t. called into existenc(' at all he regards Fumhling attempts at such ullilica as a sYlllptom of the departure 'of tion of human knOldedge and striv moderr~ universities from their' orig ing have been made hitherto bl' poli inal tradition; hut this. he thinks. is ticians and the clerg:y-\\-ith results a pas~ing phase. and the universities not particularly distinguished, Prof. wiJl soon cOllle into thei r own again Pearl pointed out. These practition-as hllllles of rt'~earch. THE MAlIONING COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY THE ILLINOIS MARRIAGE LAW State of Lllinoi~ Henr" HOrJln. Governor Depart;nent of Public I--lcalth Springfield, [II. TUlle 2f>. 1937. Dr. Frank F. ~Haple,' Chicago Medical Society Bulletin, 30 :\. IVlichigan A\·c. Chicar;o, Illinois. Dear ])r. .VIap~c: I enclose herewith for publication a cop~ of a letter \V hich I am ahout to ~end to all phy~icians in Illinois \dlOSe names are in the directory of phy~ieians prepared hy the !\lllLl'ican \ledical A~~ociation, and also cop~ of manu~cript of a pamphlct to be enclosed with the Irtter. This cor respondence relates to the newly en acted la\\' \\,hich requires the med ical ex,lmination of person~ ahout to ma rr~ . The letter and th(' bulletin explain the law. which is reproduced in the hulletin. and give information con cerning: what work the State Depart ment of Public Health will be able to do in conneoion with the required lahoratory testS. I believe that it is \'Cry important for the medical profession to be fully informed ahout thi~ matter and [ hupe that you will lind ~p;lCe in an early i~~ue of the Bulletin. Very truly yours. FRi\:\K J. .IIRK.'\. :VI. n.. Direetor of Puhlic llealth. June 30, 1937. To the J1hy.l';c;fl/l.l' 0/ 1//;110;.... A newly cnacted hl\\', effcctive July 1. 1937, require~ the phy~ical examination for vcnereal Ji~ease~ of all per~ons about to marn' in Illinois. A copy of this la\l', which appears to he in complete accord with puhlic ~entiment. i~ cnclosed hrre\\·ith for your information and guidance. Plea~e ohscn'c that a hlood test for syphili~ and a microscopic te~t for gonorrhea are required of each part~· to a marriage contract and that these tests must he made free upon request of physician~ hy til(' State Ikparr ment of Puhlic Health or h~ munic.. ipal health departments. The limited re~OUITe, of the Stat Department of Public Health make it impo~sihlt: to do in thl' State I )iag tlll~tic Laboratorie~ all of the test,; that \\·ill 1)(' I1l'Cl~"ary. Phy,;ician,; in ll1unicipaliti('s of over 30,000 arc re que~ted, therdore. to ,;end SpeCi11len, to local puhlic laboratoric~. \Vhnc 110 public lahoratory ni~b. city nf /icial~ should make arran!!cments fm handling the~e te~ts in ;;n apprul'('d pril'ate laboratory. Kindl" observe abo that phl'~ician~ mu~t pn;\,ide applicant~ with ,; :,ig;ned certificate to II-hid! mu~t he ,!ttached copie~ of the laborator~ n'porr~ of the test~. In ~uhmitting; ';Jlecill1en~ tl) the laboratory for compliance \\,ith this 1;1\\'. it \\·ill he important. therr fore, to gi\'e the Jlflfllf' of the appli cant rather than key number. Rl·qUC~1. for duplicate copie~ of reports is nec 6Sary if a CoP\' i~ de~ired for your /ib.' -' The success of thi,; \ enturc aimet! at thc control of familial ~yphili~ and gonorrhl~a. especial 11 congenital in fections. rests primarily on the med ical proft'ssion. Some 150,000 \'l)ung people will he broug:ht annuaily to phy~iL·ian~. \Veeding out the luetic \\ill help greatl~ in pn:vl'nting til(' birth of infected bahie~, of \\'hich there are nO\\' ahout 1,000 annual 11, State regulations reljuirr' the r~'­ porting and tn'atmcnt of each patient detected. Patients are required to remain under tn'atmcnt until di,; ll1is~ed by pIn ~ician~. All nece,~an' drug:,; for the adequate treatment ,)f Juetic~ are available free from til(: St,lte Department of Puhlic Hralth \\'hich \I,ill provide abo a"i,;tancr with re,;pect to delinquent patient,; and the tracing of s(Jurce, of infec tilHl. From the Department you I11a~ ohtain mailing; containl'f~ for IN' in ,;uhmitting specill1en~ for laboratlln (Cnlltilllled nil Page 260.l 1937 A lUll/sf 237 8 BULLETIN THE MAHOKING COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY Y "OLD FASHIONED" PICNIC Coming Events • THURSDAY, AUGUST • 19, 1937 • • PLACE: The Milliken Farm. DIRECTIONS: Will be given on Postal Card. Neurology September-L. J. KARNOSH-C1eveland COMMESTI BLES: Corn & Chicken. SPORTS: Inter-Hospital Base Ball Game, Horse Shoe Pitching, African Dominoe Matching, Euchre, Hearts, Authors. • • COST: To be assessed. • Diseases of the Colon and Rectum. October-J. M. LYNCH-New York (Telephone Service on the Grounds) ,1 uijusl Illf, · . ... .. 258 BULLETIN = THE MAHONI1\G COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY so YE "OLD FASHIONED IJ .II PICNIC • III Coming Events THURSDAY. AUGUST • 19. 1937 "I • • III PLACE: The Milliken Farm. DIRECTIONS: Will be given on Postal Card. Neurology September-L. J. KARNOSH-Cleveland COMMESTI BLES: Corn & Chicken. SPORTS: Inter-Hospital Base Ball Game. Horse Shoe Pitching, African Dominoe Matching, Euchre. Hearts. Authors. II I) COST: To be assessed. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum. October-J. M. LYNCH-New York • (Telephone Service on the Grounds) A II!JIIst l037 - BULLETIN :WO THE MAHO:-iI:-iG COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY 2Gl ('ontinued from Page 257) (". amination. In Chicago and a fe\\' otlH'r citics. thesc facilities arc ;l\'ail able and should be ubtained from the cit\· health departments. Let me u r~e \'ou to take full ad \'antagc of tile la\\' in gi\'ing appli cants a thoruugh physical C'xamina tion. ';l'l'king no Il"s carefully ftlr S\"l11ptoms of tuberculo,;is and other sniou,; dcfl'cts than for \'enereal in frctions. The ,;ituation gives to the medical profession an extraordinary opportunity in pre\"l:ntin' medicine and in cultivating public confidence in the profession. I hopc that you will feel the ut mo,t freedom in (;dlin~ upon this office for all\' assistance that it milY hl· :Ibk to render in conllL,ction not only \\·ith the functioning of the nl'\\' la\\' but with any pnblil' health prob Ielll. Very tru ly you I~', FfL\ \' K .f. ] I RK:\. :VI. IJ .. State Health Director. PRE-MARITAL EXAMINATION The New Illinois Law and Its Implications Frank J. Jirka, M.D" State Health Director Public interest ha, been aroused in the venneal disease situation and in the po,sibilitie, of controlling and pre\Tnting both ",'phiIis and gOllllr rhea. Indisputable evidcnce that both diseases are widespread, that man)' peopll', espl'cially \\'omen. are inno cently infel'tell through marital rela tion,;, that abollt one in each one hun dred babies born i, congenitalh' in fl~cted \\·ith syphilis, that lark'e ;11.nn ber,; arc expo,;ed at birth to gonor rheal infection of til(' n'e, which nw\' (;lIl,;e hlindne,;,;. and t1lat ,yphili,; i,; IT';!)(ln,ib Ie for a considerab Ie propor tion of in,;anity as \\'cll ;1'; nUl11erou,; other ilb Iw,; kd to an imi,;tl'nt puhlic del11and for a comprehen,;i\'e, ,ound prugram of control. "Vith re,;pect to ,yphili, particularly, the public has (H:en told truthfully that both cure and pre\"l'ntioll are pos~ible at rea~on­ able cxpen~e th rough the inteII igrn r application of a\ailable knowledge. The most important and tar-reach ing public l'xpre,;,;ion on this ,ubject to date in lllinoi~ \\'as the enactment of a law, dfectin: July l. 11J37, which requires an examination for venereal di,;eases of per,;on" abont to marry. Thl' principal purpose of this !a \I' i, to prevent tlIe innocent infec tion of marital partners and to pre \'tnt the birth of congenitally infected babie,;. It i,; estimated that in recent year,; about 1,000 babiC',; congenitall~ infected with ,;yphili,; \\'ere born an nually in lllinoi,. The law require,; that both parties to a marriage contract he examined b~ a regularly licen,;ed phy,;ician \\'ithin fifteen day, prior to the i,; ';\lance of a license to marry. A micru ,;copic te:resflllf'rI ill Ilze (,'tlll ml "/Jsflllblv: ~ection I. Se~tion 6a i,; added to "-\11 Act to re\·i,e the law in relation I (l rna rriages" approved Feh rllar\, 27, I 7-J.. as amended, the added :;e'ction t" read a,; follo\\'';: ,('ction 6a. All per~on~ desiring to 1937 marry shall within fifteen (15) da~s prior to the i",uance of a licen,;e to marry, he examined b~' any duly li censed physician as to the cxi,;tence or non-e.~i~tence in ,;uch per,;on of any \'enneal di,;ea,;e, and it ,;hall he unlawful for the count~· clerk of any count~ to i",uc a licen,;e to marry to any per,;on who fails til pre';l'nt for filing \\·ith ,uch count~· clerk a cer tificate ,;etting forth that ,uch person i,; free from venereal di~ea~e,; a,; near h- a,; can be determined In' a tllOroU
follO\,'~: Section 6a. All per~on,; desiring to 1937 marry ,hall "'ithin fiftecn (15) day, prior to the i~,uancl' of a Iicen,e tIl marry, be examinrd hI' an,' duly li cen~ed phy~ician as to the ex i,tence or non-exi,;tencr in ,;uch pr>rson of any ,'('nneal disea,;e, and it . .;hall b~' unlawful for thr count, clrrk of am' county to i",ue a licen,;e to marry til any person who fails to pn'~ent for filing with such county clerk a ct'r tificate ~etting forth that ~uch pn,Oll is free from ':cnneal disca,;e, as nl'ar II" a~ can be detrrmined 11\' a tlwroul!h I~hysical examination, ;;nd attac);rd thereto laboratory reports of micro ~copical examination for the gonococ cu~ for gonorrhea and the hlood \,yasserman test or .Kahn test for sy'phiii,. Such laboratory examination ,hall 1lpon thr request uf any phy,;i cian in the State be mad(~ free of charge b) l'ither the State Dl'p,ll't ment of Public Health or the IIealth Department of citie~, villagc~ and in corporated to\nl~ maintaining Health Departmcn t~. The certi fica te, requi red herein ,hall be filed "'itll the applica tion for liccn~e to marry and shall read a~ follow" to-,,'it: I, (:'\amp or Phys.i<'iaJl) hring a phy,ician, legally' Jicen,ed to practice in the State ~lf, ,' my credential, being filed in the of ficl~ of...... . .. ill the City of.. County of.. State of.... , .,..,......... do certih that I did Cln the.. da" of '__ ' .., 19...., rn;~kC' a thorough examination of and l'on~idcred the result of a micro scopical cxiullination fllr gonococci and a \Vasserman or Kahn tl~,;t for ,yphilis, "'hich wa,; madC' at my re que,t (,trikr out the test or te,;t,; which "TH' not made) and helin'C' . _ ....... to be free from all venereal disease,. (Si~natlln' of Phy~idan) - - 2(;2 BCLLETIN THE l\lAH01\I::--rG COUNTY l\'1EDICAL SOCIETY 2(;;; Am countl" cl(""rk who ,llall unlaw fulh- is,;ue a licl'll,e to marrl' to anI' JH~I';on I ho fail" to pre,ent for filing the certificate prol'ided for in thi;, Act 0 r IdlO ,hall rdu,;e to i"uc a liceu,c to marry to any pn,oll Iq~al­ II \:apalle of cOJI!racting: a marriage Idw pre;,ent.~ for filing: the cnti/icate prm'ided for in thi, Act, or alll phy sician 11'110 ,hall kno\\'ingl~' and wil fulh make anl- fabe ,tatenlL'nt in the ccrt'ificate. or- any party or partie, hal'illg knclIdedge of any matter re lating or pntaining to the examina tion of any ;ipplicant for licen,e to marn. Idw ,hall disclose thc same. or ar;y portion thereof. eXCl'pt as may he fl'quired h~ lall-. ,hall upon proof thereof be punished by a fine of not le:s than S100,00 nor more than :£. 00,00 for each and every offense, Any person Idw shall obtain any license to marry contrary to the pro I'isions of thi, section ,hall. upon con I'iction thereof, he punished by a fine of not less than 100,00 or by im prisonment in the cOllnty jail for lIot It'ss than three (3) months or b~-both such fine and imprisonment. Am' license to marn issued here under' ,hall be mid thi~ty (30) da~-s after the date thereof. LOCIS E, LEWIS. Speaker. House of Representatives_ TOll\: STELLE. Pre~idetlt of the Sellate, Approved JUlie 23. 19.37, Henry Hornt'r. GlllTrnnr. (CltiUlijo :H rdiral S,,,'irl)' [jullfli".) -----<(0)>---- NEWS ITEMS Youngstown is to be honored on St'ptembn 29th by a joint m':eting of the Pittsburgh Oto-Iaryngological Suciety and tht' Cleveland Laryn gological Club, to be he!d at the Yllungstol\'n Club at 6 :00 P. :\11. Dr. Ad,on of the :Vlayo Clinic will pre,enl a papn on the r\eum logical Complications of Sinu, and Ear Infections, Dr. H, I. Lilln' ,va, to have been pre,ent al,;o but cO;lHic:, have ari,en to prevent his pre,;ence, Probably his associate, I)r. Hemp stead, will pre,;ent sOlne pha,;e of Otological pathology, Tht' :VIedical Profession ()f Y oungs tOll'n and the surrounding cities arc cordially illl'ited, Dr. Ii. \tV, 1':I'ans is in charge of arrangeme-nts and lI'ill welcollle rt';,er I'ations in ample timl' to assure all of proper accommodation, Dr. H, E. Chalker has retu rned fmm the Cook County Hospit,l! in Chicago when: he took a six II-cck's postgraduate course in Surg:ery. Dr. and :VIrs, R. E. Odom an nounce the birth of a baby girl on .I uly 23rd. :VIrs, Odom was danger ous'" ill at the tillle of the dclivelT hut is nOlI' making a vny mce IT cove-ry, Dr. \'. ~/L Szucs. former \-ledical Resident at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, is now associated Il'ith \-\" r, Colhert, He i, doing general pra,·ti~e. Dr. Herman Kling and family sailed Jul~ 27th for Hamhurg. Ger many. with Budape~t, Hungar~, their ultimate destination, 1)r. Kling Il'ill spend three months in the Surgical clinics of that cin' and II-ill visit other Old \Vorld me;lical centers on the homell'ard journey. Dr. A, E. Brant had a three Il'l'eks fishing trip into Canada last month. Either the catch wasn't so good. or it has become an old stor\'. for II-e have heard no yarns as yet: Dr. Gordon :\e!son ha~ invaded the wilds of northern ~/Iinnes:)ta for hi, vacation. The folloll-ing app~ication for membership in the }Iahoning County ~/Iedical Societv was acted on favorably hy Coun~·il. DR, CI.t\REI\CE \-\'11.1.1:\:\1 SEARS 3027 Markn Street. Should there be any objecti:)l1 to this applicant. present S;Ul1e- in "'Titing to the Secretary Il'ithin fifteen days, APPLIED MEDICAL PHARMACY (No. 14) Tinctures are repre,;ented in three scparate classes; regltlar, ethereal and fresh drugs, Tl :\CTU RES of the rel-(ular class are alcoholic extracts of dried plant or insect drugs or ,olutions of inor ganic chemicals. Their colors I'al')' from ;1 slight tint to green. red. deep amber and hlack, Tincturae AEtherae: Ethereal Tiuctures represeut the soluhle con ~ti tuen ts extracted from dry com minuted drugs (10') ) h~ percolation II ith a menstrunl composed of '/:: l,thyl oxide and 7:: alcohoL :\0 spe cial drugs ar(' mcntioned, but just the gene-r;l! formula to folloll' unless othl.'fII'ise dire-ered, Tinctural' :VI"dicamentorum Re rentinulll: Fresh Drug or Gree-n Tinctures unless otherwise directed are pre-pared h~ macerating thc hruis('d or crushed fresh plant drug. II ith frequent agitation in alcohol. lor three da~'s, to make the tinislll'd product represent a 50') tincture, The tll'('nty-five potent plant drug tinctures are each 10'/~ in strength, lI'hile thirt~ -five are 20') , one is +0') and three are 50',~ drug strength, There- are abo fiftel"n compound tincture,; of organic drugs and s('l-en \ hich consist of an alcoholic or Itl <1m-alcoholic ,olution of inorganic chemicak FLel DEXTRACTS ,H(' concen tr Itt'U liquid extract,; of plant drug, III which the actil'e principles of one .::ram of the drug i, represented in l'adl cc. of finished pre-paration Drugs ,'III taining large amounts of extrac lill' are not ,uitable for this form llf l' 'hau,tion. there-fore in,;pissated jlli'l a, Opium and Aloe,. gum (,,,ins like Asafoetid a and Benzoin ,ill' exduded. thesc and the more po t'lH drugs of \'er~' small do,e are hest 'I lminis ert'u as tincture,;, Th' alcoholic content of tluidex rt ·t: must of necessity van' with ...ld plant, depending \;pon the na- IfJii ture and solubilitl of proximate prin ciples to be represented, Fluidextracts are frequerIth- ust'll and justifiabl~ '0, (() prepa-re the tinctures hy the proCl';,S of dilutiug with ;l!cohol and II-ater in propt'f proportiIHl>. hut should not be u~ed except in elllerg;encie;" such make shift tinctures do n'ot repre,ent th(' drug: constituent'S in the same statt' in which we find the.m in those tinctures made from the crude plant drugs according: to the official process. FLUIDGLYCERITES are the same drug strength (100') as are the fluidextract>, hut they Cllntain nil alcohol. They are made by exhau,t ing the plant drug Il'ith a menstrum of equal parts, glvccrin and II'ater. A general formula only is given for their lnanufacture, Glycerin i, an excellent soll'ellt for man~ plant con stituents, both active and inert. more of the latter than is taken up h~ alcohol, Fluidglycerites mix readil~' Il'ith aqucous solutions and for that reason several ,m'h products have achiel'ed popularitj. they are most frequentl~" designated .. :\on-alcoholic Fluidex tracts." -]. J, McCILL, :'\'1. D, (Chicago Med ical Bulletin,) .------<'> - --- SECRETARY'S REPORT The vacation season of the year brings a nell "loll''' in the acti vitie, of till' Society. :\'ot many prublems of great importance need solving. The autumn ,eason of the year is rapidly appruaching and suciety newS will stir again. A bulle.tin of the ,tate as,;ociation makes the follol\'ing l/uotation rela tive to relief: "1 t i, ven' obvious that in executil'l' and legislative minds there i,; no immediate nisis am'lI-here that can not be Illet localh:; that 'purging' can still be et'fective'ty done and that it lI'ill not he neee~san' for the state to pa rtici pate in relie'f be 2(]2 BULLETIN An)' count)' clnk who ~hrdl un];l\\' ~tead, will pre,;cllt ~ome pha,;c llf ful1l-issue a Jiccn~e to l11a rn to anr Otological patholog). Iwr;on who fail,; to pre,;ent tor filing The :VIedical Profe~,;ion of Younl!~­ the certificate provided for in this 'toIl'll and the ~u rroundinj!: cities arc Act or who ~hall rdu~(' to i"ue a cordially invit(~d. licen,;e to marl"\" to am pcr~on legal 11-capahle of c'ontract~ng a marriaj!:e Dr. H. \V. Evan,; i,; in charge of \I'ho pre~enb for liling the cntiticate. arrangen1l'nb and \I'ill lI-elcllll1e re~er­ prm'idcd for in thi~ Act, or an), ph)' I'ation,; in ample time to a,;,;ure all of ~ician who ~hall kno\l'ing:ly and \I'il propn accommodation. ful II-make a11\' fabe ~tat('m('nt in the Dr. H. 1-:. Chalkn ha,; returnnj cert'ilicate, 01'-any party or partie,; from the Cook Countl' Hospit;d in hal'ing knmvlcdg(' of an) mattn re Chicago \I'here he took a six \I'eek\ lating or pertaining to the e:-.:amina po,;q!;raduate cour,;e in Surger)'. tion of any applicant for licen~e to Dr. and .\Irs. R. E. Odolll an maiTI. 11,110 shall di~clo~e till' same, rl-----have heard no )'arn,; as I-et'.· Dr. (~ordon :\el,;on ha,; illl'aded NEWS ITEMS the wild,; of northern .\-'linne";:Jta for Younj..,"town is to he honored on his vacation. September 29th b)' a joint m~cting of thc Pitt~burgh Oto-Iar) ngoloj!:ica! The followinj!: app:ication for Society and the Clevrland Laryn meI1lher~hip in the ~-Iahoning gojogical Club, to he he!d at the Countl' :VI cd ical Societl' was acted Young~town Club at 6 :()O P. :VI. on fal:orably hy Coun~il. Dr. Atbon of thc ~dayo Clinic DR, C/.AREXCE \VIl.L1A\! SEARS lI'ill present a paper on the :'\euro 3027 Market Street. logical Complications of Sinu~ and Should there he any objecti:ll1 Ear lnfection~. Dr. H. l. Lillel' ,va,; to thi,; applicant, present ,;alllC in to have been present al,;u hut co~flic:,; writing to the Secretary "'ithin have ari,;en to prevent his pre,;enc(', lifteen days. Probably hi~ a,;~ociate. Dr. Hemp ,iUf/IHI .. . .. THE lVlAHO:-'ING COUNTY i\HmICAL SOCIETY ZIj:j APPLIED MEDICAL PHARMACY (No. 14) Tincture,; an' represented in three tun: amI solubility of proximat<· jll'ln separate cla~se~; rej!:lalar. ethereal and ciples to be rcpre,;(·nte(1. fresh d ru g~. Fluidextract,; are fn'qlH'ntl) u,;ed TI :\CTU RES of the rej!:ular da,;~ and justiliabl) ~u, to prepare the are alcoholic extracts of dried plant tinetllrl'~ hy the proce~s of dilutin;.: or in~ect drug~ or ~olutions of inor with alcohol and water in proper ganic chemical~. Their color,; I'ary proportion,;, hut ~hollld not he u~ed from a ,;Iight tint to j!:reen, red, deep except in emergencil'~, ~uch make ,;hift amber and black. tincture,; do not represent the dru~ constitlH'nts in the saml' state in Tinctura(' AEthnae: Ethereal \I'hich \1'(' lind them in those tinctuJ'(''; Tincture,; represent the soluhle con made from the crude plant dru;.:,; ~tituent,; extracted from dry COlll accordinj!: to the (lfticial proce,;,;. minuted drugs (1 ( 1 ) ) by percolation "'ith a men~trum composed of 1/; FLU] DGLYCERlTES are the cth) I oxide ;lnd 7~: alcohol. :\0 ,;pe ,;ame drug strength (100 1 1,) a,; are cia! drug~ arc mentioned, but ju~t the Iluidextract~, hut the) colltain nIl the general formula to follo\l' unlc~~ alculwl. Tht·)· are madr' by l::-.:hau,t otherwi~e directed. ing the plant dru:..: \\'ith a men,;trum uf equal parts, ~lycnin and \I"ater. Tinl"turae :VI['(!icamentorulll Re A ~cncral formula onI) is :..:il'Cn for centinum: Fre,;h Dnlj!: or Green their manufacture. Ghcl'1'in is an Tinctures lillie,;,; other\l·j,;e directed excellent ,;oll'erlt for ma;lY plallt con arc prepared by macerating the stituents. both acti\'(o and inert, mon' bruised or cru,;lH'd fre~h plant drug, of the latter than is taken up h) \I·ith frequent aj!:itation in alcohol. alcohol. for th ree dal's, to make the linished product repr;',;ent a SO'/i, tincture. Fluidgl)Tcrite,; mix readily \I-itll aqueous ,;ollltions and for that reason The tll'enty-lil e potent plant drug ~t:l'eral ~uch product~ han' achin"ed tincture~ are each JO'/~ in ,;trcngth. poplllarit),. the) are most frequently lI'hile thirty-fi\'(~ are 2Wj" one i,; +0') designated ":\on-alcoholic Fluid(~x­ and th ree are S()t). drug strcnJ.!;th. tract~." There a re also lifteen compound tinctu re,; of organic drug~ and sn'en ---.I, .1, :V1c<;ILl., :VI. n. (Chicago )\-Ied iral Hullerin.) which consist of an alcoholic or --0'---, h)'dro-alcoholic ,;olution of inorganic SECRETARY'S REPORT chemicak The I'ac:ltion ,;cason of the year FLU IDEXTRACTS arc concen brings a nell' "loll''' in the activities trated liquid cxtract,; of plant drUg> of the Societ). :'\ot many problcm~ in which the actil'C principles of one gram of the drug i,; rcpre,;ented in of j!:reat importance need ';0" inf!;. The autumn ,;cason oj the year i,; each cc. of linished preparation J)rug~ rapidl) approaching and socidl ne\l'~ cnntaininJ.!; larj!:e amount; of extrac \I'i11 stiI' again. tive arc not suitable for thi~ form of exhaustion. therefore inspissated A bulletin of the ,;tat<· association j \lice,; as Opium and Alol:.';, gum make..; the following quotation rela resin,; like Asafoetida and Benzoin tin' to relid: "It i,; Hry obl'iou,; are excluded. the~c and the more pu that in ext'cutil'e and leg:i,.latin: mino" tent thuj!:'; of \'t'ry ,;mall do,;e are best there is no immediate crisis insulin during men,trua tion, (+) Reactions ",lwn they occur, 264 BULLETJN Hello Doctors! THE IDEAL We print your Bulletin-- Fur the Relief "f Inflammatiun and Conge$tion We are also equipped to Denver Chemical Mfg. Co. print your office stationery. 163 Varick Street New York. N. Y. Just give us a ring Phone 33112 F. A. MORR PHARMACIST Phone 103 Canfield, Ohio THE YOUNGSTOWN We fill R'S as you write PRINTING COMPANY them. We will be glad to 787 Wick Avenue favor you at any time. CAIlUONATED ALK~\.LINE W,,\.TER NOT A Lt\XATIVE UNIFORM STRENGTH-PURITY kalak KAI.AK W,\TER CO. OF NEW YORK. INC. 6 Church Streel New York City ' ••oJ •••••11 IIi _.. 0" Summer Diarrhea in Babies given before each nursing, is well indicated for loose stoo);; in lm.'ast C,N~C (calcium ca,einate). \\'!lich fed babies. Pleasc send for samples i, almo,t w!lolh' a combination of to ~IIead Johnson & Company, Evans protein and calcium. offer, a quickly ville, Indiana, effective methud of treati'1~ all type, uf diarrhea, both in bottle-fed and breast-fed infant,. For the former, the carbohl'drate is temporarih omit ted frum 'the 2-+-hour forlll~la and Patronize Our replaced with H level tabl(~spoonfuls of Casec.\Vithin a day or t\\'O the Advertisers and diarrhea will usualh· be arrested. and carbohydrate in the' form of Dextri Mention the :VIaltose may safely be added to the formula and the Casec g-radually el Bulletin iminated. 'I'luee to six tt'aspoonfuls of a thin paste of Casec allLl water, AII.'/list .-'. 2(; THE II'I.AHO)/'fNG COU:-J'fY MEDJCAL SOCIETY MEDICAL CLEANINCS possibly as late as :\ovember. .:~ <;' <;: fort, September at the earliest and At a recent clinical COllr~e at thl' It i~ equally clear that the local sub ~Iavo Clinic which nlllr corresplJlJd divisions arc going to be forced to ('nt' attendl'd. the f;,l\()\,'ing-worth exhaust n'cr~; pos~ible present re while knOll'1edge was emphasiz;ed: source. legitimateh or thn)ugh finan Dr. E. J. Kt'pln stated that a suf cial legerdemain. before the state will ficient dose of nac! and sudium citratr step back into the picturc, maintained an Addi"on's diseasc pa ]t i~ the general opinion hcre that tient in good health, I t i~ just as state aid wil'! not Iw :II'ailable much efficacious as Adrenal Cortical Hor before the snol\' flies. Thereforc. mone. Ten of their patients arc county societies will be compelled to working daily. ApparelJth' the Adre I\'()rk 'out with countl', township and nals play an important .role in Salt cit\ relief officials the problem t)f ~IIetabolism. pr<~viding; the poor \\'ith mc(lical care. According to Dr. Drip, the symp Some c(;untie~ have been successful toms of lIlcnapause are dUl' to ;1 de in <'ettirJ'T a fair a"reement \\'ith local b '"' l-l ficicncy in estrogenic subst;lIlce with officials. ~I(1st of the l'ounties have an increa"e in anterior pituitary hOI been able to dig up sOllle moncy for mone. Hence estrogenic sub"tanc(' relief, especially those counties where should hc used in sufficient quantit~ chiselers h;\\'e been ousted from the to counteract thr anterior pituitar~ relief rolls. Loca] negotiations are hormone, She al"o u"es ('strogenic necessary nOlI' and must continue un substances in: (]) Sl'nile Vaginitis. til the ;tate jumps bark into the pic (2) G, C. Vaginitis, (3) Pruriti" ture-when anti if it does." (-+) }[ig-raine, (5) Fri!!idit~, (6) All but T\VO of the regular mcm Sterility. bers of the Societl' have paid their due~ for the ensuing-year. This is a Progestine or Luteal Hormone is good record but I\T want the 1oWit used in: (I) Abortion, (2) Hyper rc~cord. The total membership of the nll'"is Gral'idarium. (~) Functional state association on Tulv 1'9~7 was Uterine hleeding. (-+) ;oVlenorrhagia, 5777 compa red to 5-+()6 'on the same (5) }letrorrhagia. (6) Sterilitl. In date a year ago. A'll new prospccts habitual abortion she uses large'do,;es s!lould bc contal'ted and urged to up to live months of pre!!n:\I1CY' reque't an application blank from the Frequently currrtting hefore preg secreta rv. nancy ensues, follclIl'Cd with large The 'routine business of this office doses of Luteal hnrmonl' \I'ill allow is being conducted. :\othing of un a pre!!nancy to l'ontinue to full term. usual importance can be reported at Small dose:-of th~'roid in conj unction this writing. Let us nut be unmind with above is of help in some case~, ful that ou r programs start next in di"cussing-Protamainc Insulinatl'. month and the rear's actil'ities shall Dr. Sprague pointed out its limita bc mobilized. ' tions. (1) ReactiOn> ()L'ClH at ni;!ht The fullcl\I'ing application for in unstahle blood sugar~. (2) Spon membership to the }\'lahoning Countv tancous escape from conti oj which ~/Iedical Societl' \\'as acted faH)fabl~' may be due to (a) rat.e of absorption, by Council: ' . (b) concentration of Protamainc. Dr. Clarence \Villialll Sear~. (3) Inabilitl' to change on short no Should there be a111' objections to tice as during mcnstruation when th this applicant, present objections in need is le~~cned. He cited the case of writing to the secretary of the So a diabetic nurse who found that she cict~ within 15 days. needed less insulin during menstrua ROHERT B. POLl:\G, 0\1. n., Seerelaty. tion. (-+) Reactions ",hen they occur, 1°37 267 THE ;VIAHO~IKG COUKTY MEDICAL SOCIETY TRUSSES-BELTS (Lady Attendantl Our Fi tters are Factory Trained and Guarantee Satisfaction Exclusive Distribution of Nationally Known Penequent Ointments Lewis Surgical Appliances (;, Equipment 28 Bus Arcade Phone 66883 When you think of Surgical Supplies think of LEWIS GOLDEN AGE GINGER ALE Manufactured in One of America's Finest Beverage Plants GOLDEN AGE GINGER ALE CO. Distributors Kingsbury-Schlitz-Millers Hi-Life and Tivoli Beers PHONES: 3-3333 3-3334 D RUG S PRESCRIPTIONS • Our Prescription Department Is Waiting to Serve You. • Maxwell Pharmacy 127 Bridge Street Struthers. Ohio Phone 5-2191 PAUL SCHMIDT FLORIST 3121 Market St. Phone 2-4212 Youngstown, Ohio H. H. TREUDLEY (;, CO. INC. 123 E. COMMERCE STREET OFFICE SUPPLIES AC aUNT BOOKS STEEL & WOOD OFFICE FURNITURE Call 4-4421 For Prompt Service AllglIs, are prolonged. (5) I n coma, they usc regular I n";ld in. In hilian' colic Am~ I nitrite or nitrngh'ccrine is much more effica ciou,,; in relieving the pain than any other knOll'll drug. lVIorphine Sul phate aggravate~. ~Ioving pil,ture,,; \\'l're Sh(JI\'ll to prove their cllntention. Dr. \Villius in a di,,;cu:;:;ion of cardio \"ascu!ar syphili,,; ,,;tated: (I) :\cute coronary occlusion i,,; rare. (2) !':xten,,;ion of Leutic lesion from aorta illto curonary vcs:;eb i,,; rarl' and when pre,,;ent it is due to other a:;:;ociated cllllliitions. In el'ent of decmnpen,,;a tion treat it fir,,;t and sy,phili~ ,,;eelm darih. Dr. Barnes di,,;cu:;:;ed acute right heart ,,;train due to pulnlOnary throm ho,,;i,,; or emboli. He gave a,,; cau,,;e,,; ( I) fracture,,;, (2) Pregnancy, (3) Surgery, e,,;pecially pell'ic operations. The snnptoms and ,,;if.:n,; arc~: (1) Siwek, (2) hloody ,,;putum, (3) fric tion ruh, (+) Sy,,;tolic murmur ol'er pUlllllJn;\IT area and accentuation of P-:? (5) engorgement of I'l~ins of Iwck. Electrocardiographic findings arc charaereri,,;tic and may help in dif fcrl'lltiating from an acute coronar~' thrombosis. :'\'1. \\'. Ell)Ui, :'vl. I). HOW "THE BIRTH OF A BABY" WILL BE SHOWN TO PUBLIC Fort~ -five hund red phy,,;icians and tlll'ir win's attended the preview, at the Atlantic Cit\, 5e,;:;ion of the Amer ican ::\ledical A·$:;ociation. of the new l,lIking pil'tU re 111m of The American Committee on lVIaternal \Velfare. Film of High Quality The 111m was received with ,,;pon r.meOlb ('ll th u,,;iasm and eonsiderab Ie r ai,,;e of the acting, the photograph~', :llJd of the great teaching work done hI the Committee. Complete absence ; t nd\"ertising wa,,; note\\'orth". This is probahh the Ilne,,;t 'IlH'dical til 11 that ha,,; cOI~e from the motion /? ~i picture ,,;tudio and represents a new departllre in that a lecture has been made so interesting;, so dramatic that the audience lives \\·ith the actors on the screen and forgets that this is all ed uca tionaI pictu rc ! Public Exhibits The public exhibition of this film will be as ethical as was its produc tion. 1t \\'ill Ilr,;t be ,,;hown to each state medical society. or, in the larger cities, to the city or count\' medical society. Upon its official approval, the film will be exhibited in every important comlllunitl' in that state or citl'. Local physicial;s and their fam ilies will be: given a ,,;pecial free show ing at one of the local movie house,,;, after which the film will be made available to the public, with whatever ag;e re,,;trictions, if any, may be reCllm menlled by the local medical c;ociety. Censored Advertising The fi.lm advertises no thing, per son, 1)1' firm. 1t has ollly one objec tive: to edllcate the public to the need for maternal care and the value of the physician's services. Reaching mil lions of persons in the theatre, the film ma~' well prove to be the lllo,,;t p()\\'erful single inHuence for effective public education that has yet been made available to the medical profes sion. Every detail of the public exhibi tion of the film i~ carefull~' controlled: The exhibitor cannot add any sex or advertising picture in the ,,;ame pro l!ram with "The Hirth of a Baby." Only approved lobby photographs, sIgns, nrw,,;paper storie,,;, etc., may be used. In other wonb, every ,precaution i,,; bein.1.!: taken to the end that thi~ extraordinary picture may remain dig nified and forceful in it~ high purpose of educating mothers and prn";[Jectivc mothers on the importance of ma ternal care. The profession i,,; indehted to the untiring efforts of the members of the Sub-Committee'" of The American . . . , THE lVrAHO!\lN"G COL~TY MEDICAL SOCI.ETY are prolonged. (5) In coma, they u~e picture ~tudio and reprc,;ent,; a 11('1\ rcgular In~ulin. departure in that a lecture ha,; heen In hilian' colic Amyl nitrite or made su inten',;ting, ~o dramatic that nitro~lyccrin(' i~ much morc effica thc audience lilT'; \\,ith the actor,; on ciOlJ> in relil'l'ing the pai,n than ;lJlY thc ,;creen and forget,; that thi~ i,; an oth('r known drug. .\lorphine Sul educati(Jn~l picture! phate aggrava tes. Public Exhibits \loving picture~ ",cre ~h()wn to The puhlic exhibition of thi,; tilm prove their contention. will he a,; ethical a,; wa~ it~ produc 1h. \Villiu~ in a di~cu~~i()n of tion. Tt will Jir,;t he ,;hown to each cardio va~(Idar ~)phili,; ~t;ltt'd: (I) ,;t:ne medical ,;ociety, or, in the brger Acute coron~ry occ!u,;ion i,; rare. (2) citic~, to the citv or countl' ull:Jical Extemion of Lcutic le~jon from ~ort~ ,;ol'iety. Upon 'it,; official' approval, into coronan I'c",cl,; i,; rare and when the film \I·ill he cxhibited in C\TI"Y pre,;cnt it i~ due to other ;b~ociatcd important community in that ,;tate or condition~. 1n event of c!ccompcn,;a cit\". Local pln',;ician,; and their fam tion treat it fir~t and ,;yphili,; ,;ccun ili~,; I\-ill he gi,:en a ,;pecial free ~how­ darily. ing at one of the local m(wie hou,;e,;, after which the film \I,ill he m~dc Dr. Barne,; di,;cu,;,;ed acute right availahle to the puhlic, with \I,haten'r he~rt ,;train duc to pulnlOnan' throm age re,;trictilln,;, if any. ma~' he recom ho,;i,; or emholi. He gave ~~ cau,;e,; mendcd hy the local mcdical society. (I) fr;Kture,;, (2) PrcgnancI', (3) Surgery, e,;pecially pelvic operation,;. Censored Advertising The ,;nnptom,; and ~ign,; are: (1) The film adITrti,;e,; no thing. pcr Shock, (2) hloody ,;putum, (3) fric ~on, or firm. It ha,; on!l' one ohjec tion ruh, (+) Sy,;tolic Illurmur ()\Tr til'c: to ("ducate the public to the need pulmonar~' area and accentuation of for nl:\ternal care and thc \·;tluc of P-2. (5) engorgement of \Tin~ of the phy~ician',; ,;en,icc,;. Reaching mil neck. lion,; of pcr,;on, in thc theatlT, the film Illay \I'ell pmve to be the Illo,;t Electrocardiographic finding,; arc pO\l'crful ,;ingle inHucnce for effective charactni,;tic and may hclp in dif puhlil' educ~tion that ha,; yet heen fcrentiating from all acute coronary made available to the llledic:tl profe,; th rombo,;i,;. 1'\'1. \Y. ,\EIJ)CS, Yl. D, Sion. -----<$>---- Every detail of till' puhlic ('xhihi HOW "THE BIRTH OF A BABY" tion of the Jilm i,; c;1refully cuntrolled: WILL BE SHOWN TO PUBLIC The exhihitor cannot add any ,;ex or FortI-jive h und red phy,;iciam and adl'l'rti,;ing pictun.: in the ,;ame pro their \\,il-c,; attended the preview, at gram with "The Hirth of a Bahy." the Atlantic Cit\ Se,;silln of the Amer Onll, approved lohhv photograph,;, iC:1J1 ;'vledical A"ociation, of the nel\' ,;ign~. ne\l'~paper stori~,;, ct,'., l;la~' he talking: picture film of The American u,;cd. COlllmi ttee on iVlaternal \ Vel fare. In other won.k C\'er~ precaution Film of High Quality i,; heing t;1ken to the end that thi" The film \I'a,; receivcd with ,;pon extraordinary picture ma~' remain dig nilied and forceful in it,; high purpo,;c taneuu,; enthusiasm and comiderable of educating mother,; and pro,;pectil'e prai,;e of the acting, the photograph~, mothcr,; on the importance of m;1 and of thc grcat teaching work done ternal ca re. hy the COlJ1mittee. Complete absencc of advertising \\"a,; noteworthy. The profes,;ion i,; inch·bted to the This i,; prohahlv the tine,;t medic~1 untiring efforts of the mcmher~ of th lil m that ha,; con;c from the motion Sub-Committee':' of 'I'll(' American 1937 2G(] BULLETIK TRUSSES-BELTS (Lady Attendant) Our Fi tters are Factory Trained and Guarantee Satistaction Exclusive Distribution of Nationally Known Penequent Ointments Lewis Surgical Appliances & Equipment 28 Bus Arcade Phone 66883 When you think of Surgical Supplies think of LEWIS GOLDEN AGE GINGER ALE Manufactured in One of America's Finest Beverage Plants COLDEN ACE CI NCER ALE CO. ,Distributors Kingsbury-Schlit%-Miller's Hi-Life and Tivoli Beers PHONES: 3-3333 3-3334 ~I D RU.G S PRESCRIPTIONS • Our Prescription Department Is Waiting to Serve You • Maxwell Pharmacy 127 Bridge Street Struthers, Ohio Phone 5-2191 PAUL SCHMIDT FLORIST 3121 Market St. Phone 2-4212 Youngstown, Ohio H. H. TREUDLEY & CO. INC. 123 E. COMMERCE STREET OFFICE SUPPLIES ACCOUNT BOOKS STEEL & WOOD OFFICE FURNITURE Call 4-4421 For Prompt Service August 267 BULLETIN THE "MAHONING COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY 2GU --I 'l- rC . r~ Hill ~ r I Make your Home a CASTLE! AUGUST SALE! FURNITURE People judge by appear ances' The spirit of your home furnishings reveal to them your professional sta tus, Therefore you want quality furniture built with dignified artistry for a con servative price. Our Mod21 Rooms, our Cushman Co lonial Rooms, our furniture floor stocked with pieces of every period offer you what you need at 10 SAVINGS OF 1 ,/' to 50';' Convenient Terms Low Carrying Charge Expert Decorators at Your Service McKelvey's IFurn; lure-Fourth Floor) __II The Oldest Dru c )" o Store on the Square: 22 Y('aI's in 01/.(' Location. The IIlIlllphrey Drug Cotnpany B. F. elley, Mgr. 31 Central Square Youngstown, Ohio Phone 3-9667 ARCH SUPPORTS 1\lt T~ pe~ Fitted and Adjusted h~ WM. D. STANTON SCI'en year,; with Dr. Scholl and tll'U year,; with 'Vizard. A \I patient, !TIlI,;t be fitted to your ,;atisfanion. 1.:,1'(' Your PI"I',I'iTiplifJlI Lnrated at Bu dunan ~ s 9-11 Bus Areade A ugu~/ CUlllmittee on :Uaternal\Velfare and al,;o to ~/Icad Johnson &: Company Il'hose generou, financial aiel and in tclligent coiiperation has made this important pirture possible, "r red L. Adai r. Prof. of Obst. &: {;vn., l'. of Chicago. James R. :\ilcCurd, P;·of. of Ubst. &: (;vn.. Emory U, Everett D, Pla>~, Prof. of Oh~t. & (;1'11 .. r;. I)f Iowa. ,\rthnr J, Skeel, Specialist'in Obst, & Cyn., Cleveland. O. Philip r. \Villiarns, Prof, of Oh"t., C. I)f Peol1J. -----.0--- Why Children Should See "The Birth of a Baby" "Iany physician, fed that cl'ery ~irl nver 12 and every boy ol'er 1+ should see the new talkie "The Bi rth of a Bab,," which is being present eJ by th~' American Committee on :\1:lt(:rnal \Velfare at regular movie hou,e;;, :\Iost parents are eithn unable or unwilling to instrurt tlteir rhilJren in regarJ to menstruation, fertiliza tion, pregnancy, and otlter natural phenomena. The resu It is that tlte child groll', up in ignorance of the,e important matters, or what is II'Or,;l', ..!t'ts its "education" in the gutters. If physicians Il'ill suggest it, par 'I b will welcome the opportunity to take their childr('n to Il'itness tlti,; l poch-making film "The Birth of a B,t)\'" because it accuratelv, under ,tandingl~ anJ without sala'ciousness, untolds the true farts that the';l' par ('nt, Jo not or rannot now tell their oll'n children. ---~0>----- St. Elizabeth's Hospital Internes' Reunion Tile second annua,l reunion of for 1111'1' internes of St. Elizabeth's }-[o,; pital was held OIl Thursday, July 1\ 1CJ3 7, The program began at I) :3U A, ~/r. A serie,; of papers wa, "i 'n hy the folloll'in:;: Drs, Reilly, LO\\'t'ndllrf, [VIcO\\'en, lVlcCann, --ht'n 'iI, Saul 'j'amarkin and 13. J, t)n·iling. Thi~ scientific program If} 7 proved very in,;trurtilT and Il'as well attended, At 12 :3U the Sister, of the Ho,;· pitat gave a fine lunrh to the group. CoIf at the Young-,tmvn Country Club folll)\\ cd by a dinner in the evt'ning- compll'led the program, About 50 fonl1er interne, attended, of whom 25 Il'('rc from out of to\\'n. The ,taff II'a, abo invited to the mecting and banquet and a good rep IT,cntation sll"ellc'd tht' banllUl't ;It tendanrt' to 75. Dr. S. R. CaLm. II'a, gl'ncra[ rhair man of the committee in charge and IVa, largely re,pon,ib!C:' for the ,ucre,;,; of the reunion, Dr, E. :\ag-cl ar ranged the program for the morning ,e"ion and Dr. R. V, Clifford wa, in rharge of the golf and banqut't, Dr. ;Vld\amara a, St. Elizabeth',; first intnnc' I\'a,; chairman for the ,cientific program. A clevn booklet containing pic turc', of all furmer interne,; II·ith a ,hort biog:raphical sketch of each lI"as l'Ompiled b~' Dr. Cabro and distrib uted to the membn,;, Youngstown Hospital Internes' Reunion The internes and fonnn internes uf the YlHlIlgstoll"n Hospital had their annual reunion on Thursday, Jut~· 15, ]937, at Southern Hills Cuuntrv Club. The Il'cather, as prt'viou~ly predicted, was ideal"':"-we almost t'xpert to get rained out t'V('r~' reunion day, The oldest interne pre,;ent, Dr. John Hebrrding-, lI'a, elL'\:ted pre, iJent for the l'n,;uing- year. Tile voungest internes were ,;ume of our present group. There wcre 71 present for dinner and 43 for golf, Prize,;, with one e:l:Cl:ption, Wl:!'e given fur luck rather than skill. Everyone seelTIl'J hapPI anJ it '" appan'nt that this annual reunIOn IS a permanent affair. LELA;-.;n E. PHIPPS, :\.1. D, 2(iil BULLETIN THE MAHONING COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY 2(j~) Committee on :\Iatnnal \VeHare and proved \'rry in,tructive and wa~ well al,o to ~dcad Johlhon & COl11pall\ art~nded. The Oldest Drlllr whose generou, financial aid and in At 12 :30 the Si,ter, oj the H0' telligent co(iperation h'b madc thi, pita! gale a tine lunch to the group. important picture j1o"ihk. Store on the Golf at the Young,to\\,n Count1') Club foll()\\'l'd hy a dinner in the "Fred L. Adair. Prof. of Oh,1. & eyll., Square: l'. of Chicago. Jarne, R. i\kCord, Prof. evening rOl11pletcd the program. of 010,1. & (;yll., Emory li. Everell n. About 50 former interne, attended, Plass, Prof. of Ohst.. & evn., I;. of Iowa. ~]~1;1 o I~ ~ of whol11 25 \\'ere frol11 out of to\\,n. f\rthllr J. Skeel, Specialist ill Ol"t, & Gyn., -I r(( 22 Y('ar,., in One The staff was al,o invited to the C1tvtlallll, O. Philip F. \Villiarn" Prof. nf Ob,l., C. of Pellna. meeting and hanquet aIll! a good rep -::>---- resentation ,\\'clled the banqur't at tendance to 75. Location. Why Children Should See Dr. S. R, Cafaro was gCllrral chair The IIlullphrey "The Birth of a Baby" l11an of thr committec in charge and Make your Drug Company ;vrany phy,icians feel that ever) \\'a, largely re,pon,ible for thc Slll'l'~,S girl (lI'e!' 12 and every hOI' on~r 1-1 of the rrunion. Dr. E. :\agel ar Home a should see the ne\\' talkie "The Bi rth ranged the program for the l110rning B. F. Kelley, Mgr. of a Bahy" \\'hich i, being present ,es,ion and 1>1'. R. V. Cli fford \\'as CASTLE! ed bI the American Coml11itt~e on in charge of thr gol f and ba nqurt. 31 Central Square i\Iat~rnal \Vclfare at regular 111()\,ie 1h. j\'Ic:\amara a, St. Elizabeth\ Youngstown, Ohio house~. lir,t interne \\'a, c.hairman for the AUGUST SALE! scientitiL' program. :\'Iost parents are either unable or FURNITURE Phone 3-9667 r I -Il unwilling to in,true.t their children 1\ clever booklet containing pic People judge by appear in regard to melbtruation, fertiliza tlne, of all fonner interne, \\·ith a ances' The spirit of your tion, pregnancy, and other natural ~hort biographic.al ,ketch of each \\'a, home furnishings reveal to phenomena, The result i, that th~ compiled Ill' Dr. Cafaro and di,trih.. them your professional sta chilcl gnl\\'s up in igllOrance of these lIted to the member,. tus. Therefore you want important matter" or what i, \\'ors~, Youngstown Hospital Internes' quality furniture built with ARCH SUPPORTS gets its "education" in the gutter,. Reunion dignified artistry for a con If physician, will ,ugge,t it, par The interrws and formn internes All Typ(', Fitt~d and servative price. Our Model ents will \\·clcol11e the opportunity of the Young;,to\\,n If o,pital had Rooms, our Cushman Co Adj ll,tec! bv to take thei r ch ild ren to \\'i tne,;, this their annual reunioll on Thur,;da\, lonial Rooms, our furniture epoch-making lilIn "The Hirth of a July 15, 1937, at Southnn Hif],; floor stocked with pieces of \VM. D. STANTON Baby" becau,e it aCl'ur,ltcly, under Coulltry Cluh. The \rcathn, as every period offer you what ,tandingl)' and without salaciOlhnes" previou,l" predictc.d, was id~al-wt: you need at unfold, the true iacts that the,e par alnw,t e~[lect to get rained out en'r) SC\Tn .vcar, \\'ith I >r. Scholl ents do not or cannot n()\\' tell thei I' reunion day. and two ycar~ \\·ith 'Vizard. SAVINCS OF 0\\'11 children, The oldest intl'rne pre,rnt, Dr. 10j, to 50'/; All patient, mll,t he fitted John H('hnding, W,h (·lrTtc.d pr~~­ St. Elizabeth's Hospital Internes' idmt for thl' en~uing \ car. Thl' to vour ,ati,faction, Convenient Terms~ Reunion youn~e,t internes \\'ere some of our Low Carrying Charge prl'sent group, L'se )"JIlr Prntriptiflfl lUaflk-The ,econo annual reunion of for Expert Decorators at Your mn interne,; of St. E:izabeth\ Ho, Thne \\'cn' 71 present for dinner Service and -1-3 for golf. Priz{". \\,ith (Jnc pital \\'a, held on Thur,day. J ul) Ll)('ateo at exception, \n:re g-ivt'll for luck rather than ,kiII. 15. 1937. The program began at 9 :30 A. :\11. A serie, of paper, \\'a~ Budunan's given by the follo\\'ing;: Drs. Reill), EYer) one scrllled happ) and it I, McKelvey's Lowendorf, :\'ICO\\Tn, :\fIcCann: appar~nt that this annual n'uniun i, !I-ll Bus Arcadl' (Furniture~Fourth Flood Shcn,a, Saul Tamarkin and B. I. a perlllanent affair. Dreiling. Thi, ,ci~ntilic progra;]] I.E!.:\'\!) F. PHIPPS, ~1. D. AI/[JI/XL 1937 270 BULLETIN THE M:UlO.\T\G COU:-\TY :\IEDICAL SOCIETY CONTRACEPTION MAYBE IN STAGE MONEY Depe dable Prod cts AT LAST For The MEDICAL PROFESS10J' A Low Priced Air Conditioner We manufactul'e a complete lin of medi inal pro ucts of the for HO:TIe and Office very highest stand rd which we and its the offer direct to member of the Carrier Summer Conditioner m dical pr fes ion. Ev ry pro duct is ready for immedillt se, • Plugs in Like a Radio easily dispensed. 'Ve guarant e • Simple to Install them true t labels and f re • No water or Drain liable potency - our catalogue Connection jru on request. TUE ZE MER CO. TOLERTON Chemists to the ll,r,dical ENGINEERING CO. PrD '/ssion 605 Market Street 3943-5-7 ennett Sl. Oakland Station Youngstown, Ohio Pitt burgh, Pa. THE MERCER SANITARIUM ME CER, PEN S LVANIA For Nervous and Mild Mental Disorders. Located at M reel', Penn ylvania, thirty miles from Youngstown. Farm of one hundred acres witb regi ter tuberculin-tested herd. Re-educati nal measures emphasized, especially arts and r fts and outdoor pursuits. Modern laboratory facilities. Address: w.w. ICHARDSON, M. D., Medical Director Formerly Clti~f Pltysician, Stale H05jJitai fa,. Insane, No,.,.i5taQUn, Pa. ,.{ 119 11 ;'! Then: "l'em" to be a grt'at deal of c(J(Jtu"ion ahout H'hat \\'a" donc at the A, .\1. A. meeting in rq.:ard to ulI1tracl'ption, \Va" it :lpprolTd or not: The committee n:ndned a \Trl ;Ihle report but In "ltort thi" I" H'hat it "aid: 'I'he practi'"l' of contraception I' onl' that (>ach doctor will Itav,' to de cick for hi" patient. I n other H'ord" tlt(' doctor decide, anJ ha" tltl' rig-In til d('cide \\'hat i" bl',;t for hi" patient. Th(' prllpn l'Ounci\,; of the A. }1. .\. arc a"kl'd til iI1l'e"tig-at" and rep:lrl lin the efficiencI' of til(' product" to hr med for contraception. '\.Jedical "ItIlO!' are a"ked to teal·1t thc ,cien tdic a"pect" of fntilitl' and "terilitl. Dllctor" arc advi"nl to inform thelll ,('!Ie" l'llncerning their leg-al right,;, Final", it i, recommended that onl.' rq!;ularh ,uper"i"ec! clinic" ,hould ~j\ C' l'ontracepti\'l' ad vice. Her(' again i, the' doctor. pati('nt relation"ltip. Tltere i" noth ing more of ('(H]or",' 'Ill'nt titan that g:il'l'n, h,r n:amplc-, (II ultra-I'iolet lamp eLjuipm('nt, or to ani therapeutic" proCl:dure, Tlte A. ,I. :\, doe"n't recommend or \:ndor,;e ,I" ritali" therapI for che"t di"ea,;(' but il- l'Ouncil doe,; recommend a Jigitali" "r"lucr of knllll"ll activi,,' to be u,t'c! ;1- tlte plll"ician ""6 (it. l'ontraceptit)(1 ha" l1et'11 brought to tl... li~ht of dal'. Schoo\,; are a"kl'll r" Il'arh all of the' ,~"il'nce of futilitl 'I/I,j reproduction. PIlI'"icians \\'Il~) tippiN' it nOH' mlly oppo"e it in tiH' t1ltlln: if thn \I'i"h to, hut it i" an i 1l1i\ idua! mattn, Tltl I.' ha" he('n a lot of quibhling: ;111,1 ;1 lot lit IHJn"en"e about thi" "uh I'. :lnd it i" high time "cientihc men n,::IiZld that r-hi" i" a mann for III .Ii 'jill' and not layllll'n to decide, -fl. I.. :\'1. (Jackson County :\Iedical 1,,,11 lin,) It i" too bad for pIli "il'ian" tlJ:l~ Dr. John F. Clark, l'olumbia pro fl'""or of eccnomic", i" not a bankeL Profe,,,or Clark figulT" that the earning" value of a buddinl!; medical career, di"counted fill' ca"h, i" :;:ilOtl.· OOll,OO. If onll- the hank> mJll!d accept hi" l,,,timan', the doctor'" finan cial \\'orrie" \\'Iluld he ()\Tr! Unfortunately, Profl''',or Clark', "tati"tic" do lIot hear clo"l' "crutilll' "uch "crutin), for example, a, the cold, fedingle,;,; l'l l' of the hanker hl'"to\\'" \\'hl'n a loan i" propo"ed, For nample. he figure" the \\orkinl!: life "pan of tlw medical mall a" forty t\l'll !e~1 1''', In vil'H of the fact that nlO"t phl"iciall" todal do lIot "tart practice till tilt' age of tHTnty-eig-llt or then:about, thi" "l'em" ('xc:'",iIT!I' optimi"tic, 'I'll(' Biblical thrl'(' "l'Ore and tl'1l j;-; (II} exag}.!:eratcd 1l1t':ard to fl",or of I'CCn{JIllil'';, i,,; Ilot a hank!' r, cOfltrau:ption. \Va, it appl"Ilyed or Pmfe"'H Clark figuIT, that thl nor) l'aming,'; \'alul' of a huddillg Illedil'al l'an:n. di,mulltnl for ca,h. i, S1(1), Th,' cOl1ll1littn' rcndercd a \Try O(J(J.(JO, If onl~ the hank:' lI'oldd able leport hut in ,}lOrt thi~ I' \\'hat accept hi, l',timate. tht' doctor', finan it ~aid : ('ial lI'onie, lI'oldd \)(' o\"l'r! ']'he practicc of conti'aceptiol1 I' Cllfortunarel~', Profe,;,;ur Clark', oIll' tbat each doctor will ha\'e to d,' ,tati"tic, do IHlt hear c!ll'(' ,<:rutiny cide for hi, patient. [n other \\'ord, ,uch ,crUtllly. for example. a,.; the the doL'tor decide, and ha, the rig:ht culd. fl'('lingle:',; "~'f.' of th" bankn to decide whar i, he~t for hi~ patient. ht',toll', lI'hCIl a loall i, pmpo~('d, The proper COUTll'il, of the A, :\1, FllI' nample. he figure, thc lI'orkin}! A, are a,knl to in\'e,tigare and rep:>rt lift· ,pall of rhc nll'dical mall ,I' forty on the eflicieflc~' of the product, to tll'O year" 111 \'il'\'.' of th,· fact that be Il~ed for con t raception, \ led ica I nHl,t pin ,iLiall' todal" do not ,tar 'C1100b are a,ked to teach the ~cien­ practin: till the age oi tll'l'nty-ei!!:h tiiic a,pecb of fertility and ~rerility, or th('l't'ahollt, thi,,; ~,'enb l''\ce"in:'' Doctor,; arc advi,ed to inform thcm optimi,tic. The Bihlical thrn' ,cure ,elV(', ulIlcerninl! their kg:al rig:hb, and tl'll i, an "xag:geratl'd n1l:a,l1rl' oj Finalh', it i, r('colllnwlHled thar ...nh' till' anTage life ('xpl'n;u1l'~', Doctor, regularlY ,uper\'i,cd clinic, ,11Illl1d u'llall\' die youngl'r than 1l1l1,t-fre g:i\'e contraccptiv(' a,h'icl', Hen' ag:ain ljllC'nt!\ imm lI'OtT\ ing: \\'Ill'rl: thl' I' the doctor, patient n'lation,hip, IlHlnCI" i, cOllling: from to meet th, Thcre i, nothing: m'l/T of l'ndor,e l11ortgag:l' or pllr Jlllliur throllg:h JllC'd ment than that g:iHn, for l'xampk. ical ,chool ~ to ulrra-violet lamp l'ljllipnlt'nt, or to The Pmfe:',;m', ,t;lti,tic, art· vlll, am' therapelltic pnKedllrl', The A, nerahle Or! Illan~' othl'!" count~, I II' :VI. A. doe,n't reco!T1!T1eIHl or '~l1llor,c dOl''; Ilot ,ay lI'hethl'!" hi, c,tilllate dig:itali, thnap\ for chest di,;e,l,e hut replT,ent g:ro,;, Ill' uet incol11e, "-'l.'irher it,; council dol" l'l'Clll1lllll'llil a digitali" dol.'~ hI' l'xplain hO\\' )1(' reachl'll a ,lim prcdul'l of kllOll'1l aL"ti\'itl" to he IN'd ,0 mr!ch ill :llh'allu' of th,' Jig:urt-, of a, the phy,iciall ,,'e,; lit. thc COllllllittl'l' 011 Co,t,; oi \'1edical Clllltraceptillll ha~ Iwl'll brought to Can: and othl'!" illn:,tig:ator" thl' lig:ht of da\'. Schoob arl' a,kt:d to teach all Ilf the ,'~ience of futilitl' It i, not like" that ])r. Clark's and reproductioll, Ph\',il'iall~ lI'h'o fallta,;tic e,timate, \\'ill lead \'lIcation oppo,e it 110\\' 111<1\' OpplN: it jn thl' aI expert, to ignore the keell cOl1lj1l'ti future jf thcy lI'i;h to. but it is an tion in I1lcdicine and la\\', t!I1' ,'co indi\'idual mattn, llomic in~I:curit~, of 1l10,t practitilllll'1", There ha, heell a lut of quibhlillg: th,' uncertain hour, and thl' alhence alld a lot of non,:en,,' ahout thi~ ,uh of long paid Yacation" ,ueh a, profe, jcer and it i, high timc ,cicntific I11cn ,or,_ for examplc, C'nj(l~', 1':\'('n the realizl'd that thi, i, a l11atter fur Incolllc Tax Depart1J1l'nt lI'ill find i l11edicinl' and not 1<1\ ml'll to decide. hard tll take Profr'"or Clark',; fig:urr, -H, L. \1. (J aebon Cflunl,' :Yled i",,1 ';l'I'illll,h' ! Bulletin,) , -y"" Y''''A' ,\I~.li,," Jf,','/·k, JlJJ7 BlTLETI~ • N tritiona Anemia In Inf nts OXBILEIN I JONES (Enteric Coated) The Perfect Cholagogue Mildly Laxative Supplied 1000's and 5(J00's REQ{)E T SAMPLE The Jones Surgical Supply Co. 800 HURON RD. CLEVElAND, OHIO DOCTOR • Good Plaee to Buv .1 'rour Car. BILL \vALSH Strtlther,; DeSOTO PAC lliD We maintain a real Sen'ice Department .-1II1II/SI Reasons for Early Pablum Feedings he iron srored in rhe inbm's liver ar birth is rapidl r depleted during the first monchs • at life. (i\hckay,l Elvehjem,2) 2 Dur'ng rhis fJeriod rhe infanr's dier comains very lirrk: iron-1.44 mg. per day from • the av 'rage borde.: formulae of 20 utKe, r possibly J .7 mg. per day from 28 ounce:; of breasr milk. (Holr. 3 ) For rhese reasons, and also b cause of rhe low hemoglobin values so frequem among pregnam and nursing morhe (Coons, 1 G:llloway), rhe pediatric rrend is consrandy toward rhe addl Ion of iron.comaining foods at :In earlier age, as early as rhe rhird or fourth 111omh. (Blarr,6 Glazier,'" Lym:h R ). The hoice f the Ir n-Containing Fooel 1 M.. ly foods repured to be high in iron acruall}' add very few milligrams to rhe dier • b 'GlllS much of rhe Hon is losr in cookll1g or because rhe amoum fed is necessarily m~1I or because the food has a high percemage of warer. Strained spinach. for . ,mce, contains only 1 to 1.4 mg of iron per 100 gm, (BridgesY) ) To he.: lffeerive, food iron should be in soluble form. Some foods fairly high in wral ..... iron are low in soluble iron. (Summerfddr. 10 ) 3 Pablum is high borh in roral iron (30 mg. per 100 gm.) and soluble iron • (7, mg. per 100 gm.) and can be fed in significaQ[ amounts wirhout dige ti e upsets as early as the third month, before the in' i 1swre of iron in th liv r is d~pleted. Pablum J 1so forms an iron-valuable addition to the diet of pr gnant and nursing •..orhers. Plblltm IMead's Cereal thoroughly cooked and dried' consist f heatmeal, OHmea!. corn· <11, \ heat embryo, brewers' yeast, alfalfa l":lf, b f bone, irnn salt and sodium chl(~ride_ 1·11' b· liu '~ph) on rcqucs[. MEAD JOHNSON & COMPANY/ Evansville, Indiana/ U. S. A. ~ ~.. .. .. ~,-:l.mpl~d ut W J JI 2,2 Bl'LLETI:\ OXBILEIN JONES (Enteric Coated) The Perfect Cholagogue Mildly Laxative Supplied 1000's and 5()OO's REQUEST SAMPLE The Jones Surgical Supply Co. 800 HURON RD. CLEVELAND, OHIO DOCTOR • Good Plac to Buy our Car. BILL "WALSH Struthers PLYJI01-TH DeSOTO PA.CKA.RD .. '. trition Ane a In • Infants Mo"tlll or "go. The accompanying chart of the hemo-Q-' 1-2 ~-J 3·4 4-5 5·6 6·' 1'8 11-9 "I~ 'C·" 1:-12 .. J f'r . 7S'll; f:: llllfl level In the bloo' ° III ann; IS i 1"'!Oed on more than 1,GOO clinical uscs .$;: \ I II "- i~ by "Jackal'. The sharp drop in 10% ~ II I, 1uoglobin dming the carll' months of ~ \:)-. lite has :liso been reportd by a nwnber 0 r--.... r other authorities. It i~ oore\\'orthy ../ i\ /' J=t - ~ ........... t:Ut Ihis fall in hemO£lobin has lx.>ell nil. ~ ArtHio'ally rod Londo" i"'onu I" 'ld to parallel closely that of dimin i I III i iling iron n'scn'e in theill£ant'~ liver. Th:: IlSlL11 milk formula of iutmrs ill e:uly Iife further contribute. to this anemia beci1.use mJik is not ;lhly low ill iron. It is 110W pos froUl birth by fee-t~!;·..ci.. eOlh' ' ILlIk is u :1 d .~..::: 61!lfi fc.r ill r:rodUct~OD. 3 rn '21 bre S 1:11.1: m '0 ra"y p hi. 4 ., ~CI loCI modtf: etton : r n 1"::8 9 'ivt=1 exce lent r.U1nLo:16 re.. • 'I ... I:t fl Ant. 10 o ta",. 1'."", . mer 'ml... 0 .- ct:y. M. A. CORPO T ON . CLEV LAND, OHI_