· . THE -- -JAM The Officill . Student Publication of Youngst YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, WEDNESDAY SEPTE -- t' L ~ ( 'j \ 'j \ "So this is Youngstown," says Pete the Penguin, as he scans the horiron. "Well, if I'm going to be mascot here I may as well look the place over a bit. Where are those beautiful - " "Ah - here they are, at least one ~f them. And a greeting from Rachel Brown is not to be sneend at. I'm staying, so help mel" . "Oh-o, so one does pa.1' tuition here, gridder or no gridder. This Pickard's a tough guy. Oh, well, business managers always are tough when it comes to geHing moneyl Maybe I won't stay so long, after all. " "How did I get in here? I'm not lookin, for sn~p c?urses that is - not much, But biology under Dr , Semans IS gO'"9 to be tough sleddin '. I'll watch my chance and paddle out when he ain 't looking." "Now this is more like it. In fact, I like this Oh oh there goes my Ripper in so~ebociv's ~offee, Oh, well, skip it." .. A born leader that's what I am , Well, I'll strut my stu" today, for tomorr~w I may be a dead one." "This is all Greek to me, but Coach ~eec;j~ ~-.:i\u.lty lcnows what he's doin' so t supPC?,e h~ does now. Anyway, I don'~ h.ve to worry about winning the games, I'm the inspiration." "Well, guess t'm as goQd ~ the average co"~ge grad. SO "I' chisel a diploma Qut of Prexy Howard Jones. "I may 10Qk inteUedua' b"t I'm tired. Believe me, ,oing to cQllege. is I wearyins busine$s. I'll take my hQme at Crandall Park Iny day. S'long." I " , Networlc Doings . . . were wetched cere fully by' (ollege of New Rochelle students when they visited (BS studios to leern the ins end outs of broedcesting. They're shown wetching Sylvie Sidney do e progrem. Liquefying Air . . . is the money-eeming college job of Sheldon Frey I for he operet., the lergest liquid eir plent on eny U. S. cempus loceted et Pennsylvenie Stete College. Collesi. le 0 ' 9"1 Photo by ,",u,tln EXTRA Mildness E·XTRA ~ootn--- EXTRA Flavor_ f~n"\'ri~ht. 191n. ft. J . It .. o,'nnllls TI''.'U'11)COfnIJln.r. Wlniiton · S"lrm. N. r . SLOWER-BURNING f In recent lilboratory tests, CAMELS burned 25% slrnuer than the aver- age of the 15 other of the largest-selling brands tested - slower than IIny of them. That means, on the average, a smoking plus equal to SLOW BURNING - protects natural qualities that mean mildness, Ihrillitlg lasle, Ira gratlu •.• a cooler smoke ... FAST BURNING-ere. ates hot lIat taste in smoke ... ruins deli· cate /Javor, aroma ... \ Telescopic Tableau Two members of the Madi son College class in astron omy make adjustments on their telescope in prepara tion for observing the un usual phenomenon of five planets in line in the west ern sky. The sky scientists are Carolyn Childress and Jean Bell. Intern4tiondl . . . is the latest rage on the Harvard University campus. Here we have Tom Healey, Crimson baseball captain, get- t i"q a.hjlir-c rl·n~ an<'L~ ."it of 9 amonxlng ) ........ v-~a-rngfldge beauty shop,. Int.rnotionol I 1 R I ... of the annual May Day at Woman's U e r College of the University of North Carolina will be Virginia Ambrose, prominent leader in student activities and a .home economics maior. . to the nth degree were the costumes and decorations for the University of Iowa's beaux art ball. Theme of the affair was derived from a Experts Train Students at Vassar She's a Champion Targeteer He.errMary- Tucker-of.. W-est {hester (Pa.) State- Teae"ers ... (01lege scores 50 out of 50 bull's eyes when firin, from a sundin, position, and hits 49 out of 50 from the prone position. U?de~ II new instruction plll.n, V 4ISwr (olle,e is brin,in, outstandin, . sCientists to the campus to 91ve students the Illtest information on their Aelds of study. Here Dr. Florence s..bin, eminent lInatomist demonstrates an experiment. ' Acm. Engineers Reduce Love to Exact Science To ,ullrllntee II fllir test for lIlI re,istrants lit their (ampus Dating Burellu, Rhode Islllnd Sute (olle,e en,ineering students have worked out II PQ formulll whose flldors lire High VOItll,e and Low . Resistllnce, which flldors lire measured electrically by the Affection Meter, The PQ resulunt indiclltes " Personlliity Quotient." Hof/o,d Here's One Co-ed's Challenge to War _ Betty Ann Flad,er, North Texas Sute Teachers Collese freshman, wears on II bracelet the identiAclltion tll, used by hedllther in World W lIr I. She says one ,lance at her bracelet mllkes wllr talk pretty dull listenin9. Columbid Photo Setting a New Meet Record ... Princeton's Ed Burrowes Rashed over the finish line of the 1,OOO-yard run in 2:13.8 to set a new ICAAAA record for the distance. He was followed closely by Joe Zeitler of Manhattan .nd Lynn Radcliffe of Syracuse. Inl.,,,,,,ion.1 Pressing Business Eli R. Velasco, Washinston and Jefferson (olle,e student from South America hlls a new wrinkle ~or ~king the wrinkle ou~ of his clothes. He puts his pants under his pillow ever~ night, and his ties In Ius textbooks, and claims the system works well in keepin, his clothes in 900d press. rf 2 Penguin At The Waldorf. • Words and ~Iusic by JnDIY EATON, LARRY WAGNER and FRANK SHUMAN A. s. C. A . P . Intro. (Lyric Optional> C Am7 Medium Bounce (011. tlte slo7IJ side) fl · ~ ... -,t' ... • ... .. fl A A Mink. and sa· - bled la - dies used . . ~ =j: =j: - == . ... -,t. ,.. - ... -. f "......-t...-- _t\ '\. ~ i . · . . . ... T :jJ:. t:I Dm7 Cdim G7 Dm7 G7 . . . . . · l' - • t ' ~ h ~ fl not - m' but the best, 'd ", dl - nt e - ven k.now they had an un - in - vit - ed guest! ~ t:I v t:I v . - . Choms o ..... . PEN-GUIN · · "I . . . " " :> ~ "'I .. '- Am7 Dm7 .. G9 . ~ I I - . -,t'. - AT THE WAL-DORF, have you read a - boul it - . .... . . I I r . . -' t o .. . . . .... C A 7 m Dm7 G7 . in the news? A . . j' 1IlP--" -1- 'Pf t· ~~ .~ .. " ~ .". . · · - - \. r =6t ~ \ II . ~ - r f r 11 o Am7 Dm7 ... G7 C Dm7 G9 . . . ~ ..... ,. I I .. T'. -~' . . Y' ~_ _4- PEN-GUIN AT THEWAI.DORF mix-in'withthe so-cial cock-a - tooa. A n i ; - .... 1 1 ... I ,....'L-o. . ~I I I ~ .. T . .. ~. T .. r' T-- I A - \-r:J ~ 4 '1-' --- r f n C Am7 D 7 m C A 7 m D 7 m . . v ... ". I I .. "ft" • .. - All the rit - zy high-brows saw he wore the prop-er tie and tails. t:I -' . ... . A . "- . . VI I I f .. -r- 'f-*r t· ~f r' ft· tf . i ... . - - ,~ r ~ ~ \ lI • ~ f f r Copyright 1947 ~reyer Music. Corp. 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. In~mational . ght Secured .Made in U. S. A. All Rights rved Including Public Performance for Profit The making of any unauthorized adaptation, arrangement or copy of thJa publication, or any part thereof, ia an infringemeut of copyrI&ht and eubjec:ta the infringer to III!ftft penalties UDder the Copyritht Act. r"\ to ~ ~ $ c Am7 Dm7 G7 c F~ G9 C 3 /I . . ) ..... I I . .. T' ... ~. T ~---~ Did - n't arch their eye-brows when he speared a gup-py by the scales. /I . . ) I I I f .. -,t. .. ~. -,t ~ -- t"'~~ I - - \-z: :;sf q'\9- -~ f r ~ Bi.9 C Em7 C . . tJ - ~ ':'~ :* ... . ...-'* fJ Ice cubes made hlm play - fu1,_ he slid down a tray - fu1;- .. : tJ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~~: '1Ir: ~§t' ~:a :a 1 f ..-: -- .~ ~'--"'- :> T-.:=::;T , ~7J ~71 :;sf ~ l' '---' +,--" Em B7 Em7 A7 Dm A7 /I .. , , tJ Land - ing smack in the b~ck of the "'MiT - tre D' Made 'em look in the II I ' _£ '. • - , , , tJ r.' · 1t r 'Ir' "'r~ ,.. .. If ",-4 ,- r I 77 Dm7 G7 C Am7 Dm7 G9 ~ .. , . tJ '--" .. +-. ,. r I I r - -,t'. - book for his ped - i - gree, PEN-GUIN AT THE WAL-DORF was ·· n't e -' ven list - ed in"Who's Ii . . . . tJ -qr" t--r .. _"T_' I I r .. "7_" \. r - - \- r r c Am7 Dm7 r c r Am7 f Dm7 fj . . tJ .... - ...... r I I - T'. _-~'. T Who~' Now they've got him walled "orf" with the oth - er pen-guins at the 11 ~ - "- i - . . tJ ., ~r t' " r- 'ft-ff I I . I r .. .... . .. ~. ... " ~ I , ~ ~ \-. ' ,,-,- ~ - - \7,; - r r /I h.o Am7 Dm7 G9 Am7 Dm7 D~7C J tJ ~ __ .11 z00j.. J ~~~====i====l====~~=---=-~~~ ~J l'tt' - I - = L{~~ r' l'tf - , < • Voice fJ, I. IV l! I ~ B . . .:/.I Mw PIll/lAm rune How Many Kisses (Does It Take To Make You Fall In Love With Me) Bb Pfijaj7 l Gb9 C 7 m r Words and Music by EDDIE SEILER, SOL MARCUS and AL KAUFMAN G7 C 7 Jl1 F'" I HOWMAN-YKISS-ESdoes it take to make you fall in love with me_ r--. - - : I'" ,. ...... ~-iJ ... 'f' q ~::r' "~:: Fr r IJ ~~f: mp_mj -~ I =l v -u 177t ~ -u 4 u Copyright 1947 hy Dreyer Music CfJrp. 1650 Broadway, New York, N.Y. %e Ballad Mt of 7.he !:Ieal~ For Once In Your Life Lyric by JACK SEGAL Music by MARVIN FISHER Voice ~ --'. ~ fl ~ . . C7 Gm7 C7-b9 ·th m eh expression Abdim W't U F I 3 I · . · fa y -- - .. sweet and gen - tle FOR ONCE IN YOUR 0 --- ...-----r 3 1--- · . . · f--~ ~, #q~ \~J~ ~f r qr- .. -==== .J.= mp-mf I I · · J U I I -------------------~ Copyright 1947 by Dreyer Music Corp. 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. .. , "..c"'\....._-_. 1650 BROADWAY NEW YORK 19, N.Y.