Arms Mus eum Ethni c Contri bu t ions Project I n tervi ew wi tn Fr. W,,,,,,,- , Yurcho. of S ts. Cyril a nd Me thodi us Church. Re presenting Arms Museum Ethnic Contributions Co mmittee: Ms. Hildegard Schnuttgen a n d Mr. Joseph Rudjak. Sts . Cyril and Methodius Ch uroh serTices a congregation of Slovak heritage. This congre gation is the oldest Slovak pari~h com munity in Youngstown. Fr. Yurch~ suggested that we utilize the ~he booklet, Hi~tory of Slovgks in the Mah oning Vallel by Nowicki, f or general iuformation on famille~ and churches involved in the Slovak settlements in Youngstown. Mo~t Slovaks in the area are Roman CatholIc or Byzantine Catholic. How ever originally the Talley al~o knew the presence of a SloTak Lutheran and a Slovak Pre~byterian cO lumuni ty. ' sts. Cyril a nd Hethodius parish was es tablished, through orig'inal Slovak fraternal organization~, in 1896. Th~ church building was constructed in 1900. A 75th AnniTersary boo~let was pub lished. Fr. Yurcho will try to obtain a copy for the museum. Other Slovak parishe~ followed. Some are, in the order of ~hair foundation: Holy Trinity,Struthers; St. Mathias, Lansingville; St. John's, Campbell; Holy Name, Youngsto~n; etc. Fr. George France was ~ug~ested as a valiable resource person on the history of the Slo~ak community in Youngstown. Fr. Franco is pastor at Holy Name, Youngstown. (Upon entering the sanctuary of the church) Fr. Yurcho empha~ized that the church has been left as much a~ pos sible in its original f0rm. Facirgthe altar one notices the great number of paintings and statues. The sta tues are plaster-of PRrls. The paintings it is important to note were done by an artIst from the parish. This man is a Youngstowner. His name is Mr. Frank Hannis. Mr. Hannis still does some touchup work, however he is now in his mid 70s. The stained glass Windows present the names of doors. Some were donated by individua13 others by organi 7 ations. Facing the main altar, the large window to your right presents a scene of st. Martin de Porres. This Saint was the patron of a large and actiTe organi~ation at the time 01" the Church cons tructiC:)n. page 2 The exact origin o f t he l"i l nduws is not kn own to Fr. Yurcho. The window~ haTe been recently repaired a nd protected from the weather. Faci~ the alta r t h e sta tues of St~. Cjri l a n d Methodiu~ flank the al t a r. Cyril t o the right, Methodius t o the left. The church design is Romanesque. Originally there were two towers. These towers were later remoyed due to t he stre s s caused by rail traffic in the area. Today most parishioners are frum the S outh Sid~. Others c ome from all areas of the valley. since t~e parish was the first Slovak parish and some famil1es have retained their original ties. About 550 famil1es are serviced by the church t oda y. Fr. Yurcho has . been at this parish for 17 yea rs. There is no assistant. There i~ a school with eight eleille~tary g~ades servicing the parish. Nlnty-seven students are enrolled. No Sloval is t a ught at t h e s chool. Father Yurcho's blood sister, Sr. Mary William, of the Ursuline order is principal of the school. For special occasion~ Slovak songs and customs are s hared with the students. One Mass each Sunday is in the SluYak language. This Mass does not s e em to draw a large crowd, since today fewer and fewer people understand Slovak. (We were provided witha Slovak Mass booklet~ Fr. Yurcho feels it would be possible to find an in~tructor if people we re· interested.Unified curriculum in the Catholic schools allows skant time for language instruction at the school. Concerning the church design. ftathing in the church is "typically" Slovak according to Fr. Yurcho. There is a stained glass window celebrating a Bohem1an Saint but little else relating to the Sloyak history. Needle-Nork or folk art by parishioners is not in evidence in the church. Concerning the Slovak people of the valley, Rev. YurchQ characterized them as "hard"Norking. industrious a nd religiGus." There is a strong identification with the contribution of t heir families. Some of the strength of this identificat ion is due to the per secution of the SlGvak people in Europe after 1848. Fr. YU~Gho feels that there wa s prejudice in the valley t oward the Slavic co munity. Thi~ is evidenced by the angli0ization of name~. and the esta blishment of Slavic Ca t holic Churches .in t he area beca use the hierarchy "had to.- ~v~n, . 'Today there are no more ftpriests who speak the Slovak l anguage, page 3 with Fr. Patruiak the one exception. The Slovak c )mmunity moved into the r a nks of the professional~ even in the second generation. Thi~ process i~. continuing. Membership in the parish ' is mostly non-professional. The c ontributions to the valley can be summa rized a s the contribution of a hardworking , law-abiding people, given t o a deep sense of order, ( cle nliness e specially dramatizes this trait), structure and a devotion to God and coun t ry. Many of the pe ople in the area came from the region around Spls in Slovakia. This i~ a rough sketch of this interview. Arms Museum Ethnic Cohtributiens Project Interview wi th Fr. W/WI- , Yurcho. of Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church. Representing Arms Museum Ethnic Contributions Committee: Ms. Hildegard Schnuttgen and Mr. Joseph Rudjak. Sts. Cyril and Methadius Church serTices a congregation of S10Tak heritage. This congregati~n is the ~ldest Sl~Tak parish com munity in Youngstown. Fr. YurchG suggested that we utilize the the booklet. History of Slovaks in the Mahoning Valley by N~wicki, for general informati.n on famil1es afld churches inTolTed in the SloTs.k settlements il'l Yeungstowl'l. Most SloTaks in the area are Roman Catholic ~r Byzantine Cath(l)llc. HoweTer originally the Talley a.lso knew the presence of' a SloTak Lutheran and a SleTak Presbyterian community. Sts. Cyril and Methedius parish was established. t hrough eriglnal SllltTal£ fraternal 0rgani z ·atit!>ns. in H396. Th~ church building wa's constructed in 1900. A 75th AnniTersary booklet was pub lished. Fr. Yurcho will try t8 obtain a copy for the museum. other SloTak pari shes foll owed. Some are. in the order of their foundation : Holy Trinity.Struthers; St. Mathias. Lansingville; St. John's, Campbell; Holy Name. Youngsto. n; etc. Fr. George Franco was suggested a.s a valiable resource person on the history of the Sle~ak community in youngstown. Fr. Franco is pastor at Holy Name, youngstown. (Upon entering the sanctuary of the church) Fr. Yurcho empha~ized that the church has been left as much as pos sible in its original f orm. Facing the altar one notices the great number of paintings and statues. The statues are plaster-of PAris. The paintings it is imp~rtant to note were done by an artist from the parish. This man is a Youngstowner, His name is Mr. Frank Hannis. Mr. Hannis still does some touchup work, howeTer he is now in his mid 70s. The stained glass wi rld(}'KS present the names of d(;')ors. Some were donated by individuals other·s by organi7.atiGns. Facing the main 8.1 tar. the large windtl)1f to your right presents a scene of st. Martin de Porres. This t was the patron of a large and acti Te organi~8.tion at the time ot· the Church constructlQ)n. page 2 The eX21ct origin of the \'lind0ws is not kn0wn to Fr. Yurcho. The window~ have been recently repaired and protected from the weather. F'acirg the a1 tar the statues of sts. Cyr.iLl and Methodiu3 flank the altar. Cyril to the right. Methodius to the left. The church design is Romanesque. Originally there Vfere two t0wers. These towers were later removed due to the stress caused by rail traffiC in the area. Today most parishianers are from the SQuth Sida. Others c@me fram all areas or the valley, since the parlsh was the first Slovak parish and some families have retained their Qriginal ties. About 550 families are serviced by the church today. Fr. Yurcha has been at this parish for 17 years. There is no assistant. There i~ a school with eight eleme!'ltary gl'ades servicing the parish. Nln.ty-seven. students are enralled. No Slovalt is taught at the school. Father Yurcho's blood sister, Sr. Mary William, of the Ursuline ~rder is prinCipal of the schao1. For special occasion~ Slovak songs and customs are shared with the students. One Mass each Sunday is in. the Slo~ak language. This Mass does not seem to draw a large crowd, since today fewer and fewer people understand Slovak. (We were provided witha Slovak Mass bookletJ Fr. Yurcho feels it would be possible t~ find an instructor if people were- interested. Unified curriculum in the Catholic schools allows skant time for language instruction at the schoo1o Concerning the church deSign, ft0thing in the church is "typically" Slovak according to Fr. Yurcho. There is a stained glass window celebrating a Bohemian Saint but little else relating to the Slovak history. Needle-work or folk art by parishioners is not in evidence in the church. Concerning the Slovak people of the valley. Rev. YurchQ characterized them as "hardworking, industriou.s and religi~us." There is a strong identification with the cantributi~n of their families. Some of the strength af this identification is dUe to the per secution of the Slovak people in Europe after 1848. Fr. Yurch<:l feels that there was prejudice in the valley toward the Sla.vic co ,munity. This is evidenced by the anglicization of names, and the establishment of Sla.Yic Ca.tholic Churchel3 '.!n the area because the hierarchy "had te." I(D" "9 Today there are no more~prlests who spea.k the Sloyak language. page J with Fr. Patruiak the one exception. The Slovak c ,)mmuni ty moved into the r a nks of the professionals even in the second 'generation. This process is, conti nuing. Membership in the part:sh ' l :s mostly non-pr()fessional. The contributi ons to the valley can be summariz ed a s the contribution of a hardworking, law-abiding people, given to a deep sense of order, ( clenliness especially dramatizes this trait). structure and a devotion to God and count ry. Many of the people in the area came from the region around Spis in Slovakia. This is a rough sketch of this interview. l Vsetky tieto liturgicke texty sa zhoduju s novYm prekladom, schvalenYm Posv. kongregaciou Bozieho kultu dna 17. okt. 1969. OPATSTVO SV. ANDREJA-SVORADA ST. ANDREW t S ABBEY . 2900 East. Blvd. Cleveland,Ohio 44104 2 UVODNE OBRADY Kym knaz pr i chadza k o ItaL'u , Iud. spieva pie sen vstupu. Kftaz: V mene Otca i Syna i Ducha Sva teho. tud: Amen. Kllaz: Milost nasho Pana Jezisa Krista, laska Boha Otca i dary Ducha Svateho nech su s varni vsetkYmi. tud: I s duchom tvojlm. meON KAJUCNOSTI Knaz: Brat1a a sestry,uznajme svoju hrie~nost, aby sme mohli slavit svate tajomstva. chvi la t i er.La . PotOI!l spo locne vyznanie viny: Vsetci: Vyznavam vsemohucemu Bohu * i varn, bratia a sestry,* ze som vela zhresil mys11enkami,slovami, skutkarni * a zanedbavanlm dobre- ho. Pri nasledujucich s lovach sa vsetci biju v prsia. Moja vina, mOja vina, moja pre velka vina. * Preto proslm bla hoslavenu Mariu, vzdy Pannu, it vsetkjch anjelov a svatych, i~ 1 vas, brat1a a sestry,it- modlite sa za mila k Panu, Bohu nasmu. KTIaz: Nech sa zmiluje nad nami vsemo huci Boh, nech r~ hriechy odpus tl a privedie nas do zivota-vecne ho. r, ud: Amen. , , VZYVANIE PANA-- KYRIE I. chor: Pane, zmiluj sa. II.char: Pane, zmiluj sa. I. char: Kriste, zmiluj sa. II.chor: Kriste, zmiluj sa. I. char: Pane, zmiluj sa. II.ch6r: Pane, zmiluj sa. OSLA VNA PI ESEN - GL6RIA Slava Bohu na vYsostiach * a na zemi pokoj tudom dobrej vole.* Chvalime ta,* veleblme ta,* klania me sa ti,i} oslavujeme ta,-lt- vZdcfvame ti VQ~,lebO ve!ka je slava tvoja,* Pane Boze,Kra1 nebeS~tBOh Otec v§emohuci .~} Pane, Jezisu Kriste, ty jednorodeny Syn,* Pan a Boh, Bara- -~I I v nok BOZ1, Syn Otca: 7i- Ty znlmas hriechy sveta, zmiluj sa nad namil* Ty znlmas hriechy sveta,prijIili na- 8U upenlivU prosbul* Ty sedls na pravici Otca, zmiluj sa nad namil* Ve~ len ty si svaty, len ty si Pan, len ty si Najvyssl,* Jezisu Kriste s Duchom SvatYm v slave Boha Otcao Amen. ., MODLITBA DNA - KOLEKTA K11az:Modlime sa. tud: Amen. Na sIeduje chvfla t icha.Vse tci sa v t ichosti mo dlia.Potom k naz predne s ie verejnu mod~ I i t llU. 4 LlTURGIA SLOVA ..., , I.CITANIE Lektor: C:( tan1 e z kniby. Zakonc:l. s lovami: Po~uli sme slovo panovo. ~Ud: Bohu vcfaka. Zalmista: iH tR. alebo spiev'R zalm. Lu.d s ed:L a .."" , r" , pocuva. Odpoveda opakovan~m urcene-· ho versa • ." " II.CITANIE • I • Lektor:Cltanie zo Skutkov, z 11Stu ••• Zakonc:l. s lovamd.: Pocul1 srne slovo panovo. tud: Bohu v'. RAY'S PRINTIN G SERVIC E , 3053 E . 11 6, CLEVELAN D 44120 . • 21 · .. 118 ~'8 UVODNE OBRADY Knaz: t V mene Otca i Svna i Ducha Svateho. Vud. Amen. Ine uvodne formuly: 2) K: Milost' yam a pokoj od Boha, nasho Otca, i Pana J ezisa Krista. V.: Pozehnany Boh a Otec nasho Pana JeziSa. Krista. 3) K: Pan s varni. V.: I s duchom tvojim. Ukon kajUcnosti K: Bratia a sestry. uznajme svoju hries nost'. aby sme mohli svatit' svate tajomstva. Nasl ed uie spytovanie svedomia. K: Zmiluj sa nad nami, Pane. 2) V.: Lebo sme sa prehresili proti tebe. K: Ukaz nam. Pane, svoje milosrdenstvo. V . A da i nam svoju spasu. K: Nech sa zmiluje nad nami vsemohuci Boh. nech nam hriechv odpusti a pri vedie nas do zivota vecneho. V.: Amen. 3) (Tato formula nahradza omSove Kyrie) K: Ty si bol poslany uzdravit' skruse nych srdcom :Pane, zmiluj sa. V '· .. K: V· .. K: 0· . . K: '. V· .. Pane, zmiluj sa . Ty si prisiel vol at' hriesnikov: Kriste, zmiluj .sa. Kriste, zmiluj sa . Ty sedis na pravici Boha, aby si nas zastaval: Pane zmiluj sa. Pane, zmiluj sa . Nech sa zmiluje nad nami vsemohuci Boh, nech nam hriechv odpusti a pri vedie nas do zivota vecneho. Amen. K: HI'a, tajomstvo viery! Ine formuly: 2) V.: Pane, ked' .ieme ten to chlieb a pijeme tento kalich, vzdy zvestujeme smrt' tvoju, kym neprides v slave. 3) V.: Spasitel' sveta, zachniil. nas. ved' ty si nas vykupil svojim krizom a zmftvychvstanim.