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POLITI CAL PAR':ICIPArIO;'~: What precincts or are a s c on t ain or have contai ned c oncentration s of voters from the cultural co~unity being discussed? ~ow d i d t h is cul t ural co~unity vote in ma jor elections? e . g o Presid~ en tia l e l e ctions Did a par t icu l a r l eader in this c ul tur a l comr. unity s peak to the c i ty , s tate or n a t ional a dministra tion on behalf of tne cultural coro m mun i ty? What wa s the family, econom ic, religious background ofl t h e first poli t ica l l ea ders of t he cultural co~unity? Are t h ere sad stories told of y o ung lea ders i.~e c ommunity wh o died before a c hieving t a e i r fu l l poten tial? ~hat political party drew t he su pport of this cultrualcom~unity? Were membe r s of t , is community a ctiye i n runn i ng for office , in writing l etters to~~tional or sta te politica l leaders , in /\' ) , working for can ida~es. in vo t ing. in d i scussi g a n d infl~encing elections througn financial s upport or a friendly ~ord of support th through a religious. or benevolent organization? Of these various efforts what area e s pecially characterizes the political l nv olve- me nt ment of the particular cultural comm unity? Who we re the political office nolders from the cultural com .unity? What is a short stay abo~t each? -J~ .' 1(,-' t1.;'V-fJ. J(l(A1, :JoJC/,A /?U 'UtI K IH?:rr II_ tI "J.:SrIO~~S FOR 'THE Mil' S MUSEUM COIVlj'j[lTEE -ON CULTURr.L COM ' ;',;U IJ I L'Y (Ii £1RI.3UrIONS ~O rRE MAliONIN G VALLFY GOAL : A BROADER U DERST AIJ DING OF VARIOUS CULTU RAL GR uUPS MIJD THEI R CONTRIBUTION 'TO OUR AREA • RATIONALE : I lllInigre.Dts to t h'J ';an'):1ing Vall ey broll.;ht _ c !. mor e th n their l aoor a s a contribution to the urban indus t rial development of our area. Friends and fa'TI ilies , ii1lIleI1s ed ' i il H':a::rr i ous cul tural c0ID~unities, IDet to set bnd evaluate economic, neltgious, cultur a l, family and pers onal goalso Through discernment and a djus t ment cultural com~unities ha ve kni t ted and sewn t hemselves into the f abri c of t heir new hom eland. Today as much a s ever a knowled~e of the hist or i cal con t r ibutions of our Various c ultural communities will inspire young and old alike with a sense of their cant ext and and t heir po~sibilities for continuing t he work of building a happy and prosperous Mahoning Valley. Areas of inter set are: e conomic, religious. the f ine arts. family and group val ues. folk a r t s and traditi~ns, attituQes a nd contri- butions t o educati on. government a l service. me~icine.· milit ary s ervice, etco Plea se ex pand y our qu estioning t~ areas n ot listed here. Also add qu estion s ~o t hose listed here and notify Hildegard of areas or q ''> estions o thers on the comm ittee should be consideringo ECO 'ONIC CO_'~RIBUI'IONS: ' JLiAI' F..5 '_DE ECONOt1 IC CONDI 'TI ON I N r HE COJ1'\j TRY OF EMIGRAT I ON ? I N GE rRF~? . ITH IN THE PERSONA~ EXPER I ENC2 OF THE PE B..5 0N OR Fi lILY BEING INTERVIEWE D? How d id t he person or family b e come a wa re of e c onomic oppor tunities ava ila ble in Ame rica? (It is important t o remember that many fa~ilies were " well off" but had t he educ~tion or perspective that allowed them to see life as becoming increasingly r estrictive in the homeland. Often times these people came t o Ame rica in order to preserve an econ omi c adva ntag e t hey ha d already a t tained.) ARE TH ERE LETTERS IN EURO PE OF IN THE USA THAT PROV I DE DOCU l'" EN 'TAT ION CON CE RN I G rHE IDEAS AN D FACTS TH _1-iT P __ OVIDED I~OTIVATION IN COI'1ING TO AIugh discernment and adjus tment cultural communities have knitted and sewn themselves ihtG) the fa.bric of t heir new homeland. Today as much as ever a knowledge of the histor ical cont ributions of our various eultural communities will inspire young and old alike with a sense of their cuntext and and their po ssibilities for continuing t he work of building a happy and prosperous Mahoning Valleyo Areas of interset are: economic, religiOUS, the f ine arts, family and group values, folk arts and traditi~ns, attitudes a nd contri- butions to education, governmental serVice, me.icine, milit a ry service. etc. Please expand your questioning t~ areas not listed here. Also add questions t o those listed here and notify Hildegard of areas or questions other s en the committee should be consideri~o ECONO:N ill C CONTR IBUTI ONS: 'vJHAT WAS rrHE ECONOMIC CONDI TI ON I N THE COUNTRY OF EMIGRATION ? IN GENFRAL? WITHIN THE PERS ONAL EXPERIEN CE OF THE PERSON OR FAM ILY BEING IN TERVIEWED? H()w did t he person or family b ecome a ware of economic opportunities ( ava ilable in !menica? (It is important to remember that many fa ilies were "well off" but had t he educ4tion or perspective that allowed them to see life as becomi ng increasingly r estrictive in the homeland. Often times these people came to America in order to preserve an economic advantage they had already attained.) ARE THERE LETTERS IN EURO PE OF IN THE USA THAT PROVIDE DOCU MENTATION CONCERN I NG THE IDEAS AND FACTS THAT PROVIDED MOTIVATION· IN COMING TO AMERICA? CAN THE SE LETTERS (or othe r written sou.roes) BE OBTAINED? In gaining first opportunities of jobs and housing. who assisted the individua l or f a imly being interviewed? t Who acqained an early i ffimigrant with bUS i ness procedures? If a market or store was opened. how did t he individual or family cope with American business proced~res? Were thera roots i n the co~ntry of origin for b~siness skills or a b~siness perspective? Was there a special vralue attached to being self-employed? to working as a laborer and doing an"honest days werk"? WHAT ATT ITUDE PREVAILED IN A PARTICULAR COMMUNITY REGAijDING UNIONS AND PARTICIPATION IN UNION ACTI VI TIES? What were specific economic contributions of an individual. ffamily. or cultural gro~p? What social or cultural effort ts were aided by the successf~l immigrant businessman. worker, or ~~ion? RELIGIOUS CONTR IBUTIONS: Was there involvment in · religious/Church congrega tional develop- ment/ To what religious cl~bs or organizations did an individual or family ( belong? Are there minutes, memorial booklets, or other materials still available from these organizations? Can they be obta ined for th the Arms Museum? When and where can these aterials be copied or procured? ABE THERE RELIGIOU S B ~JERS OR OTHER EXAM~L~S OF CHURCH/S~NAGOGUE ART AVAILABLE? WHEN .AND WHERE CAN THEY BE SE.l~.N OR PR OCURED? Have there been ministers, pries t s, rabbis, or othervcongregational leaders who have arisen from local religious congregations? Have these men and women exercised their mi nlscries in 'ehe 11anofi- ing Valley? What were ~ome of their major contributions? If some~: have lert ~he area. where nave ~hey been active? Wna~ are some 01 their major con~rlbutions? Concerning area congregaciofi$, Whac 8ven~s represen~ ~he nighpoints of' the c hur ch or synagogue 's devel<.>pment? WhaJ: .Lssues especially stlIDuliated discussion in ~he congregation? . Wnat issues stimulated disagreement or diTision? What was the most difricult controversy or question the congregation had to set tle? What economic, political, social, or theological questions demanded the congregations attention? WERE HERE PROBLEMS WI 1H OTHER RELIGIOUS CONGREGATIONS? WHAT WERE NOTABLE OCCASSIONS FOR CO~OPERATION WITH OTHER CHURCHES OR SYNAGOGUES? What civic figures. e.g. Governor Tad, a mayor, councilman, etco was of assi stance to yo~r congregation in establishing itself? OR IS PARTICULARLY REMEMBERED BY WHAT EVENT IN THE DEPRESSION EFFECTED THE CHURCH OR SYNAGOGUE? WHAT EVEN T IN WOHLD WAR I Al\ID WORLD WAR II? ( ( RELIGIOUS CONTRIBUTIONS (CON mI NUED): Who were t he great musicia ns, writers, sing ers a nd workers STer the years at the Church or Syna g ogue? Di d the c on regation sponsor or co-operate in neig hborhood improve ment efforts or charity drives over t he years? Did t ne c on gregation establish a school or assist in establishing a school? Who were the prime movers behi nd the sehGol? What type of sbhool was it, e. g . Saturday School, elementary, high school, etc.? Did the c ,)ngrega tio.L'l sponsor sports acti Ti ties, youth camps, etc.? If building loans were taken by the congr egation, from what financial institution, or source was such a loan taken? FOLK ARTS AN D TRADITIONS: Conce rning f olk medicine-:- How did a family or individuahtdeal with common llln.esses suchas the It commdln. cold ll ? What remedie's we r e brought from abro ad? HOlf did a community. family or individual deal with t he flu epid emic of 1918? with o ther medical emergencies? When and how did a family or individua l first come t o use the youngs t own hospita ls? Folkarts: What cra fts, e.g. rugmaking, sewing, quilting, varous holida y preparations a nd decora tions, were brought from abroad a nd practiced in the USA? b y o t hers, by the person or family being inter viewed? What food customs were prevalent in. the e a rly cultura l community? What food customs have disappeared and why? what food customs ( haTe remained? Is it likely these oustoms will beoome part of the ongoing traditions of the Mahoning Valley? What musical tra ditions were prevalent in the early cultural com munity/ Ask about ohoirs, tnstruments, songs dances, etc. Are instrum nts, musical scores, dance inst ructions aTailable to the museum? When and where can aocess to these materials be gained? Were links ever established b y the cultural community to folkartists or folklorists on a national level. e.g . through invited lecturers, singers, or craftspeople? Who on a looal l evel has col lected folklore? Are there wri ten sources aTailable to the museum? When and where can access be gbta ined? What fine arts in the va lley have t heir roots in folk arts, e.g. the youngstown Symphony's relat ionship t o the Lowellvill e bands initiated by Michael Lucente tlf LaScala, Milan~ Are there paintings, musical pieoes, aapestries, other works of art based on folk traditions pr evalent in the Youngstown area? What sort of family interaction surrounded the preservation of folk tradit~9ns, holidays, religious feastdays, the traditional American holidays? How did families and communities celebra te the 4th of July. Veterans' Day. etc.? How were V* Are there unique cus t oms surro nding the family picnic? etc •....... ( The F INE ARTS: '13'(D What c on tributi ns to the f Lne arts have been made by members of the particular cultural coml1lUnity? Have there been nota ble musicians, artists, dancers, playwri t es, a ctors/actresses, etc.? (sculptors, Are y ,)U familiar with indviduals or g roups, e. g . Polish Arts Club that have supported the arts or particular artists? Are there churches or syn agogues who have offered o pportun i t ies to artists, musicians, archi t ects, etc. through the y e a rs? Are there musical scores, a rtist ic compositi ons, )r creations tha.t are available to the museum or artistic productions or products In that are (:odanger of being destroye d in~-tfle nea r future? POLITI CAL PAR'_ ICIPATI ON: What preclncts or area s c ontain or have c onta i ned concentrations of voters f r om the cultural community being discusse d? How did t h is cultural community vote in major elections? e.g o Presid..,. entia l e l e ctions Did a particular leader" in this c ult ura l communi ty s peak to the city, sta te or national administration on behalf of t he cultural comm mu..ni ty? What was t he family, economic, religious backg round ofl the first politlca l lea ders of the cultural community? Are t here sad stories told of y ou.ng leaders i n he community who died before achieving t heir ful l potential? What political party drew the support of this cultrua lcommuni ty? Were members of t hiS community active i n runn i ng for office, in writing letters to bation a l or state poll tica l lea ders, in ( ( t h 7 working for candidates. in voting. in discussi g a nd influencing elections through financia l support or a friendly word of support through a religious. or benevolent organization? Of these various efforts what area especially characteriz es the political inv olve ment ment of the particular cultural c ommunity? Who were the political office holders from the cultural communLty? What is a short stay about each?