ShlpRaclloaram NL- Nichr Leuet SYMBOLS DL- Day Leurr LC-Dd.....tCoble NL.T-Coble Niche Len•• NEWCOMB CARLTON CHAIRMAN Or' THE BOARD R. B. WHITE PRESIDENT This is a full-rate Telegnm or Cabl.,.. gram unless its de ferred character is in dicated by a suitable ,ymbol above or pre ceding the addreas. Irhe filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of re-:eipt is ST DARD TI~ at point of destination Received at 708 14th St., N. W. Washington, D. C. JUl 7 Jr .'IB4 55 flL=YOUIGSTOI.'![! OHIO ,JULY 6 CO rJ GR ESSf..1 AtI Ll J K I R:J AfJ= ~BROTHEP. HE,JRY BOUCHERLE LOST I [,J LAf