MOVIES ON THURSDAYS Student Publication of Youngstown College DANCING ON FRIDAYS VOL. 13 — No. s. YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1942 PRICE 5c Do Your Bit For National Defense Youngstown college .students ;<;•<' asked to c^niitme the good work in removing from the parking lot and road, broken ghiss, nails, large rocks and other things which shorten the mileage of auto tires. National defense requires that care be taken to preserve- the life of tires. FacultySpeaksOn National Defense A 'series of 24 radio talks, ar ranged by Lynn B. Dana, Jr., to acquaint the general public with the work being done at Youngs town college in connection with national defense, will be present ed each Sunday evening at 7 o' clock. The first 3 2 will be broad- csat from station WKBN, and the 12 immediately following will be heard from station WFMJ. The sreies began Sunday even ing, January 4, when Dr. George M. Wilcox spoke on "Youngstown College and National Defense." Dr. Wilcox cited the types of training offered at Youngstown College which may be used either' directly or (directly, to aid in na tional defense. Dr. C. W. Foard presented an address,' entitled "Civilian Pilot Training", Sunday, January. 11, in which he gave an account of the work being done by the CTP at YOCO and of the support which is given'to the United States Govern ment in training Civilian pilots for flying cadets in the U. S. Air Corps. Next Sunday at 7 o'clock. Dr. Eugene Scudder -will speak on an other phase of national defense. There will be no spring vacation at Youngstown college this year! President Howard \V. Jones recently announced that the annual spring vacation would be cancelled and a full 12-week summer course offeredas a part of the national defense pro gram. This schedule, requested of all colleges by the War and NIavy departments,, will enable students to complete a full col lege course in three years. The second semester, according to President Jones, will be :—-• ^completed one week e'aVHer. The summer course will begin imme- "That's when it used to be," Dick Roehlcr, Marge Randall, Teddy, Ashbaugh and Bob Hedland, groan at tre prespect of no spring vaca tion, as they- point out the date originally, scheduled for the vaca tion. Oh well, it's for National Deftnso . — Photo by H. Rempes. Personality of The Week By .Tean Loney Enter -Fred ' Lanz with knowing.^look^iu his eyes,- flashing a friendly smHe.v-the "choice for the Personality of the Ttfeek. -Tall, dark and liandsoff {he goes, steadyK he; lounges .from, place to place.'arid, was never seen to nur- ry,. aljhoshe accomplishes, a ter? .ri«ic:-.iot.ot workXv;'-/; \ •' At pi'eseh^ with jplaus for the interfraternity counl cil dance, ae he is "chairman of the committee; He is-..a. member of the : Kappa Sigma' Kappa" F.ra- - ternity and is representative to Student Council. It's not the first time that h^-bas delved into, politics. -Me modestly:adniits,..that j he was freshman" class president, "long time ago.".;, , ' Enrolled as a.junior, he .plans to complete his course, majoring in economics, although, if duty calls, he may enlist m the Naval! . Air Corps. • . - j Prod's pet dreara. a musical • . comedy, is being written by him-j helt with:the help of several-other , .muslcalvcomedy-minded-^oCp stu-' stents, and they plan to stait pro duction; by, thVfristvGf^^^^ i Make .a .note-of-u-^it -should be/ •„ good,,. > . . .... -.J ,:He;wa&-:: recent y^qn^x of .the ( •''filthy..-richerwhen--he -won the : .tirst'pfize'.ot. $25- in^aniessay eon-,., test -sponsored. ,at YouRgstoWn eol- rA$s%sJ£&uphe Id ith&ftfiiKinaU^*: in:v Quartette Sings over WMFJ On Monday Musical Prog. The Music School has- in its midst a vocal quartette composed that the question, "Should Youngs-. „ • , - . ~. ., ~. . „ .• of. Olgo Musiychnck,.soprano; Gi-,town Change, Its.Charter." He is. 1 also: an enthusiastic, of the Debate-'zeUa0l'0S' contralto; .James Mil- club. - .. ; -jler, tenor;'and.Robert Walton bai'- . fr--In! his ; spare'time' he reads itone. This quartette sang selec- econom.ics. -and, really enjoys.;, it, works .at the Sharon Steel Ch^jmi-1. . - T "-j* rCai:works, ice skates,at the rink, builds model ships, buys record^ Varsity Club To Present Benny Jones Varsity Club — 3rd Annual Dance. Friday, January 23, Nu-Elms. Music by Benny Jones—9 to 12. This is an annual event in which all the past lettermcn of YoCo re turn to pay a visit to those carry ing on their tradition of clean and and successful sports in Youngs town College. ' ' Also it is a chance for the stud ent body to show their, apprecia tion to those hard working ath letes by attending this dance. diately with a £•,»>; freshman sched ule lein^ offer?-!. A full schedule is also available for freshmen be ginning school at the second se- fester, February 2. Xew Courses Offerfd Dr.. Clarence P.. Gonld has been.- appomted to -I'st- classes. in metorology, riaV'gy'tion and sig nals.'The Morse code will be in- eluded in the latter. Dr. Gould will instruct o'.^s^s which will begin the second semester, Feb ruary 2. " ' For the past sayomi yoars the- college has ofred courses in-con junction with i, if.o?i:iI defense. At present there are courses in civil-The previous dances were great successes due to the backing by,ian Pu<>t training, materials .test- the student body. This year there'[*"£. machine dewil, madiine,de ls-a great band for a nominal siS». production supervision and price of one dollar per couple- jfllels- So set aside January* 23 for the j — Varsity club. The committee includes.George Hardle and Cy Warden, co-chair men, Roy Kroll, program chair man, Jack Cramb, invitations chairman arid Cy James, orchestra chairman. listens to Bob Hope',- etc., ete;|:/ He headed the committee to; ar range for the Freshman Recep tion which was held last fall and is.also stage manager for college plays. (tions fropi the. ^Persian Garden" iman over the'.Mon- day'lMusical program fi:om WMFJ on;''Monday.'''v ':' ' * I. F. Formal Slated For February 7 The .annual intra-fraternity dance .will be held at the Ohio Hotel, Saturday, February 7, for members of social fraternities and sororities. A committee has been selected to choose a queen for the dance. ... v. • . Fred Lanz, chairman of the,, af fair, announces that the early date .of.-.February ,.'7 was- chosen'in orV dej- .that -.many, -of--.the/' fraternity •niembers-..wej'e leaving.*^ 'for-. the. p.rmy- ip.the very near future can t.atteud -the affair ; --• ,Movies on TKurs. ! Dancing on Fru ! . Student dancing, which had. j. been held every Thursday noon Jn the auditorium has .been '.^changed to.; Friday ..according to I aiV anhouncement made-reeent- ~i'y by • Ai Gross, president of Student Council. The. day; has been changed at thte request of the student body, since a greater number of . -men1 'and women are enrolled for Friday classes than for Thursday. Educational movies ;wiil be Apply Jan. 15 For "Night Of Jan. ] 6th." What happened oh' the"Nigltt of January 16th." Nothing-. ! - -This is the name of the mystery comedy by Ayn Rarid to be produc-" ed under the direction ;6f Professor Bunn: and student director, Wil liam Foley. . As: yet. the-east has not been conipleted. Final tryouts held on Thursdayy January 15: •. Watch" the bulletin', board for last minute announcements:' - • Jambar Is Drafted! Follows Boys To Camps ' , V7i'ite to the. boys in . aj:m.y c^.'ips; below are the addresses of tour former Youngstown college men- who are in training,.-. More i vames will be p iufco-l va successive . presented on. Thursdays .in. the, x , sguig;. Anyo^ whoknows 4he ad. - future. University oi Mimiesota -FJying; club ha^. trained more.;than.--40^ gtudenEs aJS.fhef*iWitho4,t.-acetd?ftt ^al an^Jtmd, ... ,. Newman Club HoWs Communion Sunday • The Newman club will spon- son u Oommnnrr.' -Urvakfas;; Sun day January: IS at St. Columba's church: - Mass- will' begin > at 9 "o'clock with R^v . John- WoHe. of ficiating 'reft : the- services.; • AH Catholic - students- are- uiYited^ to attend. , **=,'• _ - ' Rosem-ary-YaDnereUtys-general chairman.- • The./.ticKet -rcoJnmittee inclttdes - tiHian:;. Lesky.-- Carl -Hu- bert..-rCathfeKwie -Jaef;koian4.,.Betty. Shutrump. '.resses of service men who have -ied Youngstown college ar-e asked, to submit them to Cathe rine Jaczko,' edi*i/.*, or le.rye tlwra at trt<= Jambar offt.-:e. .y Pvt.' C. J Rosapepe 405th School Sqdn. ' . Sheppard Field. Tex. jt AtC G. J. Schwager . ; 3 A.C.T.D. Grider Field, '-• Pine Bluff, Ark Pvt Robert Mutphy, Co. D. 5th Sig: Thg-.- Br.- .-; S.C.R.T.C. Fort Monmouth, Red -JBank; N, J. - > ' Ale-Charles' 'Koblmann; • • • • 'Bldg U-i R Ul-B- >Tavat Air Station, _ ' . i^..-,vporis ' Martha Naeg Travelers Safety Service "So. he.w.oo't.dim his bright lights, eh! Well/flligive himmine. With Bud Schermer Memorial Of A Heckler In 1941 I attempted by various means, scrup ulous and otherwise, to control the mentalities .of.certain- individuals. If I succeeded or not — It was not a question, of being my business — but everybodys busi ness. Naturally, L.didnt saeeeed-iri' saying all I \vanled to, bur the editor's- blue-pencil sure* saved me from; being a victim of homicidal mania a "number of times. . .However, one' of these days something might escape in the censorship and someone else be blamed for the life I lead. ; Therefore;;to ;Start the new-year right, I now sign my name: in bold letters for. all to see. You may, in the future, submit all prievances to me — and may God help us both. •Morituri te salutamus. ; Resolved I, the above, being of sane judgment do here resolve to continue writing such journalistic slop in same spirit as I have, heretofore, and to, add to. this column such remarks, as I deem fitting: for such individuals around school who irritate- my finer senses. "When impossible to say'anything nice about the aforementioned, I do NOT promise NOT to tell the truth. Well here it is, the beginning of ways of women would actually try a new year again. This time in-jto go-out on a date with his girl' stead--of "Looking Around" let's 'Dutch-style. The only Dutch treat look back and stir up a few me mories of the v-io-'G' pleasant mo ments of 194T. These are some of £n a recent.survey made by athletic directors, colleges were urged not to lose sight of the ] the things yon did and the places Widespread value of intercollegiate sports. In •>'ou wcl1t during the past year. -the words of Thurston J. Davies, president of Colorado college; "We can all agree that com pulsory exercises are good for toughening our young men, but let's not lose sight of.the ge'n- On top of all the-war news and everything else, the news of the passing of Pete Penguin I shroud ed Yo-Co's campus in Gloom dur ing the opening days of January.' The untimely death of our, .beloved, -era! themeof the. physical and psychological [Pete was a shock to one and ali. 'benefits to be gained by these youths com-,Then yo" rmmGdiatel>' t00k i on the Question Some of von hoHv petmg against each other. If competitive athle- ,ontcmled that PetG shouId ,,e tics were good, they are better "now." i given an honorable burial, while (others wanted him stuffed so that It is a known fact, that experienced leaders'he could remain with us.. For., a in the last World War found that sports had'whiIft i! seemRd as if th« hurting , , group had won, but the "burying ;been of great help in improving the condition ;facfion.. camc back strong and and morale of soldiers. Many boys from Youngs- kidnapped the body thus turning 'ton college, well known in-the various sports,>? lfMcs* bl,t ,th1s vici°f7 was r '-only temporary for soon the cor- are now in the different branches of the serv-'nus delcctis was returned and the . ice. .Because, of the experiences gained through ilaf5t remain* oC Pe,c wopc eu_ ... - ishrmed in a fitting place of honor, these activities, we feel .sure they, have entered-fWhilo thcse ove»ts were t.ranspir- the service of a little better equipped physically; i'^ you found the time to go to „*' to >00l< ™'er the new fresh- many competitive sports. It is true-most-of ] Al , timn men. You looked and through 'Tlmmm." That about winds up the year. About this time you " settled tucm are yntra-murcis, but if enough interest (lown f0l. cxamK and. after it was were shown - there would be no trouble-in en- all over and you had passed some tcring tournaments with other colleges. Very of them, you knew that the age of I Wifb (so shadows that the com- Jittle is-heard of our golf, tennis, and swim-1roirBC,RS wm stm «">»»*• After , ing .events cast before them, this , , * . : that came, the new semester and i year promises to be an important rmng teams, although we have top material ;3)CV>. frtC0S> S})RCia, oncs like jftCk;0ue for all so lets make make the in each off these sports. There was also ac.rsmh for the girls and Dot. Ot-1 most of ft. There win be many o»- iVneing team at one time. Interest would revive firman for the hoys, and Sontag. :porU;nities. during the coming this too.' Crnp-.b was immediately cut from I months for you to he?p your coun- ihe herd and set after by the, try first-adi classes. Civilian De- The fraternities should show more competi- blondes. The Yo-Coods came out!fenso. Civil Air Patrol, the home tive spirit in the; intra-murals schedule by Ran- with ;he best, piece of propaganda ;giard. etc so hustle around and nv Levshon. Our football and basketball teams of the year in a statement that dig up your talents and offer them to the appropriate parties. Lets all get together and help to "KKKP 'EM DYING".' Hope to .have carried far and wide the name of Youngs- "K'y wcr0 in icomh and brush —That's Jim though—he- believes in doing things in a big way—he, also, presented her with a fuzzy white bear—Lmcille D. is wearing a new watch 'from Frank—Kloih'e has a new ring and, also, a bear; —No! it's her blrttistbue, I think —Vera received a darling little bracelet from an-admirer. -} Phil Jones was simply thrilled when a: "friend" from the west came home for a few days—since teriffie-commotion followed by an outburst of laughterr. My curosity got (he-best of me, so 1 poked my head out the door to see what was going on-—Wow-, what a sight to behold! half the girls in the place were rolling all over the floor sup posedly taking away all the extra bulges—Because I'd like to live a while longer there will be no names mentioned. One by one the men are being- taken away. Pretty soon the gals will be flipping coins—-while oh the subject of men, to the few Who are left, I'd like to drop this hint and, also, to those who may still even though it's quite impossible try to avoid the army by getting "hitched"-'—''-'Don't marry a girl because she looks sensible because a sensible girl has more sense thai! to look- sensible"—a trifle com pleted but you get'the idea—S^ elminating-- the--male |-Kay Hatch and Dotty Dimlap say Ut Ifonnal installation, February 7. t element-trom Youngstown college. J.-tIiey ),a(i a."perfect" time at home tonight. The pledges will be installed on J Sunday, January 18, at the *Du- ^a»ense Club with Mike i\asko as chairman, assisted V- Glenn 0*l^rt* WiU* heU1 ^ Ui* -fraternity borne and Jack.Staff. ALPHA, THETAA>5SLTA . 'cd. The Alpha The.tas are going to j The Lake Swekeen Friday for their PHI SIGMA>EPSirX>X Tire Phi Sig's New Year's-.Eve j house.- Dancing, ping-pong, pool, | cards and other games were play- • JOHNNY PADACH and •BOB8_mayhe some of the army .men HEDLUND, both Kappa Sigs; have! got furloughs after all—I was dis- been called by Uncle Sam and will appointed that a New Jersey camp leave any day now. " TONY GENTILE, popular. Phi Sig^ left last week for the Army gave such short ones. • A ' very-' funny-thing- happened the other-night- It will probably Hill "Where Activity Reigns" .HOTEL aCK-OHIO . CASOADKS ROOM, ^ L U B "*Sat. A'f. « to 0 p. in. No coyer charge. "Nations finest dance music.'* Purple Cow Coffee Shpp Open all nite. • -Mv Dad's the boss . Jackie Courtney, boph. fraternity is planning a I joint party with another 'organ'!-1Gam is also in the Corps, annual week end party. Ice skat- lzali011 sometime during January, j CHUCK 'KGHLMAN, Cordon Campbell has been^eiect-i Kappa Sig, has completed his ed secretary to replace Tony Gen- course with the Naval air corps at tile who is now with Uncle Sam. [Corpus Christ!, Texas. Several former Sigma Delts are Air 'Corps. Howard Farr, a Phi enlighten-some' ot the fellows as to {why a few of the girls are losing former ing. skiing and hiking will be the highlights of the excursion. La- verno Downs and Sylvia DeBartola are in charge of the food-commit- "tee. Initiation of pledges will take Before tor After Glass VISIT THE RESTAURANT X. Phelp St. Ph. ,40834 weight. I was lying on my-bed trying to: concentrate (Believe it or not) when all of a sudden there sounded from the hall a Ai King was appointed house in the news. FRED HILL was manager for-January with .Ralph ! home fr0m Annapblis, Md. Freed and Dick Cateriane assist ing him. Kcsulnr $3.05 value! V-nock and round neck style. Short and long sleeves-; the popular long sloppy ones - in pullovers and catdij'aiis. You can't so wrong ,m these for you all know how essential a new sweater is to your wardrobe. Visit our sports wear department. (.Second Floor—Sportswear) , Why do some so-called . at tractive men fail to appear for a date? Especially unforgive- able for a formal. Why aren't the windows in our - building • cleaned Surely the staff is large enough! Why are some profs always right? Students sometimes present the better arguments. Why does the offi.;e persist in writing letters about absen ces from class? We are certain ly old enough to • realize the loss! Why do some thoughtless people whistle and sing on the first floor? Please remember the class rooms! . Why doesn't the college get behind the basketball team? They deserve support! -Why don't some people stop criticizing others who do ai! the work for school functions? Why don't you try to im prove so this column wouldn't have to be written? HENRY NICKEL and KENNY NESTLE BUSH. - both of West Point, were here for Christmas, ! • JACK HEAD is in the army now at Fort Eustice, Va. 'JEAN PATTERSON came back to , school wearing a diamond—from Howard, of course- < CAROL JONES spent the holi days in Florida with her family. Virginia Jones.etaoiuun'unshrdlu 1 VIRGINIA JOHNSON, another Gamma Sig received a diamond from Chuck Axtmann. DOROTHY ERSKINE, of the Jambar business, staff, is engaged to a boy outside of school. MARIE BARRETT has also joined the great ranks. She re ceived a diamond from. Jack Marsh at Christmas. WIN* HKR HEART WITH GIFT BOX OF VALTOXTIVE CANDY frnio MUEDMAVS Meet Your Friends For Liim-Ji FRIEDMAN'S Next to Palace Theatre "Ohio's •• Smartest* Ballroom.'.' SATURDAY One Xito Only : RED : NICHOLS And His Famous PENNIES No Advance in Price 6->c tax paid I o STARTING SUNDAY BOB ASTOR TUESDAY, JAN. 2()th and His Famous ORCHESTRA liiiHiiiiiiiiiiuiiiifi tfcfefe'sY^ar 'Round Smartness In Gtir Famous They're so comfortable to wear at home & in class they they're •practically a must for college, girls. In denim and' cowhide $4.45 to $0.50, some with matching belts and bags at small extra cost. ' FOOTWEAR— SECOND FLOOR ' Known for Dependability for nearly 07 years. $/$f'-lv*t son;; hits first -day. No ;\;n- JiiHif — it't ill!!. i'riVftiV