DIFFERENCES AMONG SMOKERS, NONSMOKERS AND FORMER SMOKERS AN INVESTIGATION OF HEALTH CARE WORKERS by Nicholas V. Cascarelli Submitted in Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirements For the Degree of Master in Health and Human Services In the Bitonte College ofHealth and Human Services THE YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY June 2000 DIFFERNCES AMONG SMOKERS, NONSMOKERS AND FORMER SMOKERS AN INVESTIGATION OF HEALTHCARE WORKERS Nicholas V. Cascarelli I hereby release the thesis to the public. I understand this thesis will be housed at the Circulation Desk ofthe University library and will be available for public access. I also authorized the University or other individuals to make copies ofthis thesis as needed for scholarly research. Signature: Nicholas V. Cascarelli, Stu ent Approvals: "11 J,. J_ ~ ~=f#'tJUlfA' Dr. Carol Mikanowicz, Thesis Advisor r. Joseph Waldron, Committee Member .t. Date Date Abstract The study consisted oftwo hundred and six employees from two hospitals. The 38-item questionnaire asked respondents to answer questions regarding behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge concerning smoking cigarettes in general and workplace smoking policies. The percentage ofthis study that reported they were smokers was 15.5%. A linear regression analysis was performed to assess the predictability ofbeliefs about smoking in general and workplace smoking policies as a function ofactual smoking behavior. Both regression analyses displayed moderate strength r2 = .29 on general beliefs and knowledge about smoking and r2 = .18 on workplace smoking policies. ANOVAs were conducted to evaluate differences among smokers, never smokers and former smokers in terms ofknowledge and beliefs about smoking in general (p< .01) and in attitudes about workplace smoking policies (p= .019). Cigarette smokers were more likely to have beliefs that would favor smoking behavior than nonsmokers or former smokers. They also tended to have less knowledge ofthe effects ofsmoking. In terms ofworkplace smoking policy, there were differences between smokers and nonsmokers, however the differences were not as great as they were in terms ofgeneral knowledge and beliefs. III Table ofContents Abstract iii List ofTables vi List ofFigures vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Purpose ofthe Study 1 Hypotheses ofthe Study 1 Delimitations (parameters ofstudy) 2 Assumptions ofthe study 2 Operational Definitions 3 Limitations ofthe Study 4 Summary 4 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 6 Smoking Prevalence 6 The Effects ofSmoking 8 Background and Origins ofThe Health BeliefModel 9 The Health BeliefModel 10 The Relationship between Cigarette Smoking and the Health BeliefModel 11 The Problem ofETS (Environmental Tobacco Smoke) 15 The Relationship between Smoking and the Workplace 15 Summary 19 CHAPTER III METHODS 20 Research Design 20 Subjects 21 Instrument 21 Collection ofData 22 Statistical Treatment ofData 22 Summary 23 CHAPTER IV RESULTS OF THE ANALYSIS ,25 Profile ofthe subjects 25 Results for hypothesis 1 ,34 Results for hypothesis 2 ,36 CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDAnONS 42 Summary ,42 Conclusions '44 Recommendations 45 iv BIBLIOGRAPHy 47 Appendix A: Smoking in the Workplace Questionnaire 50 Appendix B: Human Subjects Committee Approval 54 Appendix C: Letter ofPermission from Employer. 56 Appendix D: Letter ofConsent 58 v List ofTables Table 1 Number and Percentage ofHealthcare Workers' Smoking Behavior by Age 26 Table 2 Number and Percentage ofHealthcare Workers' Smoking Behavior by Gender 27 Table 3 Number and Percentage ofHealthcare Workers' Smoking Behavior by Education 29 Table 4 Number and Percentage ofHealthcare Workers' Smoking Behavior by Race 31 Table 5 Reliability Analysis ofTotal Smoking Inventory Items 32 Table 6 ANOVA Hypothesis 1 36 Table 7 Post hoc Comparison Tukey's HSD 37 Table 8 ANOVA Hypothesis 2 40 Table 9 Post hoc Comparison Dunnett's C 41 vi List ofFigures Figure I The Relationship Between Smoking and the Total Smoking Inventory Scale 35 Figure 2 The Relationship Between Smoking and the Workplace Permissiveness Scale 39 vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Cigarette smoking is a major health problem for our nation. It is the leading preventable cause ofdisease and death in the United States. Smoking prevalence is significantly above the 15 percent that Healthy People 2000 objectives had set forth. In the United States, 48 million adults smoke which is approximately 25% ofthe adult population (American Lung Association, 1999). Smoking occurs in both genders with 25 million men and 23 million women smoking on a daily basis. Education is a good predictor ofsmoking behavior demonstrating that smoking rates are highest among those individuals who have 9-11 years ofeducation. Poverty is a second predictor as people who are at or below the poverty level have higher smoking rates. Smoking causes both health and economic consequences as 90% ofall lung cancer can be attributed to smoking and $2 for every pack ofcigarettes bought goes to the medical expenditures associated with that pack. Purpose ofthe Study The purpose ofthis study was to measure smoking behavior among a working population in a healthcare setting in Mahoning and Trumbull Counties in Northeast Ohio. Those aspects would include knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors associated with cigarette smoking in general and in the workplace. The relationship ofdemographic factors such as age, gender, race, and level ofeducation will also be examined to look for trends as they relate differences in beliefs, behaviors or knowledge. Hypotheses ofthe Study Hypothesis 1. There are significant differences among smokers, nonsmokers, and former smokers in terms ofhealth beliefs about smoking. Hypothesis 2. There are significant differences between smokers, nonsmokers, and former smokers in terms ofattitudes toward workplace smoking policies Delimitations (parameters ofstudy) 1. Geographical - The participants work in either Mahoning or Trumbull Counties ofNortheastem Ohio. 2. Institutional type - Hospital settings 3. Age - All respondents are 18 and over. 4. Gender - Most ofthe respondents were female. (79.1%) 5. Race - Ethnic minorities were underrepresented. (10.7%) 6. Education - Most ofthe respondents had a bachelor's degree or higher. (53.4%) 2 Assumptions ofthe study 1. Smoking is perceived by the general public as not a healthy behavior choice. 2. Smoking is an addiction. 3. The participants filling out the questionnaire understand the definition ofsmoker. 4. The questionnaire will reflect the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors ofthe respondents with a reasonable amount ofaccuracy. 5. Participants will be honest in answering survey questions. Operational Definitions. The following terms are defined as used in this study. Smoker - A person who has smoked within the last six months. Former Smoker - A person who no longer smokes but used to smoke more than six months ago. Nonsmoker - A person who has never smoked. Psychological addiction - Addiction to cigarettes that can be attributed, at least partially, to psychological and/or social coping mechanisms ofthe individual. Physiological Addiction - Addiction to cigarettes that can be attributed, at least partially, to a physical need for nicotine by the body to maintain homeostasis. Total Ban - This is a workplace smoking policy whereby smoking is not permitted at all. Partial Ban - This is a workplace smoking policy where smoking is permitted in designated areas. 3 Limitations ofthe Study 1. The sample was one ofconvenience. Only the hospitals that gave permission took part in the study. Members ofminority races, men, elderly, and unemployed are underrepresented or not represented in the study. Thus the generalizability ofthe results is limited. 2. This study represents the first time this instrument was used. Although reliability tests were run on the majority ofthe questions, only replication ofthe study would solidify reliability. 3. The opinions on the smoking policy questions may be skewed by workplace policies already in existence. 4. The definitions ofsmoker, former smoker, or nonsmoker were not defined in the questionnaire. Summary Smoking cigarettes is a health behavior that causes and contributes to many diseases not only to the smoker, but also to the surrounding people in the same environment. In addition, a person who smokes also has to cope with the addiction to nicotine and the negative stigma that is attached to a person who smokes. The workplace is often the place that addresses the problem ofenvironmental tobacco smoke by the implementation ofa smoking policy. 4 Chapter II is a review ofthe literature that discusses the theories used as the foundation for the study. It also presents some ofthe prevailing facts about smoking behavior in general and presents the existing literature that examines workplace smoking policies. Chapter III presents the methods and procedures used in the study and sets guidelines for data analysis. Chapter IV presents the results ofthe data analysis. There is also a discussion ofthe results. Chapter V is a summary ofthe findings, discussions, limitations and recommendations for further research. 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW The review ofthe literature consists ofgeneral information about smoking prevalence, the effects ofsmoking, background ofthe Health BeliefModel, the constructs ofthe Health BeliefModel, the relationship ofcigarette smoking and the Health BeliefModel, the problem ofEnvironmental Tobacco Smoke, and the relationship ofsmoking and the workplace. Smoking Prevalence Twenty-five million men (27.6%) and 23 million women (22.1 %) Americans smoke on a daily basis. However, by the end of2000, it is predicted that these figures will be reversed and more women will smoke than men. Another theme in the literature is that education is a good predictor ofsmoking behavior. People who have 9-11 years of education have the highest smoking rates (35.4 %) whereas smoking rates were lowest among adults who have 16 or more years ofeducation (11.6 %). Smoking rates are higher among individuals who live below the poverty level (33.3 %) than those who live at or above the poverty level (24.6 %). From a historical perspective, smoker's aged 25 44 usually had the highest smoking prevalence ofany age group. However, smokers age 18-24 are now the age group with highest prevalence at 28.7 %. This could be explained by previously high rates ofunderage smokers keeping the habit into adulthood. Figures for the other age subdivisions include: 25 to 44 years ofage, 28.6 %; 45 to 64 years, 25.5 %; 65 years and older, 13.0 %. (CDC,1998) The distribution geographically ofsmoking prevalence in the United States shows a great deal ofvariation from state to state. Kentucky and West Virginia have the highest 6 smoking rates, over 30 % for men and women. Utah and California are the only states below 20 %. They are 17.1 % and 19.5 % respectively. In general, adults in the southern region ofthe United States have higher rates ofsmoking than adults in the western part of the country, which have the lowest rates (Shopland, Hartmann, Gibson, Mueller, Kessler, & Lynn, 1996). The authors qualified their findings by noting that some ofwhat they found could be attributed, at least partially, to the differences in the smoking behavior between men and women and among diverse racial and ethnic populations in various areas ofthe country. The majority ofsmokers are ofCaucasian non-Hispanic ancestry, but the rates ofthis group are decreasing faster than minority groups. There is no single factor that determines patterns ofcigarette smoking among racial/ethnic minority groups. The patterns ofuse are the result ofcomplex interactions ofmultiple factors, such as socioeconomic status, cultural characteristics, stress, biological aspects, varying differences ofcommunities to mount effective anti-smoking campaigns. Smoking rates are generally declining for most groups. However, African-American and Hispanic American adolescents have shown an increase in rates since the early 1990's. Consequently, cigarette manufacturers have increasingly targeted certain races such as African-Americans or Hispanic Americans. The modes used to implement this strategy were through advertisement in magazines, garnering community loyalty by hiring community members, providing communities with revenues, and sponsoring cultural, athletic, entertainment events targeted at these groups (DHHS, 1998). Previously, billboards were strategically placed in minority communities, but recent legislation prohibits this visibility. 7 Effects ofSmoking The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated over each year as a result of smoking cigarettes. (American Lung Association, 1999) They also reported that smoking-related diseases cost the United States at least 97 billion dollars per year - 50 billion is direct healthcare costs (hospital care, physicians, and medications) and the remainder is money in lost productivity. Also in this report, nearly halfofthe 50 billion in direct healthcare costs are being paid by public funds. For every pack ofcigarettes sold in the U.S., $2 is needed for medical expenditures associated with the purchase ofthat pack. The Surgeon General's Report in 1989 identified at least 43 carcinogens. The report also indicated that approximately 90 % oflung cancer cases are attributed to smoking. (DHHS, 1990) Smoking also can be an important factor in the development ofother types ofcancers such as cancer ofthe esophagus, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, and cervix. Smoking causes most cases ofemphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking contributes to diseases ofthe circulatory system including arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and stroke. In addition to these major life threatening illnesses, smoking is at least partially responsible for many other conditions and disorders such as infertility, slow wound healing, impotence, peptic ulcer, ectopic pregnancy, and bone density deficiencies in women (Hahn & Payne, 1998) 8 Background and Origins ofThe Health BeliefModel The Health BeliefModel (HBM) was truly one ofthe first theories developed specifically to explain health behavior. It's efforts grew out ofa need to explain people's unwillingness to become involved with programs that would help to detect or prevent disease. The Health BeliefModel's origins can be traced back to the 1950's as a synthesis ofexisting theories from social psychology. The two theories used to formulate the Health BeliefModel were Stimulus-Response (S-R) Theory and Cognitive Theory.(Glanz, Lewis & Rimer, 1997) Stimulus-Response Theory is based on the constructs ofreinforcements and rewards to explain the behavior ofindividuals. Here learning is a result ofeither a reduction in behavioral drives due to the intervention ofreinforcements or an increase in certain behaviors due to the presence ofa reward ifthe proper behavior has taken place. One of the problems with S-R theory is that it does not address the ability ofhumans to reason. The Cognitive Theory, however, does address the mental processes ofhumans in terms of their decision-making. This theory is based on the notion that behavior depends on the individual's perception ofprobability that a particular action will achieve a particular outcome. The Health BeliefModel borrows more heavily on Cognitive theory. This is not to say that S-R theory is unimportant. S-R Theory lays the groundwork for the Health Belief Model in that reinforcements and rewards serve to influence expectations or hypotheses. The Cognitive theory influences behavior change more directly. 9 The Health BeliefModel The Health BeliefModel was used in this research as a theoretical base. This model poses many constructs and their relationships to one another in determining the likelihood to bring about a desired behavioral change. The first component ofthe Health BeliefModel involves those perceptions of individuals. The two major constructs within this component are perceived susceptibility and perceived severity. Perceived susceptibility is simply one's opinion ofchances of becoming ill. The perceived severity construct is the individual's perception ofthe seriousness ofan illness. (Strecher & Rosenstock, 1997) The second component ofthe Health BeliefModel involves those factors that modify the ability to make the desired behavior change. Key factors within this component include both ascribed and achieved characteristics ofthe individual. In turn these characteristics lead to cues to action. Cues to action are another construct ofthe Health BeliefModel that are either internal or external triggers ofindividual action. (Strecher & Rosenstock, 1997) The final component ofthe Health BeliefModel is the likelihood ofaction. This component is an assimilation ofthe previous two components and their interaction with a person's perception ofbenefits and barriers to behavior change. A construct that pervades this component ofthe Health BeliefModel is self-efficacy. It is a measure ofan individual's ability to take action. In essence, ifthe person perceives by making a behavior change that the benefits are greater than the barriers to making the change, the greater degree ofself-efficacy that person will have and the likelihood ofbehavior change is increased. (Bandura, 1977) IO The Relationship between Cigarette Smoking and the Health BeliefModel The literature on smoking in terms ofthe Health BeliefModel usually focuses on one component ofthe Health BeliefModel. (Strecher & Rosenstock, 1997) It is rare to find studies that encompass all the various aspects ofthe HBM. Perhaps the reasoning for many studies not using all aspects ofthe HBM relates to the concepts ofperceived susceptibility and perceived severity. It has been assumed that the differences between smokers' and nonsmokers' attitudes about threat are not statistically significant. In a 1992 study by Brownson, 83% ofcurrent smokers and 91 % of nonsmokers felt smoking was harmful. This study also found that both groups were similar on benefits ofquitting. Another paradigm in looking at beliefs ofsmoking is to examine differences in beliefs and benefits ofsmokers and former smokers. One study found that fewer smokers (27.9%) than former smokers (42.1 %) accepted that smoking causes disease (Chapman, Wong, & Smith, 1993). The diseases the authors ofthis study referred to were heart disease, poor circulation, bronchitis, lung cancer, and stroke. The ability to get past perceived barriers to quitting is what determines the likelihood of behavioral change. The difficulty with quitting smoking is that there is a significant presence ofboth psychological and physiological barriers that interfere with smoker's success. Congress and the media have recently given special attention to the addictive properties ofcigarettes. From a physiological standpoint, the administration ofnicotine for a few 11 weeks can bring about changes in the central nervous system and endocrine system that are indicative ofphysiological dependence (Henningfield & Keenan, 1993). Another aspect that is commonly associated with this type ofdependence is a withdrawal response ofthe body when the individual experiences a period ofprolonged absence ofthe drug in the body. Evidence for the physiological dependence aspect to smoking can be supported by a study conducted by Royce, Hymnowitz, Corbett, Hartwell, & Orlandi in 1993. This study investigated the differences between African-Americans and Caucasians in terms of ability to quit smoking. The premise ofthe study took in two assumptions. The first was that smoking is more socially acceptable among Caucasians than among African Americans. The second assumption was that African-Americans smoke fewer cigarettes per day than Caucasians on the average. However, when it came to quitting, Caucasians were more successful than African-Americans. Some ofthis could be explained by the disproportionate distribution ofAfrican-Americans in lower socioeconomic strata. This explanation could be used to explain psychological dependence. A more compelling indicator ofthe difficulty African-Americans have quitting is pharmacological in origin. African-Americans, although they smoke less, have the tendency to prefer menthol cigarettes. Menthol cigarettes have both higher tar and higher nicotine dosages. Consequently, the tolerance to nicotine is higher and a more traumatic withdrawal response would occur ifa person were to attempt to quit. (Royce, Hymnowitz, Corbett, Hartwell, & Orlandi, 1993) 12 The psychological dependence on cigarettes is another aspect ofbarriers to behavior change that also has been studied at some length in the literature. In a 1994 study conducted by Stretcher, most ofthe barriers were brought about from the person experiencing fear. Although related to physiological dependence, the fear ofstress or anxiety from the absence ofsmoking is psychological. This stress is caused by the anticipation ofwithdrawal symptoms that will in all likelihood occur. Another fear commonly perceived by people who are thinking about quitting smoking is the fear ofgaining weight. Using cigarettes has long been associated with weight control and as some research indicates a reason why people, usually women more than men, begin to smoke. Peer pressure is a commonly held explanation for adolescent smoking. A 1997 study conducted by Wolfson, Forster, Claxton, and Murray found that close to 75% of adolescents in the 8th, 9th, and 10th grades obtained cigarettes from friends or family members. In many studies determining predictors for adult smoking, adolescent smoking is commonly found to be the best predictor. (Paavola, Vartiainen, & Puska, 1996). The final fear ofthe Strecher study was that fear offailure and relapse exists especially in situations where others are present to encourage relapse. Very closely related to psychological dependence is a concept the Health BeliefModel referred to as self-efficacy. This construct ofthe HBM is commonly believed by many researchers to be the strongest predictor ofbehavior change. (Strecher & Rosenstock, 1997) 13 Although much ofthe research shows the use ofonly a portion ofthe Health Belief Model as a theoretical base for smoking behavior, one study used the entire model. (Mikanowicz, Fitzgerald, Leslie, & Altman, 1999) In this research, employees were administered a questionnaire that addressed the various constructs ofthe HBM. In addressing perceived benefits ofsmoking behavior, 31 % oftobacco users felt smoking helped control weight and 82% felt tobacco use helped reduce tension. The researchers showed that a higher percentage ofsmokers perceived barriers to quitting than nonsmokers and former smokers. In terms ofperceived susceptibility, a higher percentage ofemployees who never used tobacco products were more likely to believe smoking contributes to lung cancer and heart disease. However, in contrast to the 1992 Brownson study, the former users perceived less susceptibility than even current smokers. In evaluating the cue to action component ofthe HBM, 63% ofsmokers believed smoking was harmful and wanted to quit. However, only 41 % actually wanted to enroll in a program to quit. 14 The Problem ofETS (Environmental Tobacco Smoke) Environmental tobacco smoke or "secondhand smoke" has been classified as a human (Group A) carcinogen by the Environmental Protection Agency. In a study by the EPA, second hand smoke was estimated to cause 37,000 deaths from heart disease and 13,000 deaths from cancers each year in the U.S. (EPA, 1992). Although this study has some detractors, it is still widely supported by the American Lung Association and other health organizations. Forty-eight ofthe fifty states have some restriction on smoking in public places. These restrictions do vary from designated smoking areas to total bans. In terms ofthe workplace, 23 states restrict smoking in the workplace in the private sector and 43 states have restrictions in government workplaces. In August 1997, President Clinton signed an executive order banning smoking in federal buildings. (ALA, 1999) The Relationship between Smoking and the Workplace Many workplaces now support some sort ofsmoking policy. Generally there are three major categories ofsmoking policies. The first smoking policy would be a total ban policy. As the name implies, this plan is where smoking is not permitted anywhere on the premises. The second type is a partial ban. This policy is where smoking may be permitted in designated areas ofthe workplace. The third type ofpolicy would be to have no policy and smoking would be permitted anywhere at the worksite. (Mikanowicz & Altman, 1995) 15 More than 80 % ofworkers are covered by an official workplace smoking policy (Gerlach, Shopland, Hartman, Gibson, & Pechacek, 1997). However, less than halfare actually protected by smoking policies that prohibit smoking in both the work area and common areas ofthe workplace. Ofthose who work indoors, an estimated 58 million Americans (40 million ofwhom are not smokers) are not protected by a smoke-free workplace policy (Gerlach, Shopland, Hartman, Gibson, & Pechacek, 1997). This research also found that white-collar workers (53.7 %) were more likely than service workers (34.8 %) and blue-collar workers (27.4 %) to be covered by a smoke free policy. A meta-analysis ofvarious workplaces in Australia and the United States that instituted a total ban policy found significant results to support a perceived change in behavior. Nineteen studies between 1986 and 1996 were evaluated in this analysis. The researchers showed that 18 out ofthe 19 studies reported a daily decline ofsmoking rates and 17 of the 19 studies reported a decline in smoking prevalence. With the advent ofthe smoking ban, a reduction of602 million cigarettes consumed in Australia and a reduction of9.7 billion cigarettes per year in the United States could be attributed to a total ban on smoking in the workplace. This reduction accounts for approximately 2% ofall cigarettes smoked annually in each country. This study also made a projection that if workplaces were universally smoke free, the reduction ofcigarettes consumed would almost double to 1.17 billion in Australia and more than double to 20.7 billion in the United States (Chapman, Borland, Scollo, Brownson, Domninello, & Woodward, 1999). 16 The United States and Australia are further along than other parts ofthe world in trying to reduce exposure to ETS in the workplace. A study ofthe German metal industry revealed that in that industry, only 30% ofthe employees were not allowed to smoke in their immediate work area. (Brenner, Born, Novak, & Wanek, 1997) This study also showed a greater social acceptance ofsmoking in that 60% ofnonsmoking blue-collar workers and 52% ofnonsmoking white-collar employees would be bothered by passive smoking ifsmoking were permitted in their work area. Despite this difference from the United States and Australia, the German metal industry was shown to have one major similarity. Smoking prevalence and smoking intensity among active smokers was significantly lower ifthe employees worked at ajob where smoking was banned. This study along with the Chapman et al 1999 study lends strong support for the effectiveness ofa smoking ban in the workplace. Some studies compare the differences between the effects oftotal bans versus partial bans in terms ofbehavior changes among those employees who smoked. One such study was conducted on 242 smokers who worked at places that had either total or partial ban policies. The researchers concluded that smokers who worked at jobs that had total bans were more likely to stop smoking during the workday than those employees who smoked and worked at a place with only a partial ban. Italso found that smokers in partial bans actually were more likely to increase there smoking during work hours. Although there were many significant differences in behavior between the two groups, the attitudes about workplace smoking policies ofboth groups were very similar, regardless ofsmoking policy existing at their job. (Styles & Capewell, 1998) 17 Another study did a comparison ofone workplace with a total ban and another with no smoking policy. This study was conducted at two hospitals, one was about to implement a smoking ban (experimental group) and the other was not (control group). Both groups were similar in age, gender, and occupational status. Both groups were evaluated 4 weeks before the smoking ban and again at 4 weeks after the smoking ban. Smokers in the experimental group on the average reduced their smoking during work hours from 7.57 cigarettes per day before the smoking ban to 3.64 per day after the ban. There was no significant increase in cigarettes during non-work hours and no significant change in smoking behavior ofthe control group. (Brigham, Gross, Stitzer, & Felch, 1994) Other studies discovered in the literature not only evaluate change in smoking behavior, but also evaluate change in work behavior as a result ofan implementation ofa smoking policy. One such study occurred when employees (smokers and nonsmokers) ofa Scottish University evaluated their change in work habits, a majority ofthe workers did not change their work habits. The work habits specifically measured in this study were the amount oftime employees spent in the immediate work area before their shift actually started, working beyond their scheduled time, lunch breaks, and the number ofhours worked per week. However, ofthe minority that reported a change in work behaviors, there were significant differences between smokers and nonsmokers. Eighteen percent of smokers reported that they spend less time in their working area since the introduction of the ban whereas only 0.2% ofnonsmokers reported doing the same. In terms ofspending less time before the official start ofthe shift, 19.7% ofthe employees who smoke and 0.1 % ofthe employees who don't smoke reported this behavior change. In terms of 18 staying late, 16.7% smokers and 0.3% nonsmokers reported staying late. (Parry, Platt, & Thomson, 1999) These concepts could be considered the most problematic and may cause dissension among smokers and nonsmokers. The notion that nonsmokers are less productive than smokers is usually the precursor to the dissension. Although the dangers ofETS and second hand smoke have been well documented, management must be sensitive not only to the needs ofthe nonsmokers, but to the needs ofsmokers as well. Summary Cigarette smoking is a habit that not only affects the person doing it. It also has effects psychologically and physiologically on others as well as the smoker. This chapter provides a theoretical framework examining smoking behavior and how it relates to the workplace. The Health BeliefModel is the theoretical framework used to associate these aspects to this habit. Chapter III outlines the sample, instrumentation, methodologies for collection and analysis ofthe data to determine the relationship between smoking behavior as it relates to the habit in general, and the presence or absence ofworkplace smoking policies. Chapter IV presents the results ofthe analysis as it relates to significant literature presented here as well as the hypotheses. Chapter V presents a discussion ofthe findings as well as the recommendations for further research. 19 CHAPTER III METHODS Chapter III provides an outline ofthe sample research methodologies and statistical treatment ofthe data obtained. The data were used to detect differences in attitudes and behaviors oftobacco use in people in a work environment. Therefore, the subjects for this study were acquired by contacting the local hospitals and getting permission to distribute the questionnaire to employees at the hospital. Research Design The design consisted ofsurvey research using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Two hospitals, both part ofthe same corporation, agreed to participate in the study. One hospital was located in Mahoning County and the other hospital was located in Trumbull County. They were categorized into three categories smokers, non-smokers and former smokers by self-report. Descriptive statistics were used to understand the prevalence of smoking behavior in this population augmented by various demographical characteristics. The inferential statistics were used to develop two scales. One scale is a combination measure ofknowledge and attitudes. The other scale is a measure ofan employee's tolerance to workplace smoking. 20 Subjects. The sample consisted of206 healthcare workers in a hospital environment. Although all employees ofthe hospital were allowed to participate, the majority ofthe respondents were nurses. There were both male and female respondents ranging from 22 to 82 years ofage. Instrument The questionnaire used for this study was developed specifically for this research. Realizing there were some differences in the demographics ofthe subjects, the questionnaire was developed respecting cultural sensitivity. The questions were developed to prevent bias against anyone based upon one's health choices. The 38-item questionnaire was divided into three parts. The first part contained demographic, occupational and personal smoking behavior questions. The second part was nineteen Likert scale questions that asked knowledge and attitudes about smoking in general. The responses for the second part were Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. These questions were used to develop the Total Smoking Inventory Scale. The third part was six Likert scale questions that asked the subject's opinion about workplace smoking policy. The responses for these questions were also Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. These questions were used to develop the Workplace Permissiveness Scale. A copy ofthe questionnaire is located in Appendix A. 21 Collection ofData Prior to collection ofdata, the researcher obtained an approval letter from the Youngstown State University Human Subjects Committee contained in Appendix B. The researcher also submitted a proposal to the hospital system Institutional Review Board and was granted permission to administer the survey to both hospitals. The approval letter from the Institutional Review Board ofthe employer is in Appendix C. The researcher then agreed to meet with a member ofthe hospital on the dates to administer the survey. The researcher distributed the questionnaires to employees during the lunch hours i.e. 11 :00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. One hospital was done one day and the other was done the following day. The respondents were given the questionnaire on their way in the hospital cafeteria and asked to return them on their way out. The letter ofconsent that preceded the questionnaire is in Appendix D. In the letter ofconsent, it indicated to participants that taking part in the study was voluntary. All potential subjects were assured absolute anonymity. At the completion ofeach questionnaire, the letter of consent was placed in a separate envelope from the survey. Once the survey was collected, they were placed in an envelope and sealed until the researcher was ready to enter the data. All data were entered into the SPSS Data sheet by the researcher. To make sure the data was entered correctly, the researcher checked the data sheet for errors. Statistical Treatment ofData All analyses ofthe data were done with SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for Windows 8.0(1998). The data were tested with both descriptive and inferential statistical procedures. 22 The data from the first section ofthe questionnaire were used for most ofthe descriptive statistics. Frequency distributions and percentages for answers to the first thirteen items ofthe questionnaire were performed to assess for trends and for comparison in later tests. The Likert scale items 14-32 in the survey were standardized into z-scores. Some ofthe items were reverse-scored. All ofthe items in this section were then tested for reliability using the reliability procedure in SPSS. This procedure determined the reliability ofeach item individually and then those items that were similar in terms ofthe correlation coefficient were selected. Those items that were reliable (r 2: .31) were combined to form an index ofsmoking knowledge and beliefs. Those items that were not reliable were discarded from further analysis. A bivariate linear regression analysis was performed using the smoking category variable as the independent variable and the total smoking inventory score as the dependent variable. The results ofthe tests along with the corresponding ANOVAs and coefficients were used to assess Hypothesis 1. The last portion ofthe questionnaire described items related to respondents' opinions on workplace smoking policies. These items were summed to form a total score for permissiveness for smoking in the workplace. All ofthe items were standardized including the total score. A bivariate linear regression analysis was performed using smoking as the independent variable and the work permissiveness score as the dependent variable. The results ofthe tests along with the corresponding ANOVAs and correlation coefficients were calculated to test Hypothesis 2. 23 Summary This chapter described the research methodologies used to determine the relationship of smoking as it relates to beliefs and knowledge about the consequences ofthe habit. It also provides a foundation for the relationship ofsmoking behavior as it relates to the formulation ofa workplace smoking policy. Chapter IV presents the results ofthe study using the methodologies outlined in this chapter. Chapter V further explains the findings in discussion, implications, and recommendations for further research. 24 CHAPTER IV RESULTS OF THE ANALYSIS Information from the smoking in the workplace questionnaire was used to determine smoking behavior's relationship toward the knowledge and attitudes about smoking. From the results, two scale scores were produced to determine the predictiveness and relative significance ofperformance on these scales based upon smoking behavior. One scale reviewed a combination ofattitudes and knowledge about smoking cigarettes. The other scale reviewed opinions on smoking restrictions in a healthcare setting. Each participant completed the questionnaire that was divided into three parts. The first part ofthe questionnaire identified the participant's demographical information along with participant's smoking behavior. The second part ofthe questionnaire consisted ofLikert Scale questions about knowledge, attitudes, and behavior as it related to smoking using the various constructs ofthe Health BeliefModel. This part comprised the questions that would be used in the development ofthe Total Smoking Inventory Scale. The third part ofquestionnaire consisted ofLikert scale questions that asked opinions about workplace smoking policy and were used to construct the Workplace Permissiveness Scale. Profile ofthe subjects Three-hundred seventy-five questionnaires were distributed to employees of two hospitals that were part ofthe same corporation. One was located in Youngstown, Ohio in Mahoning County and the other was located in Warren, Ohio in Trumbull County. Two hundred six returned the surveys for a response rate of55%. 25 The age ofthe participants ranged from 22 to 82 years ofage. When grouped in age categories similar to CDC intervals, the greatest numbers ofparticipants were aged 22-44 years at 55% ofthe entire sample followed by 45-64 years accounting for 39% ofthe sample. The mean age for the entire group was 43.9 years old. All ofthe subjects who reported that they currently smoke were between 25 and 64 years ofage. The 18-24 year old, and the 65 and older intervals reported no current smoking behavior (Table 1). Table 1 Number and Percentage of Healthcare Workers Smoking Behavior by Age (N=206)* VARIABLE Age 22-44 CIGARETTE CIGAR OR PIPE SMOKELESS NEVER SMOKER FORMER SMOKER TOTAL Age 45-64 CIGARETTE CIGAR OR PIPE SMOKELESS NEVER SMOKER FORMER SMOKER TOTAL Age 65 and over CIGARETTE CIGAR OR PIPE SMOKELESS NEVER SMOKER FORMER SMOKER TOTAL * There were 2 missing values N 17 4 2 68 23 114 15o 1 47 17 80 oo o 6 4 10 26 Percent by age 14.91% 3.51% 1.75% 59.65% 20.18% 100% 18.75%o 1.25% 58.75% 21.25% 100% 0% 0% 0% 60% 40% 100% Nearly 80% ofthe respondents were female. Over 18% ofthe females smoked either cigarettes, cigars or a pipe. Only 3% ofthe women reported smoking used cigars or pipes. None ofthe women reported smokeless tobacco use. Fourteen percent ofmen reported using cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. However, the frequency ofmen smoking cigarettes was equal to the number ofmen smoking cigars or pipes. Factoring in smokeless tobacco use, 21 % ofmen used tobacco products (Table 2). Table 2 Number and Percentage of Healthcare Workers Smoking Behavior by Gender (N=206)* Percent by VARIABLE N gender Male CIGARETTE 3 7.00% CIGAR OR PIPE 3 7.00% SMOKELESS 3 7.00% NEVER SMOKER 24 55.80% FORMER SMOKER 10 23.30% TOTAL 43 100% Female CIGARETTE 29 17.90% CIGAR OR PIPE 1 0.60% SMOKELESS 0 0.00% NEVER SMOKER 98 60.50% FORMER SMOKER 34 21.00% TOTAL 162 100% *There was 1 missing value 27 The majority ofthe respondents had completed some post secondary education (29.6% bachelor's degree, 23.8% beyond a bachelor's degree). In terms ofsmoking behavior, 18% ofthe respondents were current smokers (16% cigarette and 2% cigar or pipe), 2% smokeless tobacco users, 20% were former smokers and 60% were never smokers. Sixty nine percent ofthe cigarette smokers had the educational level less than a completed bachelor's or trade school degree. However, all ofthe respondents who reported using other tobacco products such as cigars, pipes, and smokeless were at least trade school graduates or higher. Over 50% ofthis population had some postgraduate education. (Table 3). 28 Table 3 Number and Percentage of Healthcare Workers Smoking Behavior by Education (N=206)* VARIABLE N Percent GED CIGARETTE 0 0.00% CIGAR OR PIPE 0 0.00% SMOKELESS 0 0.00% NEVER SMOKER 1 100.00% FORMER SMOKER 0 0.00% TOTAL 1 100% High School Graduate CIGARETTE 12 38.70% CIGAR OR PIPE 0 0.00% SMOKELESS 0 0.00% NEVER SMOKER 16 51.60% FORMER SMOKER 3 9.70% TOTAL 31 100% Some college or trade school CIGARETTE 10 21.70% CIGAR OR PIPE 0 0.00% SMOKELESS 0 0.00% NEVER SMOKER 25 54.30% FORMER SMOKER 11 23.90% TOTAL 46 100% Trade school graduate CIGARETTE 2 11.80% CIGAR OR PIPE 0 0.00% SMOKELESS 1 5.90% NEVER SMOKER 11 64.70% FORMER SMOKER 3 17.60% TOTAL 17 100% Bachelor's degree CIGARETTE 4 6.60% CIGAR OR PIPE 2 3.30% SMOKELESS 0 0.00% NEVER SMOKER 41 67.20% FORMER SMOKER 14 23.00% TOTAL 61 100% Post graduate degree CIGARETTE 4 8.20% CIGAR OR PIPE 2 4.10% SMOKELESS 2 4.10% NEVER SMOKER 28 57.10% FORMER SMOKER 13 26.50% TOTAL 49 100% * 1 missing value 29 In tenns ofracial composition, 89% ofthe sample was Caucasian. Ofthis group, 18.5% were current smokers and 22% were fonner smokers. Twenty-nine percent of African-Americans who responded were smokers as opposed to 14% who were fonner smokers. None ofthe Native Americans or Asian Americans reported that they were currently smoking. However, 66% Asian Americans were fonner smokers (Table 4). 30 Table 4 Number and Percentage of Healthcare Workers Smoking Behavior by Race (N=206)* VARAIBLE N Percent Native-American CIGARETTE 0 0.00% CIGAR OR PIPE 0 0.00% SMOKELESS 0 0.00% NEVER SMOKER 8 100.00% FORMER SMOKER 0 0.00% TOTAL 8 100% Asian-American CIGARETTE 0 0.00% CIGAR OR PIPE 0 0.00% SMOKELESS 0 0.00% NEVER SMOKER 2 66,67% FORMER SMOKER 1 33.33% TOTAL 3 100% African-American C!G.ARETTE 2 28.60% CIGAR OR PIPE 0 0.00% SMOKELESS 0 0.00% NEVER SMOKER 4 57.10% FOR~.~ER S~1f~OKER 14.30~/o TOTAL 7 100% U'.t""- __ni_ A ",",r,,?i__n I lt~tJ0lln ....-1\11 n;;,1 ''-'011 CIGARETTE 0 0.00% CIGAR OR PIPE " " nnol SMOKELESS 1 100.00% ....\/in C""""I/rn 1'\ " "nOJI'\IC V Cl"I. ';'IVIVI".Cl"I. v V.VV'IO FORMER SMOKER 0 0.00% "T""""'''T''A I 1'\ .A n",nlIVIf'\L U IUU70 Caucasian CiGARETTE 30 16.30% CIGAR OR PIPE 4 2.20% SiviOKELESS 2 ?i.'iOO/O NEVER SMOKER 107 58.20% FORMER SMOKER 41 22.30% TOTAL 184 100% Other CIGARETTE 0 0.00% CIGAR OR PIPE 0 0.00% SMOKELESS 0 0.00% NEVER SMOKER 2 100.00% FORMER SMOKER 0 0.00% TOTAL 2 100% * 2 missing values 31 Before a test for significance was run, some manipulation ofthe data were necessary. Some ofthe items for the Total Smoking Inventory were reverse-scaled so that a higher value reflected a pro-smoking behavior, knowledge, or attitude. (i.e. 1=antismoking, 4=pro-smoking) After reverse scaling was completed, an item analysis using the reliability procedure was implemented. The item analysis was conducted on 19 items. Based on the results, nine ofthe items were found not to be reliable because the corrected item correlations individually placed back in with the 10 chosen items to double check the current correlation range. None ofthe nine eliminated items could be assimilated back in with the 10 selected. (Table 5) Coefficient alpha for the Total Smoking Inventory Scale was .75. Because the sample was one ofconvenience and used both for the item analysis and the computation ofthe coefficient alpha, the reliability is likely to be an overestimate ofthe general population Coefficient Alpha. A total score was computed by summing the total ofthe values ofthe 10 selected items. The total score was then standardized by the use ofz-scores. This would make it easier to conduct further analyses. 32 Table 5 Reliability Analysis of Total Smoking Inventory Items VARIABLE Nicotine is addictive Tobacco leads to disease Tobacco costs 100 billion per year Smoking should not be regulated Advertising influences tobacco use Promotions influence tobacco use Secondhand smoke effects are exaggerated Smoking laws should be enforced Cigarette taxes are unfair It's okay if my friends smoke Mean 1.2606 1.1543 1.5479 2.3032 2.1064 2.2766 1. 6755 2.2500 1. 8989 2.3511 Std Dev .5385 .4171 .9881 1.0283 .8461 .8389 .7712 .8629 .9223 1.3098 Cases 188.0 188.0 188.0 188.0 188.0 188.0 188.0 188.0 188.0 188.0 Statistics for SCALE Mean 18.8245 Variance 23.8032 Std Dev 4.8789 N of Variables 10 Item-total Statistics VARIABLE Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item Total Correlation Alpha if Item Deleted Nicotine is addictive Tobacco leads to disease Tobacco costs 100 billion per year Smoking should not be regulated Advertising influences tobacco use Promotions influence tobacco use Secondhand smoke effects are exag Smoking laws should be enforced Cigarette taxes are unfair It's okay if my friends smoke Reliability Coefficients 17 . 5638 17.6702 17.2766 16.5213 16.7181 16.5479 17.1489 16.5745 16.9255 16.4734 21. 9264 21.8479 19.9552 18.7963 20.3212 20.2063 19.5606 19.5934 18.6468 17.3950 .3147 .4569 .3253 .4430 .3626 .3836 .5348 .4536 .5405 .4295 .7385 .7311 .7390 .7201 .7315 .7286 .7093 .7186 .7043 .7300 N of Cases Alpha = .7459 188.0 N of Items 33 10 The rest ofthe chapter was organized by the hypotheses that guided this study. Hypothesis 1: There are significant differences among smokers, nonsmokers, and former smokers in terms ofhealth beliefs about smoking. This hypothesis evaluates the significance ofthe differences in smoking beliefs, behaviors, and knowledge about cigarette use among three groups; smokers, never smokers, and former smokers. A linear regression equation was calculated using actual smoking behavior as independent variable and the total inventory score as the dependent variable. The following equation was derived from analysis: Y predicted inventory score = -.69X smoking behavior + 3.692 The equation indicates that smoking behavior predicts higher scores on the total smoking inventory scale. The slope weight is negative because the value assigned to smokers is lower than nonsmokers and former smokers. The regression equation was then standardized so the slope weight could be interpreted more easily (Figure 1). Predicted Zinventory score = -.54 smoking behavior The correlation between the total inventory score and smoking behavior was r2 = .29, t(203) = 92, p:::: .001. 34 Figure 1. The Relationship Between Smoking and Total Smoking Inventory 4 0 3 c ~ 00 c 0+0' C 2 c 0Q) c> 0c c C>c :.i20 E Cf) m 0+0' 0I-- N -1 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 SMOKING On the smoking line 1= cigarette smoker, 2= cigar or pipe smoker, 3= smokeless tobacco, 4= never smoker, and 5= former smoker In order to determine significance in the differences in Total Smoking Inventory Scale scores among the various groups categorized by smoking behavior, a one-way Analysis ofYariance (ANOYA) was conducted to evaluate the relationship between smoking behavior and the differences in the scores on the Total Smoking Inventory scale. The independent variable, smoking, included five levels, cigarette smokers, cigar or pipe smokers, smokeless tobacco users, never smokers, and former smokers. The dependent variable was the score on the Total Smoking Inventory scale. (Figure 1) 35 The ANOVA was significant, F (4,200) = 36.96, p < .001. The strength ofthe relationship between smoking and scores on the scale, as assessed by eta-squared, were moderately strong as the smoking factor accounted for 43% ofthe variance ofthe dependent variable. Table 6 ANOVA Hypothesis 1 Dependent Variable: Zscore(Total Smoking Inventory) Type III df Mean F Sig. Eta Source Sum of Square Squared Squares Corrected 87.108 4 21.777 36.964 .000 .425 Model Intercept 5.009 1 5.009 8.502 .004 .041 SMOKING 87.108 4 21.777 36.964 .000 .425 Error 117.829 200 .589 Total 204.937 205 Corrected 204.937 204 Total a R Squared =.425 (Adjusted R Squared =.414) Follow-up tests were conducted to evaluate pairwise differences among the means. Because the variance among the five groups ranged from .49 to 1.54, post-hoc comparisons assuming variances to be homogenous were conducted. The post-hoc test used was the Tukey HSD. There were significant differences in the means ofcigarette smokers with all other categories except cigar and pipe smokers. Differences in the means among smokeless tobacco users, never smokers, and former smokers were not significant. (Table 7) 36 Table 7 Tukey HSD Post hoc Comparisons Dependent Variable: Zscore(Total Smoking Inventory) Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. CIGARETTE CIGAR OR PIPE -.1216978 .407 .998 SMOKELESS 1.9962710 .463 .000 NEVER SMOKER 1.7431452 .152 .000 FORMER 1.3782713 .178 .000 SMOKER CIGAR OR PIPE CIGARETTE .1216978 .407 .998 SMOKELESS 2.1179688 .586 .003 NEVER SMOKER 1.8648430 .390 .000 FORMER 1.4999691 .401 .002 SMOKER SMOKELESS CIGARETTE -1.9962710 .463 .000 CIGAR OR PIPE -2.1179688 .586 .003 NEVER SMOKER -.2531258 .449 .980 FORMER -.6179997 .458 .660 SMOKER NEVER SMOKER CIGARETTE -1.7431452 .152 .000 CIGAR OR PIPE -1.8648430 .390 .000 SMOKELESS .2531258 .449 .980 FORMER -.3648739 .135 .053 SMOKER FORMER SMOKER CIGARETTE -1.3782713 .178 .000 CIGAR OR PIPE -1.4999691 .401 .002 SMOKELESS .6179997 .458 .660 NEVER SMOKER .3648739 .135 .053 Based on observed means. * The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. 37 Hypothesis 2: There are significant differences between smokers, nonsmokers, and former smokers in terms ofattitudes toward workplace smoking policies This hypothesis evaluates differences among smokers, former smokers, and never smokers and their attitudes toward workplace smoking policies. A linear bivariate regression was conducted using smoking behavior as the independent variable and the Z score ofthe total score ofthe workplace permissiveness scale questions. The regression equation derived from the sample was the following: Y predicted smoking permissiveness = .335X smoking behavior - 1.232 The results suggested that people who do not smoke will support more restrictive workplace smoking policies and conversely those who do smoke will support those policies that will allow for less restriction. The slope is positive in this equation because a higher score on this score indicates support for more restrictions and the value assigned to smokers is lower than never smokers and exsmokers. (Figure 2) To better understand how well the slope weight predicts a workplace permissiveness scale score, the above equation was standardized to the following: Predicted Zworkplace permissiveness = .42 Smoking behavior The correlation between smoking and the workplace permissiveness score was r2 =.18, t (203) = 6.7, p<.OOl. In order to determine significance in differences in Work Permissiveness scores among the various groups categorized by smoking behavior, a one way Analysis ofYariance (ANOYA) was conducted to evaluate the relationship between smoking behavior and the differences in the scores on the Work Permissiveness scale. The independent variable, smoking, included five levels, cigarette smokers, cigar or pipe 38 smokers, smokeless tobacco users, never smokers, and former smokers. The dependent variable was the score on the Work Permissiveness scale. Figure 2. The Relationship Between Smoking and Workplace Permissiveness 10 8 0 enen (J)c 6?(J) .~ en 0 .!QE 4? I- (J)a.. (J) 2? ()ro a. ~ 0 r;! -I- 0 ?0 O? 0 0 0 S B ~ 08 0 BB B 0 N - B 0 0 0 0 -2? 0 0 0 0 0-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 SMOKING On the smoking line 1= cigarette smoker, 2= cigar or pipe smoker, 3= smokeless tobacco, 4= never smoker, and 5= former smoker The ANOVA was significant, F (4,200) = 9.79, p = .019. The strength ofthe relationship between smoking and scores on the scale, as assessed by eta-squared, were 39 moderately strong as the smoking factor accounted for 19% ofthe variance ofthe dependent variable. (Table 8) Source Corrected Model Table 8 ANOVA Hypothesis 2 Dependent Variable: Zscore(Workplace Permissiveness) Type III df Mean F Sig. Eta Sum of Square Squared Squares 39.155 4 9.789 11.866 .000 .192 Intercept SMOKING 4.606 39.155 1 4 4.606 9.789 5.584 11.866 .019 .000 .027 .192 Error 164.990 200 .825 Total 204.149 205 Corrected 204.145 204 Total a R Squared =.192 (Adjusted R Squared =.176) Follow-up tests were conducted to evaluate pairwise differences among the means. Because the variance among the five groups ranged from .03 to 2.25 and Levene's Test for Equality ofError Variances was not significant, p= .255, post-hoc comparisons assuming variances to be nonhomogenous were conducted. Since Tukey's HSD test is more appropriate when the variances are homogenous, the post-hoc test used with this hypothesis was the Dunnett's C test. There were significant differences in the means of cigarette smokers with former smokers and never smokers. The differences were not significant when cigarette smokers were compared to cigar/pipe smokers and smokeless tobacco users. Similar to cigarette smokers, differences in the means ofcigar/pipe smokers were significant when compared to never smokers and former smokers. Smokeless tobacco users had no significant differences among any other category. Never smokers and former smokers also showed no significant difference in means. 40 Table 9 Dunnett's C Post hoc Comparisons Dependent Variable: Zscore(Workplace Permissiveness) Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig CIGARETTE CIGAR OR PIPE -.1502096 .482 SMOKELESS -.4429258 .548 NEVER SMOKER -1.1147335 .180 * FORMER SMOKER -1.2384416 .211 * CIGAR OR PIPE CIGARETTE .1502096 .482 SMOKELESS -.2927162 .694 NEVER SMOKER -.9645239 .462 * FORMER SMOKER -1.0882320 .474 * SMOKELESS CIGARETTE .4429258 .548 CIGAR OR PIPE .2927162 .694 NEVER SMOKER -.6718077 .531 FORMER SMOKER -.7955158 .542 NEVER SMOKER CIGARETTE 1.1147335 .180 * CIGAR OR PIPE .9645239 .462 * SMOKELESS .6718077 .531 FORMER SMOKER -.1237081 .160 FORMER SMOKER CIGARETTE 1.2384416 .211 * CIGAR OR PIPE 1.0882320 .474 * SMOKELESS .7955158 .542 NEVER SMOKER .1237081 .160 Based on observed means. * p < .05 Summary This chapter presented the results ofthe analysis. Both hypotheses were confirmed as a result ofthe analysis. Also cigarette smoking is a moderately strong predictor for a higher score on the Total Smoking Inventory Scale and a lower score on the Workplace Permissiveness Scale. Chapter V will present some conclusions and recommendations for further research beyond the scope ofthis study. 41 CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary Despite the documented harmful effects ofsmoking, not only on the smoker but anyone in the immediate area, smoking remains a major barrier to a healthy lifestyle for many. Close to 50 million adults in the United States smoke (CDC, 1998). In the workplace, smoking is increasingly being banned. Banning smoking in the workplace seems to be an effective tool in reducing the frequency with which one smokes. However, there are many workplaces that tolerate smoking. Thirty-eight percent ofthe adult smoking population can smoke. For every person that smokes in the workplace, two coworkers that do not smoke will be exposed to ETS (Gerlach, Shopland, Hartman, Gibson & Pechacek, 1997). The purpose ofthe present study was to measure various aspects ofsmoking behavior among a working population in a local healthcare setting. Relationships between smoking behaviors, age, education and race were examined. The relationship between smoking behavior, knowledge, and attitudes about smoking was evaluated for linear relationships and differences in attitudes and knowledge based upon the smoking behavior ofthe sample. Two hundred and six respondents completed the questionnaire. The respondents were employees oftwo hospitals located in Northeast Ohio. 42 The theoretical basis for the study was the Health BeliefModel. This model explained willingness ofa person to make a health behavior change based upon various perceptions ofthe individual. These perceptions basically weighed the benefits of changing the behavior; assess the risks in maintaining the negative health behavior, and evaluating the sacrifices and the difficulty in making the behavior change. These perceptions were heavily based on the beliefs and the knowledge that person has about the behavior previous to making the choice whether or not to undertake the positive behavior. In terms ofsmoking behavior, based upon the linear relationship found in Hypothesis 1, most ofthose people who continued to smoke did so because the mindset was such that the barriers to quitting did not outweigh the perceptions ofsusceptibility and severity ofand to illness. Banning smoking in the workplace, although thrust upon smokers, is a cue to behavior change. It changes the perception oftheir ability to deal with the sacrifices they must make in order to keep theirjob. Although there was a linear relationship and significant differences among smokers, nonsmokers and former smokers, it was not as strong in Hypothesis 2 as in Hypothesis 1. Thus the cue to action with the advent ofa workplace smoking ban has had an effect on smokers. 43 Conclusions There was a linear relationship between smoking behavior and the score on the Total Smoking Inventory scale (which consisted ofknowledge and attitudes about smoking behavior). Hypothesis 1 was confirmed, as there were significant differences among the smokers, never smokers, and former smokers score on this scale. Thus indicating there still are some differences in knowledge and attitudes. Smokers tended to have less knowledge about the effects ofsmoking and the attitudes ofsmokers tended to favor a lowered perception ofsusceptibility and severity. There was a linear relationship between smoking behavior and the score on the Work Permissiveness scale (which asked questions about smoking in the workplace). Hypothesis 2 was confirmed, as there were significant differences among the smokers, never smokers, and the former smokers on this scale. This result would indicate that nonsmokers (both former smokers and never smokers) favored more stringent workplace smoking policies than smokers. The participants in the study displayed differences in their beliefs and knowledge of smoking based upon their own behavior. This is consistent with the literature. Most of the subjects thought that smoking was not a positive health behavior, but the severity of the behavior was the construct where the difference in knowledge and attitude prevailed. The participants in this study also showed differences in their beliefs about workplace smoking policy based upon their own behavior. The differences in this evaluation were not as great as the differences in knowledge and attitudes about smoking behavior in general. However, there was more acceptance ofpolicies against smoking in the 44 workplace by smokers. Ifemployers would offer a smoking cessation program in conjunction with a ban on smoking, this may lead more smokers to quitting. Smoking behavior in relationship with other demographic factors such as age, gender, race, and education remained fairly consistent with the literature. A majority ofthe smokers were aged 25-44. Contradictory to the literature, the smoking rates among men were less than women. However ifyou added the use ofsmokeless tobacco, rates ofuse in men would surpass women. African-Americans had higher smoking rates than Caucasians. This is not consistent with the literature and probably due to the sample being a sample ofconvenience. Those subjects whose highest educational attainment was a high school diploma were more likely to be smokers than those who had either a college or trade school degree. Recommendations Studies similar to the one-presented need to be conducted in Mahoning and Trumbull Counties. Particularly those worksites that have little or no ban on smoking need to be evaluated. Due to the underepresentation ofmen and various minority races including African-Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans, more studies with a better representation ofthese groups should be conducted. There was a strong relationship between education and smoking behavior. However, an interesting trend that should be investigated is that men who have the highest education levels (i.e. graduate degrees) preferred other tobacco products such as smokeless tobacco, cigars, or tobacco pipes. The health effects such as cancers ofmouth and larynx are different than the effects ofcigarette smoking (Hahn & Payne 1998). So prevalence rates ofthese cancers and other conditions related to use ofalternative 45 tobacco products should be examined for people, especially men with an education beyond a bachelor's degree. 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Your honest responses are anonymous and will not affect yourjob. Please circle the response that best represents your opinion. It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your assistance is appreciated. 1. What is your age? 2. What is your gender? a. Female 3. Are you a parent? a. Yes b. Male b. No 4. What is the highest level ofeducation you have attained? a. did not graduate high school e. Trade School graduate b. OED f. College graduate c. High School graduate g. Post-baccalaureate or other d Some college or trade school professional certification 5. What is your race? a. Native Alaskan/American c. Black b. Asian/Pacific Islander d. Hispanic 6. What is your working category? a. Laborer c. Clerical b. Management d. Technical/Skilled e. White f. Other e. Contract f. Other please specify _ e. don't smoke f. other 7. How many hours do you work per week? a. Less than 10 c. 21-30 hours e. 40+ hours b. 10-20 hours d. 31-40 hours 8. How would you identify your current smoking status? a. cigarette smoker c. smokeless user (chew dip or snuff) e. ex-smoker b. cigar or pipe d. never smoked 9.Ifyou smoke, how old were you when you had your first tobacco product (cigarette, cigar, pipe, or smokeless tobacco)? a. less than 12 c. 17-20 b. 12-16 d. don't know 10. Ifyou smoke, how much do you smoke? a. 2 or more packs per day b. between land 2 packs per day c. less than a pack per day 51 d. less than a pack per week e. don't smoke 11. Ifyou smoke, have you tried to quit smoking and been unable? a. Yes b. No 12. How often do you try to quit smoking each year? a. Don't smoke c. 2-3 times b. Once a year d. 4 or more 13. Ifyou do not smoke do you ask people to stop smoking when you are in the area? a. Yes b. No Please circle the appropriate number to show how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements. Strongly Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Disagree 14. Nicotine is a strong addictive substance 1 2 3 4 15. Tobacco use increases the risk ofmany diseases such as lung cancer and heart disease. 1 2 3 4 16. Smoking helps reduce stress or anxiety 1 2 3 4 17. Tobacco use costs the American Public $100 billion per year in healthcare dollars. 1 2 3 4 18. Laws regarding smoking behavior should be 1 2 3 4 strictly enforced 19. Itdoesn't bother me ifmy friends smoke. 1 2 3 4 20. Nicotine in cigarettes makes it difficult for people to quit 1 2 3 4 21 Smoking is a personal matter and should not be regulated for adults 1 2 3 4 22. I don't mind being in a room with others that smoke 1 2 3 4 23.Tobacco use is higher among people who are poor 1 2 3 4 52 24. Tobacco advertisements influences a person's use of tobacco products 1 2 3 4 25. Exercise and sports help get all the tar 1 2 3 4 26. Smoking is not as harmful as you hear 1 2 3 4 27.The tobacco companies should be responsible who are addicted to tobacco. 1 2 3 4 28. The tobacco companies' promotional activities such as free clothing influence people's choice oftobacco products 1 2 3 4 29. Smoking helps control your weight. 1 2 3 4 30. The effects ofsecond hand smoke are exaggerated 1 2 3 4 31. People who break smoking laws should be fined ( in the same manner we enforce speeding) 1 2 3 4 32. The tax placed on smokers when they buy cigarettes is unfair 1 2 3 4 33. Smoking should be allowed in conference rooms at work 1 2 3 4 34. Smoking should be allowed in rest rooms at work 1 2 3 4 35. Smoking should be allowed in lunchroom at work 1 2 3 4 36. Smoking should be allowed in company vehicles 1 2 3 4 37. Smoking should be allowed in hallways at work 1 2 3 4 38. Smoking should be allowed outside the building during lunch hours at lunchtime 1 2 3 4 53 Appendix B: Human Subjects Committee Approval Youngstown State University lOne University Plaza IYoungstown, Ohio 44555-0001 July 2, 1999 Dr. Carolyn Mikanowicz, Associate Professor, for Nicholas V. Cascarelli Department of Health Professions CAMPUS RE: Human Subjects Research Protocol #65-99 Dear Dr. Mikanowiczand Mr. Cascarelli: The Human Subjects Research Committee has reviewed your protocol, HSRC#65-99, "Differences Among Smokers, Former Smokers, and Non-smokers: A Work Site Investigation," and determined that it is exempt from review based on DHHS Category 4 subject to the following condition: (1) The researcher should provide the Committee with written consent from each of the sites he will distribute the questionnaire. Any changes in your research activity should be promptly reported to the Human Subjects Research Committee and may not be initiated without HSRC approval except where necessary to eliminate hazard to human subjects. Any unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects should also be promptly reported to the Human Subjects Research Committee. Best wishes in the conduct ofyour study. Sincerelyy Eric Lewandowski Administrative Co-chair Human Subjects Research Committee cc:ECL c: Mr. Joseph Mistovich, Chair Department of Health Professions 55 Appendix C: Letter ofPennission from Employer ~ %~ ~ HUMILITY OF MARY~~ Health Partners December 15, 1999 Nicholas Cascarelli Department ofHealth Professions Youngstown State University Youngstown, Ohio 44555 RE: IRB Approval 99-038 Dear Mr. Cascarelli, At the Institutional Review Board meeting held on December 15, 1999, your project entitled, "Differences AmongSmokers, Former Smokers andNon Smokers, A Worksite Investigation" was reviewed. The IRB committee has concurred with the Chairman's decision ofexpedited approval ofthe protocol and the informed consent document for one year, expiring on December 15, 2000. The approval number for the protocol is 99-038 and should be used in all future correspondence. According to federal guidelines, all human research projects are approved for one year. If the project lasts for more than one year, an annual progress report must be submitted to the IRB with a request for reapproval. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (330) 480-3341. Sincerely, co '(jJt:::LL_____._ Chatrchai Watanakunakom, M.D. Chairperson Institutional Review Board CW/mdc St. Elizabeth Health Center 1044 Belmont Avenue / Youngstown, Ohio 44501 / (330)746-7211 57 MEMBER OF CATHOLIC HEALTHCARE PARTNERS Appendix D: Letter ofConsent Letter OfConsent Dear participant, Weare conducting a study to examine beliefs about smoking and smoking in the workplace. In this study you will be asked to answer a 38-item questionnaire. Your participation should take about 15 minutes. There are no risks to you as all the responses you make will be strictly anonymous. So when the results are recorded, no one will be able to identify you. Your participation in this study is totally voluntary and you may withdraw at anytime with no negative consequences. Ifyou wish to withdraw, simply hand in the questionnaire. Ifyou have any questions regarding the study, you may feel free to contact: Carolyn Mikanowicz Ph.D. Professor, Dept. ofHealth Professions Youngstown State University Youngstown, Ohio 44555 (330) 742-3658 or Nicholas Cascarelli Dept. ofHealth Professions Youngstown State University Youngstown, Ohio 44555 (330) 742-3327 (330) 372-6000 x146 I understand the study described above. I am at least 18 years old and agree to participate. Signature 59 Date