EFFECTS OF COMPUTER WORD PROCESSING ON THE CREATIVE WRITING OF COLLEGE COMPOSITION STUDENTS by Holly M. Wells Submitted in Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirements for the Degree of Master ofArts in the English Program YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY August 2001 EFFECTS OF COMPUTER WORD PROCESSING ON THE CREATIVE WRITING OF COLLEGE COMPOSITION STUDENTS Holly M. Wells I hereby release this thesis to the public. I understand this thesis will be housed at the Circulation Desk ofthe University library and will be available for public access. I also authorize the University or other individuals to make copies ofthis thesis as needed for scholarly research. Signature: Approvals: /CL{,('<"l }iA.. tlJlll2=. Student i ",..J ;z(z.sl /"<:'1c: ( Date Date , . Date eP; 1); Date 1ll ABSTRACT This thesis examines research in computers and creativity, pointing out that few studies exist to tell us how computers affect the creative products ofadult writers. The first section ofthis thesis summarizes the existing research, noting where individual studies may be relevant to the study ofcreativity in adult writers. The second and third sections ofthis thesis describe an in-class writing experiment performed at Youngstown State University during spring semester, 2001. In the experiment, 68 beginning college writers in five "Writing I" classes wrote a narrative on a prompt. Half the students in each class wrote their essays by hand, and halfused Microsoft Word 97, a popular word processing program. Three judges rated the essays on three creativity-related criteria: idea, word choice, and development/organization. The ratings, analyzed using an Analysis ofYariance (ANaYA), showed a slight, statistically insignificant tendency toward better performance when writers used word processors. Male students showed negligible improvement when using the computer; however, female students scored nearly 10% higher on the computer in both the idea and development/ organization criteria. Overall, word count increased by over 18% when subjects used the computer. The final section ofthe thesis discusses the results ofa questionnaire, "Technology in the Classroom," which asked 56 students eight detailed questions about their history with computers, their experience and level ofcomfort with them, and their experience and satisfaction with research using the Internet. The vast majority ofrespondents have at least some computer, word processing, and Internet experience, and nearly halfclaim to have "extensive" experience. IV Acknowledgments I gratefully acknowledge the contribution ofthe entire Youngstown State University English Department, and especially the Professional Writing and Editing staff, to my success in the master's program. Special thanks go to my hard-working advisory committee: Drs. Bege Bowers, William Greenway, and Charles Nelson. I'd also like to acknowledge the kind advice and assistance ofDr. Julia Gergits, Dr. Nancy McCracken, Terry Benton, Jay Gordon, Dr. Suzanne Diamond, and Dr. Mike Finney. Thanks also to the five composition instructors-and their students-who let me invade their classrooms for a day: Sophia West, Terry Benton, Stephanie Blei, Shaun Asbury, and Dori-Ann Granger. Finally, I am deeply grateful to my judges-Dr. Hugh McCracken, Dr. Rick Shale, and R6isin Moriarty. Without your support, suggestions, and efforts, this project would never have happened. This thesis is dedicated to the memory ofmy mother, Jacquelyn Wells, and to my family. v Table ofContents SECTION 1: Toward an Understanding ofthe Psychology ofCreativity in Writers 1 Determining creativity 3 Measuring creativity 6 Amabile's Consensual Technique for Creativity Assessment; the role of play in creativity and how computers encourage play 10 Does word processing amplify student performance in writing tasks? 18 Does using word processors affect creative writing? 24 How does the existing research on word processor use and creativity apply to college-age writers? 29 SECTION 2: A Study ofthe Effects of Computer Use on Narrative Essays of College Freshman Writers 30 Demographics 31 Structure of the Experiment 32 Prompt 34 Other Information on the Assignment 35 Judges and Rating 35 Avoiding Threats to Internal Validity of the Study 38 Additional Criteria Being Considered 39 SECTION 3: Analysis of Experiment Results 42 Summary of Overall Results 43 Results Analyzed by Gender 45 SECTION 4: Responses to the "Technology in the Classroom Questionnaire" .•.•............... 48 Introduction 49 Summary of Results 50 Discussion ofResults 55 Question 1: Level of experience in computer use..................................•.•.............. 55 Question 2: Level of typing skill 56 Question 3: Familiarity with word processing software 57 Question 4: Computers in the childhood home 58 VI Question 5: The computer as part ofthe writing process 59 Question 6: Level of comfort with computers 60 Question 7: Familiarity with the Internet and World Wide Web 61 Question 8: Level ofsatisfaction with the Internet as a tool and with quality of information on the Internet 63 Implications for Today's Classrooms and Tomorrow's Research 65 APPENDICES Appendix 1: "Technology in the Classroom" Questionnaire 70 Appendix 2: "Technology in the Classroom" Responses Listed by Gender 71 Appendix 3: "Technology in the Classroom" Responses Listed by Age Group 74 Appendix 4: Statement ofInformed Consent 77 Appendix 5: Narrative Essay Prompt, As Given to Subjects in Handwriting Condition 78 Appendix 6: Narrative Essay Prompt, As Given to Subjects in Computer Condition 84 WORKS CITED 85 WORKS CONSULTED 88 Section 1: Toward an Understanding of the Psychology of Creativity in Writers 1 Without attempting to perform a meta-analysis ofthe literature on creativity studies to date, this section will cite relevant studies that enable the reader to understand how cognitive psychologists and other experts in the field ofcreativity approach the creative process and assess its products. A thorough search oflibrary resources and online publications yields much in the field ofcreativity research, but surprisingly little ofthat research is quantitative or experimental. Rather, as Teresa Amabile points out in The Social Psychology of Creativity, the major emphasis ofrecent research has been case studies ofcreative individuals (4). Although such case studies may give useful insight, they rely on much that is subjective (which is, as we shall see, not entirely negative), and, because they so often study famous and successful creative people, they give little indication ofhow to account for creativity in the general public-in our elementary and secondary schools, in colleges and universities, and in the working world. Must we, as educators in English language arts, assume that creativity exists only when the creator becomes rich and famous? Must we tell students that, compared to James Joyce or Langston Hughes, they are just dwarfstars in a vast universe ofstellar talents? Or-as this thesis plans to explore-may we tell them, and rightly, that they already possess the tools for creativity? And may we further assert that the tools they choose for expression may affect the products ofthat expression? 2 3 1. Determining creativity How exactly does one define creativity? Moreover, should it be defined? Before we can test subjects for levels ofcreative thinking, we must determine what constitutes creative thought. However, no consensus exists among psychologists asked to make that determination. Some assert that creativity has a set ofidentifiable features that can be quantified; some argue that the response ofthe audience to the product is the best way to determine whether a product is creative. Still others say that there is no way to define creativity (Amabile, Social 17). The act ofcreation, as Arthur Koestler reveals in the landmark 1964 book The Act ofCreation, is "based on essentially the same underlying pattern" whether the domain is science, music, poetry, mathematics, or painting; it is in the judging that distinctions are found, for different criteria are used to assess products of different domains. Creating is, as he points out, "always a leap into the dark, a dive into the deeps, and the diver is more likely to come up with a handful ofmud than with a coral" (330). The study presented and discussed later in this thesis focuses on creativity specifically, linguistic creativity, that which is exhibited by writers ofnarrative-and how to judge the products ofthat creativity; indeed, the point is to decide how to tell the "coral" from the "mud." Thomas Ward, Steven Smith, and Jyotsna Vaid (1997) point to recent studies showing that linguistic creativity in children can develop as early as age seven, when they begin to understand figurative expression, and in particular, idiom (158). The process by which children develop figurative language, they say, lasts from about age seven to age eleven. As children develop the ability to look beyond the obvious "local" meaning of 4 words to search for a more universal or coherent meaning, they acquire the ability to comprehend and even produce figurative speech on their own (159). Popular today is a theory that each ofus prefers a particular "style" oflearning: tactile, visual, or verbal/aural. We learn to rely on these methods as children, and as we grow to adulthood, we excel when we can learn in our preferred method (John-Steiner 11). The most creative individuals develop unique ways oflearning that often involve intense immersion in a single subject to the exclusion ofall others-a situation that most public schools in the Western world do not allow children to enjoy. Those with linguistic creativity often grow up in environments in which spoken and/or written words rule, and they develop a preference for verbal learning. Ifthese individuals are given the freedom to play with language as adults in the same way they did as children, creative works often result. Must we define creativity before we can study and assess it? According to Stephen Kosslyn, no: "[I]t is not necessary to begin with a crisp definition ofan entity in order to study it. ... It is hard to define something one knows little about" (qtd. in Amabile, Social 17). I will assert further that not having a definition ofan entity is the best reason to study it. In studying creativity, however, another problem ofdefinition emerges: whether to study the person or simply the product. J. P. Guilford, in 1950, argued that the definition ofcreativity must come from studying creative personality, that behavioral traits are the hallmark ofthe creative person (qtd. in Amabile 19). But, as Amabile points out, "most explicit definitions have used the creative product as the distinguishing sign of creativity" (19). Some theorists go further to claim that creative products fall into one of 5 four categories: scientific, musical, artistic, or verbal (20). In the next section, I will discuss the currently accepted creativity "tests," many ofwhich focus on creative personality, not creative product. I will then show how a subjective method ofassessing creative product, instead ofpersonality, may be in some ways superior for the assessment ofcreativity. 6 2. Measuring creativity Before devising an improved method for "measuring" creativity, we must look briefly at the previous methods and discuss how they fall short. Creativity tests fall into three categories: personality inventories, biographical inventories, and behavioral assessments. Personality inventories designed to assess the characteristic traits ofcreative people include such tests as E. Paul Torrance's "What Kind ofPerson Are You?" and Harrison G. Gough's Creative Personality Scale for the Adjective Check List. In each, respondents choose adjectives to describe themselves, with some adjectives being defined by the designer ofthe test as "positively related to creativity" (Amabile, Social 21). The trouble with self-report inventories is that creative or highly intelligent persons can easily choose answers that show themselves to be a certain personality type. Also, the test's assessment ofan individual's creativity is based upon the test designers' subjective analysis ofindividuals the designers deemed creative. While the subjectivity ofthe assessment is not, by itself, enough to make this type oftest suspect, the combination of subjectivity and the ease with which the test subject can skew the results makes the self inventory an inappropriate choice for measuring creativity. Biographical inventories-a second type ofcreativity test-include such information as "family histories," "educational histories," "leisure activities," "physical characteristics," and the somewhat vague "miscellaneous." The designers ofthese tests interviewed subjects rated high in creativity and others rated low or average in creativity, and then listed from fifty to several hundred items to which test subjects could be compared (Amabile, Creativity 24). The trouble with these tests is that ifthe subject does 7 not compare favorably to the subjects used to set up the test (in one case, NASA engineers and scientists whose habits and histories were extensively catalogued), whether the subject produces work that may be considered creative is irrelevant; the test has condemned him or her to a lifelong sentence ofordinariness. A third, and more common, form ofcreativity assessment is the behavioral test. Guilford, Torrance, and Michael Wallach and Nathan Kogan have devised popular behavioral inventories to which many schoolchildren have been subjected since the 1950s. Guilford's "Unusual Uses" test, for example, asks the subject to think ofas many uses as possible for some common object. Wallach and Kogan's tests comprise five subtests, each ofwhich requires children to respond to a battery ofquestions-for example, "Name all the things you can think ofthat make a noise." Finally, the Torrance tests, perhaps the most well known behavioral inventories, place children into groups and test them on such criteria as these: (1) fluency-the production oflarge numbers ofideas; (2) flexibility-the production ofa large variety ofideas; (3) elaboration-the development and embellishment ofideas; and (4) originality-the application ofideas that occur infrequently or are not "obvious" responses (Amabile, Creativity 24). As Amabile asks in Creativity in Context, is it appropriate to use these tests to label people as creative? She cites William C. Ward (1974), who argues that test scores should be given more precise labels that reflect more accurately the ability or criterion being assessed (25). Also, subsequent studies have questioned the construct validity (essentially, whether a test or study measures what it says it measures) ofmany tests as well as the convergent validity (the actual agreement between or among ratings, gathered independently ofone another, where measures should theoretically be related) of 8 different test procedures when validated against one another (27). John Dixon (1979) and Dennis Hocevar (1979), in separate studies, found that originality scores on the Torrance Tests ofCreative Thinking are greatly dependent upon and influenced by verbal fluency; labeling verbal fluency as "originality" is perhaps deceptive (28). So while Amabile has pointed out some flaws in current methods ofcreativity assessment, she also asserts that creativity tests and subjective assessments ofproducts are useful for creativity research because they "likely measure particular cognitive styles and skills that are conducive to creativity" (Creativity 40). Attempts have been made to create tests that would assess creative products objectively, as opposed to the subjective methods already discussed. One such attempt was designed by Dean Simonton (1980), who devised a method for quantifying originality ofmusical themes. Simonton's test compared themes by 479 classical composers and assessed them mathematically to assign an overall originality score. Amabile's argument against using this method to assess creativity is twofold: first, applying this method to other domains, many ofwhich do not easily lend themselves to mathematical description, would be difficult, ifnot impossible; and more importantly, "this technique cannot distinguish the creative from the merely bizarre" (Social 27). As an alternative to these attempts at "objective assessment"-most ofwhich tum out to be largely subjective anyway-she devised her Consensual Technique for Creativity Assessment. I have structured my own study using some elements ofthis technique. Part 3 ofthis section discusses the procedural requirements for using this technique to assess creativity. Part 4 ofthis section discusses research on word processing and composition. Part 5 outlines relevant research on computers and creativity. And finally, Part 6 discusses the application ofthe existing research on word processing and creativity to college-age writers, as an introduction to the study I performed at Youngstown State University during spring semester 2001. In this study, 68 composition students in two experimental conditions-longhand writers and word processor users created narrative essays. Two qualified judges assessed the essays using three criteria related to creativity, and the resulting scores were analyzed statistically to determine whether word processor use affects creativity in college-age writers. 9 10 3. Amabile's Consensual Techniquefor Creativity Assessment; the role ofplay in creativity and how computers encourage play In The Social Psychology ofCreativity, Teresa Amabile explains that "[n]early all current definitions ofcreativity are conceptual rather than operational and were not intended to be translated into actual assessment criteria" (30). After extensive study and experimentation, she offers this alternative: the Consensual Technique for Creativity Assessment. The development and use ofthis technique require that the researcher understand and agree with some basic assumptions about creative process. For instance, Amabile lists the following components ofcreative performance: domain-relevant skills such as factual knowledge, technical skills, and special talents; creativity-relevant skills, such as cognitive style, working style, and application ofheuristics for the exploration ofnew cognitive pathways; and task motivation, including variables that determine how the subject approaches the given task. Several features ofcognitive style are relevant to creativity: breaking perceptual set (i.e., using objects and items in a way that is different from their intended use); breaking cognitive set (i.e., abandoning familiar algorithms, or ways ofsolving problems, to search for new solutions); understanding complexities; keeping response options open for as long as possible; suspending judgment; using "wide" categories (i.e., being able to see relationships between apparently unrelated pieces ofinformation); having accurate memory; breaking out ofperformance "scripts" (i.e., being able to examine the predetermined algorithms for solving problems in a given domain, with the result that the algorithms are questioned and insight gained from that 11 questioning); and using creative perception (i.e., being able to see things differently from how others see them and being able to "take advantage ofserendipity" by recognizing the importance ofnew information) (Social 72). While the individual who exhibits Amabile's components ofcreative performance may not always produce work uniformly considered creative, Amabile asserts that knowledge ofthese components will allow the researcher to make an accurate subjective assessment ofthe creative product and its producer by employing the following assessment technique. Using the Consensual Technique for Creativity Assessment requires that the researcher follow these rules: 1. Choose judges solely for their familiarity with the domain in which the subjects are being tested; 2. Judges make independent assessments-not in conference with one another, and not using specific criteria for judging creativity; 3. Judges should assess dimensions other than creativity, such as technical aspects and aesthetic appeal, ifpossible, so that they can determine whether these dimensions affect levels of creativity. Assessing other dimensions can also help determine whether particular social factors (say, living in a one-parent household) affect creativity much as they affect other dimensions (e.g., technical aspects); 4. Judges rate products relative to one another and not to some list of"master works" in the domain; 5. Each judge should view products in random order and consider the different rating criteria in random order; 12 6. To detennine whether the task given to subjects was appropriate for the purposes ofthe study, examine the judges' ratings. Ifa high level ofinter-judge reliability exists, ifthe task presents no technical difficulties to subjects in the study, and if the researcher can show that judged creativity does not increase with the subjects' experience (in my study, for example, experience with computer word processors), then the chosen task is appropriate for the purposes ofthe study (Amabile, Creativity 41-43). Amabile's theory ofcreativity (as detailed above) assumes, among other things, that anyone with "nonnal cognitive abilities" can be creative to some degree; that individuals can exhibit degrees ofcreativity; that although people differ widely in their potential for creativity, fonnal education seems essential to the development ofthe highest levels of creativity; and that creativity often involves an eagerness to work hard and be deeply involved in the project, but it also requires a high level ofintrinsic motivation as well as "intellectual playfulness and freedom from external constraints" (67; emphasis added). Amabile is not the only researcher who cites the importance ofplay in fostering creative process and creative works. Koestler (1964) cites a traditional definition ofplay as activity removed from "serious aims and ends"-and then asks the obvious question, what are serious aims and ends? Those that are not playful? As an alternative to being trapped on this definition treadmill, he suggests we consider play an activity with "a definite 'primary biological function'-viz. to give free rein to the exploratory drive. But such a view can only be held once it is recognized that the exploratory drive itself originates in a 'primary need' equal in importance to the others" (510). He makes a distinction between the exploratory drive used for problem solving (for example, a child 13 looking for a particular toy in a room) and the exploratory drive used simply for the pleasure ofexploring (e.g., a child turned loose in a room full oftoys and games, not sure which he really wants and not particularly concerned with any specific goal in his exploration). The child in the first instance may seem to the observer to be "playing," but she is in fact solving a problem-she wants a particular toy, and even ifanother toy that might be just as much fun to play with appears to her during the search, she will ignore it in pursuit ofher goal. Conversely, the child in the second example is open to anything that meets his senses; this is true play, according to Koestler. And it is in true play, intrinsically motivated but with uncertain outcome, that children often come up with their most creative products. Vera John-Steiner, author ofan extensive creativity case study, Notebooks ofthe Mind, seems to agree with Koestler. Children play, she says, at creative pursuits such as drawing and painting in what is akin to "the preverbal rehearsal with sound and tonal variation, which is an essential stage in the acquisition oflanguage" (25). They create art because it is enjoyable to do so. Later, when their emotions become more complex, they tend to give up such "childish" forms ofexpression in favor ofthose deemed appropriate by parents, teachers, and others in their culture. A few lucky ones, through either the encouragement offamily or the attention ofunusually astute teachers, continue to use graphic arts--eombining their serious efforts at expression with play-derived visual media. She quotes Ernest Schachtel, who laments that a culture's effort to integrate its youth into the accepted forms ofexpression "increasingly supplants the child's original approach to the objects, and, especially in our time entails the danger ofclosing his openness toward the world and ofreducing all experiences to the perception of... 14 cliches ..." (qtd. in John-Steiner, 26). John-Steiner's endorsement ofplay is unequivocal: "New work is born out ofthe playfulness ofthe young, and the freshness of perception that does not wilt after childhood" (45). Obviously, then, ifwe are to encourage creativity, we must allow students to work in the medium oftheir choice-and perhaps even encourage them to "play" once in a while. How do computers fit into this "definition" ofcreativity and the importance of play? Mike Sharples, in How We Write (1999), advocates the ability ofcomputers to bring play into creative writing. He discusses the work ofMichael Joyce, author and designer ofthe Afternoon hypertext fiction. In this early hypertext, which contained more than 500 episodes and more than 900 internal links, explorers could follow a different part ofthe story each time they visited-even ifthey clicked on the same spot during subsequent visits. The creation ofJoyce's work required the ability to create fiction, to program computers, and to design the visual space in which the story takes place (194). Computer games, too, offer the creator and the user numerous opportunities to explore creative avenues. Early games such as Dungeons and Dragons, a role-playing game revolving around storytelling, evolved into text-based computer games, e.g., Colossal Adventure. Many teachers now create hypertexts oftheir own for use in the classroom; as Sharples points out, a hypertext he created "played an essential part in the children's development ofwriting abilities. It gave them a dynamic medium for composing and revising. It also acted as a bridge between descriptive and narrative writing, since the game turned their descriptions into the setting for a journey through [a virtual haunted] house" (195). Modem programs allow multiple players to participate at once, thereby encouraging interactive creativity. 15 Some software packages, ofcourse, are designed not to encourage the creativity ofthe user, but to display their own creativity (or that ofthe author)-indeed, to attempt to create what writers create. Margaret Boden discusses such software in Artificial Intelligence and Natural Man (1987). One such package, Tale-Spin (which, as the name implies, "spins tales"), generates stories by using "planning structures ... which represent goals and methods ofachieving those goals" (311). Somewhat more sophisticated than its predecessors, Tale-Spin starts with a character and a problem and then goes about solving that problem. Characters are defined by description on three scales--eompetition, dominance, and familiarity-and can be introduced at key points to complicate the process ofsolving the initial problem. Another story generator, called Ex Spectre, uses a simple system offrames (called by the author, C. J. Rieger, "conceptual overlays") to interpret stories. Ex-Spectre uses "stereotyped conceptual overlays, together with 'common-sense algorithms' ... to respond to text in the sort ofway required ofthe reader ofa detective story" (311). The trouble with programs is that they rely on algorithms-and ifthere is one thing most creativity researchers agree on, it is that creative thought occurs outside ofestablished algorithms. Even ifno idea can be said to originate from "nothing"-in that all problem solving involves the thinker's prior experiences to some extent--eertainly an idea that originates from following the same paths ofthought that have produced the majority ofunoriginal ideas in a given brain will not generally be considered novel or creative. Boden concludes, then, that creativity, "like learning and problem solving, involves the production ofnew thoughts from old" (298). 16 If, then, computers cannot produce creative ideas, should we assume that they are the wrong tool for creative endeavors? Taking such a position seems extreme. The problem lies in counting on the tool to do the work: We should no more expect a computer program to write an essay for us than we would expect a drill to build a bookshelf-or, for that matter, design one. People designed and built bookshelves before the cordless power drill was invented. Building took longer, but the bookshelfgot built. Now, the process has been opened up to more people by the addition oftools such as the power drill. Perhaps at one time, people who could not turn a screwdriver with enough power to drive a screw into a board were forced to buy ready-made products; now, they can put together an entire bookshelf in minutes. We can treat the computer as a power drill and simply enjoy the ease it brings to the writing process. Or, ifwe use our imagination a bit, we can take the analogy a step further to assert that the power drill may have affected the way people think about building: Perhaps people who never would have dreamed ofdesigning a piece of furniture before the advent ofthe power drill can now visualize themselves not only building furniture but also designing it to their own needs and specifications. Because they know the ease with which they will be able to assemble it, and because they know that the drill can do things their hands cannot, they can add design elements to the furniture that might not have occurred to them otherwise. Similarly, a person who, before computers, might never have considered writing anything longer than a letter may now think nothing ofsitting down in front ofa word processor and typing out the first chapter ofa novel. This is only one way computers may have changed our perception ofthe writing process. The next section will discuss how computers have changed the way we write. 17 18 4. Does wordprocessing amplify studentpeiformance in writing tasks? In 1992, Ronald Kellogg and Suzanne Mueller perfonned two studies to assess the effect ofword processing on writing perfonnance; in each, they studied the perfonnance of students writing in longhand versus those using computer word processors. They found that "only participants with extensive word processing experience matched the quality and fluency ofthose who wrote in longhand" (33). Using the computer does, however, restructure the process ofwriting, they found. They quote the research ofLillian Bridwell-Bowles, P. Johnson, and S. Brehe (1987) and Christina Haas (1989a), whose studies found that writers using word processors spend less time and effort on planning and that, because graphics were difficult to create in most word processing programs of the time, their planning uses fewer graphics; Haas and John Hayes (1986) and W. J. Hansen and Haas (1988) also discovered that use ofa computer, while improving editing at the mechanical level, tends to discourage revision ofthe structure as a whole. In the first study, Kellogg and Mueller found a marginally significant difference between the handwriting and computer conditions when spelling was considered; because their judges used spelling as one ofthe criteria for rating style, the computer essays were often rated lower in style. [The judges in my study were instructed not to consider spelling, for reasons that will be explained later.] They also found that the computer users wrote fewer words per minute than the longhand writers. I suspect, however, that a more recent study, perfonned strictly on elementary-age students, would have much different results because students are more likely to grow up using a computer and learning how to type than they were ten years ago. As Kellogg and Mueller admit, their study was 19 hindered by the fact that some subjects undoubtedly had more typing and word processing experience than others; to judge accurately the level ofperformance amplification, they add, they should perhaps have chosen subjects with a high level of experience. The second experiment used the same subjects, but this time the subjects were given a survey asking them to rate their experience with computers, and products ofthe experiment were assessed based upon responses to this survey. After rating the products, Kellogg and Mueller found that even those subjects who rated themselves highly skilled at computer use fared no better in terms ofwriting quality than those writing in longhand. Those subjects with modest experience, however, did poorly, suggesting that their lack of experience "diverted attention from applying relevant knowledge to composing" (43). Indeed, other researchers have found that much ofthe modifying and editing done on word processors has either no effect or deleterious effect on the quality ofthe work. Similarly, Lois Mayer Nichols (1996), in a study performed on elementary-school writers, found that "quality ofthe composition, accuracy ofgrammar, and reading ease did not differ significantly" between longhand writers and computer users (159). She quotes the findings ofGail Hawisher (1986) and Hawisher and Ron Fortune (1989), done at the high school and college level, showing no significant difference in quality between computer writing and handwritten work (160). However, Nichols also mentions the meta analysis performed by Robert Bangert-Drowns (1993), who found that nearly two-thirds ofsuch studies did, in fact, show improvement in the quality ofwriting when subjects used word processors (160). 20 In a study of 171 Texas sixth-graders, Penny Campbell (1987) found that students' attitudes toward computer use varied depending upon their computer skills. Students with average and high levels ofskills demonstrated higher positive responses to the Computer Attitude Scale (CAS) than did those with only basic skills. In the same year, Karin Miller Wiburg studied 69 fourth-graders in California who were divided into three groups: The first group used computer programming activities to create their projects; the second group used applications such as word processing and graphics software; and the third, control group had no special instruction but used computer assisted instructional software. In an analysis ofwritten products, the treatment groups (those who used programming activities or word processing/graphics software for their projects, as opposed to students in the control group, who used only instructional software) both showed higher scores in higher-level cognitive skills than did the control group. The group using the programming activities achieved the highest scores ofall. These studies do not, however, deal with "creativity"-none ofthem claims to assess aspects ofthe creative process or ofcreativity in either product or producer. In fact, little experimental research exists, outside ofAmabile's work, on the relationship between computer use and creativity. A few articles discuss creative people using computers; for example, Trevor Owen's 1995 article in English Journal, "Poems That Change the World: Canada's Wired Writers," recounts the story ofa group ofstudents composing poetry as part ofan online group called WIER, or "Writers in Electronic Residence." As Owen asserts, "[T]he computer is no more a tool than Shakespeare is a book" (49). He calls the computer a "catalyst," an "experience": "The computer is not simply a tool, not a pen, but an experience. A field trip" (49). Did the computer 21 encourage creativity? Ifnothing else, it certainly engaged both student and instructor, as Owen points out: "Many students seemed surprised that ... their teachers were actually interested in what they had to say." Suddenly, students could see their instructors as more than just correcting machines with red ink flowing from their fingertips (50). Gail Hawisher and Cynthia Selfe (1998) agree with Owen's view ofthe computer: [C]omputers were becoming increasingly important in educational settings not simply because they are tools for writing (they are not simply tools; they are, indeed, complex technological artifacts that embody and shape the ideological assumptions ofan entire culture), but rather because these machines can serve as powerful catalytic forces in the lives of teachers and students. (Hawisher and Selfe, 333) However, as mentioned above, their study (1987) ofcomputer-assisted instruction in college classrooms found that students "neither revised more nor wrote better essays on computers with word processing capabilities" than they did with pen and paper or typewriter (336). The sole benefits seemed to be more drafts and greater fluency. One study that deals directly with computers and creativity shows no benefit to computer-assisted instruction (CAl). In her study of 128 fourth-graders in Oklahoma, Sheryl Shanahan (1986) gave two experimental groups of32 students each the task of using a dialogue form ofcomputer-assisted instruction to generate a word bank for creative writing, and she assigned two control groups of32 students each to a classroom without this form ofCAL Her subjects were given pre- and post-test Torrance Tests, those for Creative Thinking and Evaluation ofOriginality and Interest. Students in the experimental groups scored no better than students in the control groups. However, as discussed in the section on Tests ofCreativity, the Torrance Tests may not be reliable indicators ofcreativity. 22 Albert Rouzie (2000), in an article in Computers and Composition, praised the possibilities inherent in modem software, citing the "playfulness ofelectronic discourse and how it might reshape student composition" (142). Using and composing hypertexts gives student writers an opportunity to work in a textual, as well as graphical and aural, space, and they are aware that they can give their readers a greater understanding and experience ofthe information they are sharing than would have been possible with simple text. (Think, for example, ofa student publishing a Web site on a research topic: The student can provide the text ofa paper, as well as pictures, sounds, and links to more information about the topic.) As Rouzie puts it, "the best ofthis play opens writers and readers to the text as dramatic, symbolic action" (142). If, in fact, the best ofcreative work comes from a level of"intellectual playfulness," as Amabile puts it, then one can infer from this assertion by Rouzie that computers may offer a great opportunity for highly creative output. Ofcourse, word processors can also hinder the creativity ofwriting. In another recent Computers and Composition article, Alex Vernon (2000), in a study of computerized grammar checkers, points out that students' willingness to write on the computer may be hampered by the constant presence ofthose annoying graphics that may--or may not-point out errors. In Microsoft Word, for example, possible spelling errors are brought to the author's attention by red wavy underlining. Although the red is a highly visible color between the default black text and white background usually seen in Word and other software, red may also remind students ofthe teacher's unforgiving pen. How, then, do we show students (and, in some cases, their instructors) that "correct writing is not necessarily good writing" (Vernon, 347)? And again, stressing the 23 play aspect ofcreativity, "How do we encourage students to stretch their syntactic muscles, to risk incorrect usage in pursuit ofcomplicated structures expressing complex ideas? How do we teach them to play with sentences" (347; emphasis added)? It is possible that using computers in the classroom, combined with intensive training in their use and plenty oftime during which to become comfortable with their various features, is one reliable way to encourage students to play with words. Computers bring a new feature to writing: a visual, electronic, interactive feature. Computers can easily do what manuscripts do with only limited success: They can link our words to other words, our thoughts to those ofothers, instantly. They can speak aloud, play music, share a recording ofMartin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. Put simply, computers are fun. A textbook may have an extensive list ofreferences for the reader to consult, but taking the time to go to the library and look them up is sometimes difficult. Hypertext, by contrast, offers readers the opportunity to link to the author's thoughts immediately. Authors can add visual elements without needing graphic design teams. The visual elements themselves can link to other authors and ideas. The possibilities boggle the mind. Therefore, it seems perfectly logical to ask the question, "How does the computer affect the creative process and product?" 24 5. Does using wordprocessors affect creative writing? In a study using as subjects fifteen fourth-graders in their own classroom setting, Edith Christensen (1993) made several interesting discoveries about the effects ofcomputer use on creative writing. First, she found that 14 ofa group of 15 gifted students (12 ofwhom were rated by their teacher to be underachieving) had immediate gains in story length when they switched from handwriting to computers. The one exception was a subject who professed a preference for writing with a pencil and who claimed a dislike for writing in general. The underachieving students consistently received higher total quality scores on their computer-written stories, while the high achievers' stories did not show significant improvement when the writers used computers (122). And again, the underachieving group had significant increases in divergent in-depth thinking (a measure ofuniqueness in the writer's approach, said to be an indication ofhigher-level thinking processes) when they used computers. Interestingly, Christensen found that these same students, upon switching back to handwriting, reverted to lower-level thinking processes (124). For the central idea criterion, the writing tool did not seem to matter; all students showed improvement over time (125). Regarding the addition ofrelevant information, all but three subjects showed increased relevant information scores as their stories increased in length (as they did with computer use) (126). Subjects' organization skills were higher when they used the computer; however, for most ofthe students, organization scores steadily increased throughout the study, regardless ofthe writing method (127). Finally, for the language variety criterion, three offour underachievers in one group scored higher 25 when they wrote on the computer; but overall, the language variety scores did not appear to increase with length ofstory (99, 127). The implications ofChristensen's research are many. As she points out, much could be learned from continuing to follow this group ofstudents as they become more proficient in computer use and especially in the various tools included with modem word processing software. The student's attitude toward the writing tool is important, she concluded, and will affect the results ofhis or her writing. Early and thorough instruction in the use ofcomputers is also partly responsible for the success ofa class ofhigh school creative writers in a study done by Dale Irvin Depweg (1991), although Depweg's methodology focuses on a process-oriented environment in teaching and not simply on the use ofcomputers. Depweg's classes, entitled "Creative Writing and the Computer," met in the school's business wing in rooms where the layout ended up causing more difficulties than it solved: Typewriter desks were neatly arranged in rows facing the instructor's station, while computer desks holding Apple machines were interspersed throughout the adjoining classrooms, usually with two or more facing each other and with work surfaces adjacent to each computer. However, the rooms presented some problems: For one, Depweg had, in both semesters, more students than computers; also, some ofthe computers were in one ofthe adjoining rooms, out ofearshot for much ofthe instruction; and finally, he says that he and his class were somehow made to feel like guests who "needed to be on our best behavior" (29). Regardless ofthese possible detriments, however, the course was popular throughout both semesters and had an increase in enrollment for the second term. 26 The goals ofthe course follow: (1) in-depth instruction and practice in creative writing with instruction in and access to word processing, (2) workshop format in which teacher and students published and gave comments on each other's work, (3) encouragement ofpre-writing and revision, (4) topics to be chosen by students, (5) emphasis by the instructor on "real" questions rather than "rhetorical" ones, and (6) encouragement ofstudent conferencing and questions (32). Student work was collected into individual portfolios. At the end ofthe semester, each student handed in a writing sample to be evaluated by two outside teacher/evaluators. The system for evaluation was adapted from one used by Yamhill County (Oregon) as part ofthe selection process for a student literary magazine. Each sample was rated on a scale of4-0 (4=outstanding, 3=above average, 2=average, 1=below average, O=not observed) for each ofsix criteria: (1) unity, coherence, and organization; (2) clarity, originality, and development oftheme; (3) overall development ofcharacter, character motivation, and dialogue; (4) overall development ofplot and setting; (5) sophistication and effectiveness ofdiction and style; and (6) appropriate use ofmechanics (e.g., spelling). Depweg asked judges to comment also on strengths and weaknesses in the piece and asked that they list their suggestions for the piece and additional comments, comparisons, and/or insights (40-41). The workshop format, combined with intensive instruction in creative writing process and word processor use, proved a highly successful teaching format for Depweg's students. All student writing samples were judged to be "well above average," with five of 17 students receiving "outstanding" ratings on five ofthe six criteria (163). Beyond their success in the classroom, Depweg points out, following the instruction in 27 creative writing and word processing, his students took honors in school-wide writing contests, gained admittance to prestigious colleges, were published in school and outside publications, and had many other successes. Concerning the negative aspects ofthe design, Depweg notes that time constraints were the most common complaint, pointing out that "[t]he technology ofthe computers, printers, and software, ... which facilitated benefits for writing, revision, and publishing, could also absorb as much group, individual, and instructor time as they [sic] helped save" (167). As he accurately laments, spending writing time on trying to make temperamental network printers print or trying to save corrupted data disks can be a "new and irritating experience" for the average English language arts instructor (167). One major positive finding, beyond the successes ofthe writing students, was that their attitude toward writing was more positive than the attitudes ofDepweg's previous students in non-workshop formats. He points out that many ofthe students would continue to write quietly while he lectured, and they were often disappointed at the end of class time or ifa lecture or conference day was going to take away some oftheir in-class writing time (170). Regarding the technology used in this classroom design, Depweg admits that "it seems somewhat academic to debate whether or not the integration ofword processing and computers into the English and writing classroom should or will happen" (181). Indeed, between 1986-87 (when his study took place) and 1991 (when he published his dissertation), computers went from being a new and wonderful tool in many schools to being almost ubiquitous in all but the poorest ofdistricts. 28 The two studies cited above-Christensen's and Depweg's-show clear evidence that computers in the classroom are more than simply the method ofthe day. True, many oftoday's students grow up using computers in their homes, and many ofthem would be at a loss in a writing environment in which they were expected to write with pen and paper. However, computers are more than simply modem (ifexpensive) pens; they are part ofthe writing process oftoday's writers. Computers have the potential to allow, and even encourage, greater expression and creativity in the users-given the right classroom environment and the right training. Throwing a group ofstudents with no training into a computer lab and expecting them to produce creative work may bring no more success than asking them to create their work in longhand-and it may hinder the writing process for those with marginal computer skills. But, as Depweg found, when computer use is coupled with training in keyboard skills and in word processing software, writers experience greater benefits. 29 6. How does the existing research on wordprocessor use and creativity apply to college-age writers? One type ofstudent neglected in much ofthe existing research is the college writer. Christensen's study, for example, focused on fourth-graders; Depweg's students were sophomores through seniors in high school. Much research has been done in college settings on computer use in classrooms, but none has focused solely on the computer's relationship to the creative process and individual aspects ofcreativity. The results ofmy own study show how several generally accepted aspects ofcreativity-namely, novelty ofidea, word choice, and development/organization-are affected by using computers for composition. In Section 2, I discuss the methodology and design ofthe study, and in Section 3, I discuss the results ofthe study in relation to previous research and to the future ofcomposition classes at the college level. Finally, in Section 4, I present the results ofa questionnaire on Technology in the Classroom. This questionnaire, designed as a follow-up to my study, asked students at the same writing level as the test subjects to respond to eight questions about their level ofexperience and comfort with computer technology. As a soon-to-be college writing instructor who plans to continue researching at the doctoral level as training for teaching both creative and technical writing, I am fascinated by the implications ofcomputer use for creative writers. Section 2: A Study of the Effects of Computer Use on Narrative Essays of College Freshman Writers 30 31 Because ofthe impossibility ofchoosing those criteria that define a creative work-and therefore, by implication, a creative writer (though some argue that the two are unrelated)-I settled upon three criteria (idea, word choice, and development/ organization) that are frequently associated with subjective judgments ofcreativity in writing. In discussions with the judges and with advisors, I determined that using such criteria as "novelty ofstructure" and "reading ease" would be inadvisable because neither has been shown to indicate a high level ofcreativity in either product or author. To determine whether the three creativity-related criteria listed above are affected by the use ofcomputer word processing software, I devised a study in which five groups offreshman writers created narratives following a prompt. The study was structured as follows: 1. Demographics The student subjects were all part ofa composition course called "Writing I," a beginning writing course intended for freshmen who, based on performance on a Composition and Reading Placement Test (CRPT), were judged not to need developmental practice in writing. Youngstown State University requires that every incoming freshman take two college writing courses-Writing I and Writing II (a more advanced course in argumentative writing)-within a certain time following matriculation (students achieving a lower score than that determined as the minimum for entrance into Writing I are required to pass a developmental course preceding Writing I). Thus, I judged that the students in the sample would have roughly the same level ofskill in essay writing. 32 I chose five sections whose instructors were fellow graduate assistants. The fact that these classes had GAs for instructors should not adversely affect my efforts to randomize subject selection, for two reasons: First, students do not know they are signing up for a GA-taught class when registering; and second, the samples were taken early enough in the semester that any difference between the teaching styles ofnew teachers and seasoned professors should have had negligible, ifany, effect on the students' writing. I structured the study to randomize for day and time ofclass meetings to ensure that groups did not tend toward one particular type ofstudent--e.g., perhaps a certain type ofperson prefers to take only early-morning classes on weekdays. As a result, I sampled five classes, which met on different days ofthe week and at different times during the day. The gender breakdown ofthe sample is as follows: 34 subjects were female, and 36 were male (two females were later disqualified because they did not consent to participate in the study). In the Analysis ofResults section, I will show gender differences in rating results. 2. Structure ofthe Experiment This experiment is structured with two independent variables. Factor 1, or the Medium Factor, has two levels: the handwriting treatment is the use oflonghand to write an essay; and the computer treatment is the use ofthe computer word processor to write an essay. Factor 2, or the Gender Factor, is the gender ofthe subject. (See Table 2.1.) My working hypothesis, or HI, was that the use ofcomputer word processors may slightly affect 33 creativity, depending on the user's level ofcomputer skill, and that the use ofword processors directly affects length ofessays (i.e., number ofwords). The null hypothesis, or Ho, was that the use ofword processors has no effect on creativity in each rated criterion (idea, word choice, and development/organization) and that it has no effect on essay length. Table 2.1. Structure of Experiment Factor 1: Writing Medium Factor 2: Gender Males Females 16 17 112: Computer 20 15 I chose the Post-Test Only design for this experiment. The experiment was expressly designed to be a low-stress, culturally neutral exercise. Each class was randomly divided into two groups: Sample group 1, the "handwriting treatment" group, was given a handout containing the writing prompt, explicit instructions, and plenty of lined writing space; sample group 2, the "computer treatment" group, was seated at computers upon which the writing prompt had already been installed and opened in Microsoft Word 97. The group with the handout was asked to write with pen or pencil for the full time (40 minutes), and the computer group was asked to type responses and save them to a floppy disk, which was supplied for them. The subjects wrote during a normal class period during which the class met in a computer lab. I made every effort to ensure that those writing by hand had enough desk space (keyboards were moved and CPUs shut down to discourage the temptation to check the computer for spelling, etc.). The instructors and I strongly discouraged talking; however, these efforts met with varied 34 success. In one class, the instructor had to relocate to the back ofthe room to discourage two computer subjects from loudly chatting about personal topics. While some researchers suggest that creativity is best encouraged by placing no restraints upon the subjects, we decided that loud talking was disruptive to those subjects who prefer to work in a quiet atmosphere. Because ofresearch suggesting that the subject's awareness ofrewards and/or evaluation significantly decreases the creativity ofproducts, we made clear to the participants that they were not being graded on the essay and that they would simply receive in-class-assignment credit (which differed according to instructor) for the work. As a result, we hoped that each participant would feel free to "have fun" with the assignment (the handout even reads, "Please have fun with this assignment!"), without having to worry about grades or competition. The time limit for the writing was, as stated above, 40 minutes. As part ofthe introduction, I informed students that they would be told when they had five minutes, and then one minute, remaining. They were encouraged to write for the entire time allotted, although many did not. 3. Prompt The essay prompt follows: "Write a narrative about the following: One morning, you (or your main character) awaken to discover that humankind has developed-or been given-the ability to become invisible at will." 35 4. Other Information on the Assignment Below the prompt, an area was provided for "brainstorming." Some students made use of it, making lists, drawing diagrams or flow charts, or writing a short paragraph; others did not use the area. At the end ofthe writing space, the handouts thanked the participants, and the computer-based prompt reminded computer users to save their files. 5. Judges and Rating Three judges rated the essays. One was a Youngstown State University professor emeritus with 43 years ofteaching experience (including composition, among other subjects) and eight years ofessay-judging experience with Educational Testing Service; one was a Youngstown State University professor with 22 years ofteaching experience (again, including freshman comp); and the third, or "tiebreaker" judge, was a creative writer with an English degree from a university in England and over ten years ofcreative writing experience. It was agreed that a judges' training session was not necessary and could in fact skew the results ofthe final ratings; therefore, the 68 qualifying essays were given to the first two judges, who rated them without a training session. Should 1 have chosen judges based on "homogeneous views ofcreativity" (Amabile, Creativity 42)? "[I]t seems most appropriate to simply rely on the assumption that experts in a domain do share creativity criteria to a reasonable degree," says Amabile. "The essence ofthe consensual definition is that experts in a domain can recognize creativity when they see it, and that they can agree with one another in this assessment. ... [T]he judges should not be trained by the experimenter to agree with one another. .." (42). 36 The judges themselves were chosen for a variety ofreasons. The two professors were chosen for their vast experience in judging writing samples; the creative writer was chosen because she could judge samples from the point ofview ofa creative person. One professor comes from an English education background and has worked in diverse populations throughout the eastern and southern United States, as well as being a rater for ETS; the other comes from an American studies and film studies background and has much experience with developmental college writers, in addition to scoring English Placement Tests at YSU for many years. Although the third judge had no teaching experience, she was deemed qualified to rate on originality in the three criteria chosen. The judges rated each ofthe 68 essays individually on these three criteria: idea, word choice, and development/organization. One judge suggested that the term "creativity" not be used in describing the criteria, for doing so would imply that these criteria define creativity, and I did not wish to suggest that creativity could or should be defined in this manner, although I do contend that high ratings in these three areas may suggest a high level ofcreativity in the author. Accordingly, I acknowledge that the rating system is, as Amabile admits, strictly subjective (Social 38). Although the judges and I considered using the holistic scoring method (as defined by ETS), our decision to rate each essay on three criteria made defining our method as "holistic" inappropriate. Holistic scoring asks the reader to score an essay on the "total impression it creates rather than for individual aspects" (ETS, "What Is Holistic Scoring?" online). Analytic (or primary trait) scoring, on the other hand, allows the reader to examine individual aspects ofan essay-appropriate to my study, because I wanted to see ifusing computer word processors affects different aspects ofcreativity 37 differently. Our analytic method is, however, derived from ETS's holistic method: In most oftheir assessments, "two readers provide separate, independent judgments. Each reader awards a single score for the overall quality ofthe essay based on an integrated set ofcriteria ... [typically including] organization, development ofideas, style, mechanics, diction, and usage..." (ETS, online). Each judge was given a sheet with the numbers from 1 to 68 (one number corresponding to each ofthe 68 essays). The scale chosen for rating each criterion was 1 4, with 4 being the highest possible rating. The judges and I decided that a scale of 1-4 was preferred over, for example, 1-5, because when the latter scale is used, judges tend to lump papers upon which they are undecided into the middle, rating them a 3. We also agreed that more than four or five possible ratings points would be excessive for so few criteria. Judges were to give each essay three scores: one for idea, one for word choice, and one for development/organization. Judges were instructed to go through the essays in random order, even though the essays were already numbered randomly. Judges worked independently ofone another and did not confer at any time during the rating process. I randomized the essays in the following manner: After collecting all essays, both handwritten and computer written, I made photocopies ofthe handwritten essays and employed two fellow graduate assistants as transcribers. Using the same Microsoft Word template that subjects used during the experiment, the transcribers entered the handwritten text, so that all handwritten essays could be printed on a laser printer and would look no different from the computer-composed essays. Text was entered exactly as written, including misspelled words. The reason for including the misspellings is that, due to an unforeseen problem with the use ofform fields in Microsoft Word 97 (the 38 Spell-Check feature does not work on text entered in a form field), the computer writers could not easily use Spell-Check. As a result, judges did not consider spelling accuracy in rating the essays. Ifthe handwritten essay included text in the Brainstorming area, it was typed into the computer file; however, any handwritten graphics (such as flow charts) were not included. Also, none ofthe computer writers used graphics in the Brainstorming area, and judges did not consider any information in the Brainstorming area when assessing the essay. In this manner, I ensured that all essays appeared exactly the same to the judges; therefore, no possibility existed for bias toward either handwritten or computer-written work. 6. Avoiding Threats to Internal Validity ofthe Study The main method I used to avoid threats to validity was randomization. I took care to randomize selection ofsubjects (to the extent possible; some inter-subject similarity was desirable, namely similarity in level ofwriting experience), times ofclasses, days of classes, and assignment ofsubjects to testing conditions (e.g., handwriting or computer). I equalized the testing conditions as much as possible and controlled for variables that might affect subject behavior. Each class took place in a well-equipped computer lab; each class had roughly one to two classes' notice ofthe upcoming essay assignment and was told very little about the assignment and nothing about its experimental nature. When I arrived, I briefly explained that the subjects were taking part in a study but did not detail the purpose ofthe study, other than to say that the results would be part ofmy thesis and that anyone who was interested could contact me later to see the work. Subjects were told that they would be asked to read and sign a consent form for Human Subjects purposes, 39 and that they could choose not to participate in the experiment, with no ill effects on their grade (provided the essay was completed and turned in to the instructor despite the participant's unwillingness to allow me to use it in my study). Ofthe 70 essays obtained over five days, two were disqualified because the students opted not to participate in the research. The use ofthe Post-Test Only design avoided the problem ofStatistical Regression to Mean (a tendency for scores in post-treatment assessments to shift toward the mean). Because the entire experiment was structured to allow for randomization, no pre-test was required. Had I not randomized for subject selection and other factors, I would have had to test each group twice-first having all subjects write one way, then having them write the other-to get valid results. In addition, the Post-Test Only design eliminated the need to discourage subjects from discussing the experiment during the testing period: The entire experiment took place in one day for each group, and the likelihood that subjects from one class would pass on information about the experiment to subjects in another class was slim, considering the large number ofstudents taking Writing I in a given semester. Finally, this design prevented the problem of"mortality," or subject dropouts between pre- and post-test. 7. Additional Criteria Being Considered In addition to the individual subjective ratings based on the three criteria listed above, I noted demographic data for each group, including ages, ethnicity, and gender ofsubjects; the date and time each experiment was performed; the number ofsubjects in each class 40 who wrote their essays on computers, versus the number writing by hand; and the total number ofsubjects in each class. (See Table 2.2.) I also noted and considered the total number ofwords in each essay. I hoped to determine whether a correlation exists between number ofwords in an essay and method used for writing, and also whether a correlation exists between number ofwords and level ofcreativity (in the three areas noted) ofthe essay. Finally, I wished to determine whether a difference exists between genders in either writing condition (handwriting or computer). 41 Table 2.2. Test Group Demographics GROUP A n=12 t=12:30 p.m. nm=6 nt=6 ASBURY n1=6 I m=6 nc=12 no=O GROUP B n=18 t=11 :00 a.m. nm=8 nt=10 BLEI n1=9 I m=9 nc=17 no=1 GROUPC n=17 t=10:00 a.m. nm=11 nt=6 BENTON n1= 8 I m=9 nc=15 no=2 GROUP D n=16 t=1:00 p.m. nm=8 nt=8 GRANGER n1=6 I m=10 nc=14 no=2 GROUPE n=7 t=12:00 noon nm=3 nt=4 WEST n1=4 I m=3 (Saturday) nc=6 no=1 Note: Two students, both in the~zcondition (computer), opted out of participation. The total for the nz column 37--does not reflect the removal of the essays by the two students who opted out. Key: n=number of subjects n1=number of subjects m=number of subjects t=time of day test in group in~1(handwriting in jJ2 (computer given (all on condition) condition) weekdays except as noted) nm=number of male nt=number of female nc=number of no=number of non- subjects in group subjects in group Caucasian subjects in Caucasian subjects in group group ~z ~1 Section 3: Analysis ofExperiment Results 42 43 1. Summary ofOverall Results Judges rated all 68 essays in each ofthree criteria (idea, word choice, and development/organization). As a result, judges had three opportunities per essay to agree or disagree, or 204 opportunities overall. Out ofthese 204 opportunities, the judges' ratings differed by more than one point on only 29 occasions, or 14.2% ofthe time. I chose to count only those differences ofmore than one point: Although one judge tended to give higher scores than the other, both judges gave higher scores to the same essays; therefore, I reasoned that only when the judges' ratings disagreed by more than one rating point should I consider them discrepant. Paul Diederich, in Measuring Growth in English (1974), defends a reliability of.80 (or 80%) as "adequate for practical decisions in the ordinary course ofschoolwork" (2). I am pleased that the judges I chose achieved an inter-rater reliability of.858 (or nearly 86%). Having obtained this reasonably high level ofreliability, I can defend my decision not to use "model" essays to train the judges. After collecting all the scores for each ofthe three criteria being judged, I used the mean scores to compute the effect (ifany) ofcomputer use on these three criteria. Using methods from a statistics text for students in psychology and education (Gravetter and Wallnau 1985), I then performed an Analysis ofVariance (ANOVA) to determine whether my results were statistically significant. I obtained F-ratios for each criterion of <1, meaning the ANOVA test discerned no treatment effect. Generally, F-ratios of>1 are necessary for statistical significance, and with such a small sample (68 subjects), much higher F-ratios (closer to 3.9-4.0, according to Gravetter and Wallnau) than I obtained would have been necessary to show a significant treatment effect. (See Tables 3.1-3.3.) 44 Table 3.1. F-Test Two-Sample for Variances: Idea Criterion Mean Variance Observations df F Variable 1 2.666666667 0.432291667 33 32 0.78718758 Variable 2 2.728571429 0.549159664 35 34 Variable 1 corresponds to the Handwriting condition; Variable 2 corresponds to the Computer condition. Observations=the number of subjects in each test group. The F value tells us that the treatment (computer use) had no effect. Table 3.2. F-Test Two-Sample for Variances: Word Choice Criterion Mean Variance Observations df F Variable 1 2.439393939 0.464962121 33 32 0.851238345 Variable 2 2.428571429 0.546218487 35 34 Variable 1 corresponds to the Handwriting condition; Variable 2 corresponds to the Computer condition. Observations=the number of subjects in each test group. The F value tells us that the treatment (computer use) had no effect. Table 3.3. F-Test Two-Sample for Variances: Development/Organization Criterion Mean Variance Observations df F Variable 1 2.666666667 0.369791667 33 32 0.570385072 Variable 2 2.814285714 0.648319328 35 34 Variable 1 corresponds to the Handwriting condition; Variable 2 corresponds to the Computer condition. Observations=the number of subjects in each test group. The F value tells us that the treatment (computer use) had no effect. Overall, scores did not increase significantly in any ofthe three criteria judged (meaning my null hypothesis, or Ho, was true). The simple result ofthe experiment is that using a computer word processor does not significantly increase the writer's scores in creativity-related areas such as Idea, Word Choice, and Development/Organization. The computer did, however, affect Word Count: The average word count for essays written in 45 the computer condition was 18.15% greater than the average for essays written in the longhand condition. (See Figure 3.1.) Figure 3.1. The Effect of Computer Word Processing on Total Word Count 700· til 600 "C o 500 ~400 '0 ; 300 .c E 200 ;:, z 100 o Il!l Handwriting Condition • Computer Condition ~-_... _-----~---_._._--.._--~._...._-----" 2. Results Analyzed by Gender The scores do not suggest that we should dismiss the experiment's results, however. Ifwe look at the results by gender, we see greater treatment effects (benefits ofusing the computer) for females than for males in all criteria. For example, while the males in this study received almost no benefit (less than a percentage point) in the computer condition in the Idea criterion, the females scored 9.25% higher when using the computer. (See Figure 3.2.) The benefits to both genders are negligible in the Word Choice criterion (males' scores increased 1.41%, females' 2.81%), but both genders scored higher in Development/Organization in the computer condition: males' scores increased by 5.98%, and females' by 9.70%. (See Figure 3.3.) ~ ~-_--~---_._._-- 46 Figure 3.2. ,'------' --'---- ,------- ---- ---,,---, ----- Comparison of Ratings By Gender: Idea 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Females Figure 3.3. ,• Males []lFemales Comparison of Ratings By Gender: Development! Organization 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 o • Males []lFemales, The increase in mean word count is not surprising; unlike the subjects ofsimilar studies in the past, these subjects, for the most part, grew up using computers and have a reasonable level ofkeyboarding skill. (See Section 4: Responses to "Technology in the Classroom Questionnaire" for a discussion ofsubjects' self-described computer and word processing skills.) But the by-gender results are curious: Why would males gain no 47 benefit from using word processing, while females using computers scored nearly 10% higher than females writing in longhand in two criteria related to creativity? The criteria used to rate each essay are, theoretically, indicators ofcreativity in the product. Should we assume, then, that the male subjects produced less creative products than the female subjects? The results ofthis study are not conclusive enough to allow us to make that assumption. At the very least, the results may indicate a need for further research into gender differences in areas such as creativity, keyboarding skill, and computer knowledge; ideally, these studies would use a much larger number ofsubjects than my study did and would be run by both computers-and-composition researchers and sociallbehavioral scientists. My study was limited by lack ofaccess to a large number of subjects, and perhaps by the choice ofprompt for the essay, which may have encouraged gender differences; however, I hope to continue this research, using my own students as subjects, for many years. Every new group offreshmen seems to have better computer skills than the group before it-and, correspondingly, less desire to use longhand for composition. Eventually, forcing a subject to write an essay in longhand may even be considered some sort ofpunishment, as computers become an indispensable tool in students' lives. 48 Section 4: Responses to the "Technology in the Classroom" Questionnaire 49 1. Introduction In an attempt to understand better the skills and needs not only ofthe students I tested but also offreshman writers in general, I administered a detailed questionnaire asking respondents to describe their experience with computers, word processing software, and the Internet. (See Appendix I for the complete questionnaire.) I hoped that the responses would help me interpret the creativity ratings on the 68 essays; for example, I wanted to know how likely students in a particular age group are to have grown up using a computer at home. The questionnaire turned out to be extremely useful, and I plan to put the results into an Internet-accessible database and to make the questionnaire itself into a Web form that can be accessed by many composition classes. With only 56 completed questionnaires from which to make assumptions, I am looking forward to making judgments that are more accurate by using a greater number ofrespondents. I must qualify any assumptions by stating that not all ofthe 68 subjects who took part in the essay experiment also filled out the questionnaire; only about 25 ofthose students had time to fill out the questionnaire after doing the essay. The other responses came from three other College Writing I classes. Comparing the percentages ofstudents in each age group and ofeach gender, I found the questionnaire group to be similar to the essay group. Therefore, it seems logical to infer that assumptions made about the questionnaire group may also be applicable to the essay group. 50 2. Summary ofResults Overall, the responses show that most students, regardless ofage group or gender, have some computer and word processing experience. Only a small percentage claimed to be "novice" users. In fact, almost 40% ofmales and nearly 54% offemales said they have "extensive" computer experience. (See Table 4.1.) Table 4.1. Level of Experience with Computers Question 1: I would describe my experience level in computer use as follows: ALL MALES ALL FEMALES I am a novice computer user 5 17.86% C 0.00% I have limited computer experience 4 14.29% 9 32.14% I have taken at least one class in which computers were kJsed 4 14.29% 10.71% I have taken several classes in which computers were used, ",nd/or I have extensive computer experience from using a 15home computer 11 39.29% 53.57% I am an expert computer user 10.71% 1 3.57% Respondents 27 28 Note: Not all respondents answered every question; therefore, some totals do not add up to 100%. Likewise, very few-none ofthe males and only one ofthe females-said they "cannot type at all." At least halfhave some level oftyping skill, and about a third ofthe men and over a fifth ofthe women said they have "extensive" typing experience. (See Table 4.2.) Table 4.2. Keyboarding skill Question 2: I would describe my keyboarding (typing) skills as follows: ALL MALES ALL FEMALES I cannot tvpe at all C 0.00% 1 3.57% I have limited tvpina skills 1C 35.71% 6 21.43% I have taken a typing class or have otherwise developed !load tvpina skills f 28.57% 11 39.29% I have taken extensive keyboarding classes, and/or I have 6typed a maiority of mv schoolwork~32.14% 21.43°1c I work or have worked at a job requiring typing speeds of 12,000 kph or 60 wpm or more, or have equivalent tvpina/kevboardina skill 1 3.57% 4 14.29% Respondents 28 28 17,86% 39,29% 35,71% ~ 51 All but one ofthe males and all but one ofthe females have some experience with word processing software. Halfthe men and almost 68% ofthe women have taken at least one class in a word processing application or have equivalent knowledge. (See Table 4.3.) The vast majority ofboth genders have used Microsoft Word-almost 86% of men and 93% ofwomen; in addition, a large percentage ofboth have used Corel WordPerfect, and about a fifth ofthe men and a tenth ofthe women have used Macintosh software. (See Table 4.4.) Table 4.3. Experience with Word Processing Software Question 3a: I would describe my familiarity with word processing software as follows: ALL MALES ALL FEMALES II am not at all familiar with word processing software 1 3.57% 1 3.57% I, have limited exoerience with wo software~32.14% S 28.57% ~~avetaken a class in a wp application or have equivalent xoerience/knowledoe ! 17.86% 1 46.43% I: have taken several classes in multiple wp applications or ! €have eauivalent experiencelknowledge 32.14% 21.43% II am an exoert wo user , 14.29% C 0.00% Respondents 28 28 Table 4.4. Familiar Word Processing Applications Question 3b: Software with which I am familiar (check all that apply): ALL MALES ALL FEMALES torel WordPerfect 10 35.71% 1S 64.29% Microsoft Word or Works 24 85.71% 26 92.86% Macintosh aoolications 6 21.43% 3 10.71% bther (please soeciM 0 0.00% 10.71% Responses 40 50 Note: Because respondents could choose more than one response to this question, total responses are greater than totals for the other questions. Interestingly, more men than women had computers at home when they were growing up. Almost 79% ofmen, versus only 39% ofwomen, had a computer at home. A future researcher may wish to study whether girls who have only female siblings-or no ~ ~~ave 52 siblings-are less likely to have had computers at home than are girls who have male siblings. (See Table 4.5.) Table 4.5. Computers in the Home Question 4: I would describe my background in relation to computers as follows: ALL MALES ALL FEMALES ~~idnot have a computer at home when I was growing up (for hatever reason-they weren't invented yet, we didn't have the , 10money, etc.) 10.71% 35.71% ~~idnot have a computer in my home but had access to one ~ Isewhere 10.71% 7 25.00% I~~ada computer at home when I was growing up but was not 0ermitted to use it 1 3.57% 0.00% II had a comouter at home and used it at least occasionally 21 75.00% 11 39.29% I Respondents 28 28 Reflecting the fact that the majority ofrespondents fall into the "traditional student" age of 18-22, the vast majority ofboth genders prefer to write using either a combination oflonghand and computer or solely on computer. Only about 15% of women and 11 % ofmen are reluctant to use computers in the composition process. (See Table 4.6.) Table 4.6. Use of Computers for Writing Question 5: I would describe my use of computers for writing as follows: ALL MALES ALL FEMALES I prefer to handwrite throughout the writing process, including mal drafts 1 3.57% 1 3.57% I prefer to handwrite throughout the writing process, but will reluctantlv tvoe anv final drafts or have them tvoed for me 7.14% 10.71% I use a combination of handwriting and typing in my writing 13~process 46.43% 32.14°;' I do very little or no handwriting and prefer to perform the entire 12 1Ewritina process on comouter 42.86% 53.57% Respondents 28 28 When asked about their level ofcomfort with computer technology, the majority express a high level of comfort-93% ofwomen and 79% ofmen-although 15% of women and 18% ofmen think we rely too heavily upon computers. More males than ~~id ~~id ~ I~~ad ~ 53 females said they are "uncomfortable" with using computers-18% ofmen versus fewer than 8% ofwomen. (See Table 4.7.) Table 4.7. Level of Comfort with Computers Question 6: I would describe my comfort level with computer technology as follows: ALL MALES ALL FEMALES I am very uncomfortable with computers and would prefer not to have to use them 1 3.57% 1 3.57% I am uncomfortable with computers but feel I must learn to keep UP with technology 4 14.29% 1 3.57% I am comfortable with computers and am eager to learn more and to ensure their place in my educational future 17 60.71% 22 78.57% I am comfortable with computers but do not think we should rely 5SO heavily upon them 17.86% 4 14.29% Respondents 27 28 Most ofthe respondents are familiar with the Internet and the World Wide Web: While no respondents claimed to have no desire to learn about them, almost 11 % ofmen said they have "little or no experience and wish to learn more." Halfofmen, and 57% of women, said they use the Internet and WWW "extensively." (See Table 4.8.) Table 4.8. Internet and World Wide Web Use Question 7: I would describe my familiarity with the InternetIWorld Wide Web as follows: ALL MALES ALL FEMALES I have little or no experience with the Internet and do not wish to Cearn C 0.00% 0.00% I have little or no exPerience and wish to learn more -. 10.71% C 0.00% I have moderate experience using the Internet for mainly Elpersonallrecreational uses 21.43% 25.00% I have moderate experience using the Internet for mainly 5~cholasticuses 5 17.86% 17.860/. I use the Internet extensively for business, recreation, and 1E~choolpurposes 14 50.00% 57.14% Respondents 28 28 Finally, men and women seem to agree that the Internet is at least somewhat useful for research and that information found there is at least somewhat reliable. But fewer than a third ofmen and only a quarter ofwomen do the "majority" oftheir research ~cholastic ~chool online; and while almost halfofmen said they "always" find high-quality information, only 18% ofwomen do. (See Tables 4.9 and 4.10.) Table 4.9. Satisfaction with Online Research Question 8a: I would describe my level of satisfaction with using the Internet for scholastic purposes as follows: 54 ALL MALES ALL FEMALES I do not find the Internet to be a useful tool in scholastic research 1 3.57% a 0.00% I find the Internet to be somewhat heloful in research 17 60.71% 21 75.00% I do the majority of my research online and rarely or never eannot find what I need 9 32.14% 7 25.00% Respondents 27 28 Table 4.10. Satisfaction with Quality of Online Information Question 8b: I would describe the quality of information I have found on the Internet as follows: ALL MALES ALL FEMALES nformation I find on the Internet is basically worthless 1 3.57% C 0.00% Spotty: sometimes useful and reliable, sometimes not, deoendina on source 14 50.00% 21 75.00% I am always able to find reliable, high-quality information on the fInternet 13 46.43% 17.86% Respondents 28 26 55 3. Discussion ofResults The number ofrespondents ofeach gender in each age group is as follows: Age Group Gender Male Female 18-22 21 17 23-30 5 5 31-40 0 4 41-50 1 2 50+ 1 0 In the tables that follow, some columns ofpercentages do not add up to 100%. Occasionally, one or more respondents skipped a question; I chose to base the percentages in that column on the total number ofrespondents in that age group, instead ofthe number who actually responded. Where percentages add up to nearly 100%, errors are due to rounding to two decimal places. 3a. Question 1: Level ofexperience in computer use Even though the majority ofall students, both male and female, have at least some computer experience, it is interesting to note that almost 10% of 18-22-year-old males consider themselves "novices," and 40% of23-30-year-old males said the same. Also, men in the 18-22-year-old group are more than twice as likely to consider themselves "expert" computer users (14.29% ofmales versus 5.88%---one respondent--offemales), even when their answers to subsequent questions do not necessarily support this claim. Because ofthe low number ofrespondents over age 40, I will not make assumptions about this age group based on findings from the questionnaire. 56 Almost halfofmen in the 18-22 age group and a fifth ofthose in the 23-30 age group said they have taken "several" computer classes or have "extensive" computer experience, while none ofthe respondents 31 and over do. Ofthe women, however, more than halfofthe 18-22 age group, 60% ofthe 23-30 age group, 25% ofthe 31-40 age group, and all the women 41-50 said they have taken "several" classes or have "extensive" experience. The wording ofthe question included either classes using computers or equivalent experience on a home computer, so either women are taking more computer-related classes than men, or women are making up for the lack of computers in their homes by finding machines to use elsewhere. (See Table 4.11.) Table 4.11. Question 1: I would describe my experience level in computer use as follows: MALES,AGES FEMALES, AGES 18-22 23·30 31-40 41·50 50+ 18-22 23·30 31-40 41-50 50+ I am a novice com uter user 9.52% 40.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% I have limited com uter ex erience 19.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 29.41% 40.00% 50.00% 0.00% I have taken at least one class in which m uters were used 9.52% 20.00% 0.00% 100.00% 11.76% 0.00% 25.00% 0.00% I have taken several classes in which omputers were used, and/or I have extensive mputer experience from using a home muter 47.62% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 52.94% 60.00% 25.00% 100.00% 14.29% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.88% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3b. Question 2: Level oftyping skill Overall, only one respondent claimed she "can't type at all." Both ofthe men in the 41 and up group said they have "limited" typing skills, however, versus only one ofthe women in the same age group; the other three have taken at least one typing class or have equivalent skill. All ofthe men age 18-30 have at least some typing skills, and at least 60% ofmen in this group have taken a class or have equivalent skill. The ability to type is crucial in word processor use; without it, student writers are handicapped. Using these 57 responses to analyze the handwriting-versus-computer experiment, we can perhaps attribute the jump in word count in the computer condition to the great number of students who begin college with at least some typing skill. (See Table 4.12.) Table 4.12. Question 2: I would describe my keyboarding (typing) skills as follows: MALES,AGES FEMALES, AGES 18·22 23·30 31-40 41·50 50+ 18·22 23·30 31-40 41·50 50+ I cannot 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% 0.00% 28.57% 40.00% 100.00% 100.00% 23.53% 20.00% 25.00% 0.00% 33.33% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 35.29% 60.00% 0.00% 100.00% 33.33% 40.00% 0.00% 0.00% 29.41% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.76% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 11.76% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 3c. Question 3: Familiarity with wordprocessing software No respondent in the 18-22 age group claimed to be completely unfamiliar with word processing. Only two respondents-one male in the 23-30 age group and one female in the same group--make that claim. The rest ofthe results are fairly evenly spread across experience levels and age groups, with about 24% ofboth men and women in the 18-22 age group saying they have "limited" experience, 24% ofmen and 59% ofwomen in that group having at least one class or equivalent experience, and the rest having had several classes. About 19% ofmen 18-22 claimed to be "expert" word processor users. (See Table 4.13.) 58 Table 4.13. Question 3a: I would describe my familiarity with word processing software as follows: MALES,AGES FEMALES, AGES 18·22 23·30 31-40 41·50 50+ 18·22 23·30 31-40 41·50 50+ 0.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 23.81% 40.00% 100.00% 100.00% 23.53% 40.00% 50.00% 0.00% 23.81% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 58.82% 0.00% 25.00% 100.00% 33.33% 40.00% 0.00% 0.00% 17.65% 40.00% 25.00% 0.00% 19.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Ofthe women, 88% ofthe 18-22 age group and all ofthe respondents over 22 said they are familiar with Word or Works; the figures for the men are similar. Corel's WordPerfect is the next most popular software, with more women than men expressing familiarity with it. As expected, only a few have used Mac software, and those respondents who checked "Other" usually specified a software package that was not actually a word processing application (e.g., Excel). The labs used by Youngstown State University's English Department for composition classes all have Microsoft Word for IBM. (See Table 4.14.) Table 4.14. MALES,AGES 18·22 23·30 31-40 41·50 FEMALES, AGES 18·22 23·30 31-40 41·50 50+50+ 0.00% 100.00% 52.94% 100.00% 75.00% 50.00% 100.00% 100.00% 88.24% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 11.76% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 11.76% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00%0.00% 0.00% 85.71% 80.00% 33.33% 40.00% 19.05% 20.00% Question 3b: Software with which I am familiar (check all that apply): 3d. Question 4: Computers in the childhood home While the majority ofstudents 22 and under did have computers in their homes and used them "at least occasionally," men were much more likely to have had computers (in the 18-22 age group, 86% versus 59%; in the 23-30 age group, 60% versus 20%). (See Table 4.15.) Granted, this discrepancy could be a coincidence; I have only 56 responses. 59 However, I will follow this phenomenon closely as I publish the questionnaire to the Web and collect more responses. Ifa trend favoring boys does exist, then I want to find out why and what we as composition teachers can do to help equalize the chances for our female students. As for responses in the groups age 31 and over, the majority ofthese students-as might be expected--did not have computers in their homes, probably because home computers were uncommon until ten or twelve years ago. Table 4.15. 0.00% 100.00% 11.76% 60.00% 75.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 58.82% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 29.41% 20.00% 25.00% 0.00% MALES,AGES FEMALES,AGES 18-22 23-30 31-40 _4.;..:1c.::-S:.=.0--.-c.::50:'='+'---,r1:..::8..=-2=..2..-='23,,-,-3::.::0'--r-'3:.-:.1-40-=-.--:4..:...1-~SO:......., Question 4: I would describe my background In relation to computers as follows: I did not have a computer at home when I was growing p (for whatever reason-they weren't invented yet, e didn't have the mone , etc. 4.76% 20.00% I did not have a computer in my home but had access o one elsewhere 4.76% 20.00% I had a computer at home when I was growing up but as not ermitted to use it 4.76% 0.00% I had a computer at home and used it at least ccasionall 85.71% 60.00% 3e. Question 5: The computer as part ofthe writing process Overall, only two respondents said they "prefer to handwrite throughout the writing process, including final drafts." This result is not surprising, considering the level of computer and typing skills that respondents claimed to have; more surprising are the ages ofthe respondents who prefer to write by hand (one is a male 18-22, the other a female 23-30). Ofrespondents 31 and over, none prefers handwriting exclusively. Men 31 and over said they prefer to use a combination ofhandwriting and word processing, and women in that age group are divided between using a combination oftools and using the computer exclusively. (See Table 4.16.) The results clearly show that students in this sample prefer to use the computer for composition at least part ofthe time. Asking them _4.;..:1c.::-5:.=.0--.-c.::50:'='+'---,r1:..::8..=-2=..2..-='23,,-,-3::.::0'--r-'3:.-:.1-40-=-.--:4..:...1-~50:......., 60 to write in longhand is akin to giving them a handicap. I predict that a similar study done in ten years will show even fewer students wishing to write in longhand. Table 4.16. 0.00% 0.00% 52.94% 40.00% 75.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 17.65% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 29.41% 40.00% 25.00% 50.00% 4.76% 20.00% 4.76% 0.00% 52.38% 20.00% 38.10% 60.00% Question 5: I would describe my use of computers for writing as follows: MALES, AGES FEMALES, AGES 18-22 23·30 31-40 _4..:..:1,-,·5:.=.0-,-...::5:.=.0+.:.--,.--=-=18:....:.2=2,..=2:=..3-=:30:....,=..:31c..:;-40:.=.,...::4c:...1.=:50::...., I prefer to handwrite throughout the writing process, includin final drafts 3f. Question 6: Level ofcomfort with computers Only two respondents claimed to be "very uncomfortable with computers," and again, the surprise is in their age groups-one is a male in the 23-30 age group, and the other is a female in the 18-22 age group. Perhaps because oftheir maturity and because ofthe high level ofmotivation needed to be a "non-traditional" student, the respondents in the groups age 31 and up unanimously agreed that computers are a positive addition to their lives and must be part ofeach student's educational future. (See Table 4.17.) Another surprising result is that five males under 30 and four females under 23 think we rely too heavily on computer technology. Why are the younger students so much more uncomfortable with computers than their older counterparts? Older students may be more willing to embrace technology; they have been around long enough to remember how difficult it was to write a paper or perform complicated mathematical functions without the help oftechnology. Younger students do not have the experience necessary to compare their world (with technology) with the previous (pre-technology) world. Most ofthem are too young to remember 2400-baud modems and tape drives, let 61 alone carbon paper and "white-out." They cannot imagine a world without 250-megabyte portable storage and high-speed Internet access. Older students can imagine it-and for the most part, responses seem to indicate, they would like to leave it behind. Table 4.17. Question 6: I would describe my comfort level with computer technology as follows: MALES, AGES 18·22 23·30 31-40 41·50 FEMALES, AGES 50+ 18·22 23·30 31-40 41·50 50+ I am very uncomfortable with computers and would refer not to have to use them 0.00% 20.00% I am uncomfortable with computers but feel I must learn to kee u with technolo 14.29% 20.00% I am comfortable with computers and am eager to learn more and to ensure their place in my educational uture 66.67% 20.00% 14.29% 40.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.88% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.88% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 64.71% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 23.53% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3g. Question 7: Familiarity with the Internet and World Wide Web Not long ago-six years, maybe-the Internet (a system oflinks between computer networks all over the world) and World Wide Web (the Internet's graphical interface) were hot topics, the subjects ofcover stories on seemingly every major magazine and on every television talk show and news program. People who had never used the Internet- and many people had not, at that point-were afraid ofit. The growing number ofpeople who had used the Internet by then had stories to tell: hours and hours in chat rooms, mailboxes stuffed with messages from lively Usenet discussion groups, memberships to "bulletin boards" in every major city and most ofthe smaller ones. The media quickly jumped on any sordid tale-for instance, a woman falls in love online, only to find out when she meets her "dream man" that he is nothing like his online persona; in fact, he's actually a kidnapper and rapist. The Internet was newer then, and it was frightening. Now that most students have used the Internet-in fact, most oftheir parents have, too--the fear is turning to curiosity and fascination. Users see that most ofthe 62 people they meet online are just as nonnal as they are, and that they can generally avoid people who are likely to misrepresent themselves by avoiding certain situations (chat rooms being the best example). The Internet has grown from its humble beginnings as a link among universities; now, anyone can publish practically anything, so users have to look harder to find good infonnation. The responses in my sample reflect widespread interest in the Internet and World Wide Web, as well as concern that good, reliable infonnation is sometimes hard to find. All ofthe respondents said they either have experience using the Internet or want to gain experience. Not surprisingly, well over halfthe students 18-22 said they use the Internet "extensively" for business, recreation, and school purposes, and another 40% or so have "moderate" experience with the Internet. The numbers for the 23-30 age group are similar: 60% ofwomen and 40% ofmen use the Internet "extensively," with another 40% ofboth genders using it "moderately." All ofthe women over 30 have at least "moderate" experience. (See Table 4.18.) These results help explain the responses to Question 8. Table 4.18. Question 7: I would describe my familiarity with the InternetIWorld Wide Web as follows: MALES, AGES 18·22 23·30 31-40 41·50 FEMALES, AGES 50+ 18·22 23·30 31-40 41·50 50+ I have little or no ex erience and wish to learn more 4.76% 20.00% I have moderate experience using the Internet for mainl ersonal/recreational uses 23.81% 20.00% I have moderate experience using the Internet for mainl scholastic uses 14.29% 20.00% I use the Internet extensively for business, recreation, nd school ur oses 57.14% 40.00% I have little or no experience with the Internet and do not wish to learn 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 17.65% 20.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 100.00% 23.53% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 58.82% 60.00% 50.00% 50.00% 63 3h. Question 8: Level ofsatisfaction with the Internet as a tool and with quality of information on the Internet Every respondent acknowledged at least some satisfaction with the Internet as a research tool. The majority ofboth males and females find the Internet "somewhat helpful" in their research; males 18-22 are more than twice as likely to rate the Internet as "somewhat helpful" as they are to say they do the "majority" oftheir research online and "rarely or never" cannot find what they seek. Females in the same age group were three times as likely to rate the Internet as a "somewhat helpful" research tool as they were to say it is very helpful. Results are similar in the other age groups (except in the groups that have fewer than four respondents). (See Table 4.19.) Only one respondent claimed that information on the Internet is "basically worthless." Everyone else finds "useful and reliable" information at least some ofthe time, and approximately halfofmen 30 and under said they are "always able" to find reliable information. Women in the 18-22 age group are more conservative: All those who answered the question (94%) said the quality ofinformation on the Internet is "spotty." Eighty percent offemales 23-30 agree; however, women 31-40 think the information they find is reliable and ofhigh quality. Women in the 41-50 age group are divided evenly between the two opinions (however, only 2 respondents fall in this age group). (See Table 4.20.) Table 4.19. Question 8a: I would describe my level of satisfaction with using the Internet for scholastic purposes as follows: MALES,AGES 18·22 23·30 31-40 41·50 FEMALES, AGES 50+ 18·22 23·30 31-40 41·50 50+ I find the Internet to be somewhat hel ful in research 66.67% 60.00% I do the majority of my research online and rarely or never cannot find what I need 28.57% 40.00% I do not find the Internet to be a useful tool in cholastic research 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 76.47% 80.00% 50.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 23.53% 20.00% 50.00% 0.00% 64 Table 4.20. Question 8b: I would describe the quality of information I have found on the Internet as follows: MALES, AGES 18·22 23-30 31-40 41-50 50+ FEMALES, AGES 18-22 23·30 31-40 41·50 50+ 42.86% 60.00% Information I find on the Internet is basicall worthless 4.76% 0.00% Spotty: sometimes useful and reliable, sometimes not, e endin on source 52.38% 40.00% am always able to find reliable, high-quality 'nformation on the Internet 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 94.12% 80.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 20.00% 75.00% 50.00% 4. Implications/or Today's Classrooms and Tomorrow's Research A composition instructor reading this research may be compelled to ensure that female students have equal opportunities to learn and equal access to technology. Gender studies show that females use different parts oftheir brain than males use for creative tasks and that females are socialized differently from males in their educational choices. Note that in my sample, ofthe nine students over 30, seven are female. Perhaps this is because women are still more likely to put their education and career on hold in favor offamily needs; thus, they are also more likely to be starting their education later in life. Until every incoming freshman has adequate computer skills to thrive in a computer-aided composition class, we teachers must be willing to offer what help we can to students needing remedial computer instruction (and ifwe can't give the students what they need, we should at least know where they can get help). The questionnaire clearly shows that the majority of students polled do use and are comfortable with computers and word processors; however, knowledge ofthis technology is by no means universal, and while we cannot hold back an entire class to help one or two technologically challenged students, we cannot leave those one or two stranded alongside the Information Superhighway, either. Helping our students gain experience with word processors and other technology will help them succeed in our classrooms; it may also help them express their creativity more fluently. Even ifusing a word processor does not necessarily cause a writer to produce material that is more creative, it certainly will help that writer to be more fluent-that is, to write more. With proper training, it may also influence the writer's development and organizational skills. Writers who are comfortable with the computer, 66 who know their way around the software and can use it to make outlines, draw pictures and graphics, create tables ofdata, and more, can probably produce work that is more logical and better organized than ifthey work on a typewriter or by hand. Past studies focusing on word processors have stressed the "learning factor": Ifwriters were not already familiar with the software, they tended to produce work that was shorter and less cohesive than work done by hand. Clearly, the "learning factor" is becoming less ofa problem today, as the questionnaire responses show. I expect that in ten years, we will rarely see a student who is not skilled in word processor use. As I said before, I plan to continue this research for several years. By putting the questionnaire in an online format, I can ensure that respondents answer each question (I can set up forms with fields that will prevent the user from advancing to the next question without first choosing an answer to the previous one). I can set up the forms to compile data automatically in a database, which can then be accessed by anyone curious about students' knowledge ofcomputer technology. And ifwe are to be effective composition teachers, we should be curious. In addition to being a teacher, though, I am also a creative writer. And as a creative writer, I want to know how the computer affects my creative process. Moreover, as an aspiring teacher ofcreative writing, I want to know how the computer will be a part ofmy students' lives and how it will affect their creative output. This small study of68 freshman writers is just a beginning; I hope more researchers will try to find out how the computer affects our writing. Ifa word processor can help us develop our ideas better, if it can help us organize our thoughts, ifit can just help us get more words down in less time-then it is certainly affecting our creative process. Computer word processing may 67 not turn Jane Doe into Jane Austen, but ifit is destined to become part ofour lives anyway, then we should use this technology to its full potential-just as we try to learn and use our own skills and talents to their full potential. As discussed in Section 1, computers are more than just efficient writing tools. Computers are fun. As they become a permanent part ofour lives, and as we become more familiar with their capabilities, we learn how to do more than just type papers and correct spelling. We learn how to add visual elements to our text; we learn how to add music, movies, and interactive elements that draw our readers into the text. Playing with computers not only engages us in our task but also helps us to engage our readers. Add the Internet and World Wide Web to the creative process, and we gain the ability to share our work with the whole world. Ofcourse, the fun ofcomputers can be as much a detriment to the creative process as it can be a catalyst. Ifwe allow ourselves to become too focused on aspects other than the text-ifwe shift the balance away from quality work toward decoration and fun-we perhaps trade good work for color and music. And ifwe don't take the time to learn where to find reliable information on the Internet, opting instead for the quick answers offered by search engines, then we may trade good research for worthless garbage. Computer technology can benefit writers or it can harm us, depending on our willingness to learn to use it properly. The best creative writers today are creative no matter what tools they use; of course, many ofthem choose the word processor. For ease ofediting, for electronic submissions, for Spell-Check, for myriad reasons, writers today choose word processors over typewriters or pen and paper. Students choose word processors for many ofthe same 68 reasons. Why not help them get the most out oftheir writing experience by giving them the training they need and encouraging them to have fun? Their writing will likely improve as a result. Appendix 1: "Technology in the Classroom Questionnaire" 69 TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM QUESTIONNAIRE ...J ...J ...J ...J ...J ...J ...J ...J ...J ...J ...J ...J ...J ...J ...J Please read the following questions carefully and answer them honestly. Do not include your name on this survey. Myage: _ My gender: Male 0 Female 0 1. I would describe my experience level in computer use as follows (choose only one answer): o I am anovice computer user o I have limited computer experience o I have taken at least one class in which computers were used o I have taken several classes in which computers were used, and/or I have extensive computer experience from using a home computer o I am an expert computer user • 3a. Iwould describe my familiarity with word processing · software as follows (choose only one answer): •0 I am not at all familiar with word processing software o I have limited experience with w.p. software o I have taken aclass in aw.p. application or have equivalent experience/ knowledge o I have taken several classes in multiple w.p. applications or have equivalent experience/ knowledge · 0 I am an expert w.p. user · 3b. Software with which I am familiar (check all that apply): o WordPerfect o Microsoft Word or Works o Macintosh applications o Other (please specify) _ 5. I would describe my use of computers for writing as follows (choose only one answer): o I prefer to handwrite throughout the writing process, including final drafts o I prefer to handwrite throughout the writing process, but will reluctantly type any final drafts or have them typed for me o I use acombination of handwriting and typing in my writing process o I do very little or no handwriting and prefer to perform the entire writing process on computer 2. Iwould describe my keyboarding (typing) skills as follows (choose only one answer): o I cannot type at all o I have limited typing skills o I have taken atyping class or have otherwise developed good typing skills o I have taken extensive keyboarding classes, and/or I have typed amajority of my schoolwork o Iwork or have worked at ajob requiring typing speeds of 12,000 kph or 60 wpm or more, or have equivalent typing/keyboarding skill 4. Iwould describe my background in relation to computers as follows (choose only one answer): o I did not have acomputer at home when I was growing up (for whatever reason-they weren't invented yet, we didn't have the money, etc.) o I did not have acomputer in my home but had access to one elsewhere o I had acomputer at home when Iwas growing up but was not permitted to use it o I had acomputer at home and used it at least occasionally 6. Iwould describe my comfort level with computer technology as follows (choose only one answer): o I am very uncomfortable with computers and would prefer not to have to use them o I am uncomfortable with computers but feel I must learn to keep up with technology o I am comfortable with computers and am eager to learn more and to ensure their place in my educational future o I am comfortable with computers but do not think we should rely so heavily upon them Appendix 1: "Technology in the Classroom Questionnaire" 70 'i,'iwCluld'describemyfamiliariiywith the Internet!WClrld Wide '8a,'I w()ulddescritJe' my level' ()fsalisfaCli()nwithusingthe" Web as follows (choose only one answer): Internet for scholastic purposes as follows (choose only one answer): o I have little or no experience with the Internet and do not o I do not find the Internet to be a useful tool in scholasticwish to learn o I have little or no experience and wish to learn more research o I have moderate experience using the Internet for mainly o Ifind the Internet to be somewhat helpful in research personal/recreational uses o I do the majority of my research online and rarely or never o I have moderate experience using the Internet for mainly cannot find what I need scholastic uses o I use the Internet extensively for business, recreation, and 8b, I would describe the quality of information I have found on school purposes the Internet as follows (choose only one answer): o Information Ifind on the Internet is basically worthless o Spotty: sometimes useful and reliable, sometimes not, depending on source o I am always able to find reliable, high-quality information on the Internet Please add any comments on the above questions in this space. Number your comments to correspond with the question to which they refer. Thank you! Appendix 2: Comparison ofQuestionnaire Responses By Gender 71 "TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM" RESPONSES LISTED BY GENDER Question 1: I would describe my experience level in computer use as follows: ALL MALES ALL FEMALES I am a novice comouter user 5 17.86% 0 0.00% I have limited comouter exoerience 4 14.29% 9 32.14% I have taken at least one class in which computers were used 4 14.29% 3 10.71% I have taken several classes in which computers were used, and/or I have extensive computer experience from using a home computer 11 39.29% 15 53.57% I am an expert computer user 3 10.71% 1 3.57% Respondents Question 2: I would describe my keyboarding (typing) skills as follows: 27 ALL MALES 28 ALL FEMALES I cannot lvoe at all 0 0.00% 1 3.57% I have limited typing skills 10 35.71% 6 21.43% I have taken a typing class or have otherwise developed aood lvpina skills 8 28.57% 11 39.29% I have taken extensive keyboarding classes, and/or I have typed a majority of my schoolwork 9 32.14% 6 21.43% I work or have worked at a job requiring typing speeds of 12,000 kph or 60 wpm or more, or have equivalent lvoina/kevboardina skill 1 3.57% 4 14.29% Respondents Question 3a: I would describe my familiarity with word processing software as follows: 28 ALL MALES 28 ALL FEMALES I am not at all familiar with word processina software 1 3.57% 1 3.57% I have limited exoerience with wo software 9 32.14% 8 28.57% I have taken a class in a wp application or have equivalent experience/knowledae 5 17.86% 13 46.43% I have taken several classes in multiple wp applications or have equivalent exoerience/knowledae 9 32.14% 6 21.43% I am an expert wp user 4 14.29% 0 0.00% Respondents Question 3b: Software with which I am familiar (check all that apply): 28 ALL MALES 28 ALL FEMALES Corel WordPerfect 10 35.71% 18 64.29% Microsoft Word or Works 24 85.71% 26 92.86% Macintosh applications 6 21.43% 3 10.71% Other (please specify) 0 0.00% 3 10.71% Responses 40 50 Note: Because respondents could choose more than one response to this question, total responses are greater than totals for the other questions. Appendix 2: Comparison ofQuestionnaire Responses By Gender Question 4: I would describe my background in relation to computers as follows: 72 ALL MALES ALL FEMALES I did not have a computer at home when I was growing up (for whatever reason--they weren't invented yet, we didn't have the money, etc.) 3 10.71% 10 35.71% I did not have a computer in my home but had access to one elsewhere 3 10.71% 7 25.00% I had a computer at home when I was growing up but was not oermitted to use it 1 3.57% 0 0.00% I had a comouter at home and used it at least occasionallv 21 75.00% 11 39.29% Respondents Question 5: I would describe my use of computers for writing as follows: 28 ALL MALES 28 ALL FEMALES I prefer to handwrite throughout the writing process, including final drafts 1 3.57% 1 3.57% I prefer to handwrite throughout the writing process, but will reluctantly type any final drafts or have them typed for me 2 7.14% 3 10.71% I use a combination of handwriting and typing in my writing process 13 46.43% 9 32.14% I do very little or no handwriting and prefer to perform the entire writing process on comouter 12 42.86% 15 53.57% Respondents Question 6: I would describe my comfort level with computer technology as follows: 28 ALL MALES 28 ALL FEMALES I am very uncomfortable with computers and would prefer not to have to use them 1 3.57% 1 3.57% I am uncomfortable with computers but feel I must learn to keep uo with technoloQY 4 14.29% 1 3.57% I am comfortable with computers and am eager to learn more and to ensure their place in my educational future 17 60.71% 22 78.57% I am comfortable with computers but do not think we should rely so heavily upon them 5 17.86% 4 14.29% Respondents Question 1: I would describe my familiarity with the InternetJWorld Wide Web as follows: 27 ALL MALES 28 ALL FEMALES I have little or no experience with the Internet and do not wish to learn 0 0.00% 0 0.00% I have little or no exoerience and wish to learn more 3 10.71% 0 0.00% I have moderate experience using the Internet for mainly Ipersonal/recreational uses 6 21.43% 7 25.00% I have moderate experience using the Internet for mainly scholastic uses 5 17.86% 5 17.86% I use the Internet extensively for business, recreation, and school purposes 14 50.00% 16 57.14% Respondents 28 28 mv Appendix 2: Comparison ofQuestionnaire Responses By Gender Question 8a: I would describe my level of satisfaction with using the Internet for scholastic purposes as follows: 73 ALL MALES ALL FEMALES I do not find the Internet to be a useful tool in scholastic research 1 3.57% 0 0.00% I find the Internet to be somewhat heleful in research 17 60.71% 21 75.00% I do the majority of my research online and rarely or never cannot find what I need 9 32.14% 7 25.00% Respondents Question 8b: I would describe the quality of information I have found on the Internet as follows: 27 ALL MALES 28 ALL FEMALES Information I find on the Internet is basicallv worthless 1 3.57% 0 0.00% Spotty: sometimes useful and reliable, sometimes not, deeendina on source 14 50.00% 21 75.00% I am always able to find reliable, high-quality information on the Internet 13 46.43% 5 17.86% Respondents 28 26 Note: Where number of respondents does not add up to 28 in either gender, one or more respondents failed to answer a question. Where percentages do not add up to 100%, the same is true; in cases in which the discrepancy is less than a percentage point, however, the discrepancy is due to decimal rounding. Appendix 3: Comparison o/Questionnaire Responses ByAge Group 74 "TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM" RESPONSES LISTED BY AGE GROUP Question 1: I would describe my experience level In computer use as follows: MALES FEMALES 18-22 23-30 41·50 50+ 18-22 23·30 31-40 41·50 50+ I am a novice com uter user 9.52% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% I have limited com uter ex erience 19.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 29.41% 40.00% 50.00% 0.00% I have taken at least one class in which com uters were used 9.52% 20.00% 0.00% 100.00% 11.76% 0.00% 25.00% 0.00% I have taken several classes in which computers were used, and/or I have eX1ensive computer experience from using a home com uter 47.62% 0.00% 0.00% 52.94% 60.00% 25.00% 100.00% 14.29% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.88% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Question 2: I would describe my keyboarding (typing) skills as follows: MALES FEMALES 18·22 23-30 31-40 41·50 50+ 18-22 23·30 31-40 41·50 50+ I cannot 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% 0.00% I have limited skills 28.57% 40.00% 100.00% 100.00% 23.53% 20.00% 25.00% 0.00% I have laken a typing class or have otherwise develo d ood in skills 33.33% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 35.29% 60.00% 0.00% 100.00% I have taken eX1ensive keyboarding classes, and/or I have typed a majority of my schoolwork 33.33% 40.00% 0.00% 0.00% 29.41% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.76% 0.00% 11.76% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% Question 3a: I would describe my familiarity with word processing software as follows: MALES FEMALES 18·22 23-30 31-40 41-50 50+ 18·22 23·30 31-40 41-50 I am not at all familiar with word processing software 0.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 23.81% 100.00% 23.53% 40.00% 50.00% 0.00% 23.81% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 58.82% 0.00% 25.00% 100.00% 33.33% 40.00% 0.00% 0.00% 17.65% 40.00% 25.00% 0.00% 19.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Question 3b: Software with which I am familiar (check all that apply): MALES FEMALES 18-22 23·30 41·50 50+ 18·22 23-30 31-40 41-50 Corel WordPerfect 33.33% 100.00% 52.94% 100.00% 75.00% 50.00% Microsoft Word or Works 85.71% 80.00% 100.00% 100.00% 88.24% 100.00% 100.00% 19.05% 20.00% 0.00% 100.00% 11.76% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 11.76% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% Number of respondents In each category: 21 5 0 17 5 4 2 0 Appendix 3: Comparison ofQuestionnaire Responses By Age Group 75 . Question 4: I would describe my background In relation to computers as follows: 18·22 23-30 I did not have a computer at home when I was growing up (for whatever reason--they weren't invented yet, we didn't have the mone ,etc. 4.76% 20.00% I did not have a computer in my home but had access to one elsewhere 4.76% 20.00% I had a computer at home when I was growing up but was not ermitted to use it 4.76% 0.00% I had a computer at home and used it at least occasionall 85.71% 60.00% MALES FEMALES 50+ 18·22 23·30 31-40 41-50 50+ 0.00% 100.00% 11.76% 60.00% 75.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 29.41% 20.00% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 58.82% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%0.00%0.00% 20.00%0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 17.65% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 52.94% 40.00% 75.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 29.41% 40.00% 25.00% MALES FEMALES 18-22 23·30 31-40 _4..;..1'-.5=-:0:......,-----=:.50::...+--,r- 1 .:..:;8;..;.2=2:--,-.::;23::...-=.;30:.....,....:3;..;1_-40=-,....:4..;..1-..=50.::....,;;;50m,+ illl!~4.76% 0.00% 4.76% 20.00% 38.10% 60.00% 52.38% 20.00% Question 5: I would describe my use of computers for writing as follows: I use a combination of handwriting and typing in my writin rocess I prefer to handwrite throughout the writing process, includin final drafts I prefer to handwrite throughout the writing process, but will reluctantly type any final drafts or have them ed forme Sl! 100.00% 100.00% 64.71% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%mf:~; 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% FEMALES 18-22 23·30 31-40 41·50 50+ 5.88% 5.88% 50+ 0.00% 0.00% 23.53% 0.00% 0.00% 41·50 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% MALES 18·22 23-30 14.29% 40.00% Question 6: I would describe my comfort level with computer technology as follows: I am very uncomfortable with computers and would refer not to have to use them 0.00% 20.00% I am uncomfortable with computers but feel I must learn to kee u with technolo 14.29% 20.00% I am comfortable with computers and am eager to learn more and to ensure their place in my educational future 66.67% 20.00% Question 7: I would describe my familiarity with the InternetIWorld Wide Web as follows: MALES FEMALES 18·22 23·30 41-50 50+ 18·22 23-30 31-40 41-50 50+ I have little or no experience with the Internet and do not wish to learn 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% I have little or no ex erience and wish to learn more 4.76% 20.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% I have moderate experience using the Internet for mainl ersonal/recreational uses 23.81% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 17.65% 20.00% 50.00% I have moderate experience using the Internet for mainl scholastic uses 14.29% 20.00% 0.00% 100.00% 23.53% 20.00% 0.00% I use the Internet extensively for business, recreation, and school ur oses 57.14% 40.00% 0.00% 0.00% 58.82% 60.00% 50.00% 50.00% Number of respondents in each category: 21 17 5 4 illl!~ mf:~; Appendix 3: Comparison ofQuestionnaire Responses By Age Group 76 I do not find the Internet to be a useful tool in scholastic research 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 23.53% 20.00% 50.00% 0.00% MALES FEMALES 18-22 23·30 31_40----::.41.:.....=:5o:.....,---=5o=o:.:.+--.,1'""8:...:.2==2'-r-"'23~.3"'0~~3-'-1-40~,....:4~1~-5==0:...,;~ 28.57% 40.00% 66.67% 60.00% I do the majority of my research online and rarely or never cannot find what I need I find the Internet to be somewhat hel ful in research Question 8a: I would describe my level of satisfaction with using the Internet for scholastic purposes as follows: Information I find on the Internet is basicall worthless 4.76% 0.00% Spotty: sometimes useful and reliable, sometimes not, de endin on source 52.38% 40.00% I am always able to find reliable. high-quality information on the Inlernet 42.86% 60.00% 18·22 23·30 2 04517 FEMALES 18·22 23·30 31_40 41-5050+ 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 41-50 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 20.00% 75.00% 50.00% 100.00% 0.00% 94.12% 80.00% 0.00% 50.00% MALES 521Number of respondents in each category: Question 8b: I would describe the quality of information I have found on the Internet as follows: Note: Where percentages do not add up to 100%, one or more subjects did not respond to the question. ----::.41.:.....=:5o:.....,---=5o=o:.:.+--.,1'""8:...:.2==2'-r-"'23~.3"'0~~3-'-1-40~,....:4~1~-5==0:...,;~ Appendix 4: Statement ofInformed Consent 77 STATEMENT OF INFORMED CONSENT Please read carefully and sign the appropriate section ofthisform (do not sign both!). A copy will be provided to you upon request. Ifyou have any questions,feelfree to ask. Thank you. A. Consent to Participate in Research By signing below, I acknowledge I) that I have been informed of my participation in a research project involving approximately 75-100 students, who will each supply a writing sample that will be used to study the effects ofcomputer use on composition; 2) that I consent to participate in such research, realizing that there is in this research virtually no risk or minimal risk to me; 3) that any identifying information I give to the researcher(s) will not be used in conjunction with the products ofmy participation in this research, and that my confidentiality will be assured; 4) that the results ofthis research may be made available to me at my request, by contacting my English 1550 instructor; 5) that my participation in this research is entirely voluntary; 6) that the results of this research may be beneficial in the future design ofcomputer-based composition courses; 7) that I am age 18 or over; 8) and that nothing in the above statement ofconsent is intended to preempt any applicable Federal, State, or local laws. Participant's Signature Date Direct Any Questions to Principal Investigator: Holly M. Wells, Graduate Student, English 298 DeBartolo Hall, Youngstown State University (330) 742-4627 or to Advisor: Bege K. Bowers, Ph.D., Professor ofEnglish, 224 DeBartolo Hall (330) 742-1655 B. Refusal to Participate in Research By signing below, I acknowledge my decision not to participate in the research as outlined above. I understand that my refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which I would otherwise be entitled. Participant's Signature Witness's Signature (jor Consent or Refusal) Date Date Appendix 5: Narrative Essay Prompt, As Given to Subjects in Handwriting Condition 78 NARRATIVE ESSAY Directions: Read through the topic printed below and write a narrative (story) in response. You will have 40 minutes to write, so use your allotted time wisely. In the area provided below, please write any brainstorming, outlining, etc., that you do before beginning to write your story. Then, in the section labeled "Narrative, " write your story. Please write as legibly as possible. Ifyou do any editing, DO NOT OBLITERATE (by erasing or scratching out) the text being changed; simply put a line threugh it, so that it remains legible. When the allotted time has expired, the instructor will notify you to finish the sentence you are working on. Please do so promptly. When you have finished, give your essay to the instructor. You will then be asked to sign a short consent form acknowledging that you are consenting to take part in this study. Please have fun with this assignment! Please enter your name and age: Age:Name: ___________________---"=;0.;;. Topic Write a narrative about the following: One morning, you (or your main character) awaken to discover that humankind has developed-or been given-the ability to become invisible at will. You may write your narrative in any format or style you wish to use. Appendix 5: Narrative Essay Prompt, As Given to Subjects in Handwriting Condition 79 Brainstorming Area Use this area to list ideas, brainstonn, outline, or use any other technique you find helpful for organization of ideas. You are not required to brainstonn; this space is provided for your convenience should you wish to do so. Appendix 5: Narrative Essay Prompt, As Given to Subjects in Handwriting Condition 80 Narrative Use this area to write your story. Ifyou need more paper, please ask your instructor. Appendix 5: Narrative Essay Prompt, As Given to Subjects in Handwriting Condition 81 Appendix 5: Narrative Essay Prompt, As Given to Subjects in Handwriting Condition 82 Appendix 5: Narrative Essay Prompt, As Given to Subjects in Handwriting Condition 83 Once again, thank you for participating in this study. Appendix 6: Narrative Essay Prompt, As Given to Subjects in Computer Condition 84 NARRATIVE ESSAY Directions: Read through the topic printed below and write a narrative (story) in response. You will have 40 minutes to write, so use your allotted time wisely. (Do not worry ifyou do not consider yourselfa fast typist.) In the area provided below, please type and save any brainstorming, outlining, etc., that you do before beginning to write your story. Then, in the section labeled "Narrative, " write your story. When the allotted time has expired, the instructor will notify you to finish the sentence you are working on and click "Save. " Be sure that you have saved the document to the 3Yz /I floppy drive ("A'') and not to the hard drive ("e" or "D ''). When instructed to do so, please print 011t tifO (2) copies ofyour narrative and give them to your instructor. You will then be asked to sign a short consentform acknowledging that you are consenting to take part in this study. Please have fun with this assignment! Please click on the grey box to enter your name and age: Name: Age: Topic Write a narrative about the following: One morning, you (or your main character) awaken to discover that humankind has developed-or been given-the ability to become invisible at will. In the Brainstorming area, you may wish to think out the implications of this idea before deciding what to write about. You may write your narrative in any format or style you wish to use. Brainstorming Area Click on the grey box below to enter text. Use this area to list ideas, brainstorm, outline, or use any other technique you find helpful for organization of ideas. Do not delete your brainstorming! Narrative Use this area to write your story. Click on the grey box below to enter text. Text will overflow onto additional pages as needed. Once again, thank you for participating in this study. Please remember to SAVE your document! 85 Works Cited Amabile, Teresa M. Creativity in Context. 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Wells, Graduate Student Department of English CAMPUS RE: HSRC Protocol #35-01 Dear Dr.Bowers and Ms. Wells: The Human Subjects Research Committee of Youngstown State University has reviewed your protocol, "The Effects of Computer Word Processor Use on Creative Process in Freshman Composition," (HSRC #35-01). Based on the information provided, the above protocol was determined to be exempt from full committee review under U.S. DHHS Category 1 exemption. The Committee would like to remind the Principal Investigator to ensure all participants of the project are over 18. Any changes in your research activity should be promptly reported to the Human Subjects Research Committee and may not be initiated without HSRC approval except where necessary to eliminate hazard to human subjects. Any unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects should also be promptly reported to the Human Subjects Research Committee. The HSRC would like to extend its best wishes to you in the conduct of this study. eter Dean, School of Graduate S dies Research Compliance Officer P1K/cc \N\Vw.ysu.edu