CHAPTER 9 Looking Forward Looking Forward Through the self-study processl the NCA Steering Committee identi- fied strengths of the institution, as well as issues that need future attention. The committee used many of these tentative conclusions as the basis for a campus-wide survey. Due to constraints of length, not all topics could be included on the survey. However, respondents expressed considerable agreement concerning those items that were included. Of the strengths! issues! and recommendations developed by the committee! there were none with which a majority of survey respondents disagreed. Based on review of the patterns of evidence dated to the five ac- creditation criteria, and the results of the NCA Campus Survey! certain strengths! trends! and challenges emerged as being particularly impor- tant. The institution is prepared to build its future on these strengths and to face the challenges identified through the self-study. Strengths MISSION Throughout the University! there is explicit attention to mission and to plaming that comects mission with action. YSU 2000 is not a docu- ment gathering dust on a shelf. A majority of employees agree that YSU 9-2 NORTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION SELF STUDY - has a clearly defined mission. The purposes articulated in the mission statement and the strategies to achieve them are well integrated into the functioning of the organization. New academic programs are developedf and existing programs are reviewed, in relationship to the mission. Annually, goals and objectives are developed, used! and evaluated to achieve the purposes outlined in YSU 2000. PROVIDING ACCESS AND NURTURING EXCELLENCE Youngstown State University demonstrates that nurturing excel- lence and providing broad access are not mutually exclusive in higher education. YSU is proud of its highly selective University Scholars Program and of its tradition as an open-admissions institu- tion. The University offers a model Honors Program for high-achiev- ing students, as well as special services for underprepared students. The YSU mission states that the "primary test of the Universityfs effectiveness is the high quality of its graduatesf the kinds of lives they lead! their accomplishments, and their service to society.ff The accomplishments of YSU students and alumni are evidence that an open-admissions institution can prepare graduates who are able to compete nationally. FOCUS ON TEACHING Quality undergraduate education is the core of the institution. The low student-faculty ratio and the proportion of courses taught by highly qualified full-time faculty demonstrate the commitment to excellence in teaching. That a majority of courses are taught by full- time faculty is particularly noteworthy in an urban institution, where typically a large proportion of courses are taught by part-time faculty. Professional accreditation recognizes the quality of many YSU programs, and students and alumni express satisfaction with the quality of instruction. MAAG LIBRARY Contributing to the quality of education is Maag Library, which is recognized by students! alumni, and faculty as a particular asset to the institution. OhioLINKl which provides convenient access to library collections of more than six million items, is a valuable resoume for instruction and research. CHAPTER 9: LOOKING FORWARD 9-3 CAMPUS FACILITIES Members of the YSU community also agree that YSU has an attrac- tive campus. The appearance of the campus contributes to the quality of life for those who work and study at the University and also for those who live or work nearby. Ohio provides excellent support for building and maintaining the physical plant. Campus 2000 has brought the community and the University together to improve the surrounding neighborhood as well. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Careful financial management during the recent period of re- source reduction demonstrates the University's commitment to securing its future and being accountable to the public. The institution's efforts to live within its means and to build its reserves have been commended by the Ohio Board of Regents. Early retire- ment incentive programs were instrumental in achieving financial stability by permitting reduction in size and realignment of person- nel to match institutional priorities. DEDICATED PERSONNEL The institution benefits from highly dedicated staff! facultyl ad- ministrators, and Board members. This dedication has enabled the institution to cope with a high level of change. Even positive and welcome change is often stressful. A majority of employees strongly agree that reduction in personnel has increased stress. Nevertheless! many individuals have taken on new responsibilitiesl cooperated to reorganize and streamline, and reallocated resources to achieve new goals. Board members also have analyzed their effectiveness! set and accomplished goals, and participated actively in the development of new policies and procedures. There is a willingness to work together for the common good. Two specific examples of the sense of common purpose and cooperation are the changes in collective bargaining and the semester