[English Translation of letter from Beniamino Bisceglia, Guaratingueta, Brazil, March 9, 189?] Guaratingueta, March 9, 189?. My Dear Antonia Montelongo Yesterday I received your esteemed letter in which you revealed that you and our dear children are well, and [I assure you] the same may be said of me, of Luigino and of my brother, and of Donato, we are all well. A few days ago Nicolino didn’t feel very well. Yesterday I sent him to Sao Paolo, to the three Italian employers to supply us with provisions. These same three employers assisted us another time in Sao Paolo, and the medicine that they prescribed to Luigino [rest of page illegible] [Reverse of page:] immensely far away from the eyes, far from the heart how far away you all are, living there in Montelongo, now that I am not there they do not respect me, but however I do not [illegible]la think of returning 12 days [illegible] from Rio de Janeiro to [Gordo], and 4 days [illegible] which makes 16 days and I [tear in paper] [illegible] Antonia perhaps they think that I returned to Brazil and I’ll never come back to Italy? I am the father of children and Husband [illegible], I am not a man who does not love his family. Antonia you keep your dignity because it is I who support you; there is providence at work in all places [illegible]; you think you shouldn’t leave for the reason that you don’t know how things will go in Brazil and if you don’t write to me there [illegible] Well... as for what I will eat [illegible] [rest of page torn off] [other folio] [illegible words] as far as I [illegible] want to know how [illegible] united with Our Children. I have told My Brother many times that he could not smoke because there wasn’t money to buy the tobacco, and I also told them all that in all the time I was delayed in Italy I ate a single rooster, and you there want lion. You know Antonia that in a few days will send you all a five lira note for [illegible] who will give it to you [illegible] singing for meat, I must give you half [rest of line illegible] Sunday, and monthly [illegible] meat, Antonia, you will tell me Giovanni to the [illegible] Michele Maria has, [illegible] Paolo an Family, has [illegible] family and tell him that[this part of page torn away] [Reverse of page] [illegible] or then tomorrow Antonia, you tell me that you stretched the Money [illegible] but how can I go to Rio de Janeiro? Because of the yellow fever that is causing a massacre, and once there, as soon as things are going well, I will go and send them the money. On the 22nd I sent you a registered letter with 50.00 Lire. I believe that you have received it and I am sending another 50.00 lire, and I tell you that these fifty lire I’m sending you are a reserve for your [illegible] and for the children. Antonia you did not let me know if [this part of page torn away]Maria Antonia still has it you said nothing of Lucia Caterina and of Angiolina [illegible] what [illegible] you know well that I everything. [illegible] should write about it today  Translator’s note: “out of sight, out of mind”