Spiced Cakes Take a kilo of honey, some shelled almonds, and mix them with a lot of semolina flour until the dough becomes hard. Add orange rind. Put this mixture in a container. The next day make a small loaf and cut it into spiced cakes and put them in the oven to bake. Almond Pastry One kilo of flour, 400 grams of almonds, 400 grams of sugar, 30 grams of *ammonium carbonate, eight eggs, around a 100 grams of oil, and grated lemon peel. Directions: Dissolve the ammonium carbonate in the oil and the eggs and make a paste of all of it. Form big loaves and brush them with egg white. When they have a gold color, they’re cooked. Cut them into bars and cook them again. After that you can eat them. Pastry A kilo of cake flour, twelve eggs, twelve tablespoons of melted lard, 300 grams of sugar, grated lemon peel, 25 grams of ammonium carbonate. Make a dough without mixing too much. Make the shapes that you want and bake them in the oven. You’ll need a machine to make the soft drinks. The salesman will give you the instructions.