Paper 2 Tags: Religion/folk practices Health Dear Aunt Lucia, We were happy you sent us your best wishes for a good Easter. We received your postcard. Mom can’t walk. I look after her and do my best so that she doesn’t lack anything. She and I hold you in our thoughts. I remember you every morning at Mass. We‘re happy that you’re fairly well with your family. Dear Aunt, when Mom saw your handwriting she started crying saying, “She is my sister, Lucia.” I told her not to cry and she said, “I have loved her a lot. I would like to know her, but we are too far. But the Lord wanted […]” Dear greetings from your family (here), from Mom, from your niece Antonietta2 who always thinks about you. Aunt, write to me soon. Mom kisses you.  “Niece” is the translation for the Italian nipote, which has several meanings: for the feminine, “niece” or “granddaughter” for the masculine, “nephew” or “grandson”. 2Antonietta Macchiagodena is the author of this letter. “Mom” is Angiolina Bisceglia Macchiagodena, Lucia’s sister.