COVER SHEET TO BE ATTACHED TO ALL REPORTS SUBMITTED TO THE ACADEMIC SENATE Date __ ~_~+-__ ~_2_lf=-____ _ Report Number (FOT Senate Use Only) Name of Committee Submitting Report a~d~· Committee Status: (elected chartered, appointed charter~ ad hoc, etc.) __________ _ Names of Committee members: -------------------------------------------------------- Please write a brief summary of the report which the Committee is submitting to the Senate:_(~ttach complete report) ---ri .... ~~ 6&~.J .;~~......:t ,~ ~~~~~ 1"~~~~' Do you anticipate making a formal motion relative to the report?~AJ.~·~~~ __________ __ If so, state the motion: ----------------------------------------------------------- If there are substantive changes made from the floor in your committee recommendation, would the committee prefer that the matter be sent back to committee for further cons ideration? /U, 4, --~~~~---------------------------------------------------------- Other relevant data: ---------------------------------------------------------- Chairman (please initial)