February 7#1~77 Hembers Present: lluest: Previous ~'1inutes: A.,A.B. Degree in Court/Conference Reporting: 11\01" Grade: tratlve "\01 1 5 11 Baldino, Edgar, Kho.u!J.ja., Ilakojarvi, Quinby,.Scriven~ Shuster, Skarote, Vogel Dr. Jonas The minutes of January 31 0 1971,wel~approved unanimously as distributedb The committee was informed that :-1rs 0 Phillips, Chairman of BB ':.: 'II, has indicated -that the A ..A.P-.- Degree proposal is acceptable to her in the form approved by the Academic .!.ffairs CODlOlittee 0 Dro Jonas resumed his disscussion of January 24,1977~ He pointed out the need to clearly state that aomtnis should not be recorded on transcripts under any circumstances.. 11e also pointed out that it Hould be better to nrohibit any notation forwithdray~ls up to and inclUding the last day to add or drop a cIass 0 lie also suggested th t the recomrllended policy statement on complete withdrawals should be rexaLuned on it acadelluc basis. He was informed that the state.uent on complete withdrauals was developed primarily as a result of concerns of Mro Martindale and to facilitate his worko Dro Jonas also inquired about extending the withdraual pSl"iod to lL r days w1d pointed out certain benefits and drawbacks to such achal~e.It was the consensus of the conl::aittee that DroJonas be requested to rewrite the policy statement on~ithdra~Jals9and that thisstatez~entbe developed-in consu tion with Nr. dartindale and limit thewithdra~-1alperiod to(~pto and including the last day to add or drop aclass~'Dr. Jonas agreed to send a statement for committ~e-~eviewnext weeko P R Grade l;ext Meeting: IK/mh Dro Jonas oointed out certain concerns about the PR grade r3cording procedures and requested the committee ahould examine certain aspects or PR gradeo He also volunteered to come to the committeea~d provide inJut about these aspects of' Pl\ grade 0 lIe'lrl~SinfoJ."med that the committee will schedule a ~~et~ngfo~thep~grade and inform him of the meeting? 'ilia next neeting 14111 Le h Id . 1977 at 10 . e on-~onda.yl'~:ebruary 14 1'he~endatJ~i~oi~cf~d:h~h.)eansCOnference r:oom, l!;::>B: iiealth see::ing exem:Jtion ;?~OPOS~l.from Allied .:'herapyPro~'ra- Jr ,r.- 0 ;,J. ....... 590 .for J..e:.:piratory 1nv1tedo '-' --. • .;.\.!l1.,lQ &nd .:Jr ...:in..;er Will be