( i't'~~,r~ute:s of P,C;;JOefl1~Co ': < ;; J~::~Gonen1 ittiae ;'ieet i ng !:\prli 9,137 1 '; Eoom E:3E\ 3:30 p.m. Members present: Or.Curran~ Dr. Sheng and Dr. VanNorman. Dr. Dr. Randolph Foster joined the cmrt,'lttee at their Invitation. The commIttee Nas interested to discuss~,,;!thhimSF',~*dingpractices and trends throughout the University. He explained to the co;rnuEttee some of the effects that new gradtng systems could have 011 figuring cumuiildve point averages "'lithin a University department. Particular reference W3S made to the use of CINC grades. Generally discussed were how the cu:m.dative averages for schools and depart ments were computed and how the Wgrade was used in the computation after the 14th day roster. CCI1".mittee membel·s asked questions they felt were relevant to their own colleges. Or. Foster indicated that he was abiding by the grading practice standards established by the Deans Council. The chairman reminded the committeeme~mbersthat the meeting for next Ir.'eek will address Itself, primarily, to the new 4-year transfer credit policy statement \'/hlch has still not been accepted by the Senate. It is hoped that Dean Edgar wi]) advise the committea of the Deans Council's opinions so that: thecommtt~eemay then consider further revisions and rewrite the proposal which may be taken to the Senate meating in Hay. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Harguerl te Foley Chairman NOTE: The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 16 at 3:30 p.m. in Room 291 ESB.