Hinutes of the Academi APf;:irsCommit:te(~11eeting December 4, 19 3 - i, p.m. - Rm.291 ESB Members present: Mr. Ceg1la, Or. Cur Or. Scriven, Or. Secrist, Dr. Sheng, an. !irs. Foley, Dr. Friedman, Mr. Rosenberg, r. \j;naman and Of'. lJanNorman. Mr, Nick Ceglia, the new student memb' )f the comnlittee, was Introduced by the chairman. a was agreed that theme~tingtime \tJ 1 h" changed to 3:30 p.rn.lnstead of 4:00. The minutes of the November 27 meetint'J.~r"accepted \!lith one addition. Foll0'1'Iing the statement by Dr. Scriven which re dsa~follows: "Dr. Scriven asked if the Eng1 ish Department would consider - i ,;!: l;.)(! of j.\BC/nc Entry - the ABC/No Credit since this would be more in line with':h~present system already approved by the Senate." should be added another stat ::le It for further clarification: "Dr. Scriven stated that people who hire our produ,~ll"f, entitled to a complete record of their academic performance." The chaIrman advised the comml ttee of 01 .I i'us Iness \"h i ch had been taken care of: the Issueof the hand icapped students hi.'1 I :leen taken to the Senate Execut Iva Com mittee chairman and the pt'oposal by t ,::: )e;;ns Coundl concerning the Associate Degree. Dr. Edgar, who was unable to at :elld thecommittf~emeeting, had advised the chairman that the Deans Council w 5ii ling to delete the phrase In their pro posal as recommended by the Academic, ff 11 's Committee but they wished to retain the two words "advanced stand i ng" and "J In or stand f ng." He wi 11 send th Is cor rect ion to the comm i ttee in wd tin9 5' t la. the proposa1 may be referred to the Senate for their consideration. The proposal from the English Departm discussed it with Dr. Edgar. There i Curriculum Committee has reviewed thi AffairsCo~mitteemay be premature in the grade change. After some discus by Dr. Scriven that the discussion on to the Academic Affairs Committee by Dr. Edgar is available to discuss it that it was important this proposal b that the motion be amended to read lit Dr. Edgar is available to discuss it passed: 9 for and one against. nt vii is cons Idered next. The chat rman had a possibil ity that until the University ;J 'op05a1 and come to a deds ion the Academ tc :olsdering the part of the proposal about i 01 . t~I/a~;moved by Dr. VanNorman and seconded tIt! lroposa1 be tab1ad untiIitis referred h(~U iver5ity Curriculum Committee or until :.r;h"r with the committee. Dr. Secrist feit C In idered as soon as possible so he asked ~Ii: cuss ion on the proposal be tabled until '.lr:ht;r with the Committee. 11 The motion The chairman will get in touch \f.;lth D • iaLn. chairman of the University Curriculum Committee, to see if that committee h 3li~cussed the proposal. There was some dis cussion as to whether there should be3i '0 nt meeting with the University Curriculum Committee about this proposal. The chairman then asked for other top ;:':3 fiJi" possible consideration by the committee for the remainder of the year. The c1~nt :ee was referred once again to the CAP proposal for the committee to cons ide I" was suggested that since the Deans tH nutes of the Me t 2/ 1 1/73 proposal concerning transfer credit n ;2, CC to Associate Degrees is to be brought to the Senate the additional question jf transfer credit for any and all other transfer students be considered at th ine. Dr. Vanaman moved and Dr. VanNorman seconded the motion that we accept fot t 3l'sfer credit at Youngstown State University any credit which would h.:lV{ m,t degree requiremEmts in the institution from which the transfer credit comes j ',e effective concun"ently with the proposal on recognizing the Associate Degree ft, f'insfer credit. The motion passed unanimously. The chairman was directed to advise e.:h 5(ho01 dean of this motion and suggest that he discuss it with the chairmen ", ill!" particular school. The cha i rman reported that Dr. Emi nh i; 3r hc:;,s i nd i cated that he wi 11 return to the committee as a member startingJanuar~.Wf will welcome his return. The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. ?);rl1~F~ Mrrguerite Foley , NOTE: The next meeting of the commit ?e w 11 probably be on Tuesday, January 8, at 3:30 in Room 291 ESl.