MINUTES .~-....-.-~-........~,..- -.... -_., -'.'" ":'" ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITIEE " YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY DATE: Monday, April 7, 1969, at 4:00 P.M•• in Central Hall, Room No.2. PRESENT: Chai""n Behen, Prof. Botty. Dr. D1110n. Prof. Fortunato, Dr. Hare, Dr. RichleY9 Dr. Chr1sp. ABSENT: Vice-President Coffield, Prof. Alleman, Dr. Bridgham 1. Chai..n Beben called tiM! _eting to order at 4:05 P.M. 2. The minutes of the last meeting (March 10, 1969) were approved as distributed. 3. Chai ...... Beben read the ea-ittee a..he had received from Miss Boyers Chair-n-Student AffafrsC..1ttee, 1nfo",,1ng us that the lIattendance-gr.ade" relationship utter currently under our consideration is to be placed in the hands of the deans of the various schools and colleges. Dr. Hare then moved, Prof. Botty seconded,and it was unanimously agreed .that lithe Aca.ic Affairs ee-1ttee defer further consideration of the "attenclance-gracll a relationship until the Student Affai rs eo.tttee's request to the deans has produced a result.- 4. Next discussed was the -Pass-Fan- proposition. Dr. Richley moved that. Dr. &eben's state.nt COftCern1ng our views on this matter be accepted with slight revision. Dr. Hare seconded and it was agreed that lithe Acadelaic Affairs co.ittee rec:Glmends that the University Senate provide for an ad~COIIDitteeto fo",'ate a proposed policy respecting what""lis CGIIOnly called ·Pass-Fa1l u grading. And that, the' senate instruct the, ad, hoc COIIIittee to hold '. open hearings for presentation of iinliifstration, faculty, and swdent views i and that the COIIIIIittee present to the Senate for action a policysta~ntrelating to pass-Fan. Further... • re. that the lei hoc~tteebe so constituted that it . contains both aaiin1strattve and non-.d11inistrative members of the facu,lty as well as stucients.· 5. It was generally agreed that the student 00. should be informed of recent actions taken by our a-ittee ( and approved bytbe senate) relative to the reduction of course credit fo.. 1rregu.1ar class attendance and the re tention of a stucleD6 graded written writ for inspection. An arttcle in the Jllllbar could posstbl" se.... as the most direct .IRS 1nfoming the studeAt body. Page 2 6. The next meeting will be hHld on April 14, 1969, at 4:00 P.M. in Central Hall, Room No.2. 7. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 ).M. Victor A. R1chley Recorder VAR:.. cc President Pugsl ey Dean Coffield Dean Edgar Prof. All_n Dr. Beben .Prof. Botty Dr. 8rtclg'" Dr. Chrisp Dr. Dn1. Prof. Fortunato. Dr. HaN Prof. Mi_ ,,/'Mrs. ScMuttgen