MINUTES ;l\CADEMIC AFFAIRS cor-tUmE YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY MTE: Monday. April 21.1969. at 4:00 P.M•• in Central Hall. Room No.2. ,."PRESENT: Chairman Behen. Prof. Botty. Prof.A11~,Dr. Bridgham. Prof. Fortunato. Dr. Hare. Dr. Richley. A8$~:Vice-President Coffield, Dean Edgar, Dr. Chrisp, Dr. D1110n. 1. Chainun Behen called the meeting to order at·4:05 P.M. 2. The IIl1nutes of the last .eting (April 14, 1969) were approved as distributed. 3. Afte..·.sOllle discussion on the Kelly proposal. Prof. Botty mved. Prof. Fortunato seconded and ittIIlas,unan1~slyapprOved tba't the paragraph below replace that listed under the title CofIb1ned Liberal Arts-Professional Course: Medical Students. on Plge 64 of the 1968-1969 YSU catalog. A student who has CGq)leted at least 152 hours toward the degree of Bachelor of Arts (0.1'169 hours toward the degree of Bachelor of Scienee)anet~ssatisfied all re qut.....ts for the degree except the COIIPlet1on of the total nWllber of quarter hours requil'ed.:and the completion of a major, will be granted the·_O.·of Bachelor of Arts (or Bachelor of SCtence) on tbeslt1sfactory completion of the ,..1n1ng nURlber of quarter .." ..·.t any profess1onal school grant1ng the degree of OoctOt of Osteopathy, Doc tor of Dental Survery. Doctor of:....1dne. or Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and approved by the accrediting a gency of that profess1on,pro~decI·~the has been ac eepted for further study at 'the],i'Of.ii10nal school. The student~satisfy htl lIIjorrequ~"tby ut111z1ng the credit accepted for profes$'1oMls~toward a COlll b1nded lIIjor in pre-professfonal Iciences. He may thus secure the Bachelor of Arts 01' Bachelor of Sc1ences degree af.r fl'Olll three to three and a half years 1n the Univer sity followed by approximately a year tn thep~fessional school of hts choice. 4. Following added cI1scussion of pol tcte. stmilar to that described in (3) above, Dr. Hare 1DY8d, Dr. Behen seconded and it was unanimously agreed that "this coarIttee stUctY the feas1bt11ty of combining all provisions COIIPIrableto. those in the Kelly proposal tnto one general provision." ( Page 2 5. The colllll1ttee next discussed the inequities of treatment resulting from present po1icy on 1nterna1 and extema1 transfers. Prof All eman then of fered