( ( , ( YOUNGSTO'VN STATE UNIVERSITY YOUNGSTO~. OHIO 44555 ACADEMIC DEANS COUNCIL Tuesday, July 13. 1982 1:30 p.m. Dean's Conference Room Uill iamson School of Business MINUTES RECEiVED JUL 231982 CGll£G£ OF APPLIED SCltNCE Arm TECHNOLOGY vAL- /Cbfdi;~ Present: Drs. Gi 11 is, Dodge, Loch, t1cBriarty. McGraw, Richley, Ruggles, Scriven, and Yozwiak; Ms. Beronja (Sutton) 1. The minutes for June 15, 1982 meeting were approved. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dr. Gillis noted that Dr. Loch had ~irculated the off-campus course survey and adjustments need to be made . Dr. Gill is distributed course-equiv~lencies manuals . Dr. Gillis noted that there has been a reorganization of the U.S.D.E. Dr~ Gillis mentioned that in the Fall of 1983 there are only three work days between Christmas and New Years Day. He has asked Dean Scriven to move up registration to the week before Christmas (Calendar of Operations) . 6. Dr. Gill is reported that cuts tn state funding are ranging from 9 to 13 percent. A 16 percent cut is built into our budget. 7. Dr. Gill is asked again for suggestions for emeritus procedures. Several of the comments and suggestions were discussed. It was the suggestion of the Council that the continuous service provISion be reviewed (I., Implementation). It was also suggested to review the stateme nt relative to past s e rvice qualification (I., Implementation). Dr. Scriven asked that the term e quivalency be inserted for administra t i ve rr,anagernent . 8. Dr. Gill is asked that we closely monitor veteran's progress (letter from VA) . 9. Dr. Yonviak proposed a change (see enclosure) in suspension \vording in the Bulletin . It was moved, seconded, and passed by the Dean's Council. 10. Dr. Yoz wiak asked for interpretation of the rul ing on credit-no credit for confere nce cours es. ( ( ( Deans Counci 1 Ju 1 y 13, 1982 Page 2 11. Dr. Yozwiak asked how Arts & Scien·ces students can gain entrance to courses in Engineering, Business, and Computer Technology. For Engineering and Computer Technology the response was negative. Business replied that if they had the prerequisites, there would be no problem. 12. Dr. Gillis opened the discussion of the suggested articulation policy submitted by the Committee chaired by Dean Yozwiak. 13. Dr. Yozwiak moved that the Dean's Council approve the Committee report on articulation. It was seconded and passed as ame nded. Dr. Richley moved to amend the report in rea to a hi hI desirable rather than required status or foreign language and fine and t was secon e. e motIon to amend was defeated. amend with the word equivalent. Motion was not seconded. Dr. Scriven moved that the words strongly recommended but not required be affixed ;0 fine and performing arts. t~otion seconded a;d passed. Dr . McBriarty moved to al iow substitutIon of computer for foreign lanouage. Motion ~as not seconded. 14. Dr. Gillis noted he had received.comments on evaluation from only a few Deans . He accordingly is going to extend the time for reaction to July 31st. 15. ~Dr. Gillis asked for sugges~ions on a draft dealing with preparation of budget for Summer Sessions, 1983. 16. Dr. Gillis introduced the materials on the Admission Policy for Medical Laboratory Technology. 17. Dr. Richley proposed the idea of putting the major on the diploma. Respectfully submitted, H. Robe rt Dodge U