£<~d l-LIf-.TfJTES LF THE ACADEhIC AFFAIRS CthhITTEE t£ETING April 4, 1977 t1embers Present I Previous l\!inutes: A.A.S. Degree in Labor Studies Technology: \'Ji thdrawal: Niscellaneous: Next Meeting: n~/mh Edgar, Hakojarvi, Hill, hhawaja,~uinby,~criven, Shuster, Skarote Under "withdrawal" the 5th line was corrected to read "Paragraph 5, line 3 of. the proposal • • • II The minutes of March 28, 1977, were unanimously approved with the above correction. The committee was informed that the U.C.C. has been requested to inform us about the status of 'che new courses included in this program. It was stated that this committee should examine the new courses very closely. It was also pointed out that the specific aspects of the course proposals are more properly the concern of the u.c.c. rather than the Academic Affairs Committee and we ought concern ourselves with the program and related matter~.It was suggested that theco~~ittee formulate a statement outlining its present pos ition on the proposal. The committee developed the following statement: The Academic Affairs eommittee fully approves the concept of a program in Labor Studies Tech nology. A closer scrutiny of the courses and the input from various divisipns of the University is needed before any formal action can be taken on the proposal for A.A.S. Degree in Labor Studies Technology from t:he College of Applied Science and Technology. It was suggested that the above statement be sent to 'the U. C • C • The circulated version of the "W' grade pOlicy was discussedo Dean Scriven moved and Prof. Quinby seconded that "·the Academic Affairs Committee approve ·the revised version of the "W" grade policy and recommend its approval by the Senate." The motion was approved unanimouslyo Dean Scriven reported that he met with V.P. Edgar and Dean Yozwiak and the problem created by competency-based grading in NE courses has been resolved. Starting from Fall Quarter NE courses will not be available for competency-based in structiono The next meeting will be held at 10 a.mo on Monday. April 11, 1977, the Dean's Conference Room, ESB. The agenda will .include the A.A.S. Degree in Labor Studies Technology. Re~pectfullysubmitted 9 ~/dlA¢7'tJ. IJrralnKha't~aja, Chairman YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY YOUNGSTOWN. OHIO ....l5l55 The CoUege of Arts and Sciences March 18, 1977 Dr. Earl E. Edgar .Academic Affai rs U N I V E R SIT Y Dear Dr. Edgar:. This letter will constitute official noti fication of the action of ' the Senate on January 21, 1977. At that meeting the Senate passed the motion that the "Senate discontinue the pe1icy of early reporting of summer session grades for graduating niors." J n Kelty cting Chairma University Senate Copies: Academic Deans Dr. Khawaja, Chm., Academic Affairs YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY YOUNGSTOWN. OHIO 44555 Apr i 1 4, 1977 MEMORANDUM To Dean James Scriven From: Dr. Earl E. Edgar Vice Presidentfo-r~~~~~~~~~~ As you know, at its meeting of January 21, 1977, the Academic Senate passed the motion that the early reporting of summer session grades for graduating seniors be discontinued. The administratian is unwilling to change the date of August 27, 1977 for the Commencement for the coming Summer, as announced in the catalog. This will reconfirm that date. Because of the time period required for the regular processing of grades, calculation of honors, and preparation of Commencement programs, etc., this means that the names of honors students will not be printed in the program or recognized in the ceremonies in the Summer, 1977 Commencement, nor will diplomas-be distributed at that Commencement, but mailed to graduates when they are ready. Although appropriate publicity should be given to this change in Summer Commencement plans, care must be exercised to prevent confusion of this with the Spring Commencement exercises, which will be carried out as usua I . blj cc: Chairperson, Academic Events Committee ~Jean Kelty, Acting Chairperson, Academic Senate University Relations