,/ MINUTE OF THE .... CA ErnC Aff'ldR CO.1 ITTEE t1EETON Apr II ,~i 977 He bers Prsen~:Hakojafv~,HIDt, KhwaJu~Quinby, Skarote, Shuster, 'og I rof. H ck n r vlou Minute!!: In fnlJ 3rt! p e ,,, 11 Pa~e 2 Ion to mn~redlto 'al corrections, t e of 4/0111 HH' mo l'FIed s fonows: f' ph un.r Leor '. udie5, 1 I ne, 7- - IIpropo sat , consider such "n actlon." 2, d 3 "ho sed In departm nt •••" .. Jar In Acco panyln_: Prof. oblnson wa ne~c~rs! Includ t e Co, , tee that and no )bJectlonW0r~fec was~ov~by Pro •V~96' that th pr pos i or M jar I ceo pany8n . be r f r pp 'OY ,. Tn~.0 Ion ut the statu of the progr He Informed hy~b an cIrculated yed by the U.C.C. It seco~dedby Prof. Quln y lor of M sic with a ommend~dto the Sanatc ppr~d un nlmou Iy. L borS~61 T •no~ogy: out8ln~dth U.C.C. po Itlon on new to th pU'ogrs. r Indle t d that the d ef ton 0 hold he eoUf" In bey.anee. w prl rJDy re u!, ,iom twoconcerns~ b e ce 0 d~tmentfor th co r es nd the c. rt Ollt th fat of the progi' .It.' In t h· t: cad m5e Af f I ti" 5 Comm' t t e. 1 I s~ed It s fnted 0~h meaber of the Co mlttee th t A cour s r 'ny·oftyed heav 1, In th'val~a~lonof PQpropol~i. Pyocesscd by the AcademIc omml t The U.t.C. d clslon on labor y c s d! Y In th normai precessing of 05 I bee Ie the Academic Affairs Commltt nt to r co eno for pprov 1 pro ra s o~gu~nte th ha cours s for uch ~,c~pb'~.DurIng furtherdlscu~slons Inson entlo"~t f w U.C.C. Memb rs $sed cone rnb~ut'th acad Ie ,u·Ilflcatlon~ cult I sted for 'these eour es. Tn com- I e r t d ' 0 S t' 0 n a 9 expI Ined I nth 8917, . () 0 tre.c~drof u.t.C. nd that U'.C.C. ra xamlne r . posltloQ. The Infor d th t S. hataJ wltl represent Ac I c A v f r .Co" 't te at the U. C•C. met I n'9 y (4/i8111) n rq~st that U.C.C.clrc~to the r St!J C • $ • / t. DOS" tydi s en~'d: P ge 2 • P?,' i • 1917 Pro. M~kal1Infor.. ed the c ,mmlttee that the Eco~om'c$Dep6~trnent!s deepBy Involved Wn the aras of Labor Studfes. Sh5n~lcted tha' ther ar. faculty In thdep~rtmentwho p clUI~eIn hI fIeldan~hava tsught couts s d allng wIth L borStud~as.She~?presseddl appolntm nt and concer~that in h developmen 1 phas of thIs progr~mth Economics Department was notconsult~d. Sheag~eedtha~apro9~amIn Labor StU'les '9 very de Ire hIe and ,ugD~tedthe EconomIcs Department h s a great deal of Interest and expertise In thl res. Sh pointe out that EconomIcs 520t'~tedin th_ program 1« not the most suItable course for s ch a program bee .U5 It deal with Macro-aspec's o EconomIc. Sh 31so IndlcBt d that most of the new coursesi~5tedfor this program c n be d v loped In th EconomiesOepartm~ntod/or M nageme t Dep rtment. ' . Aft V' further d t .U slon I twas agre d th t ,-per hapro ther ,ar- some leglttt~ques Ions Involved heri, which c n be be@t~~Oayd by a consult tlon between CAST, -eonomlcs, 3ndM~ng'ment. It' w noted that r oBut'lons 0'~hegeques -tons would gre tty facl.l- ta proc sslog of his praposal nd would be of 1m nse he5p to th c de tcAf~~fr5Co mItt. e h com tttee decld d th t a suggestion be made-to C' ST, Eeo omte" nd_Ma ag en that they try to mutuany' resol\ft! q st Ions nd concerns ra'll! d here. Ne. t: Mee In: I KI T, nex t a 10:00 T 8g fr m De meeting wlli be held on Mon v. prll 25 0 1971. .m. fn the Dean's Conference Room, ESB. w,tn. IncludeLabo~Studt s nd propo al crlven. spectful1y submltt d, .-