mNUTES Of The Meeting Of THE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Tuesday, April 8, 1980 3:00-4:30 p.m. Room 215 Engineering Science Present: Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Baldino Hahn Hill Khawaja Dr ~ Dr. Dr. Dr. Kougl Munro Richley Scriven ACTIONS 1. The meeting was called to order. The chairman called for discussion of the minutes. Dr. Hahn referred to page three, paragraph nine, and made a correction in the recorded vote. lIe said thQt it was not he that voted in favor of the motion. It was then established that it was Dr. Hovey who had voted in favor of the motion. Dr. Hahn moved acceptance of the revised minutes. Dr. Kougl seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously. 2. The chairman began discussion of the next item on the agenda, the proposed education courses. A member recalled that in approving the education proposal, our position was to suggest that somehow the School of Education or Secondary Education ought to consider equity of clinical experience and give consideration of that to other disciplines. He asked if there has been any understanding arrived at as to the process. Dr. Hill said that it is difficult at this point to make such a determination, because we do not know yet exactly "hat we are deal ing with. He said that Dr. Douglass has built in 65 hours already to account for accepting clinical and field experience which the students mQy have already taken. lie said th<1t beyond that, the sugp,estion that he made to the Department ,"ould be thQt of vnrlabLe credit in a course for the purpose of accommodating possible additional hours. The discussion continued. A member said that we should get back to the idea of variable credit and the asterisk. The member said that if we could approve the program because it is justified and put in the asterisk, the program could go through for everyone else '''hile they negotiate. She said that we don't want any part of that; let the people that should make tha~ decision do so. Another member of the comInitl. ee agreeu; he said that he thinks t\i;lt should be a negotiation between the parties, anu we should not get involved with that. Dr. l'lunro made a motion that the committee positively recommend the proposal. Dr. Khawaja wished to add to that motion, "".\"ith the provision that Secondary Education take existing clinical/field experiences into consideration as appropriate." Dr. ~unro agreed to the addition. Dr. Hahn seconded the motion. Dr. Hill asked for further discussion on the motion. Dr. Richley wished to abstain from voting because he was not present for the last meeting at which time the proposal was discussed thoroughly. Dr. Hunro said that there does not seem to be anything substantial against it, and also it seems to be a matter of whether we trust Secondary Education in what they are proposing. He said that the fact that only one objection remains seems to indicate that this is a sound proposal. The chairman took the vote. All were in favor, with one abstention by Dr. Richley. A member asked if this the~ goes to the Curriculum Committee. Dr. Hill said it should probably go to the Senate, but he will inform the Curriculum Committee. 3. At this time, the chairman brought attention to the fourth item on the agenda, the request by Dr. Rand for a memo concerning action taken by the committee on the Honors Program. He asked what the pleasure is in responding to Dean Rand. Dr. Hill asked if it would be the pleasure of tile commit tee that he contact Hr. Baer and/or Dr. Altinger to reinforce the committee's position and to communicate that to Dr. Ranu. It was consensus this be done. 4. The meeting turned to business concerning selection of honors students. In reviewing the rules concerning honors students, two members expressed concern about number two. They felt that it should be changed, because it does not seem fair to eliminate a student just because he/ she did not happen to be in attendance Winter Quarter. The chairman suggested going down the list o[ rules one by one and uiscussing each. lie nsked if there is any obJcct.lol1 to nlJmber one. There was no objection. In discussing number two, Dr. Scriven said that if the committee would like to change that statement, he would like to have a week to con sider implications. A member suggested that the committee give Dr. Scriven the oppor tunity to look at this, (a week or two) because it may be a substantial factor. The chairman said that it s e l :I1 S to him that th is need:; to he explored. He a s ked the committee members if it ...,ould be acceptable for Dr. ScrIve n to take a Heek to s ee wh e ther students who attenued quarte rs during the ye ilr other than Ihnter Quarter could be reasonably included in the honors program, using the criteria which we have. The committee agreed. 5. Dr. Hill advis ed the committee that next we ek they will be discussing a proposal from the School of Business Administration. 6. The motion for adj ournment came from Dr. Scriven and was seconded by Dr. Kougl. The motion was carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned. * (C oncerning item three above, the Academic Affairs Committee suggested that the Honors Committee revise their proposal and resubmit it to the Academic Affairs Committee. }lr. Eaer and Dr. Altinger agreed to do this.) -- -=-- ------------ --_._--