!-!INUTES Of The Meeting Of THE ACADEHIC AFFAIRS COHMITTEE Tuesday, April 22, 1980 3:00-4:30 p.m. Room 215 Engineering Science Present: Dr. Hahn Dr. Kha~"aj a Dr. Hill Dr. ~Iunro Dr. Hovey Dr. Richley ACTIONS 1. The chairman called the meeting to order. A member asked for a change in the minutes. He referred to page two, paragraph six, and requested that the first sentence be amended as follows: "The arbitrary nature of grade point average selection criterion was discussed." Other amendments were proposed but denied. Dr. Richley moved approval, and Dr. Khawaja seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously. 2. The discussion turned to the Business Administration proposal. A member questioned the second note on the second page. The note seemed to present confusion about whether it concerned business majors or business students. There was lengthy discussion concerning how to rephrase the not e. It \.Jas decided to substitue the word "major" for "student" in all three cases where the words "business student" occurred on the page. A member said that he doesn't see how the student is going to be able to take any core courses until he/she has bee n here for about ei. ght years , because he/she has to finish all of the tooL cours es with a grade of at least a C before he/she can take a major and enroll in an elective course in the major. This thought prompted concern by other members of the committee. A member a s ked the meaning of the last sentence of the last note. The chairman said that it means that for courses that a student has either in his/her major or minor he/she must have an overall accumulative average of 2.25. Then a member notic ed that Mgmt. 850 must be comple ted in the last quarter of the senior year, by permit only. He said that it is an . . -·~.··_t ".~4. N ::;.. : . ". upper-division core course. lie wondered if that would create a problem. Another member agreed, but he said that it could be interpreted as an exception. The other member said, "Yes, but they don't say that here." Members agreed that the problem it creates is that it prevents the student from enrolling in a major or elective course before his last quarter, because 850 is a core course and courses of this kind must be taken before enrollment in a "major or elective course in the chosen major or minor area." It was suggested to phone Dr. Dodge or Dr. Smolen and ask about the ~atter; the other members agreed. The chairman left the room to make the phone call. h1hile the chairman was absent. there was continued discussion. The chairman ret~rned and reported that Dr. Dodge had indicated students must con,plete Fin. 720, Hgmt. 725, and Hktg. 703 prior to enrolling in major or minor courses. The ch,,\irman was called out for a telephone call. Hhen he returned. he said that Dr. Richley had been the caller; Dr. Richley had saiJ that a communication had been received in C.A.S.T. from Rusiness Adminis t ra tion which raises questions. Dr. Richley had indicHed that he wishes to explore prior to action on the Business Adminis tration proposal. It was decided to discontinue discussion of the Rusiness Adminis tration proposal until the following week when the guests could be invited back to answer further questions that have developed. 3. The ch"lirman asked the pleasure of the committee about considering the honors students item at this time. It was decided that the committee should postpone consideration of this item until Dr. Scriven would again be present. 4. The chairman then proposed that for the remaining minutes before adjournment time, there be discussion relative to the Academic Affairs Committee's Ad Hoc Committee and procedures for approving trial or experimental programs. Dr. Hill asked Dr. Khawaja to share these ideas with the cormnittee at this time. Or. Kllawaja SJ.id that we need a policy for dealing wltn proposals similar to the McCracken proposal which are of temporary nature. A member asked what is wrong with the regular process. Another ~ember said that the problem comes when courses or programs are interdisciplinary. A member said that a major need is to devise a system whereby such courses could be yanked out after a certain amount of time. He said that there should be a rather rigid system that ultimatley does tha t. p,I,',r' J Or. Hill ~;ald tll.1t he is in I lvor of having thl~; wrLtten In ;1 place Hhere publi.c scrutiny can occllr. He said that tile idea of putting termination dates in the catalog may be effective. A member said that another problem with getting this approved is a sort of monopoly problem. lIe said that if there was a more com petitive system, it might loosen things up some. Dr. Khatvaja said that he is serving as liaison on the Ad Hoc Advi sory Committee, and they have met and are at the stage of looking at specific aspects of Gene~al Education and how it fits objectives. He said that a question of one of the members was just how specific their report to the Academic Affairs Committee should b e . Dr. Khawaja said that he had asked Dr. Hill, and it is agrroeable to him to communicate with Dr. Gould, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee, concerning the committee charge. Dr. Khawaja asked the Academic Affairs Committee members what their reaction is to this. A member said that he fee ls tlw.t it should be very detailed, perhaps in the form of a rough draft of the catalog copy. The chairmarl said that if the cormnittee sees a mer.~o from him as appropriate, he will follow this procedure. It was agreed. A member said that he would like to see a rough draft text that will be given to the students and others. Dr. Khawaja gave the motion [or adjournment. Dr. MUrlro seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned.