-------------- Pleas e attach to al l committee minutes submitted to (1) Chairman of the Senate (2) Secretary of the Senat e ( 3) Library Name of Connni ttee Academic Affairs Commi:t"-,t"-,,e,,-,,e~___________._ _ _ Cha i rman Dr. I kram Khawa ia Da te o f meeting~il 21, 1..9..aL______ Formal motions pas sed: 1. ~£QLQypl of the minutes_o~i~1_7~!_1~9~8~1~._ ________ ________ ________ 2 . ____________________________________ 3 . ------------------------- ---.--------------_.-------- 4. ---------------------------------.,---------------- ---------------------------.--- 5 ____ 6 . 7_.______________________ At t ach other sheets if needed Present: Guests: Previous Minutes: Aud it Po I icy: corrected 'I 1 ACADEt·\ I C AFFA IRS CUIi", ITT EE I'IEET J N G April 21 , 1981 Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Baldino Dunsing Gillis Hahn Dr. Khawaja Dr. Munro Prof. Simmons Mr. Yiannaki Dr. Mary J. Beaubien (Home Economics) Under All ied Health on the second page, the fourth I inewas omitted. Also, under Audit Pol icy, the first I ine was modified and now reads: IIln regard to the present Audit Pol icy the following modifications were suggested:" And, the last I ine was modified to read: "Dr. Baldino will return with a revised Audit Pol icy for consideration at the next meet i ng .11 Dr. Munro moved and Dr. Hahn seconded to approve the amended minutes of April 7, 1981. The vote for approval was unanimous. It was suggested that abstentions be I isted in the minutes along with for and against votes when a vote on a motion is taken. The following ob~ervations and suggestions were made: 1) Dr~ Baldino pointed out that the modifications suggested at the meeting are shown in the proposed Audit Pol icy that he circulated. 2) It was pointed out that the second sentence from the bottom of the proposed Aud i t Pol icy impl i es that a student can change from aud it to credit up until the sixth week, when in fact,a change from audit to credit can only be made during the first week. It was then suggested that this sentence be modified to comply with the current practice. 3) At the present time the teacher has no other option but to give the student an audit grade even lf he does not meet any minimal require ments. 4) A student should only be able to register for an audit grade during the first week. 5) If this student does not meet the minimal requirements, then he should receive a W or NE instead of an audit grade. 6) A considerable number of students use Audit in place of W when they drop a course. 7) Wisdom of requiring minimum standard~, set by individual instructors, was questioned on the' basis that it may create vastly different standards for the Audit option. 8) It was also pointed out that we must also address the question of the maximum participat ion allowed under Audit option. It was re cal:1ed that the proposal for review came to the cornnittee because there was a concern about the degree of participation permissible under the audit grade. I; " 1 :- ' Memo on Majors & Minors: Schedul ing Commi ttee: Home - Econom ics: Adjournment: Dr, Baldino ~"ill return at the ne,{t me e t ing 'l i th ~. nCO,oJ Audit Pol icy that compl ies with the suggestions and observations made at this meeting. 'In regard to the memo from Dr. Gillis dated 4/2/81 concerning the defini tion of majors and minors the following discussion took place: It was pointed out that in the last paragraph of this memo the hour total requirement in each class level was not clearly stated. It was then modified to say " ...of at least 24 q. hrs. with 18 q. hrs. of these numbered 600 or higher, and of those 18, 6 q. hrs. should be in courses numbered 700 or higher." This memo will be sent to the Academic Chairpersons to get their reaction on this proposed change in requirements. A copy of the memo is also being sent to the Academic Deans. A memo was sent out to the Schedul ing Committee members stating the ~omposition of the committee. It was also announced that Dr. McBriarty agreed to serve as chairman on this committee. Dr. Khawaja will attend their first meeting to explain the charge and responsibil ities of their comm i ttee. In regard to the,memo dated 4/8/81 from Dr. Mary Beaubien proposing some changes in the "General Home Economics" program the following discuss ion took pI,ace: 1} Dr. Beaubien suggested that changing the program name to "Home Economics Services" covers more of a variety of jobs in the com munity. 2) It was suggested that a clarification be made concerning what Dr. Beaubien means in her memo by 1I ... emphasis on a marketing minor or ... emphasis on a Social Work or other minor."l't. waos then pointed out by Dr. Beaubien that the students have two options depending upon the minor they choose: a) Consumer Services with a Marketing minor or; b) Community Services with a Social Work or other minor. 3) It was then suggested that the electives for the two options and the first paragraph of this memo should be clearly defined. Formal action to send this memo to the Senate will be postponed until this proposal is revised bY. the Home Economics Department. The meeting adjourned at 5:10.