Please attach to all committee minutes submitted to (1) Chairman of the Senate (2) Secretary of t h e Senate (3) Library Name of Cormnittee Academic Affairs Committee Chairman Dr. Ikram Khawaja Date of rneetingApril 28, 1981 Formal motions passed: 1. Approval of the minutes from April 21, 1981. 2.Approval of the Home Economics Program change. 3. ____~________~______________________________~_______________ 4. ----------------------------------~------------------------------------------ 5.~~~ __________----____________________________________________________ 6. ------------------------------------------------~------------------------------ 7~.__~------~-------------------------------------------------~--------~ Attach other sheets if needed Present: Previous Minutes: Home Economics: Maj ors & Minors: corrected MINUTES FROM ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING April 28, 1981 Dr. Baldino Dr. Lateef Dr. Dunsing Dr. Munro Dr. Hahn Prof. Simmons Dr. Khawaja Mr. Yiannaki On the first page under Audit Pol icy the second I ine in #3 was changed and now reads: 1I ••• if he does not meet any minimal re quirements. 1I Under the same topic the second sentence of #7 VJas modified and now reads: " ...was questioned on the basis that it may create vastly different standards for the Audit option. 1t And, on the second page, the last I ine was modified and now reads: II •• • by the Home Economics DepartmenL" Dr. Dunsing moved and Dr. Baldino seconded to approve the amended minutes of April 21, 1981. The vote for approval was unanimous. In regard to the revised Home Economics proposal submitted by Dr. Mary Beaubien the following discussion took place: 1) It was pointed out that the electives and the minors in each separate option are now clearly defined and are not perceived as majors. 2) I t was suggested that the heading before these two options should read: "Major in Home Economics Services" and, under each option, #1 should read: "Home Economics Core" instead of just "Core. 1I 3) It was also pointed out that the last paragraph should be moved and come after the third paragraph. 4) A question was raised as to whether the minors in each option should be restricted to what is I isted. It was then pointed out that as a department they have the right to restrict the minor. A mot ion was made by Dr. Baldino to approve the Home Economics Pro gram change. This motion was seconded by Dr. Dunsing. The vote for approval was unanimous. It was pointed out that a memo has been sent out to each department chairperson asking them for any concerns on the major and minor changes as proposed by Dr. Gill is. This subject will be further discussed at the next meeting. ACADC~IC AFFAI.RS MEETING MINUTES - PAGE 2 Schedul ing Comm ittee: The Ad Hoc subcon~ittee on Class Schedul ing will hold its first meeting on Monday May 4 at 1 p.m. At that time Dr. Khawaja will explai n the charges and responsibil ities of the committee. Genera I Educat ion Committee: It was pointed out that the General Education Committee has alrnost completed it's proposal. It would I ike to meet with the Academic Affairs Committee in a couple of weeks to present the proposal. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:00.