MINUTES FROM ACADE MIC AFFAIRS COM MI TTEE MEETING June 9, 1981 Present: Dr. Baldino Dr. Du nsing Dr . Hahn'" Dr. Lateef *Chairman for Dr. Munro Dr. Sc riven Prof. Simmons this meeting. Guests: Mr. Ray Nakley, President of Student Council (Audit Policy) Previous Mi nutes: Proposa 1 for B.F.A. in Musical Theatre: On the second page #9 was added to the minutes. This reads : IIS ome of the more important items discussed were: a) It was suggested that two natural science courses be required. b) Why Physical Geography was el iminated as a science requirement. c) Areas such as Engineering would be required to have addition al hours in general area requirements under this proposal. Dr. Dunsing moved and Dr. Baldino seconded to approve the amended minutes of June 2, 1981. The vote for approval was unanimous. In regard to the proposal for the B.F.A. in Musical iheatre sub mitted on April 24, 1981 and discussed two weeks ago by this com mittee the following discussion took place: 1) It was pointed out that endorsement letters for this proposal were sent by Mr. Byo, Dean McGraw and Dr. OINeil I (all affil iated with the College of Fine & Performing Arts). 2) It was also pointed out that t he last page of this proposal concerning admission, retention and guidance is an in house matter and is not something that this committee should deal wi tho 3) Dr. Baldino moved to approve this proposal for a B.F.A. in Musical Theatre and submit it to the Senate. Dr. Dunsing seconded this and the vote for approval was unanimous. Majors & Mi nors: In regard to the proposal from Dr. Gill is concerning a change in the majors and minors pol icy an additional discussion took place: When it ..../as questioned if this proposa l was a statement 07' a change in pol icy, it ~'Jas then po i nted out that Dr. Gi l l i s dre....: up his proposal as a point o f d i scussion. 2) It was pointed out that putting a cap on the total number of hours required for a degree does not necessarily mean a cap on the number of hours required for the major. corrected It was pointed out that many universities allow each school to decide what is required for their degree. It was then stated that this proposal is heading away from this type of procedure. ~AD MIG AFFAI RS CO MMI TTE E MIllUTES - PAGE 2 4) It \'Jas stressed t ha t many aspects of this proposal a l l ow for exceptions even if it were implemented. For examp le, the maxi mum number of hours required for a deg ree can be changed under speci~1 circumstances and the fact that a grade lower than a Ie I can be waived by the dean of that school. 5) It was agreed ยท that Dr. Gill is :s should be asked to go over this proposa ~ with this ~ommittee when it reassembles in the fall. Discussion on this proposal was then post poned until that time. Aud it Po I icy: In regard to the Audit Pol icy submitted by Dr. Baldino and discussed at the last Senate meeting, Mr. Ray Nakl~y (President of Student Government) was present to discuss his objections to it . At that time Mr. Nakley submitted a student proposal for a new Audit Policy. Healso submitted a proposal from Karen Lewandowsk i (Academ ic Senate Rep. at Larg.e). At that time the following discussion took place: Mr. Nakl 'ey pointed out that he disagrees with the fact that with the new Audit Pol icy a student will not be able to change from credit to audit status. 2) Mr. Nakley expressed his concerns for the' honest students who would sincerel,y want to change from credit to audit status for a good reason. He pointed out that this pol icy would be hurt ing this type of student. It was point~d out that students taking courses on audit basis pay the same amount of tuition as a stueents taking courses on a credit basis and therefore should be entitled to the same benefits,however no state subsidy {s allotted foraud~~hr~ 4) There was considerable discussion on the fact that an auditor can take up the place of a person (creditor) who needs that class in order to graduate or for some other important reason (Eg. needs the class because only offered once a year). It was then pointed out that creditors should be given priority when registering for a class and if there is spaces available after all creditors have registered then auditors will be able to register. 5) It was pointed out that in Karen1s proposal, where it suggests that a student should receive a INEI if he/she fails to meet minimal requirements it is not fair. A student who takes a course on a credit option does not get an INEI if he/she fails to meet mimimal requiremen~--- 6) Mr. Nakley pointed out that he read this proposal to at least a dozen students and received negative feedback. n It was then restated that the main part of this proposal that Mr. Nakley disagrees with is when an auditor can assume that status. It was suggested by Mr~ Nakely to further look into this Audit Pol icy and try to come up with any possible solutions. This matter will also be further discussed in the fall. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 5:00.