) ) ) .. To Academic Standards From Barbara Brothers Subject: Students having academic difficulties Problems to be add~essed: Who are we talking about? 1. Identification of students likely to have academic problems. Should we include in addition to tho~e conditionally admitted student~ not conditionally admitted but who are weak in reading and writing skills ,~ as identified by EPT (includes both writing te~ts and Nelson Denny reading test) & ACT scores (note social studies score is the one which ref~ects reading ability). 2. Identification of students having academic difficulties Are present GPAs 'requirements for good standing adequate? What should we do about them? 1. Assign to specific advisors? 2. Require advisors' signatures for add & drop as well as for scheduling? 3. Be more restrictive about the hours or specific cour~es a student must or may take in accordance with how great his or.herproblem_seems to be~ 4. Not allow students identified as academically weak to continue for three·:::.~ ;.:.:: quarters until we suspend them if they have not been able to prove themselves academically in 1 qtr.? 2 qtrs.? 5.· Require a rationale for readmission of students being readmitted. after suspension? approval of the provost required for anyone being readmitted.·.with less than two quarters of separation from the university? 6;.Advise students to not pursue a college education (those who were identified as academically weak and who have not proven their ability to succeed ~ere)?